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music That Cruel Angel's Thesis...


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Three months.  No sleep.  Three months.  No sleep.  OK, I got sleep.  But a very minimum amount during the time when I was trying to find this stupid, wonderful song.  I first heard it on piano, during a video by FluttershyElsa, entitled MLP: Friendship is Magic RaNd0Mn3S5 #7... Skip to the end, the last little sequence with the ponies saying "Congratulations" to Twilight.  After that comes the little clip from the song:




So yes, that  little clip drove me insane for three whole months until, like an idiot, guess what I remembered?  I HAVE SOUNDHOUND.  So I used it.  It came up with the song title, "good, or Don't Be".  And you have to remember here, that I knew NOTHING, ZIP, about Neon Genesis, Evangelion, except for the song and the audio "Congratulations", which I didn't even know was from that.  So, I listened to "Good, or Don't Be", the actual one, and loved it, still clueless that the words "Neon Genesis Evangelion" existed together in a context that made sense to many people.  After listening to that, I found another clipping of the vocal version of the song, called "Cruel Angel's Thesis", in the beginning of another RaNd0Mn3S5 video, #2, and this one had a label that said "Cruel Angel's Thesis", so I searched that, so I could find out why they are the same, but different.  My first result was an English fandub, so I listened to it, and after hearing both, it's actually a lot better than the original vocals.  So, then I found the original Japanese vocals of the song, which was in a video that was the full version of the theme song of the show, so I watched that, too.  So then, my knowledge Neon Genesis: Evangelion grew to the fact that it's an anime, and that apparently it had to do with giant robots that could bleed and actually looked really well-written based on the small clips that went by in the theme song that I didn't even hear the audio too.  Although, it did scare me.  And that's strange,  because there has yet to be a TV show, video game, movie, or book series that can actually scare me, not like a jump-scare like Slender and Amnesia, until now.  Those clips I saw were graphic, and consisted mostly of giant robots' hearts and intestines flying out of their bodies.  There was even one where there were some white robots on giant pikes that extended into space.  There were also a large amount of scenes where a character (human) who was obviously an important one that people liked, was lying on the floor, or somewhere, dying and broken, or dead and bleeding.  That scares me, but also makes it look well-written.  So, I doubt I'll be attempting to watch it any time soon, but I did read the Wikipedia article (a small part at the top) and from what I can gather, it has won many awards for being awesome, though people didn't like the last two episodes, and they are making/have recently made(?) a movie, and the show is about an apocalyptic AND futuristic Japan setting, where giant Angels, who are bad guys, I guess, fight giant robot-monsters, who are good guys being controlled by some organization that recruited recently a young boy with social problems, who is the main character.  That's all I know, except that the ending, I think, left them stranded on a big blue ball, and that was apparently all right with them.  Well, I've talked long enough, my point here is that I don't think I'll be getting into the show (soon, at least), and I'll just keep listening to the spectacular music it has given me.  That song will be stuck in my head for weeks on end.


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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  • 1 year later...

This post was a complete waste of my time.  The song, however, is still beautiful.  And I've started watching the show.


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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