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Lost Soul snapped her mouth shut and jerked a hoof to her muzzle to stifle a gasp as the tail of the griffin beside her wrapped around her other foreleg.

He knows i'm here? How could he know? I thought I was being careful. if nopony's going to actually see me, I really need to keep a low profile. I'm here to find out what's going on, not to convince a bunch of ponies and a griffin that ghosts exist. 

The gray Pegasus with blackened eyes swiftly went to sit in another corner, trying to remain undetected, as soon as the griffin's tail left her hoof.


Sunset had calmed down enough to speak without stuttering every consonant, and had been about to stammer out her name when somepony spoke to her, telling her that she should leave if she had not gotten a letter. She hadn't but she was still paralyzed with fear. Suddenly, somepony else stood up and shooed the pegacorn and griffin away, then asked her to take a seat. She gave a small, timid nod and forced herself to get up on trembling legs, walking uneasily and quietly to a chair and sitting in it. 

Little adventure? What does that mean? And why was she being so nice? I thought she would throw me out to the guards... I don't understand... I'll just keep quiet... i've already caused a scene and the stallion who told me to leave already seems to dislike me.

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Chivalry looks up at Fire and gives a small smile back at her. It looked like he came just after a small predicament. "Hey, looks like I just missed a little feud. Oh and sorry for being so late, but I can't really be blamed for that. You guys should have thought to send the darn letter earlier, like on Saturday or even Sunday, ya? Ugh whatever, it's done now."

Chivalry then politely starts greeting himself "Anyway, Hello there, my name is Chivalry Knight, I was once a gaurd of an empire that went by the name of Killik. But now I am not, let's leave it at that. I am mostly skilled with the sword but only when I am carrying it using magic, I'm horrible with it using my hooves. Anyway, its a pleasure to meet you." Chivalry gives off a small grin and proceeds in the building past Fire. He then takes a good look at everyone else in the room.

"Let's see here, wow looks like quiet a few have been invited to the party, ya? Hmm, a Ninja, a Shy nature, a Griffon, a Pegasus, a Unicorn, Me, and what appears to be an Alicorn?" Chivalry looks back at Fire Sharp "Is that the gist of it?" He asks her with the grin still on his face.


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Glory flushed a little as the blue stallion referred to her as an alicorn. As if she could ever hope to be anything so wonderful! "Actually," she said to Chivalry, "I'm not an alicorn at all. I'm a pegacorn. A very rare result of a mating between a pegasus and a unicorn. I don't have any special magical powers that alicorns have, only my talent for prediction but my prophecies never come on command. In fact, they only seem to come at the most inconvienient time."


Glory wished that the meeting would properly start. She wanted to know why they had all been gathered here, and what they were to do. Glory had thought back to the prophecy she had had as she travelled to the meeting; it had been a small one, just a whispering in her ear, but now she knew for certain that her father was involved and it made her sad. She didn't want to have to reveal the relationship between her and the feared chaos mage at all if she could possibly help it, but it might well turn out to be unavoidable. Glory just hoped that the ponies here would be understanding.



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@@Pripyat Pony,@, @@Mint Drop, @@TheLineTrotter, @@Child Of Darkness,

Fire Sharp Ignored  What the Griffon said, but was tempted to tell him that she was the one letting him be able to stay. She didn't appreciate being talked to rudely when she was trying to give somepony some space, crowding around someone like that could've continued her panic attack! But either way she had another pony to help out with this thing that the entirety of Equestria would be involved in soon. Fire walked back to her seat, sat down and grabbed the large pile of folders from the floor with her magic. She put one in front of everyone that was there. The file held all the information that she had on the Mare of time, her enemy. Fire kept tabs on her to make sure that what The mare most did wouldn't destroy the world. She had killed her team before and she wanted revenge on the one that killed her family.

She opened up the file to see the bio of The Mare of Time.



Picture taken of The Mare of Time during a fight


Name: Stardust

Title: The Mare of Time

Species: Alicorn

Most known residence:Unsure of exact residence.

Mountain, multiple sightings near Foal Mountains.  

Skills: Unsure of all skills.

Time Magic, experienced fighter, Woodcarver, instrument player, blacksmith, Ambushes, singer, Potion creator, Collector


Crimes: Not all have been Recorded, more research to be required.

Mass Murder, genocide, war crimes, theft, robbery, terrorist acts, rewrote history, assassinations.




The other pages in the file were containing all the sources and descriptions of what Fire Sharp had gathered about Stardust. She knew what was in there but she looked up at the others as they looked through it, Fire thought that if they had a look at what they were dealing with then they would be more willing to help. She waited for the reactions and questions she was bound to get from the others in the room.

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Jaeger looked up from his chair when he saw the file hit the table and open to reveal a pony he only thought was a myth. "The Mare of Time!?" he thought to himself, his eyes going wide, jaw dropping as he looked up at Fire Sharp. He pointed at the picture in disbelief.


"That's who we are going after? I thought The Mare of Time was just a bed time story to scare little fillies." he asked in utter astonishment as he thought about all his father had told him about this mare. "If this really is The Mare of Time we are talking about here....we better keep our gaurd up." he thought to himself shifting his gaze back down to the file. "So what exactly are we supposed to do with "her"? Is this a kill order, or a capture or what?" he asked being careful not to let the flood of questions that tested in his mind spill out of his mouth. He had no doubt that his skills were above par with most military members, but fighting an Alicorn was not something he was familiar with. "Damn.....this is quite a twist." he chuckled under his breath. "Heh"

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Zycrin looked at the file with a smile on his face, the mare of time, a pony with an actual reason to be killed and one that will put up a fight instead of the usual pony which would be able to be killed with ease. "So this is the fabled mare of time, the legend of horrors that travels time and kills where ever she goes. She has no know weakness and no one knows how to kill her. For how can you kill what knows the future. This had better be a kill order, a chance to fight the mare of time is renown that any assassin could get. When do we head out, I want to get to the fight s soon as possible." Zycrin was now very excited, simply fighting the mare of time would be a dream come true for him, but killing her, that's an entire different story all together. He wanted to head out as soon as possible, even though he had no idea where they where, but according to the files, he could guess that she liked the mountains, so that would be the his first stop, the foal mountains. 


((This is a big thing for Zycrin, so do not get in his way or he will not be happy))

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Glory looked shocked. The Mare Of Time! This would be a very difficult assignment. Glory had heard of Stardust, in snatches of talk and odd stories, but had never even thought that such a being existed. An alicorn, as well. Alicorns were skilled in magic, far better than unicorns as a rule. Glory frowned tho as she recalled her prophecy. It had been very specific, stating that her father was somehow involved, and it worried her to think that he would have allied himself with such a pony as the Mare Of Time. She decided to speak up.


"Is it just the Mare Of Time on her own?" Glory asked Fire Sharp, as she studied the file. "I had a prediction..." she stopped at that point. Glory was unsure about revealing that her talent was prophecy; some ponies tended to look at her very strangely whenever she spoke about it, and also avoid her in case she started coming out with doom laden predictions. Glory never did that. She only gave prophecies to other ponies if they specifically asked her, and a lot of the time her prophecies were vague when concerned with other ponies. Only the ones relating specifically to herself came out sharp.



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"Of course not you fool, this is the mare of time, and for all her powers and abilities, she cannot take on all of Equestria on her own. No if any of this is true, she will be gathering friends to help her, and from what the old stories told me of her, she would only work with the most powerful evil beings alive. This could include a one I know personaly, but we still do not know if any of this is at all true, all we have got is a file with a few fact about her. I see no hard evidence that she is even real. Sure there had been reported sightings, but did anyone check the sources, they could be bluffing. So let's not lose our heads ever somthing we are not one hundred percent sure is true." Zycrin actualy new all to well that is was true, if the mare of time truly was here, and if she was planning somthing, she would need help, whe they are and where they are is a compleat mystery to him, but he had a few ideas, but he decided to keep them to himself, for he did not want the others to know, that this had become personal to Zycrin.

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@@Child Of Darkness,


Glory glared at the stallion. "I wasn't talking to you," she said. "And there's no need to be rude. What makes you think that you know everything there is to know, anyway?"


She turned back to Fire Sharp. "I know that many of us would like to think that the Mare of Time does not exist, that she is merely a Nightmare Night tale to frighten foals," Glory said. "But I know in my heart that she exists. I would like it not to be true, I shy away from the thought, but I must tell the truth. I also know of one pony who is working with her. I know him far better than I would like to, and I feel that I must come clean about this. It makes me wish to stop the evil all the more, tho I do not wish any harm to come to this pony. He is a chaos mage, and I first heard of him thru my mother. You see, this chaos mage is my father."


Glory paused for a moment. How she hoped that Fire Sharp would not think badly of her cuz of this revelation. She went on. "My cutie mark is the symbol of prophecy, which is how I know this. If I get any more specific prophecies, I will of course share them."



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Vincent sighed. It was preety clear to him that he and the mare called Fire Sharp probrably wouldn`t be getting along very well. He noticed the frightened mare being added to the meeting, narrowing his eyes. What the hell! Whatever this job was, a pony that was clearly suffering from some sort of psychosis certaintly  would be a hinderance, and even more importantly, it could end with the mare getting hurt...


Vincent`s eyes scanned around the room whilist the folders were passed out, wondering where the pony he`d heard early was. He`d heard it scurry off once he let go, and still wondered whether they were friend or foe. His thought was inturrupted as the folder was placed before him, oppening it with a talon and looking it over.


The mare of time... the title was a familar one. He`d read all about her, both through military reports (mostly as huge speculation) and tabloids. No one could confirm if she exist, but... hell, with all the crazy things in the world, who knew what could and couldn`t? Something that caught his eyes more than the title, was the location mentioned. Foal mountain... he`d flown around that area several times in his life, in fact, he`d passed over it during his flight to this very meeting, but he`d never noticed anything there... still... he did always unconciously keep his distance from it..


"so...." he said, placing the folder down, listening to the others speaking. The mare that had helped him before was related to some sort of.. chaos mage? Interesting... "Are we suppose to bring you her head on a silver platter? I mean..." he gestured to the folder "These crimes undoubtably are worthy of a death sentence in the Griffin Kingdoms. Or will you ponies use your 'power of friendship and love' to convert her?" he said the last part sarcastically, but in truth, inside he was all bussiness, already wondering: How do you take down someone who can change history?

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@@TheLineTrotter,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Child Of Darkness, @@Frosty V,

Fire looked around at the ponies, this was much easier than just making up a speech. She could just answer the questions they would still get all the information. She looked at them all, she'll answer them as a whole and just snipe out the smaller question.




"That's who we are going after? I thought The Mare of Time was just a bed time story to scare little fillies." he asked in utter astonishment as he thought about all his father had told him about this mare. "If this really is The Mare of Time we are talking about here....we better keep our gaurd up." he thought to himself shifting his gaze back down to the file. "So what exactly are we supposed to do with "her"? Is this a kill order, or a capture or what?"


"So this is the fabled mare of time, the legend of horrors that travels time and kills where ever she goes. She has no know weakness and no one knows how to kill her. For how can you kill what knows the future. This had better be a kill order, a chance to fight the mare of time is renown that any assassin could get. When do we head out, I want to get to the fight s soon as possible."


Is it just the Mare Of Time on her own?"


"Of course not you fool, this is the mare of time, and for all her powers and abilities, she cannot take on all of Equestria on her own. No if any of this is true, she will be gathering friends to help her, and from what the old stories told me of her, she would only work with the most powerful evil beings alive. This could include a one I know personaly, but we still do not know if any of this is at all true, all we have got is a file with a few fact about her. I see no hard evidence that she is even real. Sure there had been reported sightings, but did anyone check the sources, they could be bluffing. So let's not lose our heads ever somthing we are not one hundred percent sure is true."


I know that many of us would like to think that the Mare of Time does not exist, that she is merely a Nightmare Night tale to frighten foals," Glory said. "But I know in my heart that she exists. I would like it not to be true, I shy away from the thought, but I must tell the truth. I also know of one pony who is working with her. I know him far better than I would like to, and I feel that I must come clean about this. It makes me wish to stop the evil all the more, tho I do not wish any harm to come to this pony. He is a chaos mage, and I first heard of him thru my mother. You see, this chaos mage is my father."


"so...." he said, placing the folder down, listening to the others speaking. The mare that had helped him before was related to some sort of.. chaos mage? Interesting... "Are we suppose to bring you her head on a silver platter? I mean..." he gestured to the folder "These crimes undoubtedly are worthy of a death sentence in the Griffin Kingdoms. Or will you ponies use your 'power of friendship and love' to convert her?"

"The mare of time is real, very real. I've meet her, I've fought her. And I've tried to help her. But I've had enough, the princesses have had enough, the entire world has had enough. We're going to stop her, but I hope that we don't have to resort to killing her. But all of the stories you have heard, they are all true. So we need to find her, and stop her. She's planning something, and she has taken in others to help her. We have no idea exactly what but, if involves her we know its bad. This file is the only certain records that we have, but I have experience with her that is invaluable. I hope that we can capture, bring her back to something sane. But she may be too far, so we just have to stop her. Because she can't be killed. Well, she can only be killed by means we could never achieve. Thats why you were called here, to stop her before she does something worse than what she's done before. And we're doing this as a team as well. Some of us are going to die in this, but as a group we're harder to strike down."

Fire looked at the ponies, and griffon, in front of her. She hoped that she had answered all if their questions. But she was sure that missed something out, she always did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chivalry was the last to observe the folder given to him. He examined the description on the papers. However, by this point, everyone seemed to be asking questions about her. He got a little more detail about the so called "Mare of Time" when Fire responded to the questions being asked. Chivalry himself had never heard of Stardust, because, where he comes from, the "Mare of Time" wasn't really talked about for some reason.


From what he heard here though, it seems that Stardust was some sort of folklore made to scare little fillies. Then again, why would anyone make such a story, unless it were actually true. So it would be pointless to ask such a question. Chivalry looked closer at the documents, "Singing and Playing Instruments? Tell me Fire, why is it important to document these skills? is it important for us to know how well she can sing?" Chivalry asked this as he was still examining the papers.


"And another thing, if she was sighted at the Foal Mountains, multiple times no less. Then why hasn't anypony tried to follow her?" Chivalry wanted to know as much as possible about Stardust. "Couple other things, if she was able to rewrite history, then doesn't that mean that if she finds out who we are, she can just go back in time and kill us when were small and weak?" This was a bit frightening to Chivalry. He didn't have a clue on how they were going to defeat Stardust. To him it seemed impossible.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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Fire looked at the blue stallion that had come in late, and it seemed that he asked some of the better questions. It was easier for Fire to explain things when they were asked of her instead of just presenting them.

She looked at him, and also hoping that the others would understand what she was saying.


"Her talents for Singing and playing, they are important. It seems that she can use them to her advantage. But, if someone else played she would... get hurt. We don't exactly understand it but we believe that she has been conditioned somehow to not like it, for it to somehow hurt her. Though if she sang she could do some horrible stuff to you. She used it once in mid fight on a friend of mine, and her died.

And her and the mountains? Well, she has been sighted many times up there and we've tried attacking her there. But there is no entrance to the mountain, and we believe that is where she is living. Though she seems to be able to go anywhere there is a mountain. She could pop out anywhere, but she seems to like the foul mountains more. Maybe its a sentimental thing or just that its convenience but we can't go after her because there's no way in.

And her using her time magic. That is something we can't guarantee, and the fact is we may not even remember her doing it. She could have already tried, maybe we used to have ten more ponies here but she has somehow changed history. We have no idea if she does something unless she leaves evidence and clues are left behind in history books. From what I've noticed in fights with her, she doesn't really use her magic to go through time in fights. I think that if she knows we're on her tail she won't do anything, she'll probably want the challenge.

We don't have much control in this situation but we do have the chance to fight her."

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Jäger thought for a few moments and finally layed down the file. He was concerned about their little situation and it showed on his face when he looked over to Fire Sharp. "If you ask me this seems like a already predetermined battle. I mean it seems said she has the whole world in her hands as if it were clay, molding it and shaping it to her liking. What makes you think we pocess the ability to fight a TIME GODESS." he said with seriousness in his voice mixed with a pinch of sarcasm. "It seems to me that even if we counter her "singing" and manage to hurt her, she'll have ponies to protect her from attack. I think that once, even for a split second, if we can so much as make her wince, we hit here with everything we have. That leads to the next problem. How can we try to surprise her when she can easily see the events of the battle and match to counter our every move. Sorry ma'am it just doesn't seem plausible to me." he said sitting back in his chair and began to think. "Ther must be a loop hole to all of this........but where?" he asked himself

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@@Frosty V,

Fire looked at the stallion that had talked to her, and he was partly right. Though maybe she forgot to mention an important  factor to them.

" I don't think you understand, she is mad. Some of the things she has done there could be no sanity involved. But because she is mad, she follows rules, not our ones but hers. She likes the idea of a challenge, she wouldn't cheat in one of her own games. She doesn't purposely look into the future either, I've spent my entire adulthood life tracking and studying her. I know some things that not even the experts know. And whatever this is, what this going to be. I think she has always known about it. But like I said, she doesn't cheat. She may know a few things about what's coming but she doesn't know all of it. And the fact that she follows her own rules, and that means we've got a bit of a fighting chance against her. And for the safety for every single thing that has ever lived, we should take this chance to stop her. She may be a god, but I have no faith in her."

Fire tried to explain the situation they were in, but sometimes things could not be portrayed through words.

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Chivalry looks up a Fire "Wait, so your saying that even with that power that Stardust has, she chooses to play by the book? I've never heard of something like that. However I guess every villain has there own insane interests. This is just one that benefits us, yeah?" Chivalry lays back on his seat and places his hooves behind his head. "Well then this should be easy enough right? I mean, if she doesn't use her magic to essentially "cheat", then it's a possibility that we can actually preform a sneak attack." Chivalry looks around at everyone else in the room.

"The only thing we need to do is find her, yeah? but before we do that, we need to come up with some sort of plan, you know? Then we'll be able to put it in place once we spot her. It says here that she like to hang around the Foal Mountains, I have to say this right now... I'm not good at keeping my balance on ice or snow." Chivalry begun to make an embarrassed expression on his face, his cheeks were getting a bit red. "Anyway, uh, yeah so. if it's only Stardust that we're after right now, then we should make a plan without any loopholes."


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Jaeger looked at the other pony who had portrayed his ideas, he decided to butt in on the conversation to have some input. "Yes, we do have to find her, but there are flaws. What will we do when we arrive? I'm sure the terrain is quite dangerous, I for one have not delt with such terrain in my life." he said shrugging back in his seat. "As for the sneak attack that's all and well, but I'm guessing that somepony like her will not just be alone, I'm more than certain that she will have others to guard or aid her in her crimes. These ponies would have to be the best and brightest, like us." he said leaning back up "So if a sneak attack is the way to go, I would suggest we get as much hands on information as we can, then we strike fast and hard. He said pulling out 50. Caliber dud bullet, his good luck charm that his parents had given him. "Something like this, one hit and we can be over and out of there before they even hear the gun shot." he smirked


((I'm guessing guns are allowed, I've been away and just got back to this RP))

Edited by Frosty V
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"It's not just the Mare of Time we need to worry about, tho," Glory said. "If it were as easy as that, to get rid of her, then somepony would have done it before. Perhaps she has enlisted some creature or pony with immense power, who can even enhance the powers of others. Then we might all be in big trouble. Well, more than we are already, facing off against an alicorn."


More than anything at the moment, Glory wished that she herself was an alicorn and had those kinds of powers to draw on. She sighed as she thought about how other ponies perceived her and how many of them thought she was an alicorn, rather than simply a freak pony who was merely a rare combination of pegasus and unicorn, and with no special powers or abilities.


"Our only hope seems to be that the Mare of Time plays by the rules," she added, "But what if those who work with her do not? My father, the chaos mage, by his very nature does not. I know this for a fact, thru my power of prophecy. Shouldn't we come up with a backup plan or something, to prevent this?"



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Fire Sharp watched the others brought up how they were going to get to the Mare of Time, glad that they were finally getting into those stages before they went out to go fight. This was essential if they wanted to have a chance, and they needed this chance. The whole world could go up in flames if they didn't do anything. 

@@Frosty V,@@Pripyat Pony, @,

"From what I know the Mare of time doesn't have guards, or anything like that. But from time to time she does get involved with other things that are evil. And she's sure to have others there, considering we've seen things head for the Mountain. I do really believe that we should stop them all, though She's our main target. And we do have better guns than that, I'm a sniper myself. So maybe just a simple assassination could work, but we would have to be brilliant with it. The other things that she's with can be left alone and taken care of at a later date. But I have a bit of an archive where I have kept all information on her, It could be some help. It really is just accounts of her throughout history, I've only skimmed most of the papers. They may hold something we could use. And we do have equipment as well. This isn't the military for nothing, we've got everything here. We need a proper plan, and that is kind of why you guys are here."

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"Ok let us sum up all the things we can confirm or can think for now. Now then we know she has the power to control the fabric of time itself. She has the ability to kill and of us at any time of our lives, but she chooses to play by the rules. This is an advantage to us as we do not have to worry about her attacking us at any time but the present, so we can stop worrying about that. Second conspiracy theory is that she like to hang around near the foal mountains. She could either live there or she may just like the view either way we have to keep an eye on that area at all times, and finally we know she is not stupid, she will not be alone in this fight and she will have someone to help her in what ever it is she is planning to do. Who these ponies are we do not know. For all we know one of us in here could be a spy for her, but who else will help her. Evil ponies of great power, other time ponies if there are any left alive. Or she may be allied with something even more powerful then any of us can imagine. All that can be confirmed is that what ever she is planning it will not be good for most ponies in Equestria." Zycrin know that he had to get some further information about her. He did not like being kept in the dark. He had to speak with his contact. Soon as he could.

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(I guess I should post here too so what I done in the evil side makes sence).


Zycrin could not wait any longer. It was time for him to get going. "Well this has been fun and all but, I'm a busy pony, I have got things to do so I will see you all when ever. Fire Sharp if you need me, which you will, send me a letter or what ever you want to do. And one last thing. If any of you try to follow me right now, be warned that I will kill you. Brutaly. Well nice to meet you all, don't die yet, its to soon for that. See you all when ever." Zycrin left the room they where in and exited the military base again without being seen by a guard. 'Too easy'. Zycrin then wondered on to his destination, the ruins of an old castle in the center of the everfree forest. I took some time and cost him a few of his arrows but he eventully arrived in the ruins, and to his surprise, it was empty. 'Where in all things evil is that guy he was ment to meet me here, right now. Time to play the waiting game'. Zycrin waited for an hour and a half before he spotted a bat pony landing in the center of the court yard, he said, "Sorry I'm late".


(Since I am talking with both of them I will write it like a script, so you can tell who is talking and when)


Zycrin: You had better be sorry. Do you have any idea how long I waited for you?

???: 1 hour, 34 minutes and 12 seconds.

Zycrin: Good. All that aside it is good to see you again Caras.

Caras: You to Zycrin.


(If you think about it, I am talking to myself. Nothing strange about that).

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(Third post in a row. Where is everyone else)


(This bit at the start is some back story on Caras and Zycrin's friendship, you can skip it as it is not important, but I need to fill the limit)


Zycrin was with his best friend alive, Caras. To Zycrin, the friendship he had made with Caras was one he had wanted to forbid because of his post, but he could not, and besides, it was not a conventional friendship, more like 'a share of common intrest' type of friendship, but they made it work. They had know each other for many, many years, and the two where as close as tea and biscuits.


Now they had come together, not as friends but as buissness partners.


Caras: So tell me something friend, why is it that you actually wanted to see me here tonight.


Zycrin: Of course, you see you have information that could be very valuable to me at this current point in time, and I request your help. Call it re-payment for the time I saved you from this psyco pony in Tartarus.


Caras: I told you never to talk about that, but fine what is it that you wanted to know?


Zycrin: You are more in touch with the worlds magic than almost any pony I know or have heared of, and I wanted you to tell me exactly what the hell is going on in this god forsaken world I call home?


Caras: Ok but you may not like the answers you get. The world is built on the scales of balance, and on either side, is good and evil. The good power comes from all the joy and all things good in this world, and our power comes from all things full of fear and darkness. But the balance is gone. There is too much joy, and the good has to much power and the world is falling apart. Balance must be restored and that is where I come in.



Zycrin: wow, ok, I think I got that all down, but one more question, who are you working with?


Caras: That my dear friend would be telling. Here, take this, a gift if you will.


Zycrin extended his hoof to recive the gift from Caras. A small dagger that felt like it held a secret of great power.


Caras: If the time comes, do not hesitate to use it if needs be. Zyan teri, Zyan iret, stantu.


Zycrin: Zyan teri, Zyan iret, stantu.


And with that the two ponies headed back to the place they where staying.

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Jaeger sat back and thought about the situation at hand. He was concerned about his life, it seems selfish, but he truthfully didn't want to die in a battle such as this, he had a family to go home to: his parents, his friends, his wife, his son. He thought that leaving mercenary service was the end of his career, but this changes that.


He thought long and hard, staring at the door, thinking wether it was in his best interest to stay or to just get up, leave, and never look back. "I don't want to die out there and leave my family broken......" he thought, "but if she is truly the Mare of Time, Im not going to sit on the sidelines and let my family be in danger, I have to protect them." he thought, keeping his face straight and his hoofs crossed, still staring at the door.


@Child of Darkness

He finally looked away and back to the other pony who had spoke before him. "So, Zycrin was it? Nice to meet you, I feel as if you know more about this situation than I do, so how do you think we should approach it?" he said trying to make conversation with the others.

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Glory's ears pricked up straight as she heard the word "archives". The pegacorn mare was more suited to research than battle, altho she was quite ready to plunge into a fight if it meant saving Equestria. Her role in a battle, however, would be a useful one; that of the healer. No point having the fighting creatures wounded and unable to fight, after all.


"Archives, you say?" Glory replied to Fire Sharp. "That sounds as tho it might be worth a look; could you please show me? Research is right up my street, along with healing. A good saying to remember in such a situation as this is 'Know your enemy'. The more we know about this Mare of Time the better; we might even be able to find a means of defeating her."


Glory thought to herself that perhaps research would be the best weapon they could have. They might even learn how to summon a good spirit to help them, as no doubt that the Mare of Time had evil spirits to help her in her plan. A good spirit on their side would even the score and give the group a fighting chance.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Fire ignored the mercenary, she was a war mare. She could ignore somepony like that. But she did have it in her right mind to tell the soldiers to get him, but she had placed orders for them to leave everybody alone. Best to keep them thinking that they were the bee's knees. 

@@Pripyat Pony,



"Archives, you say?" Glory replied to Fire Sharp. "That sounds as tho it might be worth a look; could you please show me? Research is right up my street, along with healing. A good saying to remember in such a situation as this is 'Know your enemy'. The more we know about this Mare of Time the better; we might even be able to find a means of defeating her."  

Fire smiled at the young pegacorn, glad that someone also took an interest into looking into stuff.


"I did say Archives, they are specifically centred around the mare of Time as well. I have collected some stuff and put it in there but I haven't read every single thing that is in there. It is a very big archive. And it's good to see a healer in the team. "

Then Fire looked around to talk to everybody, looking at the stallions and mares and griffon that were there. And she had something else to tell them.


"And guys, we do have some more help in this then just us. I do have some friends in high places and Princess Celestia 'recommended' a team that could help us out They're called the demontouched. They specialise in the demon related issues that spring up in the place. And we know that Stardust deals with demons, so they will be helping us with this as well. They should be arriving any minute now. I asked them to come in when I had finished with the basses of questions, and to warn you guys."

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