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Braggin' Rights - The shameless bragging thread


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Oh boy, and you don't even have to be ashamed!


1) I'm one of the best students in my class.


2) I'm the strongest of my friends, they have been shoulder-bumped to the ground multiple times as a joke.


3) I act very serious for my age, although i can be childish at times.


4) I spend a solid 100 euros ONLY on school and videogames/consoles/etc.


5) My sarcasm is endless, the problem is people don't understand what it is.


And now, Lé Gaming Bragging!


- I completed ALL of the dead space 3 modes (Pure survival, Hardcore, Classic) in 3 days.


-I got the friggin' unicorn in Red Dead Redemption!


- I repaired a broken Microsoft XBOX headset using tape, rubber bands, band-aid and leather.


- I whooped everyone's flank at the local LAN-party in school using a trench gun (COD 2)


- I beat Insane Mode of "Battleblock Theater" without throwing my XBOX out of my window.


- I also completed Dead Space 3 on the hardest difficulty in one full night.


- I had a Pony themed background and a Rarity gamerpicture on the moment it appeared in the stores.


- I downloaded Minecraft : XBOX edition 2 hours after the release (took me 5 hours +1600 points, instead of 1200)


- I'm getting Payday 2 tomorrow, and i'm going to stealth the whole game.



Yup, that's 'bout it.

  • Brohoof 1

The Trixieism thread !(made by Firebolt): http://mlpforums.com/topic/49269-trixieism/




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I don't brag about most things, but when I do, it's about my far superior knowledge of Geography. You guys got nothin' on this globe freak!

Are you really sure about that? Are you 100% sure I have nothing on you. I have a lot of knowledge about geography myself you know. We should have a geography duel. :D

Edited by Super Derpy
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Brag? Oh, hmmm. I don't care much for bragging. That was one of the traits the bronyland quiz gave me when I got Twilight. Okie dokie lokie, let's see...What can I brag about?

  • I type fast.
  • I own 2 bookshelves full of nothing but manga.
  • My Espeon caught Pokerus

Wow...bragging is hard. :huh:

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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My Espeon caught Pokerus


Oh, I totally forgot about that! I was playing White when I went off to catch Kyurem with severely underleveled pokemon. I had to keep resetting because it was murdering me. One time, though, I had gotten it down to nothing and went into the ball spamming phase, and I actually considered resetting the game again, just to hear its battle theme some more. So I caught it, went on my merry way, and the next thing I know, my entire team is infected!


So yeah, Kyurem with pokerus. That's like...I don't know, 1 in 20,000,000? Since pokerus is already three times as rare as getting a shiny pokemon.


A guy I'm friends with on campus heard abut this from one of my suitemates, and he expressed his eternal jealousy and desire to murder me and take my DS. I can't say I'm surprised, really.

  • Brohoof 2


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Are you really sure about that? Are you 100% sure I have nothing on you. I have a lot of knowledge about geography myself you know. We should have a geography duel. :D


My common sense says "No Anony, This guy is bound to know more than you, not to mention you are out of practice right now."


Geo duel, eh? How would that even work?

  • Brohoof 1


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My common sense says "No Anony, This guy is bound to know more than you, not to mention you are out of practice right now."


Geo duel, eh? How would that even work?

I have absolutely no idea how that would work!  :P   And actually you would probably beat me. I am only 14 but I know more than like anyone at my school.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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I just got a 120% in the first Spyro game last night. Not exactly difficult but a time to brag is now. :lol:


Going for the same in Ripto's Rage!


I also seem to be getting better at SRPGs. I don't have nearly as much trouble as I used to and I'm actually pummeling a lot of things that I previously had trouble with! Though it helps if I can let people die. I don't much care for games that have permanent death in them, it makes me far too cautious to the point I get overrun by enemies because I'm trying to keep my party alive. The brag is just that I'm getting better though which is a feat for me. I don't usually get better at games. I just play them and I've gradually gotten better over the years of playing hundreds of games. The fact that I'm noticing a significant improvement in my ability gives me the warm'n'fuzzies. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay I guess another thing that I can add to my little bragging rights list is the fact that I'm in cross country and I'm possibly the second fastest runner at my school. :P


I once had to run 4 miles straight through as well.


May not seem like all that much but I sure am proud of it. :P

  • Brohoof 2
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Thanks for this thread! I have this voice in the back of my head which is saying "but you could offend people by saying that" now and again. Not today.


I have been round the world when I was 9 and visited 9 countries in 9 months. During that time I lived in Australia for 3 months.


I got an IQ of 130 just at the age of 15.


Out of 180 students in my year, I got the highest in a recent maths test.


I could pwn your ass at Goldeneye on Wii with a Wii Zapper.


I have a fast metabalism.


I've done a Pedo face with TomSka.


I'm a Level 2 Sailer. I've got Grade 4 Music Theory, Grade 3 Piano, Stage 2 Clarinet and I play guitar.


And I'm I have a friend of a friend who is known as Acoustic Brony. (no joke, meet him at London Comic Con last May.)



So yeah...

  • Brohoof 2



My OC Cherry Jackpot:http://mlpforums.com...y-jackpot-r3286

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  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I am a programmer.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I can code so many things in Python.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I can sense everything around me by their vibration.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I can see with a blindfold on my eyes.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I can copy movements easily, making me a talent in martial art.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I have sensitive senses.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I have a good mind control.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I have a mind of ancient wise monks.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I am good at writing.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I can use Qi.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I can break three layers of stone in one swing.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I recover very fast.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I have hard and tough muscles, even tough I'm skinny and look small.
  • I am Sky Warden.
  • I understand so many things people don't.

Oh, have I told you guys that I'm Sky Warden?

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Bragging? Buck it why not be a cool guy and brag about my ferocious animosity :P

But srs 

-I recently bought a halberd for my blade collection

-I went on an all expense paid trip to E3 2012 last year

-I've met and had photos with Ed Boon and Tim Schafer

-I got a spoken happy birthday and signed DVD from Arj Barker in person :3

  • Brohoof 1


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Thanks for this thread! I have this voice in the back of my head which is saying "but you could offend people by saying that" now and again. Not today.


I have been round the world when I was 9 and visited 9 countries in 9 months. During that time I lived in Australia for 3 months.


I got an IQ of 130 just at the age of 15.


Out of 180 students in my year, I got the highest in a recent maths test.


I could pwn your ass at Goldeneye on Wii with a Wii Zapper.


I have a fast metabalism.


I've done a Pedo face with TomSka.


I'm a Level 2 Sailer. I've got Grade 4 Music Theory, Grade 3 Piano, Stage 2 Clarinet and I play guitar.


And I'm I have a friend of a friend who is known as Acoustic Brony. (no joke, meet him at London Comic Con last May.)



So yeah...

I fail to see how people can be offended by other people being awesome. :lol:


We all should be proud of the things we do, not be shunned because we are proud of it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have an officially tested (not internet, It's such a test you need to pay hundreds of bucks for) IQ of 141, and I was too young to even properly understand the tasks, so it would probably be a lot higher even.


I have taken 1.5 year, and entirely reverse-engineered the multiverse by myself in a way that literally anything is logically explainable.


I have an insane calmness. Any animals near me get calm, I'm great at calming down crowds, and in the face of danger, sadness, or whatever makes others completely blow out, I stay ridiculously calm. Part of this is how ridiculously many paranormal experiences and brushes with reality I've had. I'm not even anxious about it. But I am on to something.


I see, feel and experience music, causing me to often zone out to it in probably one of the most immersing experiences existing.


I have an incredible ability in feeling things coming, sometimes even precognitive dreaming, and even direct precognitive thinking.


I have an incredible talent in adaptability. This is because I am so ridiculously good at physics, visual and feeling simulation, that I can feel, see and experience how something is before even doing it.


My reflexes are absolutely ridiculous. This shows in TF2, where I often have moments where something blue appears on my screen for 1 frame. I immediately get a frighteningly accurate image if where it is, and within 0.2 seconds, I've already turned the mouse and shot it. Unfortunately, my internet and FPS are utter crap, so I cannot aim that well, and even if I hit, it often deals no damage because hit registration hates me.


Despite me needing glasses to correct the difference between my eyes, I have eyesight better than most people.


Also, my hearing is absolutely stunning. I note the softest sounds, and I can hear so many things about songs that others can't. It is ridiculous.


Same seems to apply to all my sensory equipment. Despite having a severe chronic cold, I powerfully distinguish many smells others cannot. I also feel very well, and my taste is the only thing non-special.


You can hand me the most mind-boggling ideas possible, and I will simply not flip out. My knowledge of how the multiverse works, and general universal physics that apply to any and all physics biomes is so ridiculous that any concept entirely mind-boggling most of humanity is simple to me. Most are entirely stunned by ideas like time travel, alternate dimensions, it only taking us 1100 years before we reach an other "Earth", immortality genes, etc... This is actually amongst the very basic of my knowledge, and is even hardly interesting to me.


I may have quite the fast and powerful brain compared to the norm, but I still feel that me, as in my personality, as in my "soul" is limited by my brain. I often am just so ridiculously busy doing so many things at a time that my brain just refuses to do it, and I often end up with a headache. I am like trying to run Crysis 5 (from the future) on my 2009 MacBook.


I have a lot of the cool traits from the Mane 6. I am a bit of an egghead, extremely delving into the logic of things, even what others deem is inexplainable. I am loyal, no questions asked. I will protect my friends, I will hold a secret with my life, I will never turn my back to you. I am also, while not insanely, positive throughout just about everything, and I love brightening others' day up. I don't think I ever got legitimately depressed, and when I do make a joke, it is a good one. I am also great at being kind and gentle. I work hard, and never give up. Lastly, I have quite an artistic mind. Color harmonics is my thing, and even others who really are into art are very impressed by my vision.


I am a bit of a centre of attention. I became pretty much the face of a 1200 student school after only four months. Guess that's me being me...



I have an amazing need for speed (hue). Since I was 6, I was hooked on racing games. After only a year, I was crushing through games many people found difficult, and reflexes were never the problem in the games. The main reason why they weren't so easy they were boring, was because the controls made it difficult for me to actually do my thing. Holding things and moving them to control something never felt right to me. I always felt like I would be ridiculously capable with access to psionic energy of some sort (magic *snortsnort*). I can just about feel how much easier games would be if it didn't have to be dependant on physical movement. I just know how I would have to throttle, steer, brake, NOS, shift and whatever with purely my feeling.


With that psionic energy thing, I'd also like to say that I never actually felt at home in this human world. It just never actually felt right. When I was 5, I already felt that there was a lot more to it all. And with those paranormal experiences, my paranormal senses, my brushes with reality and my feeling for things that are far from humanity, I might just say I was right all along. I just have to figure out what kind of "more to it" actually happened / will happen. Whatever it is, it is most likely more exciting than sitting here, playing video games and reading others' posts.


I think I've boggled enough minds already, so I'll just stop for now. For now...

  • Brohoof 2


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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Oh please don't get me started




I can see auras

I can manipulate the energy around me and use it to knock someone down. (AKA DBZ-like abilities)

I have perfect pitch

I can calculate the beats-per minute of a song in my head

I have a jukebox in my mind. This means I can control what song plays in my head and I am very conscious of it. 

I can play over 30 songs by ear on the piano


I can stop a stopwatch at 10 seconds flat. 

I can do a perfect voice impression of Big Macintosh. 

that's all for now. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Well(and this is weird being a guy), I have really long hair and gotten a lot of compliments from a lot of woman who can't even get theirs to grow as long or thick(I think it's due to all the Native American in my blood). I only quit cutting around 08' and already have hair that goes clear past the base of the my shoulder blades(and keep in mind I only just now had the dead ends at the very tip whacked off and it hasn't gotten chance to start growing further yet)


Coupled with the messy gotee my ID picture looks like something out of the booklet of a Heavy Metal CD. I have a friend that thinks I look like a young Ozzy if he had facial hair. 


I'm also weirdly good at FPSs on the PC(especially build engine games like Blood and Redneck Rampage) once I get warmed up and get the hang of the games little quirks.

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I fail to see how people can be offended by other people being awesome. :lol:


We all should be proud of the things we do, not be shunned because we are proud of it.

It's because I feel when I talk about myself like this, they'll be people who go "Look at him with all these achievements. Rubbing it in our faces."  I am proud of it for sure. I'm just not keen on "rubbing it in their faces."

  • Brohoof 1



My OC Cherry Jackpot:http://mlpforums.com...y-jackpot-r3286

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Well, I have quite a few things to brag about, so take a seat, fillies.


-I have a doctorate in cookies, I studied directly under a group of tiny elves who live in a tree.


-I have never died, not once.


-I can sing off-pitch perfectly.


-I can kill a ghost shark with my bare ghost hands.





In all seriousness


-I own all of the Halo books, games, and a ton of the action figures and posters


-I own an Atari 5200, which is relatively rare


-I can program in C#, Javascript, and Python

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 2


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It's because I feel when I talk about myself like this, they'll be people who go "Look at him with all these achievements. Rubbing it in our faces."  I am proud of it for sure. I'm just not keen on "rubbing it in their faces."


Your view makes sense in real life.


This is an internet forum thread. People are not forced to read it. If they get offended, it was their fault for reading the thread in the first place. The topic specifically asks you to brag.


GO NUTS!  :yay:

  • Brohoof 2


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Me, ok



-Flat feet means i can balance soda and newborn kittens on my feet

-completed halo series on highest difficulty

-got saints row 4 at midnight

-when i got halo reach, the previous owner forgot to redeem his pre-order pack

-My xbox is surviving even through i got it on the first day it was out

-Can speak Italian, spanish and french

-Got free ps3 from uncle who said it stopped working, it worked for me.

-i have 3 black cats, and i don't have bad luck

-got arceus on pokemon by trading pidgey

-Is above average in grades

Edited by Noble
  • Brohoof 1
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It's because I feel when I talk about myself like this, they'll be people who go "Look at him with all these achievements. Rubbing it in our faces."  I am proud of it for sure. I'm just not keen on "rubbing it in their faces."

I'd say the only way to do that is if you hold it against someone like "I did it and you didn't, nyeeeeeh" or something along those lines. Just telling people you achieved something, even excitedly, will never get people mad at you unless they be jealous bitches. :lol:

  • Brohoof 2
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I've been told I'm pretty hot... For a ginger *rolls eyes*


I've got an extremely fast metabolism.


I am a lucid dreamer.


I once found a £50 note on the ground xD


I sued a large company and got a shit ton of money.


I've hung out with Snow Patrol because my families friends are related to Gary Lightbody.


I've hung out with Tony Hawk because my friend is with the 'Make a Wish Foundation'


I've met some god awful popular singer my sister loves, Lana Del Rey.


Yeah that's all I can think of...

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been told I'm pretty hot... For a ginger *rolls eyes*

Double standards ftw? I love how sometimes there's such heavy subtext you'd have to be a total doink to miss it. I'm sure most people do it unintentionally though.

Oops, apparently I chose a bad time to test my internet earlier. THIS is how fast the internet can ACTUALLY get around here. Feel free to kiss my feet, plebs.



O____O All of my want. I would kill for speeds like that (obvious hyperbole)


It would make downloads and gaming sooooooooo amazing.

  • Brohoof 3
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Oops, apparently I chose a bad time to test my internet earlier. THIS is how fast the internet can ACTUALLY get around here.


I would like to know how in the name of all that's holy that those numbers are even possible. I had a conversation with my WoW guild master a while ago (about 6 months or so now) and he was talking about how they were getting these new connections in the university down where he lives in Tampa that went at like 500 Mb/s. Is it like, pure fiber optic godliness? Is it even necessary to have that much ridiculousness? How much could that incredulity even cost?

  • Brohoof 1


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  • I'm a complete failure compared to everyone else here.

Yes, that's a bragging right now. God, I loathe myself sometimes... : p Well, whatever.

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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