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"Study? You don't have to play words, Quickly. We broke up. If she's dating somepony that's all on her, not mine." Carrick rolled his eyes, a hint of anger come across his words.  Turning to the small argument from the two. "You two you should stop arguing. Whatever Hypno did is on his own terms. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself. There's no need to start a fight here." 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Quickly groaned, "I'll be back. My life for the past few days had to do with one pony, with another pony occasionally blipping the radar." He flew up to one of the buildings, fluttering his wings anxiously and landing. He yawned, his head drooping with his wings. I don't have a ton of patience for ponies right now. I'd rather take a thorn out of an Ursa Minor's foot then deal with the cops.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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In her state of epiphany, Phee completely forgot to continue walking. She realized this about 2 minutes later, and realized she had gotten separated from the group.


Phee took to the skies and begun to search for the group, finding them three blocks over.


She landed down and resumed her same position at the back of the group. Hoping nopony noticed her getting lost in her own thoughts.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Suit yourself, Quickly." Carrick didn't bother following Quickly. With the lack of sleep and his lover somewhere in the mountains, nopony could blame him his reaction. A good nap might help him relax. The detective then noticed the yellow mare pop back. He gave a "hmph" and turned at the Canterlot Police Station, reached their destination. 


Something out of the ordinary...ponies. Carrick sees a bit of traffic inside the station. A few ponies wearing a blue uniform. A badge that shows their loyalty to the Princesses and the city. Carrick trotted into the police station. The station was rather nice. Being near the princesses does have it's perks. Carrick went to the front, "Hey, my name is Carrick Murphy. I here for the autopsy report for a....Sandy Cream." Carrick took out his badge as the poliepony had walked to the back. A sudden feeling of distress got him....just like....


The Prison. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Phee followed closely behind, weary of the foreign station. Carrick flashed his badge and asked to see a dead body.


Phee wasn't sure she was allowed to go back with him, but she felt safer sticking together then sitting in a waiting room full of complete strangers. Some of which were mean looking.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Hypno watched Quickly leave, not paying too much attention and merely sighing. He then turned his attention back to the police station and the new mare. Hypno figured he shouldn't go into the building full of cops so he waited outside for now.


Lazarus followed inside, looking pretty intrigued by what was going to happen next. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Carrick mind was on overdrive. Every thing he could see was taken into sight. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Ponies were looking rather aggressive, but who could blame them? No, everything seems normal. Why do feel off here? The sudden feelings of fear got him nowhere. He tapped his hat as the door unlocked and opened up. "You ready?"


"Yes. Oh," Carrick points at Phoenix. "She's with me." Carrick said. The policepony just gave a nod as he opened the door inside. "Follow me. The morgue is not far from here." The detective nodded as walk inside. There seem to be a pony all on the phone. Some talking to witness or criminals about what they've done/seen. Everything seem regular. What gave him that feeling? The policepony took them to the end of the hallway and down to the stairs. Where you could see a big sign that says "Morgue." with a few button pressed on the pad. The door opened automatically. "They pathologist will tell you the details. He wants to speak to you himself." 


"Very well." Carrick didn't see no problem in that. Carrick could feel the cold just from the outside of the door. He trotted inside. He could see the giant morgue refrigerator that held their bodies. Then seeing the pathologist.


Greasy fur, no mane, red eyes that were tired. A white lab coat that reeked of death. He gave a small grin, he seemed ecstatic when he saw the detective. "Carrick Murphy ..and you three." The pathologist gave Carrick a good look at him. "Alright, then." He went to the middle of the refrigerator as it opened up and there she stood. Sandy Cream. Her body lifeless...and this crime...


Cuts deep into her neck and chest. Marks on front hooves. Showing a struggle. Her face was kept clean, but her body was a blood mess. The detective spoke "You can tell that there were signs of a struggle here right around her forehooves. From the cuts here...as I suspected. It was something sharp, but..."


Carrick gave a small 'heh' as said, "These cuts....these are from talons." 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Phee had never been afraid of death. Sure she cried when her mother passed, but she never dwelled on it. Phee's mind went back to her mothers funeral. Her lifeless body seemed so peaceful. Her mother's lividity was drained from her body, but it only seemed to enhance her beauty. Like a lily on a grave. It was a morbid image to behold. But it was much different from the body that lay before her.

The dead pony sitting in the morgue had a much different air about her. She didnt have the same feeling of peace that her mother did. Rather, the body seemed out of place. As if it didn't belong. A lily plucked before it even bloomed. But it was more than that. Phoenix felt as if the body gave off a sort of malicious energy. And it made Phee uneasy; she had never felt this way before.

Pheonix had always been disconnected from her sixth sense. Her father had explained to her on numerous occasions that ponies can have the ability to sense magical energy that most every being gives off. And Phee tried her best to understand it. But she couldn't. And she surmised that if a pony as disconnected from the sixth sense as her could feel this evil presence, it must be some very powerful, very dark energy.

"Uh... Mr. Detective" Phoenix said in a very shaky voice. "I was once taught, that there is a such thing as a sixth sense. And that some ponies can have it. A sixth sense to feel the magical energy waves that flow from every being. I have no connection to my sixth sense, but I can clearly feel evil from this body." Phoenix didn't know if what she was saying had any pertinence to the investigation. But she wanted to voice her discomfort to Carrick. "This doesn't feel right, as if- as if she wasn't supposed to die." 

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[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Carrick looked at this yellow mare. Her voice shaken, but still showed the metaphorically balls and talk speak out. Carrick was not ignorant to the sixth sense. A certain alicorn was able to use that sense all too well, as well as a unicorn that....


Carrick looked at her, "You know. I was never one to really believe in good or bad. Ponies always have deliberate excuse to doing what they do. It's their function. They were created in that way, with genetics and a little of how they were bought up." Carrick took out a notepad. 


"I guess I see evil as malice. Look at this." Carrick points at the mare forehooves. "See those red marks, signs of a struggle." Carrick points at the chest. "The cuts here weren't deep enough to hit anything vital." Carrick moved his hoof on the neck "and this was the kill shot. Right on the neck. Even she didn't get slice in the neck, the cuts were deep enough to kill her if didn't get medical attention and I'm fairly certain that illusion spell lasted long enough for it to bleed out to death." Carrick tapped his chin, as he wonder something.


"Let me ask you something, um...you. This evil magic...can you feel a connection anywhere else in Canterlot or in this room?"  

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"My name is Phoenix.Phoenix Flare. I don't feel it anywhere else in the room, rather, the room is full of it. As if it is the walls and the floor and, well everywhere. It- well it's almost painful. But more so, it is painful because it is extremely sad." Phee said trying to fight back tears, but a small tear rolled down her cheek nonetheless.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Carrick sighed softly, this wasn't a place for her. She was too green for all of this, than again most ponies aren't ready to see dead ponies like this. Murdered by somepony and do it like this. The detective used to seeing these things. He's been in enough murder cases to see a lot of victims.


Carrick turned to her and put his hoof on her shoulder. "Listen to me, Phoenix. This place....has ponies murdered before their time was up. I know that's hard to deal with, but...I've been a detective for some time now. I've taken murderers who taken ponies like this and made them pay for their crimes. What I and the others are doing is stopping whoever did this. So this won't happen again." 


Carrick gave her a serious look, "You can be apart of it. A part of something that might...no, will save Equestria from falling on it's knees. We're in a serious situation here. If the ponies keep panicking like this. I'm positive that one of our enemies or even...are own ponies will doing something that will make Canterlot fall. What do you say?" He cracked a small smile. Quickly was correct about Phoenix. There was something about her, he still couldn't tell just yet. 

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Phoenix thought about it. Carrick, the pony my father trusted with his life, is offering something, even though he says it is for me to help him, I have a feeling that deep down, he knows I am out of place, and wants to keep me close in case I need help. This is probably the best place for me to be.

"I don't know if I can be of any help... but I can certainly try" Phoenix Flare said with as much confidence as she could muster.

"But one other thing, Carrick. You are wrong." Phoenix said delicately. Not trying to anger Carrick. "Sure you have seen ponies die before their time. But... well... this pony... her death is much different than just an untimely death. It is... well... it is out of place." Phoenix was finding it hard to put into words, but she had this gut feeling. 

What do ponies call this feeling? Phee wondered ah yes, intuition

And her intuition was nagging at her, as if there was a word at the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't speak it. She just knew it was there. 

" And one more thing... this isn't the first time I have witnessed death first hand." She said. Her face as stoic as a yellow mare could possibly be.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Carrick's gaze of indifference was back on. She had just accused him of being wrong about this, but this wasn't out of logic. It seemed like...a gut feeling. Carrick gave a 'heh'. "Well now, you've got more spunk than I thought, Phoenix. I'm impressed." Carrick looked at the body before him, any remains of blood was... "Wait a second. The blood...it had magical residue on it and if the weapon were talons. How could they be magical?  Even if it was a Griffon. Barely any practice the art of runes.. And Dragons? They aren't even hard to recognize in Canterlot.  Not to mention, they pride themselves to not using magic. Doing magic of any matter would lead to death." 


"Griffons with runes etched on them would be pretty easy to find in Canterlot. I'm sure the Guards or Policeponies would have records of who leaves and enters here if they aren't Equestrian Citizens and don't have a passport. It would be stupid to go on a killing spree with that on their heads. That means the talons...were probably taken from something." Carrick deduce. Though the possibility of Griffons is still there for them to stay hidden for this many killings is downright impossible. Even if prior investigation team was stupid.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Quickly sighed and flew into the police station. The officer tried to stop him, and found himself face to face with a nice, shiny badge. "Nighthunters aren't the same as a officer," Quickly told him with a smile, "But we do play into your system now. I'm authorized, you can check with Luna. You're kinda cute..." Quickly leaves the officer with that thought and bee-lines to the mortuary. He came in in time to hear the words 'magic claws,' and stopped, "Magical claws. What kind of magic was it, can you tell? Did it align it's self with an element? Sometimes elementals come out, and a Shade would have little trouble with an assassination and escape routine... Though even this is overkill..." He sighs, looking at the body. "It looks like a pony caught blood-frenzy..."


(He's been working for Luna the past 6 months. I think this'd be okay.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Quickly sighed and flew into the police station. The officer tried to stop him, and found himself face to face with a nice, shiny badge. "Nighthunters aren't the same as a officer," Quickly told him with a smile, "But we do play into your system now. I'm authorized, you can check with Luna. You're kinda cute..." Quickly leaves the officer with that thought and bee-lines to the mortuary. He came in in time to hear the words 'magic claws,' and stopped, "Magical claws. What kind of magic was it, can you tell? Did it align it's self with an element? Sometimes elementals come out, and a Shade would have little trouble with an assassination and escape routine... Though even this is overkill..." He sighs, looking at the body. "It looks like a pony caught blood-frenzy..."


(He's been working for Luna the past 6 months. I think this'd be okay.)

"Sapphire said that the blood has magical residual and from the looks of the incision, it's talons. To what I kind, I have no clue. I don't have your ponies' sixth sense, I'm just an ordinary earth pony." 


Carrick then turned at Quickly. "However, this does help our case a little. We have a murder weapon. Not to mention, not everypony will have magic claws so it cuts down our suspects. Maybe we can find anypony who been possession or knows of somepony who seen these type of claws." Carrick points at the cuts, they were awfully big cuts. 

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Now that Phoenix had some time to calm down. She decided to introduce herself to Quickly, the pony who tried to help her calm down when she first arrived. 

"Sorry for being rude before." Phee said. "My name is Phoenix Flare. And thanks for trying to calm me down before" Phee said, blushing slightly as it was embarrassing to recount her previous episode of depression and angst. 

She turned to Carrick. 

"I don't know very much, and I am not talented at anything, as you can tell." She said looking back to her blank flank "So I don't know if I can help you any more with this investigation. But if you have easy tasks, like going from point A to point B, I can do that. I can try to give my input if needed, as well." She said


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Hypno waited outside, still putting off going inside knowing that it was risky move with his appearance. And he didn't feel like using the same spell again. He whistled a tune and figured somepony could catch him up afterward.


Lazarus sat inside, chatting with some of the police in a friendly tone.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Carrick tapped his chin, she really thinks that badly of herself? Sure, she's a blank flank, but that doesn't mean you suck at everything. Just means you haven't found your true talent. How annoying. Still, if she needed some type of elementary work, then he'll gave it to her. Carrick took out his notepad and pencil. Then gave it to her. "You're my assistant, now, alright?" He wasn't entirely a big fan of this idea, but he usually just write down his notes for back up memory. Hopefully she can do something this straightforward. 




"So, the famous ponies have return to solve another mystery." A voice come from Hypno's back. A blue pony appears from the alleyway of the precinct. He wore saddlebags that hid his cutie mark. "I wouldn't think that you'd be back, though. Hypno. I thought you'd be done with these ponies." A slight chuckle came from him.  

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Now that Phoenix had some time to calm down. She decided to introduce herself to Quickly, the pony who tried to help her calm down when she first arrived.


"Sorry for being rude before." Phee said. "My name is Phoenix Flare. And thanks for trying to calm me down before" Phee said, blushing slightly as it was embarrassing to recount her previous episode of depression and angst.


She turned to Carrick.

"I don't know very much, and I am not talented at anything, as you can tell." She said looking back to her blank flank "So I don't know if I can help you any more with this investigation. But if you have easy tasks, like going from point A to point B, I can do that. I can try to give my input if needed, as well." She said

Quickly nodded, saying humorously "That's what gay friends are for." He sat, leaning against the wall and thinking. What could do that? Some sort of cross-breed? An elemental? Maybe a pony with one of those outlander weapons? So many possibilities... He sighed with melancholy.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Phoenix looked at the extended hoof of Carrick. The pencil and notpad were being offered to Phoenix.

Oh no, he wants me to do something important. Phee thought as she knew the importance a Detective's note held What if I mess this up? It will be just like when dad went insane and I couldn't help him. And just like when I tried to send myself back to before mom's death. I mess everything up. How can he trust me with this?

All this ran through her mind as she subconsciously took the pencil and notepad from the Detective before she could even stop herself, Or try to explain how useless she was.

"Okay..." She said shakily

Before she knew it she was holding then pencil and paper and jotting down notes as specified by the detective. And she wasn't sure exactly how long she could keep this up before ruining everything. 


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Hypno looked back, giving a slight grin. He was unsure if the pony was a friend or a foe, so he kept his magic at the ready. "I thought about staying away, but coming back has a few opportunities." He said as he thought for a minute. "Who are you and how do you know my name... Even though I doubt you'll give up much." He added.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Phoenix looked at the extended hoof of Carrick. The pencil and notpad were being offered to Phoenix.


Oh no, he wants me to do something important. Phee thought as she knew the importance a Detective's note held What if I mess this up? It will be just like when dad went insane and I couldn't help him. And just like when I tried to send myself back to before mom's death. I mess everything up. How can he trust me with this?


All this ran through her mind as she subconsciously took the pencil and notepad from the Detective before she could even stop herself, Or try to explain how useless she was.


"Okay..." She said shakily


Before she knew it she was holding then pencil and paper and jotting down notes as specified by the detective. And she wasn't sure exactly how long she could keep this up before ruining everything.

Quickly looked at Pheonix and had to stifle a laugh, "I wouldn't worry about it to much, Miss Flare. I'm pretty sure he makes a spare, another spare, and then the back up back up spare. Besides, perhaps it will be something you're great at. I knew a buddy of mine, he was dirt poor, barely any chance of getting out. He was forced into a road that got into business. Got his cutie mark in college learning it, and is now very successful."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"It's just hard living up to my... Never mind" She said sheepishly, remembering she wasn't in her own time. Though if she was, she would hardly be having a civilized conversation with any pony. 

"I'll try helping. Although I don't understand why you all trust me so much. For all you guys know, I could be an evil villain mastermind with a blank flank to fool you." She said standing up on two legs and waving her forearms above her head like a monster, or some sort of specter. Then she cracked a smile and almost laughed at her own joke, but instantly went back to looking down at the note pad.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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There goes all that confidence. Carrick thought, seeing her voice tremble at thought of writing notes.


Carrick looked at the Quickly. As he made a casual joke, "Actually, my back up back up I don't have anymore. Seem too much work." Carrick chuckle.


Hmm, I wonder what she meant by that. I never heard of any Flare legacy. Maybe it was something else? Carrick tapped his hat upward. "Well, let's find Donut Joe's address and have a little chat with him. Isn't anything here, for now." 




 The pony chuckle, "Oh, you don't remember me? That's a pity. I swear that anypony who was in that incident would remember me...then again...I did talk." 


Like this. Too bad I can't use runes here or I might get caught by the guards. Can't wear a cloak either, so I guess I'm stuck doing what you do. Wearing a disguise. Fun, isn't it? 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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There goes all that confidence. Carrick thought, seeing her voice tremble at thought of writing notes.


Carrick looked at the Quickly. As he made a casual joke, "Actually, my back up back up I don't have anymore. Seem too much work." Carrick chuckle.


Hmm, I wonder what she meant by that. I never heard of any Flare legacy. Maybe it was something else? Carrick tapped his hat upward. "Well, let's find Donut Joe's address and have a little chat with him. Isn't anything here, for now."




The pony chuckle, "Oh, you don't remember me? That's a pity. I swear that anypony who was in that incident would remember me...then again...I did talk."


Like this. Too bad I can't use runes here or I might get caught by the guards. Can't wear a cloak either, so I guess I'm stuck doing what you do. Wearing a disguise. Fun, isn't it?

(I thought Corpus was white.)


Quickly looked towards the door and his mood instantly changed. He drew his knife, and whispered, "Auric match to an Ice Star's general. In the center of Canterlot of al places..." He burst through the door of the morgue, sprinting to the front door. Please let Hypno be safe...


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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