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Female and Male VAs needed for long term project


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Simply put, i`ve decided to start a long term project, which involved a dramatic reading of Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons. I`ve never done a project like this, but understand that if you want a part that this will be long term, with hundreds of lines for most characters. While mic quality is important, what i`m really looking for is emotion. If you sound like you`re talking out of a broken radio, i`ll probrably still give you a shot if you`re good. 


I`m going to list a few of the main characters from the first book for all of you to look at. If they are marked with an O, they are open. C, they are closed and very unlikely to reopen. C? Means they are currently closed, but might be opened soon. O? means they are almost definatly open. EDIT: In order to make it easier for those that have not read the story, I will mark each character with an M for male and a F for female. This does not mean you MUST be of that gender, it just so you know whom is which gender. If you have auditions send them here: operationsigma@hotmail.com. If I wish to discuss your audition further, i`ll reply, and perhaps share my skype for further communication.


For your auditions, I`d suggest just reading a few lines from the first chapter the character appears in, but if you are familar with the story, I would love to hear auditions for some of the later, more dramatic scenes.

Edit: After some consideration, i`ve opted to add both the first chapter the character appears in, as well as some of thier lines for use in audition. By all means, you don`t need to use these lines, they are there for those that do. I`ll add onto this as I feel is needed.


F: BlackJack/Narrator:O

First appearance: Chapter 1

"Red, it`s dead. Yellow, be mellow."

"Great, cause do I have a story to tell! Here I was, minding my own bussiness, when these hoofcuffs appeared on me like magic! Can you believe that?" I asked with a grin as I tapped them on the table. "So, there I was, pondering and bemoaning my perdiciment, when I remembered a certain vision of angelic equinity whose magic far outshines my own, and whose kindness and generosity would compell them to free me!" 

"Well... i`m gonna go thump 'em with my stick."

"I`m not an executioner." 

"She shot me! You shot me in my face!"

"What`s with people shooting me when my guard is down, huh? That`s two times in two days!"

"They told him to stop transmitting! They told him to shut up and die with dozens of young ponies! They were organized enough for that!"




M:P-21: C? (GingerJoy)


"Blackjack, are you trying to turn us into the deadliest band of angsty whiny ponies to wander the Wasteland?"


"Just kill me....it`s what you do, isn`t it?"


"Don`t touch me!"


"why... why did you stop them when you`re just going to kill me anyway?"


"To hell with  you, this Stable, and everypony in it! my whole life, you mares have fucked me! Now you`re getting fucked by you`re own. It`s nothing less than you deserve."


"Seeking out death and danger for fun and profit. What a life..."

"Isn`t there a firearm rule about not putting the barrel up your nose?"








"Cunts gun is broke. Cunt is useless. Cunt should be FUCKED. Right, cunt?" 

"Cunt thought she was fast! Cunt was wrong!"

"Cunts still got some fight in 'em, Cunts are FUCKED."

F:Scotch Tape:O



"I don`t have time for flank spank right now Blackjack, the Overmare`s pissed." 

"Get out! Of all the times to come to me for flank spank, you choose now!? Get out right now or ill-"

"You`re going to owe me so much for this Blackjack..."

"Find security... get everyone down below.... what are you going to do?"



"Get out! Getout get out get out! Leave before I have you all shot! You`re useless!" 

"Oh! You found my trick pony!"

"That doesn`t matter. This is my stable. Mine. And i`m not going to allow that gray nag to run it any longer! It`s mine!" 

"why don`t you tell me where Rivets and the other 30 maintenance mares are hiding. Do they have weapons? Are they planning to sabotage my Stable?" 

"There is a threat to my Stable, and to my ponies. A threat within that must be dealt with."

"Stable Overmare log 11-#260: The traitor! The little traitor! I select her, allow her to go outside, and she dares demand that I give her her reward? How dare she! How DARE she!? She`s placed an enscription on EC-1101, and refuses to lift it, even when I threatened to throw her and her foal into the recycler."



F: Daisy: O

"No running in the halls, Blackjack. Not even after pussy."

"Awe, don`t know the spell yourself?  I thought all security unicorns did. Marmalde does!" 

"About time we found the missing penis. And he`s with you! Bonus."

"oh, he`s fighting us.  Resisting secuirty, a real dangerous case, eh Marmalade?" 

"One day, i`m gonna have your fucking head on a stick Blackjack. Promise you that."

"Yeah yeah yeah, sunshine and rainbows and hugs and all that horseshit."


F: Marmalade : O

"Back? You`re going somewhere?"

"But you`ll die.... I don`t want you to go..."

"Cause you`re my friend... why else do you think I fooled around with you all this time?"

Really lazy... a bit of a letch.... Oh! and her horn is so tiny!" 

"How`d you know?.................. Rude..."

"Opens a camera.... well, that`s what they said it did."




F: Rivets : O

"So, Blackjack, I noticed you keep getting shit on by Daisy and the others. They`ve been doing that for what, 3 years now?"

"Well, that`s the question isn`t it? We cant do anything, Daisy is security, you get your job and you keep it, no matter how you abuse it."


"Is it? You think it`s right that ponies like Daisy and Marmalade get to give you the shit ration day in day out?"



F:Gin Rummy: O

"So everypony, I want to thank you for your hard work. Stable incident reports are down under 5% this month. There hasn`t been anymore than a few Class C violations of violating curfew. Springs was caught hoarding a stash of med-x but surrendered it willingly. Punishment is 20 lashes in the atrium tommarrow morning."


"Punishment will be administed by a random pony from A shift, Daisy. You know that." 


"Oh, and tommarrow, i`d like  any pony confused about how to dispell a hoofcuff spell to please report to the security station at twelve hundred hours for for remidation."

"Good thing your horn is so small, little fishy."




Crazed Raider Mare: O

"Bang, yer dead"


M: U-10:  O

"I didn`t think I was sceduled for a double...."

Merc Mare: O


F: Lock : O

"C`mon, let`s run for it!"


F: Barrel : O

"This is suicide..."


M:U-21 : O

"You can`t, Deus! If you destroy the terminal, than Sangurine will NEVER get that file!"

"Okay... get the program, don`t get killed... get the program, don`t get killed...."

"I should go with her, I should be the one who gets it."


M: Ol' Hoss : O



F: Textbook : O

Chapter 1

"We were having a private conversation!


F:Morning Glory:O


M : Brolly: O

Chapter 3

"Yeah dude, Rainbow may be hot, but you`ve got, like, no chance with her. Dude, isn`t she like the spokesperson for mare-riders? Heh.... yeah, I hear that. So, check out my score on the last basketball match on monitor one?  Shyeah, we kicked tail thanks to yours trul-...... hey, what just happened?"


"...this is crazy. The hoof is fucking gone, man! It`s fucking gone! There`s green... fire...shit like, everywhere! Nopony knows what`s going on. Fuck man!  Game over!" 



M)Watcher : O

"Yeah, ya did. But to be blunt, you`re fuck up only killed one filly. I know ponies who`s fuck ups have killed millions. Son on a grandscale of fuck-ups, I think you`re overrating yourself. So i`m asking you, is this it? Are you the pony that wallows in self-pity, and kicks herself for a mistake, or not? Because if it is, i`ll leave. I can`t help you. You can`t help anypony." 


F) Scoodle: O

"Oh, this? Radhog is good 'eatin'!" 

" see, there are three kind of folks. Theres the kind that`ll shoot ya, the kind that`ll help ya, and the kind that won`t lift a hoof to help ya, but probrably won`t kill ya lessin ya give ;em a reason.



M:The Dealer: O





F:Psychoshy:  O


F:Duct Tape:O


"Overmare, you wanted me too.... oh... my."

"I..... I didn`t want to be late. "Is he... is everything alright?" 

"I.... don`t think so. I mean... um... shouldn`t we get him to medical?"

"this is so wonderful, it`s like a dream come true. The Overmare`s been so wonderful lately..."

"And we can have another foal together! or two, or three! Because once we`re out, we won`t need quotas!" 

"You can be my.. my... what was it again? oh yes... husband. We can be the first poniess married in 99 since... well, the bad thing happened."

"... I thought you`d be happy..."







M/F:Various Crusaders:O (again, more the merrier)


M( as the name implies):Big Daddy:O


F: BottleCap:O


F :Caprice:O


M: Leo Zodiac:O




F:Gemini: (technically two people, but stated to sound exactly alike)


F: Aries:O


M: Aquarius:O


M: Prince Splendid:O


F: Homage:O


M: Stygius: O


F: Xanthe: O


M:Gorgon: O


F: Virgo:O


F:Twist: O


F Psalm: O


M: StrongHoof: O


M: Rover (Diamond Dog) :  O


F: Applebot:O


M: Sanguine:O 


(There are PLENTY of others. If I haven`t listed them yet, but you want to audition for them, go for it! it`ll remind me what to put up!)



Now, there are a TON more characters that exist, even in the first book alone, but i`m taking this one step at a time here, so I`m gonna go with just focusing on the first book for now, and this should mostly cover the first couple of chapters. I`ll add more as I see fit. I really hope this caught your interest, cause i`d really love to see this through! So come one and all, experienced and new, young and old, mares and colts!



Here, for those who want to read through, get your lines, or refersh your memory, here`s a link to the books: http://falloutequestria.wikia.com/wiki/Project_Horizons


As a side note, if you see a part taken that you really think you could do a good job of, feel free to apply regardless. If I feel that your performance is preferable, I may switch you in for the part.

Edited by TheLineTrotter
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This looks pretty awesome man! I do drama so I'm experienced with characters and emotion, and I've always wanted to be a voice actor! However, I've only read a couple of chapters on the story, so I have a basic understanding of it.


I can have a shot at any character you want. Not really sure how I'll send over a recording or whatever it is I have to do, but I'm more than happy to try, if you let me. :lol:


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This looks pretty awesome man! I do drama so I'm experienced with characters and emotion, and I've always wanted to be a voice actor! However, I've only read a couple of chapters on the story, so I have a basic understanding of it.


I can have a shot at any character you want. Not really sure how I'll send over a recording or whatever it is I have to do, but I'm more than happy to try, if you let me. :lol:

Wasn`t expecting a reply that quickly! Well, how i`d like you to send me your recording, atleast for now, would be to post the audition on youtube and then link it to me. I really should have clarified that, my apologies. If you`ve only read a few chapters, i`d appreciate it if you`d end up reading more in the future. True, I could just spoon feed you whatever lines I feel are important, but i`d really like my VAs to have a firm grasp on the story. So, if you want to try out multiple characters, simply look through the list (or pick some from the story) and find a few lines you want to audition with. 

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Hey, Im gonna try and go for these following characters.




The Dealer

Ol' Hank


Big Daddy




I'll try to have auditions as soon as possible.

You have just read a post from the wonderful Jalokim, an amazing Film maker/Actor/Writer here at the forums!


If you ever need help with voices in videos, songs, etc, then contact me and we can surely arrange something!


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I'm good at voice acting and am actually working on some small internet projects like this one. I would love to audition for BlackJack and Morning Glory. I haven't read the story yet so I'll try to read a couple chapters before auditioning. Sound good? :)


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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OOOH, I could try the Narrator in some fancy voice, I've always wanted to be a Fancy Narrator...And I'll try all the male parts too...I'd still need to read Fallout Equestria XD

Zjz73.pngsiggy by CloudChaser http://i560.photobuc...x/Other/gif.gif I'm a Blank Flank (CMC ARMY) with Freakazoid Attributes (Pinkazoid Army) in the New Lunar Republic while being a spy for the Discordian Empire and in worship for the Faith of the Fausticorn (Discord Army)... RD best pony, she started it ALL...Pinkie god tier Pony...Fluttershy cutest/hottest (depending on pic) Pony...Discord best villain...Changelings best minions...Tank best pet...Tara Strong is best troll...and Derpy is best mascot

I'm the S.U.E.A.G.P.O.N.I.S. (Super Ultra Extreme Awesomazing General Proven On Non Interstellar Space) [pronounced SwagPonys]   Oranges have navals, and so do ponies, join the revolution NOW!

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which involved a dramatic reading of Fallout Equestria: Project Harmony


This part confused me at first, but then I realized what you are talking about.  :lol: 

Uh, I haven't been keeping up on PH the past couple of weeks. I don't know what voices I could do, but I can do a variety of accents, lisps, etc. Lemme play around with a mic and I'll get back to ya'.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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This part confused me at first, but then I realized what you are talking about.  :lol: 


Uh, I haven't been keeping up on PH the past couple of weeks. I don't know what voices I could do, but I can do a variety of accents, lisps, etc. Lemme play around with a mic and I'll get back to ya'.





This part confused me at first, but then I realized what you are talking about.  :lol: 


Uh, I haven't been keeping up on PH the past couple of weeks. I don't know what voices I could do, but I can do a variety of accents, lisps, etc. Lemme play around with a mic and I'll get back to ya'.




My bad, sorry, I was serverly sleep deprived when I made this first post, thank you for pointing that out to me!


Anyway, sure, go ahead and get back to me when you can. I look forward to it.

OOOH, I could try the Narrator in some fancy voice, I've always wanted to be a Fancy Narrator...And I'll try all the male parts too...I'd still need to read Fallout Equestria XD

Heads up: the narrator is also the mane character, whom is female, so unless you can do a female voice, that may not be the best idea!


That said... the fancy voice could work for either Prince Splendid (if you went for snooty fancy) or The Dealer....


Oh, if you need to read it, here`s a link. Feel free to audition for as many parts as you wish!



I'm good at voice acting and am actually working on some small internet projects like this one. I would love to audition for BlackJack and Morning Glory. I haven't read the story yet so I'll try to read a couple chapters before auditioning. Sound good? :)


Sounds excellent! Get back to me when you can, i`m looking forward to it! I`ll provide a link to the story, in case you need it. Can`t wait to hear what you can do!



Edited by TheLineTrotter
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This looks awesome. I'll read over some stuff and post an audition here when I'm done. I hope you get enough people to make this happen. Can you label which characters are male and female. the wiki isn't clear on some of them

Edited by Jble


Signature by Dopey Hooves                                                           Sherlock Hooves fanfic

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So I've been screwing around on the webcam for a while (I'm using the PS3-Eye and it is awesome), but whenever I create an audition for the character I don't really like it and delete the file. I tried doing P-21, the Dealer, and just an assortment of voices, but I would be more confident if I had some idea of how other people envision the voices for each character. For instance, in the story I saw that the Dealer's voice was described as "dusty" (how the hell do you voice "dusty", anyway?) so I tried to make my voice sound like that but I just sounded like a teenage smoker.

Anyway...how do other people hear the following voices in their head:




Big Daddy

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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So I've been screwing around on the webcam for a while (I'm using the PS3-Eye and it is awesome), but whenever I create an audition for the character I don't really like it and delete the file. I tried doing P-21, the Dealer, and just an assortment of voices, but I would be more confident if I had some idea of how other people envision the voices for each character. For instance, in the story I saw that the Dealer's voice was described as "dusty" (how the hell do you voice "dusty", anyway?) so I tried to make my voice sound like that but I just sounded like a teenage smoker.


Anyway...how do other people hear the following voices in their head:




Big Daddy





Well, for my opinion (not that it`s necessarily the best. If I feel someones audition fits the character more than I envisioned them, i`d be happy with it.)

P-21: I`ve always imagined him with some sort of.... subdued anger. Like he`s always barely holding back a shout, atleast early on. And that means when he explodes, he REALLY explodes.

Dealer: He`s tricky.... I always imagined him sounding like Discord for some reason (in fact, that`s who I though he was!), but looking back, it`d make more sense if his voice sounded... scratchy, or like he has something in his throat. Or, another way to think about it would be him sounding like an old man. 

Priest: Tranquil. That`s always been the word i`d have chosen.


Big Daddy: Old, but still big and powerful. 

This looks awesome. I'll read over some stuff and post an audition here when I'm done. I hope you get enough people to make this happen. Can you label which characters are male and female. the wiki isn't clear on some of them

Well, every audition/actor counts! Believe me man, i`m trying. I`m trying my best to spread the word because I really, really want this up and running. Anyways, I just updated the character list a few minutes ago. M for male, F for female. 

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id like to be apart of this, but im not sure of my mic quality. I am able to make pictures, animations, and audio (not music but I can edit music) I recently watched a lot of the fallout equestria things but still not sure bout the characters. im a guy, and if needed I can do any of the above mentioned or voices needed (not sure how well thou with the voices). just let me know if your interested in havin me :D

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id like to be apart of this, but im not sure of my mic quality. I am able to make pictures, animations, and audio (not music but I can edit music) I recently watched a lot of the fallout equestria things but still not sure bout the characters. im a guy, and if needed I can do any of the above mentioned or voices needed (not sure how well thou with the voices). just let me know if your interested in havin me :D


id like to be apart of this, but im not sure of my mic quality. I am able to make pictures, animations, and audio (not music but I can edit music) I recently watched a lot of the fallout equestria things but still not sure bout the characters. im a guy, and if needed I can do any of the above mentioned or voices needed (not sure how well thou with the voices). just let me know if your interested in havin me :D

As i`ve mentioned, mic quality is not my biggest concern, i`m more interested in emotion. As for pictures... well, what I have planned is for slides to play over as the audio recordings for each chapter play, so having someone specific to make commissions would be fantastic! 


Animations i`m not quite so sure about, simply because i`d like to keep it consistent, and i`m worried about the lines syncing up with the animations....

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As i`ve mentioned, mic quality is not my biggest concern, i`m more interested in emotion. As for pictures... well, what I have planned is for slides to play over as the audio recordings for each chapter play, so having someone specific to make commissions would be fantastic! 


Animations i`m not quite so sure about, simply because i`d like to keep it consistent, and i`m worried about the lines syncing up with the animations....

yea I can see the problem with the syncing. the art I could do, but id need some kind of refrence from either the game or picture or such. as for emotion I can put emotion into my voice but ive never really done voice acting before. id also need some kind of refrence for what that should sound like, perhaps a line? like I said I don't know jack *squee* bout the characters :P I have seen a lot of reading of it thou. just tell me what your lookin for/needand ill give it my best

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I might be able to audition for some of the female characters, I'll just have to read Fallout Equestria first. I have a fairly good microphone quality.

~That one equestrian that does that riding stuff on ponies~Doctor Who {Tennant is best Doctor}~Voice Actor~



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I might be able to audition for some of the female characters, I'll just have to read Fallout Equestria first. I have a fairly good microphone quality.

Sure, that`d be great! Just keep in mind that it`s Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons that this is a reading of, a spin-off of the original Fallout Equestria. I look forward to your audition!

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So I did auditions for P-21 and DJ-PON3, but I'm having trouble finding lines for all the roles. Maybe you could post a few for each character so that it's easier to audition. Any feedback you have for the two characters I've done would be great, too. Thanks



Edited by Jble


Signature by Dopey Hooves                                                           Sherlock Hooves fanfic

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So I did auditions for P-21 and DJ-PON3, but I'm having trouble finding lines for all the roles. Maybe you could post a few for each character so that it's easier to audition. Any feedback you have for the two characters I've done would be great, too. Thanks



Hey, I appreciate your audition! As for posting a few lines... while I don`t like the idea of getting the same exact lines from each person, you do have a point that it is difficult to find the person you`d be auditioning for. I`ll consider adding both the chapter they appear in first, and possibly a few lines for each if I have the time. 


Now, for your auditions. I quite liked both of them! I have a request for DJ-Pon3 however: I always imagined him sounding like he had alot more energy. Don`t get me wrong, I love the 'smooth and deep' voice you did, and I`d love to keep it, I just always imagined him sounding like he was trying to be the one source of a fun guy in the waste. 


P-21 was quite good. I liked how you played him. I`m trying to decide between you and someone else whom already has the part, but you are making me seriously consider. When you did his angry line in the audition, I actually jumped!

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Thanks! that line was really fun to do. For DJ-Pon3 I was trying to sound like three dog from Fallout 3, I didn't really know what else to go off of. I can do another where I sound more energetic.


Signature by Dopey Hooves                                                           Sherlock Hooves fanfic

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Thanks! that line was really fun to do. For DJ-Pon3 I was trying to sound like three dog from Fallout 3, I didn't really know what else to go off of. I can do another where I sound more energetic.

Well, I always imagined him sounding like Three-Dog! And it was a very good impression, but Three-dog sounds abit more energetic about what he`s talking about is all. If you want to do another, i`d love to hear it!

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I did a retake of DJ-PON3. Thanks for putting up lines and chapters for most of the characters. That'll makes things a lot easier.

I`m gonna keep adding to it. The hardest part really is finding the best lines for each character, especially mane ones, without being too spoilery.


I also will probrably add simple directions, like (ghoul) or (young) or things like that. Don`t want people auditioning for Sangurine and giving him a posh british accent! 


But um.... When I play your retake, I don`t hear anything. All the previous auditions you sent before worked fine, but...

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