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The Trotting Dead RP


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Josh got back with the herbs and managed to get to ghost 

"ive get enough to patch you up is it okay if i touch the wounded areas so that i could apply the herbs where they need to be placed?"

if you would prefer me not to do it i can tell grand or anyone else what the herbs do and they can do it

Lady sat there patiently as Josh had applied the herbs he had returned with in their correct places. She was overjoyed to See Ghost rise to his hooves again as energetic as ever. Lady approached Josh, "Excuse me, Josh... May I ask you for a favor?" Her blue eyes were still fixed on Ghost all the while.

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"course you can" he said while smiling widely 

"whatever it is dont hesitate to ask" Josh finished putting the moss on his leg and the madonna lily on his fractured wing

he followed lady,s eyes and noticed that she was staring directly and ghost for some reason

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Grand went to look out the window at the hordes of trotters roaming the streeta. it felt like there were only more of them than before. she searched the crowd of living corpses for anyone she knew, but nothing stood out. The unknowing of her friends and families fates were becoming unbearable. " I think we should all get a good nights rest, or at least whats left of the night" she said, looking at the crowd of ponies that has formed

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Ghost then walks to the middle of the room and makes himself a bed out of whatever he could find. "One of us is going to have to go to the top of the tower and keep watch for Zycrin in case he comes back. If he does, I'll take him on one-on-one, regardless of my injury."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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He looked around the room again and stared back toward Lady who was now staring at the floor. For some reason he felt strange about her, almost like she was the reason why Zeta had abandoned the first group he was in.

All he did though was shake his head and tilted her head back up to him. "Do not be ashamed, it was only an accident."

((This post should go before the one to Josh.))


Lady half smiled as Zeta rose her head and comforted her. It made her feel a bit better but shame still overwhelmed her. "If you say so..." She really needed to get her act together if she wanted to survive. Group or no group, her actions still had consiquences.

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" I can do it. I had a bit of a nap earlier, and personally i think searching the crowd might do me some good" she said, hopping onto the windowsill." ill come get one of you in a few hours for the next shift" she said before hopping up onto the roof. she sat down and looked up at the perfect night sky.

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((This post should go before the one to Josh.))


Lady half smiled as Zeta rose her head and comforted her. It made her feel a bit better but shame still overwhelmed her. "If you say so..." She really needed to get her act together if she wanted to survive. Group or no group, her actions still had consiquences.

"And I do say so." He replied with a slightly calmer voice. He never knew why but for the first time in his life he was feeling slightly better, though not even close enough to lifting his depression.

@Funny Snout

"Good to see you Zeta. But what happened to the rest of our group. Nocturne and the others? And why did you decide to come here as well?"


Thunder was worried maybe the rest of the group had gotten attacked or they might all be dead.

Zeta turned around a bit to face Thunder, but accidently jolted his shoulder the wrong way and cringed. "Agh... I don't know what happened to them, considering its been a while since I left."


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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"course you can" he said while smiling widely

"whatever it is dont hesitate to ask" Josh finished putting the moss on his leg and the madonna lily on his fractured wing

he followed lady,s eyes and noticed that she was staring directly and ghost for some reason

Lady turned to look at Josh, her eyes had that of a serious look in them. "Well... I was wondering... Could you teach me how to do that? You know, care for ponies and identify all these herbs and medicines. I want to help." She asked nervously. She felt practically useless. Cooking wasn't all that important, anyone could do that. Edited by Dark_Princess_Luna
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Josh noticed zeta cringe "your shoulder hurt? i still have some herbs left if you need them?"


slightly amused by the request he thought it over "i guess i could but i dont know if i am much of a teacher and cooking is of course important but if you wish to know about herbs and medicines sure i could try to teach you 

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Ghost nodded in approval. "Okay, Grand. You can go first. I'm gonna try to get some sleep before we take off in the morning. If you see anything out-of-the-norm, you know what to do." With that, Ghost drifted off into slumber, having confidence that Grand has things under control.

Edited by Stevenearthpony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Josh noticed zeta cringe "your shoulder hurt? i still have some herbs left if you need them?"


slightly amused by the request he thought it over "i guess i could but i dont know if i am much of a teacher and cooking is of course important but if you wish to know about herbs and medicines sure i could try to teach you 

"Im fine.. It's just an arrow to the shoulder, that's all."

Zeta slowly paced back and forth, trying his best to walk normally instead of limping. It was of no use, since the wound was still very young it prevented from him using his arm for a period of time. Sadly enough, that's the hand he uses everything with.

This is not good. I have to let it heal at all costs.


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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@Funny Snout

"Oh. Well I hope the rest of them are okay. If you don't know already we are planning to head up to Appleloosa in the morning."


Thunder Roller called up to Grand Finale who was on the roof.


"I'll take next watch okay!"


Thunder Roller really wanted to have watch so she could search through the zombies to see if any of them were part of her family.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Josh noticed zeta cringe "your shoulder hurt? i still have some herbs left if you need them?"


slightly amused by the request he thought it over "i guess i could but i dont know if i am much of a teacher and cooking is of course important but if you wish to know about herbs and medicines sure i could try to teach you


Lady beamed when Josh agreed to teach her. Or at least attempt to... "Thank you! I owe you one, Josh." She practically mewled. "And I know cooking is important and all but not all food needs cooking. And on top of that, cooking is a trait most ponies have whether they are good at it or not."

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"here this will help" Josh stepped closer to zeta and put the comfrey on the wound then tied the moss over it with a lily vine 

the comfrey will prevent inflammation and the moss will protect the wound from infections and if it re opens absorb blood" 


"you dont owe me a thing lady just get some rest everyone really should before light comes"

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"Im fine.. It's just an arrow to the shoulder, that's all."

Zeta slowly paced back and forth, trying his best to walk normally instead of limping. It was of no use, since the wound was still very young it prevented from him using his arm for a period of time. Sadly enough, that's the hand he uses everything with.

This is not good. I have to let it heal at all costs.

Lady watched as the stallion paced back and forth, clearly struggling. The magical mare frowned, "Zeta, you look really hurt. You're going to be limping treatment or not, so why not get it fixed up? It'll probably help it heal better." She explained trying to make a point and convince him to accept the bandages.

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Grand watched the crowd closely. She recognized people she knew from her childhood. a gradeschool teacher, a baker, a genreal store owner. but the fate of her closest friends and family were still unknown. she sighed and stared into the crowd, watching the trotters bump into eachother. they seemed to walk in a rhythm, or perhaps Grand was just too tired and a little hungover still

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"here this will help" Josh stepped closer to zeta and put the comfrey on the wound then tied the moss over it with a lily vine 

the comfrey will prevent inflammation and the moss will protect the wound from infections and if it re opens absorb blood" 


"you dont owe me a thing lady just get some rest everyone really should before light comes"

The white unicorn rose to her hooves, her face showing her concern for Zeta. "If you say so... Don't be afraid to wake me up for anything, okay?" Lady then releases a massive yawn and stretches each of her four limbs in turn. "Night everypony!" She called over her shoulder as she trotted off to her room to bed.

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@Funny Snout

"Oh. Well I hope the rest of them are okay. If you don't know already we are planning to head up to Appleloosa in the morning."


Thunder Roller called up to Grand Finale who was on the roof.


"I'll take next watch okay!"


Thunder Roller really wanted to have watch so she could search through the zombies to see if any of them were part of her family.

Zeta was slightly surprised at this. Already leaving for Appleloosa in such a short amount of time, which meant this place was definitely not a good spot for them. "Appleloosa is such a far place away. It takes a day just by train to get there."



Lady watched as the stallion paced back and forth, clearly struggling. The magical mare frowned, "Zeta, you look really hurt. You're going to be limping treatment or not, so why not get it fixed up? It'll probably help it heal better." She explained trying to make a point and convince him to accept the bandages.

Clearly Lady wanted him to put on bandages for the sake of his injury, though he didn't want to show it all that much. But in the end he let out a sigh. "I guess ill do it.." And removed the bloody gauze that was already wrapped on his shoulder.

"here this will help" Josh stepped closer to zeta and put the comfrey on the wound then tied the moss over it with a lily vine 

the comfrey will prevent inflammation and the moss will protect the wound from infections and if it re opens absorb blood" 


"you dont owe me a thing lady just get some rest everyone really should before light comes"

He didn't like the fact that he was asked to do this, since it made him uncomfortable in many ways. But it was finally done and surprisingly it felt better. So Zeta turned to Josh and gave a remark of thanks from nodding.


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Josh nodded back at Zeta and walked to a part of the bell tower away from everypony to sit down 

he then reached into a pocket and took out his notebook again and started writing in it until the other ponies were going to leave in the morning for Appleoosa

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Late at night when almost eveypony was asleep except for thunder who had taken over her watch shift, Zycrin was targeting another member of the group, hoping he would be able to get him to go into a rage. "Zeta...Zeta... I know you can hear me. Step outside, I have something to tell you. About what happened to your special somepony all those years ago. All you have to do is step out side", Zycrin made sure that this was only heard  by Zeta, and no one was able to see him.

Edited by The Shadow Alicorn

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Late at night when almost eveypony was asleep except for thunder who had taken over her watch shift, Zycrin was targeting another member of the group, hoping he would be able to get him to go into a rage. "Zeta...Zeta... I know you can hear me. Step outside, I have something to tell you. About what happened to your special somepony and first born all those years ago. All you have to do is step out side", Zycrin made sure that this was only heard  by Zeta, and no one was able to see him.

What the..

It sounded like Zeta was hearing estranged voices, ones from the past. Ones that he couldn't forget about even if it killed him..

He convinced himself that they were just illusions and sat still in the bell tower. Though he remembered that since he hadn't slept for 4 days, it could be why there was that voice.

So he decided to settle down where he was and rest his head, with his eyes being the last thing to shut down.


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Still thinking that his curiosity may get the better of him, Zycrin tried again. "Zeta... Zeta... Don't you want to know what happened in that hospital while you where away. Do you not want to know who killed her. Come out side and you will get your answers. There is nothing to fear Zeta, for what harm can the past bring".

Edited by The Shadow Alicorn

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Grand tossed and turned in her bed, but only slept for a few minutes at a time. This miysterious pony seemed to delight in torturing and tormenting his foes. How he seems to know her history baffled her. she decided to look around the bell tower instead, as sleeping seemed to evade her. she looked through the mayors books and records, and found one listing all of the ponies who lived in ponyville in the last 5 years. she sat down with it and started to flip through it, remembering several of the faces, but several were crossed out with the word bitten scrawled on them. the mayor must have been keeping track. suddenly it hit her. she skipped to her family and looked at the pictures. scrawled across her mothers face was the word "EATEN" in red letters. Grand dropped the book in shock.

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Thunder Roller stood at the top of the bell tower looking at the living dead below. He knew some but luckily they were not his family. But suddenly something caught her eye near the base of the tower. It was a pony and not one of them. He only saw him for a split second before it darted away.


I should go tell the others.


Thunder Roller climbed down and saw Zeta near the doorway but he seemed to be falling asleep. She heard whispers of someone talking to him.


@Funny Snout

"Zeta what are you doing? I just spotted somepony out there who wasn't one of us. It could be Zycrin. Get away from the door." said Thunder Roller in a loud whisper.

Edited by Super Derpy


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Still thinking that his curiosity may get the better of him, Zycrin tried again. "Zeta... Zeta... Don't you want to know what happened in that hospital while you where away. Do you not want to know who killed her. Come out side and you will get your answers. There is nothing to fear Zeta, for what harm can the past bring".

Ghost suddenly felt a disturbance again. The same disturbance he had earlier that night. It couldn't be. Is he back already? How could he be back so soon. Well, Zycrin is persistent. Ghost should know. "Zera, don't  listen to the voice. It's Zycrin. He's returned."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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