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Brony Pride vs Being Obnoxious


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Am I the only pony here that has noticed that while most ponys are open about being a brony and some people are closet bronys we can all agree that there is a difference between wearing a t - shirt and shoving the fact that your a brony down everybody's throat where do YOU draw the line between obnoxious and pride

  • Brohoof 5

"If you feel the need to treat me like garbage, I'll feel the need to throw you into the back of a compressing garbage truck."

"I'd rather "go to hell" for hugging a guy I like then makeout in heaven with a girl I don't."

"If someone has the intention of changing who you are, or stopping you from doing what you like, bite out your tongue before they can change you"


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I'd say that Brony pride comes about when you stick up for your Bronydom when you receive hate for it. You're not backing down in shame, you're defending yourself because you have belief and pride in being a Brony.


However, that's only if you've been asked about it beforehand, based on a T-shirt or pin you might be wearing. Obnoxiousness is when you don't wait for a prompt and go shoving it in front of other people when they're not interested in it.

  • Brohoof 6
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True. There is a very fine line between pride and annoyance.

I'm still sort of a closet brony, so I don't really express my brony-ness that much (Yes, I just said brony-ness)

One of my IRL friends is a brony, though, so we like to watch the show on his Netflix account when we hang out.

But, around the subject, if you were to go around and shoving the fact of being a brony down my throat, I'd probably tell you to get out of my face, because that is just obnoxious and annoying.

  • Brohoof 1


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Obnoxiousness is when you shove MLP down another person's throat when they want nothing to do with it. It's bad and gives us a bad name when people do that. Brony pride is when you stand up for yourself or somebody else about being a brony when someone shoves hate down you or another brony's throat for no reason.



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Pride is simply not hating yourself for being a brony. You don't regret that you like this show and just wish that it never existed or that it was normal, and you aren't willing to act like a total knob just to "fit in" with haters.


Obnoxiousness is acting like being a brony makes you better or more pure than anyone else. It's a TV fandom, not Sainthood. Get over yourself.

  • Brohoof 1

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I think wearing a tea shirt is fine, and being an open brony is good. I think i draw the line when you talk about it with people that don't care. I think as long as you don't do brony things around them, they don't really care. It is obnoxious if you do though.


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There is definitely a huge line between having pride or just being so obnoxious. Pride is where you stand up for yourself for being a brony, and always standing up for what's right against the haters. Obnoxious, is when you act like a knob when it comes to trying to get someone into the show even when they don't want to.

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Where I would draw the line is when you run around telling everybody and anybody that your a brony. I can understand you telling them about it if they bring it up in someway witch is what I do but, I dont go around announcing to the world that Im a brony.


People who do do that sort of thing are really annoying and, its also what helps people dislike bronies. This doesn't just go for being a brony ether, being a fan of anything and spamming it at people can have a negative effect. If someone spammed something at me enough times Im going to get annoyed by it, and every time that thing tuns up, I'll likely have negative feelings about it.

Edited by Onylex
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I don't really express brony pride as much as I do love for the show. The Derpy backpack and Rarity t-shirt aren't so much me showing pride in being a brony as they are cute merchandise from a show I like. There isn't anything obnoxious about that. If someone doesn't like it, they're free to avoid looking at me. I don't think that bringing up MLP in a conversation is necessarily obnoxious if it's relevant. 


I think obnoxiousness starts when a person pesters someone else about MLP, or won't stop talking about it even when it isn't relevant or appropriate. I'm pretty decent at gauging people's responses, so if they clearly weren't into talking about MLP, I'd change the subject. I probably wouldn't bring it up to begin with, unless they asked or I had a really good reason for it. I've discovered that it's kind of awkward to talk about if the person isn't a fan. =P

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't really express brony pride as much as I do love for the show. The Derpy backpack and Rarity t-shirt aren't so much me showing pride in being a brony as they are cute merchandise from a show I like. There isn't anything obnoxious about that. If someone doesn't like it, they're free to avoid looking at me. I don't think that bringing up MLP in a conversation is necessarily obnoxious if it's relevant.


I think obnoxiousness starts when a person pesters someone else about MLP, or won't stop talking about it even when it isn't relevant or appropriate. I'm pretty decent at gauging people's responses, so if they clearly weren't into talking about MLP, I'd change the subject. I probably wouldn't bring it up to begin with, unless they asked or I had a really good reason for it. I've discovered that it's kind of awkward to talk about if the person isn't a fan. =P

AMEN exactly people get obsessed with talking about it but if your like talking about tv and bring it up that's different also prop on the Derry backpack never seen that before
  • Brohoof 1

"If you feel the need to treat me like garbage, I'll feel the need to throw you into the back of a compressing garbage truck."

"I'd rather "go to hell" for hugging a guy I like then makeout in heaven with a girl I don't."

"If someone has the intention of changing who you are, or stopping you from doing what you like, bite out your tongue before they can change you"


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Brony Pride: Taking pride in the fact that you're a Brony and part of this great fandom.


Being Obnoxious: Being like one of those Bronies you may sometimes see on youtube who basically try to go around forcing people to join the herd and talking about how awesome the show is to people who do not want to hear it. They also may sometimes talk about how great they are for watching the show. 


It's just a TV Show that is watched by people who are not inside the targeted age of the audience. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Brony Pride: Taking pride in the fact that you're a Brony and part of this great fandom.


Being Obnoxious: Being like one of those Bronies you may sometimes see on youtube who basically try to go around forcing people to join the herd and talking about how awesome the show is to people who do not want to hear it. They also may sometimes talk about how great they are for watching the show. 


It's just a TV Show that is watched by people who are not inside the targeted age of the audience. 

This is probably the best way to describe it for me to. I absolutely loathe the fact when I go on some other forum, and all of a sudden some random person won't stop bringing up MLP when it isn't even relevant to the conversation. It makes the fandom look like a bunch of trolls, a lot of the time.

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Like most have said, being an open brony (in an environment where it's safe for you) and visibly wearing merch to show that is perfectly fine and (ought to be) completely acceptable as it would be for anyone else to wear, say, a Batman shirt out in public.


Obnoxiousness is, again as others have said, pushing your hobbies (be it ponies or anything else) in the face of others who have given you no prompt to do so and very likely don't wish to have something shoved down their throats.


HOWEVER, and I think it's important to play devil's advocate here; while I condemn obnoxious bronies and the damage they do to our fandom, forcing one's interests in people's faces is by no means exclusive to bronies and I've seen other fandoms do quite the same (and not receive nearly the amount of hate for it that bronies do).


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It is the same concept that annoying ponies are not very favored if they were to try to promote any form of media too eagerly. Most seem to agree on that. It is good to try and defend your favorite media if it’s being bashed by ponies that do not understand its value.

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Obnoxiousness is when you shove MLP down another person's throat 


The exact words I was going to come into this topic and say.

Don't spam somebody with ponies if they already told you they don't want anything to do with them.

You shouldn't feel obligated to converting non-bronies. You know?

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I am very sorry if this offends anyone, but one of the most common unwarranted intrusions I've seen so-called bronies commit is going onto another person's Youtube video or feed, often which is entirely unrelated to anything remotely MLP let alone equine in nature. Typically the offender says something like "it needs to be 20% cooler" or even a random "DERPY r00ls!" type of remark.


It is quite rude and honestly is often spam, especially since many of these attempts are blatant bronies trying to promote and spam where its unwanted. When people go to watch a "Let's Play Mario ______ playthrough" they're their to listen and discuss the video they came to watch, not to listen to MLP fandom, much less Call of Duty diehards, racists, religious fanatics or anyone else that's unwarranted.


There's a place and time for everything, bronies and ponies included. As much as you think something needs to be "20% cooler," other viewers may not share that sentiment. I think Guiles theme does go with nearly everything, but I don't feel the need to blast his theme at high volume every time I go down the street.

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If nobody asked you about being a Brony, then don't go around telling people "HAY GUISE IM A BROWNIEEEEEE WACH DA SHOOOOOO IM COOOOOOL". That's when you're obnoxious.

Edited by ReGen
  • Brohoof 1


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Pretty much what's already been said.


I myself wear a t-shirt, I've also got cutie mark buttons on my various hats....but unless someone asks me about it, I don't really talk about it, unless i"m with another brony....then it makes sense to talk about it.


I also get the odd bro-hoof on Xbox and Steam when I"m playing online....and I reply back with a bro-hoof.

  • Brohoof 1

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I feel the same as most you, being obnoxious is when you start to throw it around unprovoked. It's okay to wear it on your sleeve, but don't go yelling it like a crazy man or getting defensive when there's no reason to. 



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If you think that just because you watch a TV show that automatically makes you more open minded, more mature, and overall just a better person than anyone else who doesn't watch it, then you've officially taken your bronydom to asinine levels.


Watching a show doesn't make you a good person, even one as good as MLP; you wanna really reflect well on the fandom, then apply whatever lessons you do learn from the show in your life or simply adapt them to whatever you do already.


As for promoting the show itself as a brony, the best thing I think any brony can do, especially if they're open about their bronyhood, is just affirm if people ask if you're a brony that you are and tell 'em it's a really great show.  If they decide to check it out, great, if not, oh well, that's cool.  But beyond that, a brony shouldn't alter anything else about their behavior because of their bronyhood, and certainly shouldn't use it as an excuse to brag about it and walk around thinking he or she is better than other people because of it.  That's just stupid and asinine.  >_>

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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Pride to me is not so much wearing shirts or talking about it to anyone who is willing, though there is of course nothing wrong with either of those things. It is simply enjoying the show and what it has to offer and not caring what others think, is someone asks me if I watch it or not I will say "eeeeeyup" but I don't treat it is some kind of religion by claiming that watching the show makes me some kind of saint. Sure the show can change people for the better but, when you get right down to it is a show a really good show with some positive messages but still a show.

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Brony Pride -


Brony Pride is wearing a Brony T-Shirt like just any other shirt or when being asked what your doing at Walmart buying Pony Toys and stuff you reply with, "I like it" and if the conversation doesn't go on you don't go any further than that. Someone who is happy about themselves being a Brony shouldn't be spreading it around like it is the Eight Crusade onto the Holy Lands. 


Obnoxious Brony -


Now this is where you find it appropriate in a conversation with non-bronies about whatever find it correct to someone get all these Pony related topics in. Yeah sure, it'll happen once and a while depending on the subject matter but you trying to steer attention towards MLP and get everyone to watch it is being obnoxious. Some-people really don't want to watch any cartoon, they just can't do it.


You're also being obnoxious if when being questioned why your buying Pony gear when you instantly get all defensive about it. Really what's wrong with asking why someone is doing something unusual? In my experience like today I got questioned, I said I simply like the artwork and the show. The person who asked why I was buying it said he'd watch the show.


TL;DR People will accept bronies more if you are calm and humble about it.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I honestly think referencing it is fine, even having MLP merchandise is okay.


But when you have say, a room filled with stuffed ponies, maybe that's too far. Or when you repetitively reference MLP without prompt or motive.

Edited by Gamer P0N3


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I honestly think referencing it is fine, even having MLP merchandise is okay.


But when you have say, a room filled with stuffed ponies, maybe that's too far. Or when you repetitively reference MLP without prompt or motive.



well, I just counted, and I got 20 pony figures just on my computer desk. But this is my room, and no one ever comes in here. So I don't see it as being obnoxious. 


Like my parents have NASCAR stuff everywhere in the family room....I used to really like NASCAR,...but I don't find it to be obnoxious.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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I think it's fine if you wear a t-shirt or something and only bring it up if people ask about it.


If you talk about it constantly, try to bring it in to every conversation (Apart from the occasional reference), try to "convert" people (Unless they're asking about it), or generally shoving it down the other person's throat, I draw the line.

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