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Unusual interests that embarrass you?

Midnight Dragon

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Eh, well honestly for some reason I don't like talking about any of my interests alot of times, mostly IRL, it makes me feel awkward idk.


I kinda find my interest in pokemon as "Unusual" i guess since its a more embarrassing thing to talk about, i love pokemon, but not everyone does I know, so I don't talk about it normally.


Of course I like MLP. and am a closet brony, so that of course is something I keep to myself partially due to embarrassment.


Nothing else I really can think about I want to say I guess. Not specifically atleast.

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I wound up venturing down the odd road of the Furry Fandom and, perhaps more regrettably, I apparently became a (And yes a few of you may freak at this) Clopper. Before you say anything, I don't have any clue whatsoever as to how I ended up in these weird fetishes. I have no control of what I'm attracted to, and I guess some part of me was like "Well this is rather... interesting... >:D" and the rest was pretty much downhill from there. I've consulted my friends on this and they agreed with me that this was pretty odd, but they didn't judge because they themselves were members of some off-the-wall fanfics.

Ok feel free to put the hammer down on my insanity now ^w^

As far as fetishes go, that isn't really a weird one. You aren't affecting anyone else by clopping, and it by no means shows signs of insanity. I don't mean to sound repetitive, but your differences are what make you unique. (Philip has an odd moment below, read for lulz)

Although to be honest, their is no such thing as being unique. If every person on the planet is unique, it would mean that someone has to be the best, and also that someone must be worse. Unless we are all willing to come to terms that certain people will be better, we must all accept that we are all the same. All in all, humankind is doomed to our own extinction via our own nature.

Edited by MidnightBlue
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I've read countless yuri fanfics and crap that I find on Anon-kun and /u/, watched anime series(SFW and NSFW alike),  and played yuri games(lots of fluff and NSFW-ness).


I don't know what it is, but it isn't sexual. I just have an unhealthy obsession with any and all things depicting lesbians, regardless of form and, a lot of times, regardless of quality.


I'm not particularly embarrassed by just liking it, I'm embarrassed by how obsessed I am with it.

  • Brohoof 2
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It's more like an uninsterest? I don't have interest on popular games, like CoD, Halo, Darksiders, etc... And don't have interest in most animes (except Bleach and Deltora Quest). This is very embarrassing because that's what most of the people I know talk about. Besides girl stuff, which I'm not too bothered with.

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You're looking at it.


There's nothing shameful about rockets and airplanes (which I like just as much if not more), but they don't carry the awkward unweildliness of having to expound upon the cultural context just so you can stop someone from saying "that's weird".

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  • 1 month later...

Eh. Not really. Closest thing I'd have is that I love belly buttons (non-sexual and sexual); that's not the most common thing in the world, but as you can see, I don't hide it, I flaunt it (within reason, as to not annoy people), and make it apart of my online identity. If it makes you unique, why be ashamed for it? Present it in the correct and appropriate way, and the only people who will judge you for it negatively are the narrow-minded people you probably shouldn't be talking to or caring about, anyway.

  • Brohoof 1
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The unusual interest that embarrasses me at times, is that I am usually interested in some scary things like scary movies. Usually, I wouldn't be interested in that but I really did persuaded into liking them.

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Im not at all embarressed by this, but many say its not normal..



but i like women with either short hair or shaved heads entirely.. i cant explain it really.. than again, save on shampoo and no more face full of hair at night xD

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so...guilty pleasures and such? eh, don't really have guilty pleasure. aside from the occassional instance of being a closet brony, i can't really think of anything i like that is embarassing. unless it's when i like a girl. i tend to be shy about it and such for the most part. kinda like at the end of EQG, where twi was trying to deny her interest for Flash Sentry. i'm kinda with her in this because usually, whenever i do have feelings and try to hide, others find out anyway based on my actions. i'm still confused as to how much people know. that is one thing i definitely get embarassed about. 

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In real life I'm pretty embarrassed about ponies and keep it pretty low key. I really don't need another thing to be harassed about.


Being under 18 and living with a sibling and parents, I actually haven't been able to yet, but crossdressing seems really fun.


I definitely have some fetishes, but honestly that's kind of TMI but if any of you really want to know just shoot me a message or something. 

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Hmm... :huh:  Aw what the heck, I'll throw it out there.  One interest of mine, that nobody knows about, is that I like to examine aspects of video games and cartoons and think about how they can relate to either my relationship with Jesus or my personality.  For instance, The Return of Harmony hits in every direction.


First Applejack gets discorded.  Honesty towards myself and others felt like the first thing to go when I stumble.

Then Pinkie Pie.  Suddenly it feels like everyone is out to get me.

Rarity is next.  Now I'm working for my benefit only... and a burden is now on my shoulders.

Fluttershy.  I start to get feelings of hostility towards those around me.

And now Twilight Sparkle.  It's all gone, I have nothing, the colors have faded from me.  I am no longer who I was meant to me.


Then when I see Applejack redeemed, I begin to wail.  :(   Confound these ponies and everything I learn from them!


And... that's just one example.  Oddly specific, isn't it?   :blush:

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I actually listen to prog rock. No one listen to prog rock beside me where I live. So they think I'm listening to a weird genre lol.

Also, I love to learn. It seems not everyone share this interest with me. :/

Also cars. I prefer old cars, rally legends, for exemple, while everyone else like the "new" stuff like BMW i8, which I find horrific.

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I've been looking for one of these threads...

I'm going to go all out.


Kobato, the first and only girl who's appealed to me is a 13 year old (14 year old as the anime progresses) but is considered a loli. It's stange for me to say I am sexually attracted to an anime character, but I'll say it anyways. I think Kobato is sexy. I guess it should be fairly normal, though. I mean, I'm pretty close to her age... Though, I still feel really bad because I kind of... ... Read three doujins about her one night. I'll hate myself forever for it.


Also, another weird interest, also about Kobato. I don't know. I'm not sexually or romantically interested in any men or women. Rather, I'm more interested in Kobato and Kobato alone. Maybe other 2D people, too. I just can't feel interested in those in real life at the moment.


Another weird thing that interests me are socks. One time I walked around my house when home alone, naked besides wearing socks. Socks feel nice, make wearing shoes comfortable, and are actually pretty appealing on females.


Oh god, it's so weird typing this stuff, but it feels good to get it out of the system.

Edited by Kobato
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My interests never embarrass me. At least, I don't know any that have. Even if mine are weird and some people have a problem, then they can think what they think. Alls I know, is that my interests are MY interests and no one else has to be interested in them.


But hey, I never really judge others interests, even if I think its weird or dumb. :)

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Just about anything I'm interested in I for some reason feel embarrassed about. Music, movies, games, ponies, you name it, I don't want people IRL to know about it. It's silly really. 

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

Like others here, just about all of my interests are a source of embarrassment to me, and I only tell the people I know won't care too much, or I've known since high school.


Anyway, some of my tamer interests include being a closeted fan of the show (I don't really consider myself to because full-fledged Brony, as I don't have any merchandise), and my tastes in music are not what you'd expect from someone like me at first glance. Let's just say if it's video game related, or just not well known or popular, chances are I'll like it.


I have a slew of other interests, but either I'm too embarrassed to admit them rout now, or I can't think of any of the ones I can share with you all at the moment.

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Embarrassingly, I am sexually interested in hypnosis. It seems nobody else in this thread is either, oh well. But I like going under, seeing women go under, etc. In fact, I am begging my internet friends to buy this fetish porno for me... I'm a little ashamed by that. But, it's not really porn. It's just focused on hypnosis and the most you see are her breasts. That same video also tailors to one of my other interests.


I really like blue hair and glasses, both sexually and non-sexually. They just look so cute together!  

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Pretty much all of my interests. I live in a small town, and my class only has 9 girls in it, so I sorta have to blend in. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping and stuff, but my gaming and fandom interests would pretty much be the end of that.

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Yaoi...Yuri...lots of shipping. I ship some odd ships so people might get a little weirded out. 

Also, I'm downright obsessed with the darker sides of fictional characters...it's just really awesome and attractive to me. 

Like if I see a fictional character licking a knife blade, it will look attractive to me but it freaks everyone else out.

I love talking about myself to others but I generally get quieter when discussing my interests...

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Well, it doesn't really embarrass me, but I really like Grimdark stuff. I practically obsess over it.


If there was anything that might embarrass me, I often listen to "girly" music, so whenever it pops up in my playlist when I'm in public, I try to lower the volume real quickly so no one happens to hear it.

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Wouldn't say it's that unusual but  when I was younger I was very embarassed about how into anime and manga I was. I even used to hide my manga collection when any of my friends came to my house... laugh.png


But at my school it just seemed like everyone either had no idea what it was or just assumed it was all just cartoon porn. Seems bizarre to me now that I was so ashamed because now I really don't care who knows I like anime.

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