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“So that’s the story,” the golden orange farmpony said. She scuffed the floor of the throne room nervously with her hoof. “Apples just keep disappearin’ off our trees! I think it’s those darn Parasprites again, swarmin’ out of the woods when we’re asleep.”

“You are most likely right. And we thank you once again for sharing your concerns about the Everfree,” Princess Celestia bowed grandly to her latest guest. “In fact, I believe our newest princess will know best how to assist you. Twilight?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, regarding her fellow Element with a fond smile. “Don’t worry about a thing, Applejack! You and your family worked really hard on this and I won’t let that go to waste. I’m sending some of my personal guard to watch the borders until all of your apples are safely harvested.”

Applejack flushed and grinned from ear to ear. “Well, I’ll be. You’d do that for me, Twilight?”

“Of course I will! I can’t be much of a princess if I don’t help my best friends.”

“Well thank you kindly girl—I mean, er, Your Highness!” she didn’t see her friend flinch ever so slightly at the title. “My folks sure will appreciate it too. So, uh…see you later then?”

Twilight’s whole body twitched with excitement—including her wings, which was the last thing she needed. She smiled through the pain of her recently injured limbs. “Oh yes! I have to go into town to have my wings looked at anyway. I’ll see all of you at Fluttershy’s. You have my word.”

AJ relaxed and tipped her hat. “All right then. Thanks again, Your Highness…I mean, Highnesses. I won’t forget this!” She trotted happily out of the throne room.

When they were alone, Luna sent Twilight a curious look. “Your personal guard? That’s quite a commitment.”

“Well…those apples do have to feed all of Ponyville.” Twilight said. She shuffled restlessly, staring at the grand doorway her old friend had left through. Besides, she thought to herself, she had too many guards. And butlers. And mares-in-waiting. They were always underhoof. “So, was that our last appointment?”

“Indeed it was,” Celestia sat back and looked at her. “I suppose you want leave to visit Ponyville?”

Her tone was kind, but Twilight still chafed and could not meet her gaze. “Yes! I mean, if that’s all right with you two.”


Twilight hid a sigh of relief, levitating her copy of The Oats of Wrath and performing the customary farewell bow. Her elders returned it.

Free at last, she thought. At least for today…




Princess Celestia watched her former pupil trot out of the chamber, muzzle in a book as always. Some things never changed. The bandages on her wings were becoming another constant.

Celestia didn’t understand it. Twilight was always banging or scraping her wings. She hit them on doorways, rolled on them when she slept, knocked over priceless vases. It was because she held them out awkwardly, not fully spread but not tucked against her body either, as if they were an accessory rather than part of her.

Naturally the wings must take some time to get used to. But it had been a full month since the change and Twilight still visited Nurse Redheart on a regular basis. Celestia folded her hooves beneath her chin and thought about it. Was Twilight’s appointment as a princess going well? She would be hard pressed to say it wasn’t. The purple pony did everything required—stood with her and Luna in royal audience, attended all the proper social functions, slogged through paperwork and politics just as they did.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was everything Celestia expected she would be.  But not, perhaps, all her mentor wanted. Celestia had hoped she would appreciate her promotion, take all the new opportunities it offered, spice up the Canterlot royalty with her insatiable curosity. But since the coronation she had been surprisingly quiet, even subdued, leaving the castle every chance she got to linger around Ponyville.

It was not mere difficulty adapting—it was a tacit refusal to adapt at all. No, this was not what the Princess of the Sun had wished for.

But she would not worry about it now. Someday Twilight would understand why this had to be. Someday she would be in a position just like Celestia’s: standing outside the Canterlot Academy of Magic, feeling the most powerful aura she’d ever experienced, and respecting it. Even fearing it. And knowing this power must immediately be harnessed and controlled.

The security of her kingdom demanded nothing less.

Luna had been watching her in silence for some time. Now she finally spoke up. “What troubles you, sister?”

“Nothing important, my dear,” said the First Princess.




“I must say, Your Highness,” Nurse Redheart chuckled as Twilight flinched and groaned under her ministrations. “You are a more frequent patient of ours than Rainbow Dash and I’ve never seen you fly but once!”

“Well, Rainbow Dash was born with these, you know,” Twilight said brightly. “I guess it’s just my luck!”

“Mmhmm,” Redheart finished peeling off the old bandages and opened a drawer to get some new ones. “Are you sure that’s all it is?”

“What do you mean, Nurse?”

“Pardon me. It’s really nothing, Your Highness, and I do hate to pry.”

“No, please! And you don’t have to call me that.”

Redheart sighed and started applying the new dressings. Twilight gasped as her hooves brushed another sore spot. “Well, Twilight…I don’t know if you keep track. But we do, and you seem to suffer some kind of wing injury almost once a week. And you always insist on coming to Ponyville for it, instead of letting the royal doctors treat you. I mean, we’re flattered of course, but why?”

Twilight shrugged and stared at the floor. “Oh, I don’t know. Just good memories, I guess.”

“But didn’t you grow up in Canterlot?”

“The oldest memories aren’t always the best,” the new princess murmured, almost to herself. “Or the newest.”

Redheart didn’t understand, but she decided not to press the issue. Pressing these bandages on with hooves was hard enough.




“…So I practiced all day and finally pulled off a Buccaneer Blaze in reverse. Then I lost control and crashed right through the library window!” Rainbow slammed her hoof on Fluttershy’s table and laughed loudly. “Spike went nuts. He made me clean the whole place up. It was worth it, though!”

“That’s great, Rainbow Dash! Well, except for the window,” Twilight said reproachfully. Finally she could smile again. She waited all day for this, just to go home and be with her friends again. “Did you break your speed record, too?”

Dash shrugged. “I dunno. You were always the one who kept track of that stuff.”

“Oh. Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Twilight murmured. There was an awkward silence.

Rarity came to the rescue. “You know, Spike is quite the little librarian these days, Twilight. Just the other day I came in and asked him about pre-Nightmare Moon fashions, and he brought back five books.”

“He’s not so big on parties though!” said Pinkie Pie. “And the library was always a great place for parties ‘cause it had so much space! I guess my house is okay but when you throw parties as big as mine who wants just ‘okay’? And there are only so many tables and chairs you can fit in there and cakes and pies and balloons and balloon animals and water balloons and forget about a hot air balloon, ‘cause you’re always using that one. Even though you can fly now but since your wings are always getting hurt I guess you need it, huh?”

Twilight forced a laugh. “Heh…yeah, I guess I do.”

“Just take it one step at a time, Twi,” Dash said. “Why don’t you let me give you a flying lesson sometime? When you’re better, I mean.”

Flying came so easily to her, Twilight thought. For Dash, her wings were a symbol of freedom.

She wished she could feel the same way. “That’s nice of you to offer, Rainbow. I…um, I’ll think about it.”

Another silence. Applejack stretched and stood back from the table. “Well, it’s been fun, y’all, but I better be getting back for the harvest. And thanks for sending those guards over so quick, Twilight. They’re doin’ a real good job!”

Rarity followed suit. “Same for me, I’m afraid. Another day, another new design, as t’were.”

One by one they said goodbye and went on their way, until only Twilight and Fluttershy were left.

The alicorn looked up to see Fluttershy watching her closely. “What’s wrong?”

The Pegasus looked flustered for a moment, but she held her gaze. “Oh, nothing. It’s just…I know everything’s been just a little strange since…well, you know. But, um…everything’s going okay now, right?”

Twilight took a breath, about to launch into one of her old speeches about how good things were going. But Fluttershy’s gaze demanded honesty, and she slowly dropped her eyes.

“Oh,” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Princess Celestia is happy,” Twilight said. “She thinks I’m doing well. That’s good, right?”

“Are you happy?”

Twilight’s morose expression answered that question.

“Why don’t you tell her?”

She shook her head firmly. “I can’t just tell her I don’t want to be a princess anymore! It’s not about me—it’s about Equestria. I have to do this for everypony! No matter how hard it is to get used to.”

“Well…um, okay. I guess you’re right…hm?” Fluttershy bent down to listen to her pet rabbit Angel, who chattered irritably into her ear. “Oh, Angel! That’s very rude. No, I’m not going to tell her.” The furball stamped his foot insistently.

“What is it?”

“Oh…well…Angel says you were protecting Equestria just fine before.”

Twilight bit her lip. “I’m sure there will be bigger challenges in the future, Fluttershy. It hasn’t been easy, but the Princess has her reasons. It has to be this way.”

“Why?” Fluttershy asked innocently.

The silence in the room was deafening. When Twilight finally spoke, it wasn’t to answer the question.

“Please, Fluttershy, let’s not talk any more about it. I just need to relax today, you know? I mean…” She caught her friend’s eye with a twinge of desperation. “…I really need a break.”

The Pegasus looked worried, but she nodded. “I understand. I’ll call him.”




The fields beyond Fluttershy’s cottage seemed to stretch forever, grassy hills rolling gently toward the dark horizon of the Everfree. It was not a place where many ponies chose to hang out, but since the change it was becoming Twilight’s favorite.

“Back again, Your Majesty?” a wry, mischievous voice chuckled behind her. She turned to see him floating in the air, upside down, yellow eyes inches away from hers. “Checking to see that I’m still Celestia’s good little pet?”

“No. She doesn’t know I’m here.”

Immediately his mood changed. Discord flopped to the ground in a sitting position and magically produced two teacups, graciously offering one to Twilight. “Marvelous! Then do sit down. May I interest you in some chocolate milk?”

Twilight smiled in spite of herself. “Yes. Thank you.”

He squirted the milk from his finger and filled the cup upside down. When she took the cup, the milk moved away to avoid her mouth no matter how she tried to drink. She laughed. “At least it’s not raining on me.”

“Why, there’s no need for that. You’ve already got a cloud over your head.” he pointed out.

“I guess I do,” She tried again. This time the milk cooperated. Even better, he presented her with some scones, which played no tricks at all.

Clearly he was preparing her for something.

“You know,” Discord said a few moments later, “She really should have asked your permission first.”

Twilight frowned and set the cup down.

“Oh, don’t get upset with me. I’m only stating the obvious.”

“You realize I can’t believe a word you say about her.”

He raised an eyebrow. “But you’ll believe every word she tells you?”

Twilight’s wings twitched irritably and she winced at the pain. “And what do you want to tell me?”

“She did not ask your permission to make you a princess because your consent was not important to her. What is important to Celestia is power. She developed a taste for it when she overthrew me, even more so when her sister rebelled. She must be in control. Any different view, any form of dissent is a personal threat to her. She must keep tabs on me, on Luna…and on you. And through you, the Elements of Harmony.”

Twilight cringed, searching his features for any trace of amusement or hatred, any excuse to disbelieve him. There was none. For the moment, he was dead serious.

“That is why you find yourself in this position. I could help you, if you let me. But I know you won’t. She chose very well when she picked you to enforce her will. She saw in you the same thing she looks for in all her followers: unconditional loyalty.” Discord raised his cup and finally allowed himself a smirk. “So, a toast to you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. You have done all she asked of you without question, and this is your reward.”

A moment of silence passed, his subtle mockery echoing in her ears.

“Please,” she said quietly. “I just need a break.”

“Always a break, isn’t it Twilight? Always a temporary reprieve that solves nothing,” Discord blinked his eyes and their empty cups disappeared. “But as your…” he trailed off, at a rare loss for words.


“Oh very well, if you must use the F-word,” he rolled his eyes. “Yes. Knock yourself out.”

He snapped his fingers, and Twilight’s wings disappeared.

It was as good as the first time—the sensation of lightness, of freedom, of all that weight being lifted from her. Like rebirth, and yet it was so familiar.

“They’re gone,” she said in amazement. She started to giggle, joy bubbling up from inside her. “They’re gone! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Discord groaned as she jumped around with glee. “I’m just not cut out for this mushy stuff. Later.”

He vanished. Twilight didn’t notice. She dropped her crown and romped through the high grass, not once gauging how much energy she was expending or calculating the exact time from the position of the lowering sun. She was just a unicorn again, a bookworm with big dreams and hope for the future.

“Nothing will change,” her mentor assured her after the coronation. But everything had changed.

She could deal with it, she thought in the back of her mind as her magic ruffled a field of flowers  and cast their seeds into the wind. It would all be worth it, right? Princess Celestia always knew best…right?

Twilight ran through the fields for hours, racing the jackrabbits (she lost of course) and helping some beavers build their dam. Near the end she just lay and rolled around in the grass, overjoyed at being able to move without her wings always getting in the way. It was wonderful, but as always, it couldn’t last. As the sun began to set, Discord and Fluttershy approached her from the cottage.

“I…I guess you have to put them back now, right?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. She refused to cry. “Go ahead…I’m ready.”

In a split second, the wings were back. Twilight flinched as her body readjusted. The weight that returned was more than physical. Her wistful smile disappeared, and her eyes lowered to the ground as she lofted the crown back onto her head. She was a princess once more.

They said their goodbyes and Twilight walked off to her balloon, moored at the edge of the field.

Discord sighed and shook his head. “Silly girl. I don’t have to put them back, doesn’t she see that? It’s her decision.”

Fluttershy placed a soothing hoof on his back. “Yes, Discord. It is.”

The balloon grew smaller in the distance, until it was but a speck among the towers of Canterlot.






Author’s Note:

I started this story back in February, shortly after the Season 3 finale, ‘Magical Mystery Cure.’ I finished it when I looked back on everything five months later and realized I still felt the same way about the events of that episode. I hope I’m not offending fellow bronies with this confession, but no matter how much I see Twilight Sparkle with wings and a crown, it will never feel right to me.



“Nothing’s going to change,” they said. Then why do it in the first place? Because Hasbro told them to, that’s why. Twilight wants to study, to conduct research, to discover things and to help Equestria with her friends. She didn’t want--or need--to be an alicorn princess. Period. This story reflects both her difficulties, and mine, in coping with the change.



Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 12

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Tails, you wonderful creature. Not only did I learn that you can write fanfiction at an alarmingly good level, but you also still stand behind your beliefs regarding the Twilicorn. Hats off to you, my friend.


*standing ovation*


Well done!  Interesting how Twilight keeps subconsciously injuring her wings.  I wonder how long it'll be before Twilight decides that Discord is right...  ;)

Unfortunately I don't believe that'll ever happen, because of this whole thing having happened in the first place.


Edit: Upon second reading, I decided to advertise this in a status update because I felt it necessary.


Edited by Twiliscael
  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Now that was a good fic. I liked the ending with Discord's words of wisdom, plus the nice touch of Twilight injuring her wings and getting treated in Ponyville. Good work. I know it might seem like a bit of self promotion, but I have a feeling you might enjoy my Twilicorn fic No Regrets.


I will say that your feelings rather closely reflect my own. It's been five months since Magical Mystery Cure and while I'm no longer openly emotional about it, the change still gives me negative feelings. I prefer her without the wings - plain and simple - and I just don't feel the same connection to her now that she's a princess. And much like the focus of the fic explains, the worst part is the fact that this was sprung on her out of nowhere. This was all part of Celestia's plan, not Twilight's plan. At no point in the show did she say anything about aspiring to be a princess. She enjoys her studies, hanging out with friends, and now she's got a shed-load of daunting new responsibilities thanks to her mentor.


A lot of people praised Twilight's depiction in Equestria Girls for showing that she was still overcoming her fears and physical changes, but honestly, I saw things in a different way. I saw a pony who'd been given the 'highest honour', and what did she have to show for it? She had significant trouble sleeping because of her wings (a transformation she never wanted) and was scared about what Celestia expected of her. How in Tartarus was that a reward for her efforts? And as for her getting over it by the end of the film, simply saying that she managed to overcome being a human and as such could tackle being an alicorn is bull. She never had to overcome anything. She hated her wings. Fine, tell Celestia. Find a solution. Scared about being a princess? Fine, tell Celestia. Make a decision based on what's expected of a princess. Better yet? Call Celestia out for being a manipulative, disrespectful b*tch.


Tails, you wonderful creature. Not only did I learn that you can write fanfiction at an alarmingly good level, but you also still stand behind your beliefs regarding the Twilicorn. Hats off to you, my friend.



Unfortunately I don't believe that'll ever happen, because of this whole thing having happened in the first place.


Edit: Upon second reading, I decided to advertise this in a status update because I felt it necessary.



I believe I've seen you mentioned on the forums as someone who loves Twilight more than any other pony but has been one of the harshest critics of Twilicorn. And you know, that makes me think. If someone asked me a year ago who my favourite ponies were, I'd answer with "Applejack, with Luna and Twilight a very close joint second." And then recently, someone asked me that very question. And so I started talking about Applejack, Luna, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie... It didn't even hit me until after that conversation that I'd completely neglected Twilight. I barely even gave her a second thought. Which I guess says something...


But you know, most of the time if someone asks me about the Twilicorn business I'll say that I have 'mixed views' or that 'I mostly just want to wait for season 4'.I do this because I'm afraid of getting shouted down and told to trust the writers. But the truth is, I feel like I might never support this change, and that upsets me, because I desperately want to love everything about MLP to the bitter end. :(

  • Brohoof 3

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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I believe I've seen you mentioned on the forums as someone who loves Twilight more than any other pony but has been one of the harshest critics of Twilicorn.

That would be me. Idea never sat right with me, and it's just another token as to how the show is becoming increasingly more focused on Twilight, which actually makes me like her less and less. Crystal Empire, MMC, and EQG are all just examples of the rest of the 6 being ignored so Twilight can go and solve everything.


Ficta, I like you. I agree with basically everything you just said up in that wall o' text, just never could put it into words myself.


Also, I aplogize for derailing the thread a bit, Tails. I think we'd both agree any intelligent speak of the Twilicorn is good speak of the Twilicorn, right?

  • Brohoof 3



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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That would be me. Idea never sat right with me, and it's just another token as to how the show is becoming increasingly more focused on Twilight, which actually makes me like her less and less. Crystal Empire, MMC, and EQG are all just examples of the rest of the 6 being ignored so Twilight can go and solve everything.


Ficta, I like you. I agree with basically everything you just said up in that wall o' text, just never could put it into words myself.


Also, I aplogize for derailing the thread a bit, Tails. I think we'd both agree any intelligent speak of the Twilicorn is good speak of the Twilicorn, right?


You made a point about Crystal Empire, Magical Mystery Cure and Equestria Girls focusing on Twilight, and I noticed something. In all three, Twilight is essentially the main focus because of Celestia's wishes.


Crystal Empire was a test specifically for Twilight, despite the fact that the mane six played their part and Spike was actually the hero, but Celestia allowed Twilight to pass it anyway for whatever kind of logic she was using at that time.


Magical Mystery Cure was all about Twilight achieving her destiny. That is, a destiny she never talked about, never aspired to, and never would have even considered if it wasn't for Celestia's meddling. Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt makes sense because she's wanted to be a Wonderbolt since the very first episode. Rarity becoming a fashion designer in Canterlot makes sense because she mentions it at various points throughout the series. Twilight becomes a princess because it's her deeeeeestiiiiiiinyyyyy... (or more likely, a scenario where Celestia hoof-picks a powerful pony and molds her into whatever she pleases)


Equestria Girls? Twilight has to go alone... In case... things get messed up... and because favouritism? Right. Way to vaguely explain logic there. Kudos to Spike for actually going against Celestia. I'm just waiting for Twilight to do it some day.


In fact, going against Celestia's wishes could have proved a vital plot point that would show Twilight's aspirations to be a princess. Maybe she finds that she actually disagrees with some of Celestia's choices and wishes she could be in power so that she could do things even better. That could kind of work. She'd have a decent reason to actually want to ascend beyond, "Celestia said so. And sure, there was only one princess for a thousand years but of course we need four now and I will not question it."


Does it sound like I'm ranting? I'm... I'm sorry... :blush:

  • Brohoof 3

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


Feel free to follow me on Fimfiction!

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-ahem- Sorry for that bit of an intrusion.

I don't think you're ranting, so kudos to you OwO


-ahem- Back to the topic.

If, and most certainly when, Princess Twilight understands that she doesn't have to listen to Princess Celestia Molestia =3=" all the damn time, come tell me, because when that happens, I doubt that Twilight will come out victor. -sigh-


You made a point about Crystal Empire, Magical Mystery Cure and Equestria Girls focusing on Twilight, and I noticed something. In all three, Twilight is essentially the main focus because of Celestia's wishes.


Crystal Empire was a test specifically for Twilight, despite the fact that the mane six played their part and Spike was actually the hero, but Celestia allowed Twilight to pass it anyway for whatever kind of logic she was using at that time.

Spike WAS the hero, I can agree, but oh, dear, Princess Celestia, the all mighty princess, let Twilight pass because she was TOTALLY the only one that did the test. -facehoof-


Magical Mystery Cure was all about Twilight achieving her destiny. That is, a destiny she never talked about, never aspired to, and never would have even considered if it wasn't for Celestia's meddling. Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt makes sense because she's wanted to be a Wonderbolt since the very first episode. Rarity becoming a fashion designer in Canterlot makes sense because she mentions it at various points throughout the series. Twilight becomes a princess because it's her deeeeeestiiiiiiinyyyyy... (or more likely, a scenario where Celestia hoof-picks a powerful pony and molds her into whatever she pleases)


Just kidding, but they do. Oh, also [Keyword: Destiny] who said it was her destiny? Maybe Princess Celestia made it u-

oh, you already said it. That's no fun.


Equestria Girls? Twilight has to go alone... In case... things get messed up... and because favouritism? Right. Way to vaguely explain logic there. Kudos to Spike for actually going against Celestia. I'm just waiting for Twilight to do it some day.

Keyword: Someday. Yeah, we might or might not see it happen, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon, and since it seems that MLP:FiM is coming to a close, I doubt it'll happen.


In fact, going against Celestia's wishes could have proved a vital plot point that would show Twilight's aspirations to be a princess. Maybe she finds that she actually disagrees with some of Celestia's choices and wishes she could be in power so that she could do things even better. That could kind of work. She'd have a decent reason to actually want to ascend beyond, "Celestia said so. And sure, there was only one princess for a thousand years but of course we need four now and I will not question it."


Does it sound like I'm ranting? I'm... I'm sorry... :blush:

Edited by Luna Spirit


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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You made a point about Crystal Empire, Magical Mystery Cure and Equestria Girls focusing on Twilight, and I noticed something. In all three, Twilight is essentially the main focus because of Celestia's wishes.


Crystal Empire was a test specifically for Twilight, despite the fact that the mane six played their part and Spike was actually the hero, but Celestia allowed Twilight to pass it anyway for whatever kind of logic she was using at that time.


Magical Mystery Cure was all about Twilight achieving her destiny. That is, a destiny she never talked about, never aspired to, and never would have even considered if it wasn't for Celestia's meddling. Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt makes sense because she's wanted to be a Wonderbolt since the very first episode. Rarity becoming a fashion designer in Canterlot makes sense because she mentions it at various points throughout the series. Twilight becomes a princess because it's her deeeeeestiiiiiiinyyyyy... (or more likely, a scenario where Celestia hoof-picks a powerful pony and molds her into whatever she pleases)


Equestria Girls? Twilight has to go alone... In case... things get messed up... and because favouritism? Right. Way to vaguely explain logic there. Kudos to Spike for actually going against Celestia. I'm just waiting for Twilight to do it some day.


In fact, going against Celestia's wishes could have proved a vital plot point that would show Twilight's aspirations to be a princess. Maybe she finds that she actually disagrees with some of Celestia's choices and wishes she could be in power so that she could do things even better. That could kind of work. She'd have a decent reason to actually want to ascend beyond, "Celestia said so. And sure, there was only one princess for a thousand years but of course we need four now and I will not question it."


Does it sound like I'm ranting? I'm... I'm sorry... :blush:

Not at all, you're basically examining everything I did, except actually putting it into coherent thoughts. I gave up, considering how nobody seems to listen. Kudos to you, dude. You have an intelligence level faaaar above that of the average brony.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Kudos for having the guts to put your feelings out there. My feelings on Twilicorn are currently stirring in a half-finished and very sarcastic blog entry that I doubt I'll ever publish. Even more kudos for expressing them in a creative way.  Minor nitpick, it feels a bit... off for Applejack to call somebody Your Highness, mainly because I feel like she'd err on the side of being informal, especially with a close friend and all. I understand why you did it, but still. The bunged up wings were an interesting way to express her unhappiness and the Discord scene was great too.




I hope I’m not offending fellow bronies with this confession, but no matter how much I see Twilight Sparkle with wings and a crown, it will never feel right to me.


I'm afraid that this might be how it's going to be for me too.

  • Brohoof 1
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Kudos for having the guts to put your feelings out there. My feelings on Twilicorn are currently stirring in a half-finished and very sarcastic blog entry that I doubt I'll ever publish. Even more kudos for expressing them in a creative way. Minor nitpick, it feels a bit... off for Applejack to call somebody Your Highness, mainly because I feel like she'd err on the side of being informal, especially with a close friend and all. I understand why you did it, but still. The bunged up wings were an interesting way to express her unhappiness and the Discord scene was great too.



I'm afraid that this might be how it's going to be for me too.

Do it, Dash. First off, I'd be hard-pressed to think it'll be anything short of good, and second, why would your opinion offend other people? I mean, you have a right to yours and they to theirs. Plus, witty satire is honestly one of the best ways to get a point across. If you ask me, somebody being offended by something like that is just too sensitive.






I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...



Kudos for having the guts to put your feelings out there. My feelings on Twilicorn are currently stirring in a half-finished and very sarcastic blog entry that I doubt I'll ever publish.





I kind of feel left out for having similar opinions to you guys, like everyone else wants us--that is, the 19% who aren't in favor of the change--to just be quiet and accept it. "No one wants to hear all this negativity, you're holding back the fandom," etc. But it feels wrong to just go along with it for the sake of the group. It's not as if I talk about the issue nonstop, but my feelings haven't changed and I want people to know why. I guess this story expressed it better than I could in any argument.


I kind of want to put it on FIMfiction because I'm sure some people there would appreciate it, but I've tried that place before and...it just isn't for me. xD

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was a good fanfic. I liked how you had Twilight unknowingly injure her wings in the history of this text, as well as Discord's dead-seriousness about Twilight and her.....unsureness about being an alicorn and a princess. Personally, I think I can safely say you captured most of the feelings of the multitude of bronies at the current time, a few months since Twilight's transformation/coronation. At first, after being completely mindf*cked about the whole situation, I developed a positivity about the whole Twilicorn deal, basing it on being Twilight's growth and her obvious reward for reaching what may be not a pinnacle, but a stepping stone in her studies as Celestia's protégé. However, after reading this my mind has been thrown into doubt (not that it's a bad thing, I love to think about stuff when fed the proper material). Can Twilight, or we for that matter, really treat Twilight's ascension as a reward for her hard work? In "Magical Mystery Cure", when Twilight said "A princess?" her tone sounded surprised/shocked, as if to show that she didn't expect this. That already added fuel to the fire that would soon rage when the episode ended for the first time. Later, in "Equestria Girls", Twilight was shown as being anxious about her new position, as well as her becoming an alicorn. She had trouble sleeping with her wings, as well as trying to comprehend that she was now an official princess, like her mentor, Luna and Cadance respectively. And at the end, sure, Twilight once again saved the day and returned to Equestria feeling confident. I just cannot comprehend it.

  • Brohoof 1


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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  • 2 months later...

I've got an update for you, guys. But it's not the kind of update I was hoping to make. I sent this message to FIMfiction admin knighty from another site, and it'll tell you everything you need to know and why I need your help.



Dear knighty,
My name is Nathan, AKA TailsIsNotAlone on FIMfiction and MLP Forums, AKA SacredDust on Fanfiction.net. I don't know if you check your profile here or not, but my options are limited.
I was very surprised to visit FIMfiction a few days ago and find myself banned for plagiarizing the story 'Why?' with no warning, no questions, and no explanation. Someone claims in the comments that I stole it from an author called ManeWriter, whom I'd never heard of before.
I sat down and started writing this in February shortly after the Season 3 finale, from a dingy two-room apartment in Rochester, Minnesota. At that time I had no money and no job, only ideas and the desire to bring one of them to fruition. I wrote every word of it myself, finally finished it and tentatively put it out there on MLP Forums on July 25, 2013, as you can see for yourself.
I also published it under my Fanfiction.net username on the same day.
And finally, this month I published it on FIMfiction.net.
A few weeks later I found myself banned, unable to message anyone for help from the site itself. So here I am. Somebody claims in the story comments that I stole this story from an author called ManeWriter and just added quotations to the title.
I do not know who he is. But he did not write this story.
Looking at his profile, I see that he published it on August 27th, a month after I introduced it on MLP Forums and Fanfiction. He removed the quotations from the title, passed it off as his own and took credit for a story that I wrote. This, and the fact that I was punished for a wrong that he committed, hurts me more than I can express. Someone saw the discrepancy and banned me. Even though I mentioned in the comments that I had published it elsewhere, and all they had to do was take one look outside their own fiction site and check the dates to see who had stolen from who.
I have been writing for recreation for 22 years. I do it because I love it. And I do not plagiarize. I am writing you now to clear my name and clear up this situation once and for all.
There it is folks. ManeWriter stole this story from me and published it under his name a month after I wrote it. So that when I finally put it on FIMfiction myself, on November 5th, it looked like I had stolen from him.
You guys know that's not the case. But they don't, and due to the ban I can't log in to tell them myself. I want my account back, my story back, and my name cleared.
Please tell them. Knighty's often busy, so here's Wanderer D just in case. 
Edited by TailsIsNotAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Well how long ago did you send it? I'm sure it will be resolved so long as he sees it. smile.png Is he active?

Earlier tonight but I don't know if he'll see it on Fanfiction.net.


Him and Wanderer are more likely to see PM's on FIMfiction first, and since I'm banned and can't log in to do that, I asked for help here instead. ^^

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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that was a very good read. I like it a lot. it works as a story if your pro or con twilocorn.


Crystal Empire was a test specifically for Twilight, despite the fact that the mane six played their part and Spike was actually the hero, but Celestia allowed Twilight to pass it anyway for whatever kind of logic she was using at that time. Spike WAS the hero, I can agree, but oh, dear, Princess Celestia, the all mighty princess, let Twilight pass because she was TOTALLY the only one that did the test. -facehoof

actually Celestia said in the end it must be you and you alone. not the entire adventure. if it was a test for twilight all by her self she failed before she even left.


The test was to return the crystal heart. she failed that part however she passed because she was unwilling to risk and empire to pass under the rules set before her.


so in her mind fail the test to save the day. that was the correct choice. and as a ruler she would be forced to make similar hard choices to run things.



There it is folks. ManeWriter stole this story from me and published it under his name a month after I wrote it. So that when I finally put it on FIMfiction myself, on November 5th, it looked like I had stolen from him. You guys know that's not the case. But they don't, and due to the ban I can't log in to tell them myself. I want my account back, my story back, and my name cleared. Please tell them. Knighty's often busy, so here's Wanderer D just in case


that is just plain wrong. I wish you luck in clearing it up if it can be cleared up.

Stealing someone work is always wrong.

Edited by Noodles
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Update!  :D And it's good news this time!


Thanks to you guys and my other friends who were so helpful, I've been un-banned on FIMfiction and I have my story back! The other guy had actually been banned for a while. Apparently they didn't know who the story really belonged to so they just banned us both. That's still not a good way to go about things, but hey, it all came out in the wash.


This is why I became a brony. Thanks again to everyone who helped!  :yay:  

  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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