ReGen 1,466 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 (edited) Pretty simple. Do you just enjoy everything or do you rip the sh*t out of everything? I'm a lot more of the first one. I either like something or I don't and I always look for the fun in the everything,. That's pretty much why I can't be a critic. How about you? Edited August 20, 2013 by ReGen 1 "I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see." Cloud of Sounds | YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 (edited) A little bit of both. I am very cynical at times and other times I'm one of the most understanding and accepting people you'll ever see. It really depends on my mood at the time, I guess. When I do rip on things it's usually sarcastically but a lot of people often don't understand/know that. Edited August 20, 2013 by Harmonic Cactus 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Usually...I'm the first one. However, if something is bad...and someone asks my opinion on it, they better take a's going to be a bumpy ride. matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I'm usually 50/50 as a critic when it comes to someone asking me if something is good or bad. I always be honest with them, and tell them if the certain thing that needs to be criticized is good or bad. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quilava 1,290 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Overall, I'm critical first, then I see if I like the piece or not When I critique something, I tend to pick apart the piece to see if there's anything wrong, what's good/great about the piece, what could be improved etc. No matter how hard I critique something (if I DO critique something..tend to be reserved in that sense :|), it's always with good intentions. ^~Signature by Me~^ ~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~ Request A Signature | Have a Question? | Signature Tips/Tricks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crispy 5,563 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 (edited) It depends on what I have equipped. I have an A rank in Axes, but I haven't found a Killer Axe in quite some time, and the Killer Lance gives me a 39% Crit rate with my other bonuses. Edit: Since everyone's being Serious McSeriouspants, the only thing I'm really critical about is angry music. Listening to as much of it as I do/have, I tend to hold it to a higher standard and sift through the technical aspects (the mix, the vocal style, the guitar tone, the way the drum is tuned.) Edited August 20, 2013 by Crispy 2 GET IN THE PIT On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said: ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Rule 63~ Lyeco 527 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Critical meter -1 -2 -3 <--- Lyeco -4 -5 I am at the middle of things sometimes. Whether being joyous or disappointed. It depends on the situation I am on Signature by Me Made with Word and Repix I want your request in my request shop Click Here-> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Im critical and brutally honest, except for when i think, that my critical opinion isnt called for and wouldnt be of any help to anyone. Then i will keep my mouth shut. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
34908734bdjofh73 61 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I'm 50/50. If somethings bad, and everyone is pretending to like it, sit down and listen to me say how everything is bad. But other times I tend to sit and just enjoy whatever I'm doing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inactive01 5,299 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 It really depends on whether I know a lot on the subject. If it's anything to do with piano playing, then I will rip any performer (except for professionals) into pieces. We've learned to set extremely high standards for ourselves in our piano playing after my brother got a 91 on his Diploma piano exam and after I got a 90 on my Grade 10 exam. Don't get me wrong, I'm going for the Diploma exam next year! This also applies to roleplaying. I can be very critical about other people, but the difference is that I don't flame them for it. I just suggest advice, like I do on my review threads in Creative Resources! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
. eris . 1,661 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Unfortunately, I'm much more of a critic than I'd like to be. I can't look at any books or movies without slapping it up against a standard and seeing how it holds out. I do have guilty pleasures just like any other person on the planet, but for the most part I do enjoy ripping into books. Especially books. My family is now very used to my rants; there was a full page ad for Laurel K. Hamilton's newest book in Entertainment Weekly, and I went on a bloody rampage against everything she's every written that lasted about ten minutes. After I had settled down, my whole family just continued their conversation as though nothing had happened. 2 Zatiko Cliff Chaser Sprocket Peppery Mint Tell Me What You Think Of Me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~StatesTheOblivious~ 1,795 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 That depends on what I'm looking at. I try to apply some standards to everything. Even to many things I really like. Pretty high standards when it comes to certain things, but mostly I'm about average. I can accept some flaws, mistakes and such, but when it becomes too much, I usually start to rant. Doesn't mean I keep ranting about the same thing forever. I can forgive quite easily. In most cases... "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." - W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaestroNep9997 26 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Usually, I try not to be too critical about things, but like how many people are, when an issue happens to be regarding one of the areas I'm more knowledgeable in, I'd tend to be a little more critical. Not to the extent that I'll rip the other party to pieces, or shove the critiques in the other party's face though... For example, I tend to get critical in vocal performance. As long as the vocal technique or execution isn't what I advocate for (I tend to advocate for the Viennese and Italian bel canto schools, in case you may wonder), I'd really feel uncomfortable if I don't make a remark on the singer, even if they are famous or well known (like Cecilia Bartoli, because of her excessive use of aspirates; I try to put her issue of tongue vibrato aside though). But even so, I'd be careful in my critiques, and take extra caution to make sure what I say isn't offensive or hurtful, but still with reason and the purpose to help. Of course, that is if I'm able to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Critical 434 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I'm in between. If something has mistakes I will point them out. But that doesn't mean I won't enjoy it. I want to be a critic because I want to see cartoons get better, not desimate them for a larf. Demo Reel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fire Bomb 121 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 i look at every detail of everything, but that doesnt mean i dont enjoy things that arent perfect. Actually, because i look at everything and analyze it i can enjoy almost anything 1 I'm a bomb. . . made of fire. So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else NOTHING! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 Enjoy all the things. I don't really concern myself with whether something is "good" or "bad" and I will often overlook many things in a game that most would use to praise or discredit a game. "The soul of the game is in it's combo system" = Too bad jack, I can't combo for shit so it's lost on me anyway. I don't feel the game is without soul because of it. "The game is so bad because of it's linear levels" = Sorry, that doesn't bother me. Basically, I don't care about the why. I only know that I enjoy nigh on everything in gaming and I've never really heard any music that I've disliked. Preferences remain but most of the time I'll treat something with apathy above anything else if I'm not that into it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheTEChguy27 273 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I'm not very critical or subjective at all. I'd be an awful critic. Nit-picking at anything and everything just kind of takes the fun out of whatever you're trying to enjoy. I can find flaws in what I enjoy, sure, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. In other words, when asked to provide an opinion on most things... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 i look at every detail of everything, but that doesnt mean i dont enjoy things that arent perfect. Actually, because i look at everything and analyze it i can enjoy almost anything Also this. It's not as if I just gloss over everything either. I know what I'm looking at when I see it and I can often see things in a game that I'll never do (or be able to do) or care about that I don't count for or against it. This goes for all things I do regularly like gaming, music, anime, etc. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyDream 315 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 This seems like a vague topic. But it likely must be in order to accommodate any number of possible responses. Of course. I'm generally an optimist in everything that I can't control, and when my presence of opinions have an influence on the outcome of a situation, I opt to take the path where as many people as possible benefit the most, assuming it's even possible. (Heaven help me if I need to toss a coin.) So what is critical? Taking a thought beyond the visible surface depth to somewhere deeper that people wouldn't expect. Seeing future potential possibilities, extrapolating in different directions based on different variables, and looking for things unaccounted for. Thinking outside the box where possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomadic 210 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 When it comes to something that I do myself, I'm extremely critical to the point that I've re-written entire essays because I couldn't make a few sentences work. Other peoples work, I'm usually very lenient on because I don't like upsetting other people, but if someone does ask to be critical I can usually stomach it and point out the weak points of their work. OC Info: Monkshood, the Apothecary, Denarius, the Gambler (In Progress) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katskratch 59 August 20, 2013 Share August 20, 2013 I'm insanely self critical, and virtually everything I do is judged by that annoying voice in the back of your head that hates everything you do. It's why music is so hard for me to make even though I love it. But for others, I'm only ever jokingly critical or if I'm serious I'm pretty light about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James 302 August 21, 2013 Share August 21, 2013 Depends what we're talking about here, I try to remain positive, the things I like probably outnumber the things I hate. When it comes to games I can be critical, but I always strive to keep it to reasonable criticisms. I find I tend to criticize the things I like more than the things I don't, I think about ways in which they can be improved. When it comes to myself however, I am insanely critical, I hold myself to a very high standard, and I hate myself and everythng I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YALL ARE FUCKING GAY 505 August 26, 2013 Share August 26, 2013 i tend to be quite critical of most things for example this very fandom ( before i joined ) i will try to give things the benefit pf the doubt but if i dont like them well i dont like them plain and simple ( i takes alot to change my opinion of something ) signature made by DaReaper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuirkyUsername 1,576 August 26, 2013 Share August 26, 2013 With most forms of media I'm a cynical ass and pride myself thusly on critiquing everything. Generally the only thing I dont pick the hell out of is drawings, Games, shows and movies ESPECIALLY MOVIES o.e are all fair game for being picked on This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika Hey so Johari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,823 August 26, 2013 Share August 26, 2013 I can be quite critical at times though I don't want to be. Sadly, the main thing I am extremely critical against is myself. I am always very critical of everything I do and that often results in me being extremely dissatisfied with all that I do. Not very good...This is why I try not to be overly critical of others. If they show me something that is not impressive at all (or bad), I really won't say anything. I guess I am sensitive about that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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