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ooc No Rainbows over Ponyville


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Rainbow Dash was never born. So none of the other Mane ponies got their canon cutie mark. This is a roleplay about their lives sans- rainbow.


I know I know "Well how are they even friends cause Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's talents ties into them living in Ponyville!"


I'm getting to that.


Twilight embarrasses herself after auditioning for the Magic Academy and she and her family (sans Shining Armor) move to Ponyville to avoid shame. Well Twilight's the one who was ashamed.


Fluttershy moved to Ponyville because she just couldn't keep up with the pegasi and she honestly did not like living so high up.


Pinkie Pie's family's' business fails and they move to Ponyville to become ______ (whoever plays Pinkie will supply that.)


And for the other two:


Rarity fails in her goal to become a fashion designer.


Apple Jack comes back from Manehattan because she missed her family, but she's stuck up so she doesn't fit in very well.


So in short, the Elements of Harmony do not exist in this rp. And the Mane 6 (well mane 5) do not have their canon cutie marks. Oh and also; Because Twilight never passed her test, The Great and Powerful Trixie, becomes Celestia's student.


This is basically an RP on how they live their lives sans Rainbow and how they become friends.

*Note this might become a fan fiction.



  • I am the DM. I can kick you out if you break the rules. And only I change the time in the rp.

  • This Rp is rated PG-13, for language.

  • You come up with the background stories for the Mane 5. (Do not change the outlines that i have posted above.)

  • Obviously Alicorn Twilight does not exist.

  • The roleplay goes somewhat according to the episodes.**

  • Third person, past tense. Don't cheat the character limit in the actual role play.


**Episodes we will be rping:

(~ debatable)

Applebuck Season

Look Before You Sleep

Bridle Gossip

Swarm of the Century - Trixie will be coming instead of Celestia

Winter Wrap Up

Suited for Success~

Over a Barrel


Season 2 episodes are coming.


Twilight- DarligPegasi


Fluttershy: Mint Drop


Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Paranoia


Rarity: Minty Wintergreen


Applejack: RainbowDashie RD


Sign Up Form:


Character Name:


Cutie Mark:


Background Story:

Edited by DarligPegasi
  • Brohoof 1
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I'd like to be Fluttershy, but I have to ask why you're asking for the appearances... I mean, the colors would be the same. The only differences you would think of would be mane styles. 

I'll fill out the form in a little bit, please reserve for me

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Character Name: Pinkie!!


Appearance: Permanent Pinkamena State


Cutie Mark: Book and Quill


Personality: Dark and Gloomy, never smiles. On the outside, seems to prefer solitude, yet on the inside she is screaming for company.


Background Story: Pinkie's Family Rock businiess fails. The family moves to Ponyville to start a new life. Pinkie eventually finds the town library (The tree Twilight the Student lived in in the series, I'm just assuming it was a library before hand.). Liking the quietness of the building, as well as the location, she begins to care to it. Eventually she gains her cutie mark, and continues to run the library, but nopony ever comes in to check out a book, much to Pinkie's dismay. Pinkie's family can't find anything to sustain themselves in Ponyville, and begin to wander, looking for a place to call home, yet Pinkie stays firmly in the library.


(I can change this if you want, but the way I saw it, if Twilight wasn't Celestia's student, she wouldn't need the library to study, therefore she would never live in it.)

Edited by Pinkie Paranoia

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Character Name: Applejack

Appearance: Has feather in her hat (will show later) From her closest friend in Manehattan, RJ

Cutie Mark: A Quill and ink representing her love of writing and drawing her feelings! Link to cutiemark

Personality:Shy and lonely, doesn;t know how to make friends so acts rude sometimes.


Background Story: Applejack lived in Manehattan for 2 years because she was looking for adventure! She didnt like it very much until she met RJ, a tall sweet stallion.They were the best of friends! Soon, she got very homesick and just had to go back home to Ponyville. She had to decide between her bestfriend or her family.(RJ weill come back later) Before she left, RJ gave her his favorite feather, he wore it everyday! Now she wears it in her hat so she will always have RJ with her. When she got to Ponyville, she couldn't find any pony to be firends with, so she became veryyy rude! The only time she woul;d talk was to make fun of somebody or talk to her little group. She started writing her feelings down in her diary and drew what happened too. Soon she got her cutiemark. Now, she wants real friends, but is used to being so mean that she cant make any... will this ever change.


(sorry its sooo long, hope you like it or I can chnage it!)
Edited by RainbowDashie RD
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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


I like it! You have been accepted! :D And yeah its totes cool that she lives in the library, I'm still figuring out where Twi-twi would live. ^^





(RJ weill come back later)


Alright so I'm liking the background, but what do you mean by RJ will come back? Like is he going to come to Ponyville or?


Also I just added a rule that I forgot about.

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  • Third person, past tense. Don't cheat the character limit in the actual role play.

Quick question about this new rule. By this, do you mean that it is discouraged for one of us to speak about our character in third person?




Pinkie decided to go to the moon, because "Why Not?"


would be wrong, where as


I decided to go to the moon, because "Why Not?"


would be right?





The reason I am asking, is because the style that I role play in sometimes requires me to use my characters name in third person in order to be able to clearly identify who exactly I am talking about, or sometimes just to end repetition.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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I don't really see the point in Rainbow Dash not existing. What if she failed the Sonic Rainboom instead, perhaps? Like she wasn't the fastest flier and/or the stallions win the race.


Anyway, onto the application!


Name: Rarity


Appearance: Same appearance as before.


Cutie Mark: Having failed to make her outfits sparkle at the talent show, Rarity gave up on her dream to become a fashionista. She decided she still wanted to be, well, dazzling. She then went onto a different kind of dream: art. 



Personality: A lot more smug and can be more critical. She doesn't let anypony touch her at all and is in one of the highest in the social pyramid. She doesn't care for making friends.


Backstory: I think I already explained it in the cutie mark.


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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


By third person I mean using 'He/She/They' etc. Like "Pinkie Pie decided to go to Sweet Apple Acres and talk to Applejack who she was best friends with..." Like that.


Using 'I, me, we' would be wrong. Unless you are using thoughts. Like Pinkie Pie went to the store....I wonder if they have those fruity things'.





Accepted, and thanks for the suggestion, but we'll go with absent RD for this rp.


@@RainbowDashie RD,


Alright but be sure to go over it with me before you bring him in. Because like I said above this rp goes according to the episodes.


@@Mint Drop,


Also I changed one of the rules;




The roleplay goes according to the episodes.


Seeing as some episodes wouldn't work without the elements of harmony, I'll choose the episodes and make a post stating the episode title in bold.

The first part of the rp won't be an episode instead it'll just be them meeting each other and becoming friends.


I'll post a list of the episodes we'll be doing in the first post.

Character Name: Twilight Sparkle

Appearance: Canon appearance except she wears her hair in a braid and a pink stripped scarf everyday.

Cutie Mark: A ball of yarn and knitting needles.

Personality: She's pleasant to be around although sometimes she tries to hard to be considered cool, because she fears rejection. When embarrassed she partially covers her face with her scarf. She refuses to leave Ponyville as she doesn't want to see anyone she knew from Canterlot.

Background Story: After her failed Magic Academy audition, and as she was unable to deal with the shame of not being accepted, she begged her parents to move to Ponyville. She grew up a somewhat stress free life and found her talent in making accessories such as hats and scarves when she took up knitting as a casual hobby. She opened up a shop on the other side of town and moved out of her parents house and onto the floor above her shop. After she moved out, her parents returned to Canterlot as they preferred the city to the country.

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Character Name: Twilight Sparkle

Appearance: Canon appearance except she wears her hair in a braid and a pink stripped scarf everyday.

Cutie Mark: A ball of yarn and knitting needles.

Personality: She's pleasant to be around although sometimes she tries to hard to be considered cool, because she fears rejection. When embarrassed she partially covers her face with her scarf. She refuses to leave Ponyville as she doesn't want to see anyone she knew from Canterlot.

Background Story: After her failed Magic Academy audition, and as she was unable to deal with the shame of not being accepted, she begged her parents to move to Ponyville. She grew up a somewhat stress free life and found her talent in making accessories such as hats and scarves when she took up knitting as a casual hobby. She opened up a shop on the other side of town and moved out of her parents house and onto the floor above her shop. After she moved out, her parents returned to Canterlot as they preferred the city to the country.

Accepted! :3


Also, seeing as how the mane 6 minus 1 are going to become friends again, maybe before we make the first posts in the actual RP, we should kindof have a mini meeting, to discuss all the ponies personalities, and try to get on a general path of how they become friends? I'm not suggesting we script the whole first "episode", I'm just saying it might be beneficial to get a nudge in the general direction before we start?



@@Mint Drop


Mint Drop, seeing as how you haven't posted your application yet, and you want to be Fluttershy, you may want to go ahead and do so ;)



Sorry if I seem bossy, but somepony never knows what could happen when searching for RPers, just trying to be helpful.

Edited by Pinkie Paranoia

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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@@Mint Drop,


What Pinkie Paranoia said is correct. I can't reserve the spot of Fluttershy for you, because if someone else posts before you then they'll probably get it. 


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Yes we totally should, but after we get Fluttershy. And also after I get back from school. (Yay for college!)

Edited by DarligPegasi
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My laptop is confiscated for a few days but I've snuck on, will probably e on tonight.

I'm going to make her personality similar to my OC, Sunset Sky's,


Character Name:Fluttershy

Appearance: Light yellow coat, 

Cutie Mark: A vine in the shape of a music note and a pink bloom on it.

Personality: She is extremely shy, (even more so than in canon MLP) to the point of being antisocial. She takes even the smallest criticisms to heart and tries to fix it. She rarely goes out in public, only to sell her flowers or to get something to eat from the market. She never flies.

Background Story: After her what seemed like hundredth slip up and getting bullied, she couldn't take it anymore. She packed her things, resigned from flight camp and found herself in Ponyville. She refused to fly, and kept that refusal when her parents came and found her and tried to take her home. She didn't like being in Cloudsdale. Her parents didn't think the ground was very nice, so she showed them some of the flora. They did not understand, but conceded and left. Being a small filly with next to no money, she ended up moving into an abandoned house near a field on the outskirts of Ponyville and soon found her talent, which was helping flowers grow with her singing. She didn't go into town often, only to sell her flowers and buy food for herself.

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@@Mint Drop, @@Pinkie Paranoia, @, @@RainbowDashie RD,


Oookay! So we are going to discuss what Pinkie Paranoia suggested but we also need to discuss something else first.


The personalities.


I know from experience that a role play can never work if characters don't give any leeway with their emotions and personalities. It's great that people can stick to character and not suddenly do a 180 with the attitudes and stuff but if all the characters are anti social and reclusive, this role play isn't going to go anywhere.

So from what I can see:


Pinkie is anti social.

Applejack is shy and social inept.

Rarity works because she isn't shy, she's just a bit of a prude.

Twilight works because you can see from her personality description that she is in fact social

And Fluttershy is extremely shy.


The problem?

We have three introverted characters and only two extroverted characters, and one of the extroverted character's is rude, so that provides some clashing with the introverted characters.


So do you guys mind just changing it up a bit?

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Well, to be fair,, I had had the plan for her to be extremely shy (Actually, I was originally going to base her off the Fluttershy fem the MLP: Friendsip never happened picture, but I heavily revised that) since I saw this, I just haven't had the time or patience to fill it out until I did. It's also basically a given that she's going to be shy, I mean, it's Fluttershy.

I'm not trying to be difficult, it just took me a while to get everything and I hate to edit it and I don't even know where i would start

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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Awesome, thanks. That'll make a big difference and give the rp something to grow on.


@@Mint Drop,


See this is the thing, will she attempt to interact with anyone if she's extremely shy?

I was in an rp once where this user had a character that was so very shy that no one wanted to rp with them because their character was too hard to interact with. That's why I'm asking you to tweak your character a bit. You don't have to change the whole thing, you can maybe just add a quirk that will help her interact with others better.

Or you could remove something, like the 'rarely going out in public' part.

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Well, my character Sunset Sky is extremely shy but ponie still interact with her. It just means she doesn't go up and strike conversation with ponies, but not that other ponies can't come up and talk to her. And it's not like she'll run away if somepony does talk to her.

Besides, in the RP she could just have to sell flowers more often so she's in public more often.

I can change some things, but like i said I've already done quite a bit of revising form my original idea and don't want to have to change too much again.

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@@Mint Drop,


Alright that works, and I guess you're right because its in the name. Just have her come out in public more to sell flowers and all that, like you suggested.


@@RainbowDashie RD,


Also, Applejack being socially inept is fine but do you mind nixing the shy bit?


You know what? I just re read your character bio, so AJ's fine. ^^


@@Pinkie Paranoia, @,


Alright so now we will discuss this;




Also, seeing as how the mane 6 minus 1 are going to become friends again, maybe before we make the first posts in the actual RP, we should kindof have a mini meeting, to discuss all the ponies personalities, and try to get on a general path of how they become friends? I'm not suggesting we script the whole first "episode", I'm just saying it might be beneficial to get a nudge in the general direction before we start?
Edited by DarligPegasi
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Well, let's take a look at all the personalities of the ponies:


Pinkie Pie:
Personality: Dark and Gloomy, never smiles. On the outside, seems to prefer solitude, yet on the inside she is screaming for company.




Personality:Shy and lonely, doesn;t know how to make friends so acts rude sometimes.




Personality: A lot more smug and can be more critical. She doesn't let anypony touch her at all and is in one of the highest in the social pyramid. She doesn't care for making friends.


Twilight Sparkle:


Personality:  She's pleasant to be around although sometimes she tries to hard to be considered cool, because she fears rejection. When embarrassed she partially covers her face with her scarf. She refuses to leave Ponyville as she doesn't want to see anyone she knew from Canterlot.



Personality: She is extremely shy, to the point of being antisocial. She takes even the smallest criticisms to heart and tries to fix it. She rarely goes out in public, only to sell her flowers or to get something to eat from the market. She never flies.



So in general, we've got one pony that's kinda antisocial, one that dislikes rejection (which may lead to an ineptitude at making friends), one that doesn't care for making friends, one that doesn't know how to make friends, and one that wants friends, but doesn't make it known that she does.


This could be tricky. :/



Hmmm....   How about there's a sequence of friendship? Instead of like canon, where they all just kinda became friends at roughly the same time, maybe two of us could become friends, which slowly transforms into 3, 4, and finally all five?

  • Brohoof 2

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Okay, well since no one's posted for a couple days, I guess I'll continue my idea XD



I guess the hardest part would be to figure out which pony would become friends with the group last. My main pick for the last pony would be either Fluttershy or Rarity. Maybe they could be the last two ponies to become friends, I dunno.


The first two, at least in my eyes, seem to lean towards Pinkie and Applejack. Seeing as how they both don't necessarily have any negative attributes personality wise keeping them from friendship. This leaves Twilight in the middle.


Since I'm already down this road, Let's say Pinkie and AJ find friendship, somehow. Maybe they come across Twilight, whom tries to act cool, yadda yadda, things happen, blah blah, boom, 3 friends. :D


Next in line, either Fluttershy or Rarity, I dunno, let's say Fluttershy?  Fluttershy comes to town to sell flowers or whatever, the group notices, they start talking, more things happen, YAY! friendship!!! :D


Finally there's Rarity. Maybe she sees the four ponies talking, having a great time, or whatever, and Rarity's heart grows three sizes, and she warms to them, and walks over, HOORAY, all five are now friends.


Anyone else got any ideas?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Rarity's heart grows three sizes,

hahaha, i love that. Grinch who stole Christmas references for the win.


Yeah, I think that could work.

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I think I've gotta work tonight. And I stayed up all night. so I won't be able to do anything productive! :D Yay!!!




Oh, you meant about my idea. Well it WAS my idea, so my answer's obvious!!!! :3    I hate it!! :D




Edited by Pinkie Paranoia
  • Brohoof 1

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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