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ooc [OOC] Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle

Toothless the Night Fury

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Sorry about ignoring this RP; hopefully I'll be able to post again soon. Right now I'm (or should I say, should be) studying for an exam, and then when I get back from the exam I need to continue re-writting my fanfiction. But that should hopefully be done by the end of today, if all goes well. And then starting wednesday I'd have time to post here again.


Also thinking of starting up my own RP here since the one Stronge Hooves and I were in fell apart, for obvious reasons. But I need to make sure my priorities are in line first

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Sorry about ignoring this RP; hopefully I'll be able to post again soon. Right now I'm (or should I say, should be) studying for an exam, and then when I get back from the exam I need to continue re-writting my fanfiction. But that should hopefully be done by the end of today, if all goes well. And then starting wednesday I'd have time to post here again.


Also thinking of starting up my own RP here since the one Stronge Hooves and I were in fell apart, for obvious reasons. But I need to make sure my priorities are in line first


Oh my, I didn't even know that! :/ I guess I will have to change a few things now.

I love you! <3

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*cough cough* Oh my....somebody call me?


I am super duper looper uber sorry guys...I've been busy with classwork and managing my other RP at EqD and the Liberty Belle, and through that, this RP fell through the cracks.


Let me get caught up and I'll jump back in. This week for me is going to be a crazy one--I have to do some work at the local gas station, I'll be getting my car sometime between Friday and Saturday...so time is sadly a precious commodity with which I have had it tasked greatly.



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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I can't explain because I'm slow, so you should ask Toothless


Okay. When do you think he'll be on?

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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That seems really hard :/ I mean I'm not entirely sure what's going on and I have no idea what to do, either, hehe

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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