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Percival followed the two along, quietly. He let them chat while he was off daydreaming or thinking about random things. A new job, perhaps? A mare or stallion who would click with him? He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to focus on. Eventually he brought himself back to reality and realized he fell a short distance behind the other two. Quickly, he caught up. He still kept his quiet, but he made sure not to fall behind this time.



Sorry for my bit of inactivity. Sickness, tired, etc., etc.


  • Brohoof 1
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No worries! I'll just assume Percy is being quiet if you need to go chill any more. Illness sucks.





Glancing around, Symphony caught sight of the male just as he caught up: she had been too interested in Sabel to even notice him fall behind.


"You okay there Percy? Gone real quiet back there..."


A thought struck her.


"Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything? I can go if you want: can keep myself busy enough." She said in the most genuinely friendly voice she could manage: these two were really... well... decent. She didn't want to drive them away or anything.



Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

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"Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything? I can go if you want: can keep myself busy enough."


Percy was unsuspecting of the question that Wind Symphony asked him, "What? Oh, uh, no. I don't think so. What do you mean by that?" He thought he must be coming off as a complete fool for not paying attention so well, but he thought it better that he asked and made sure what she meant.

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"You were lagging behind, I don't want to like, I don't know, make things awkward."


She fluttered her wings ever so slightly as she hopped over a large crack in the road - mostly out of habit: there was no practical reason to do so.


"You two are pretty cool, I don't want to be 'that mare' who tags along when she's not wanted."

  • Brohoof 1

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"You two are pretty cool, I don't want to be 'that mare' who tags along when she's not wanted."


Percy grew a confident, yet welcoming smile. He nodded his head, in a casual, yet understanding way, "You're fine. You've made nice company and all, it's just that I've just been a little off in my own world. Just...thinking about things."


He looked back at Sabel, "So, when are we gonna go for that party?"

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((Oh, no big deal, your health comes before the roleplay after all!))


Sabel smiled at Percy as he caught up to them.  "Sorry about that Ace.  Want us to slow down a little?"




At Symphony's questions and Percy's answers, Sabel nodded in agreement.  With a big grin she attempts to swat the pegasus with her tail.   "Don't be silly, Sparkles.  You're plenty cool yourself, if anyone can hang with a couple griffons it's a pony like you."  She winks, then turns back to Percy.




"When?  No time better than now, right?  I'm always ready for something fun, after all!"

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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At the Griffins reassurance, the mare felt a kind of warm glow inside. she grinned a little awkwardly and turned her head slightly to face away from them.


A party: this was going to be... Interesting. Symphony doubted her experience with parties would be quite what these two were thinking. Grand events filled with nobles - Symphony entering under a false name and slipping away when the time was right...


Sure, the game was fun, but it meant that she had missed out on a lot.


"Uh, well I don't really know many folks around here: what are we gonna do, just scatter fliers around or something?"


It was one of those ideas that she immediately regretted - she could see it now: all of the ponies that knew her face and various stories in the same place at the same time...

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

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Percy groaned to himself for a moment, "Hmmmm...we should probably look around for a club. That'd be pretty cool, I think. Music, lights, dancing, drinks." He cocked an eyebrow at Wind, and grinned slyly, "You look like you need to loosen up a bit anyway." He winked.

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@,   @,


"Jeez, that`s cool! When I was twelve, I was too busy reading up on..." he paused, considering lieing but figured 'buck it' "on a bunch of history. Maybe you could teach me the basics? Might be useful to know, if I ever start making long trips again." He then turned his attention to the colt that was waking up.


"Yeah, you are in the city. Jeez, you must be worse off than I thought. At his question, Vincent pointed at Glacier with a talon "that mare right there." he explained simply.  "She helped me get you here, and used that herb to wake you up. But, yeah, you really should keep still. Glacier thinks you have a concussion. You`ve been blacking out, throwing up...


(i`m sorry for the wait.)

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It was exactly what she didn't need: already struggling to keep a 'professional' mindset, Symphony felt the last of her self-restraint evaporate at the comment.


"Are you calling me uptight?" She said immediately in response. "Come on, lets find someplace where we can cut loose for real!"


Of course she could handle it: she was an expert! She was Wind Symphony! She was...


Why was she hanging out with a pair of Griffins again...?

  • Brohoof 1

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Percy grew an almost snide grin, but he was still only joking with Wind Symphony in as freindly of a way as he could manage. "Uhuh, not uptight or formal at all...miss-scatter-fliers." His grin turned into that of a genuine, and polite one. He moved to one side of the mare and nudged her a bit. "Yes, you're a bit uptight." He maintained his smile, "But we can fix that." He turned to Sabel, "Right, Sabel?" He asked with a strange confidence.

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"Jeez, that`s cool! When I was twelve, I was too busy reading up on..." he paused, considering lieing but figured 'buck it' "on a bunch of history. Maybe you could teach me the basics? Might be useful to know, if I ever start making long trips again." He then turned his attention to the colt that was waking up.


"Yeah, you are in the city. Jeez, you must be worse off than I thought. At his question, Vincent pointed at Glacier with a talon "that mare right there." he explained simply.  "She helped me get you here, and used that herb to wake you up. But, yeah, you really should keep still. Glacier thinks you have a concussion. You`ve been blacking out, throwing up...


(i`m sorry for the wait.)

In response to being asked whether Glacier could teach Vincent the basics of herbal remedies, she thought for a moment before replying. "I might be able to. I've never tried teaching before. The main problem I see is that we may not find the plants we need and we may not find somepony to use the herbs on."


​Glacier turned her attention back to Acid as he stirred. "As Vincent said, I'm Glacier,"​ she told him. She bent down and removed the all-heale from Acid's face. "Now that you're awake, we don't really need this any more. That definitely doesn't mean that everything's fine. Stay still until someone more trained can help. That is, once they've finished with the life-threatening cuts and bruises everypone else seems to be sporting." 

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Sabel laughed and pumped one of her talons in the air.  "Heck yeah we can!  We'll all have so much fun, you'll forget about anything else."  With a wink Sabel launched herself into the air, hovering for a while and shading her eyes with one of her talons.  When she comes back down to the ground she gestures down the street with one of her talons.  "I think there's a place down that way.  Know if it's any good?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Who cares? If it's bad, we'll just make it better. Or go find someplace good enough for us!" Symphony laughed, glancing sidelong at the two with a wicked look in her eye and a smirk on her face.The Griffin's liked to talk big, and Vincent had been pretty good... maybe it was time to see what they could do.


"Last one there buys the first round?" She chided, giving Sabel a challenging grin.

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Sabel grinned excitedly and quickly shook her bracelets off into her bag.  "You are SO on, Sparkles!"  Happy that her bracelets weren't going to fly off in the race, she quickly yelled "ThreetwooneGO!", using her wings to push her forward on her initial takeoff.  She pulled her wings back so they wouldn't catch any wind, pumping her talons and hind legs as fast as she could, trying to make the most of her (admittedly unfair) head start.


Well, I'm in it now...  Those hooves are way better for pavement than my talons.  Why am I even running!?  Surely I could win if I flew.  But...  She can't fly with that wing...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Symphony smirked at Sabel's cheating: she had been about to pull the same trick herself. Pushing off at a jump she hit the ground running, eyes fixed on the griffin up ahead as she advanced quickly on the solid ground.


'Why isn't she flying?'


The mare scowled - she didn't need them to hold back for her!


"You've got wings you know?" She shouted as she pulled level before flicking a wing out at her. "Get your tail off the ground!" 

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At the sound of Wind's smart remark to Sabel, Percy immediately took flight and sped by "Thanks for the reminder!" He yelled back to them.




He made his way through the street traffic as fast as he could, and made sure Sabel wasn't directly on his tail. A short moment later, he arrived at the location. He grinned, "I think I'll still buy the drinks..." He said out loud to himself, as he waited.

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Sabel laughed as she jumped into the air, snapping her wings out to take flight.  She swats her tail towards the pegasus as she does, keeping up much more easily now that she's off the ground.  "Hope you can afford the drinks then, Sparkles!"  




As Percy blasted by Sabel blinked and hesitated for a moment before getting back into the race.  Woah, he's quicker than I knew!  That's pretty cool.  She looks at Wind and grins again, focusing on the race between herself and the pegasus now that Percy had already beat them to the finish line.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

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'Huh. Nice,..'


She blinked and almost missed a step as Percy soared over them, glancing around to see that Sabel had finally taken off. Symphony smirked to herself - she had no intention of losing.


'Got to hand it to her - she looks a lot more natural in the air than most pegasi do.'


Extending her wings to their fullest extent, she angled them to cut through the air as she pushed herself as quickly as she could. Symphony wasn't the fastest or most enduring racer, but she was agile, and willing to use whatever she could to take advantage.


"Hey, bet you've never seen this before!" She called out as Sabel pulled ahead, jumping forward with a flap of her flightless wings to add height, snatching at the griffins legs with the intention of using her own momentum to swing herself into the lead.

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"Hey, bet you've never seen this before!" She called out as Sabel pulled ahead, jumping forward with a flap of her flightless wings to add height, snatching at the griffins legs with the intention of using her own momentum to swing herself into the lead.


"Woah!"  The sudden weight of the pegasus caught Sabel off guard, pulling her out of the air.  She'd been so focused on speed that she hadn't been worrying about any kind of collision, let alone her opponent grabbing her!  Sabel tumbled along the ground as Wind took the lead, wincing as she hit the pavement.  "Ow..."


She pushed herself back upright, shaking her head.  C'mon, don't look weak in front of Sonnet and Percy...  You've got an image to keep up!  With only a slight wince she launched back into the air, trying to make up lost ground.  "No fair!" 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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The sound of an impact behind her was the first Symphony knew of the crash she had caused: against everything she had taught herself about being in a chase, she took a moment to glance behind her - a rare look of alarm staining her features.


'Wow, is she...' As Sable started to advance again, Symphony breathed a sigh of relief without understanding exactly why - hundreds had been hurt in chases like this and hundreds more probably would. 'Aha, she's fine... good.'


She make a quick judgment of the remaining distance: between the lead she had gained and Sables significantly greater speed, they were fairly evenly matched.

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As Sabel started to push herself to catch up she felt a sharp pain in one of her hind legs.  She winced and tried to ignore it, but it throbbed with each beat of her wings.  C'mon Sabel, tough through it.  Oh who am I kidding, I'm not going to win this...  I can at least make it close though!  Ignoring her throbbing leg she started to close the distance between them, though not quite fast enough to beat the pegasus to their destination.




As Sabel reached their destination a few seconds behind Sonnet she laughed and tried to land with her sore leg on the other side of the two of them, in an effort to hide it.  "Heh, good race...  Caught me off guard there with that little trick, Sparkles."  She shrugs slightly with a smile.  "Guess the drinks are on me, huh?"

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"You okay? I didn't expect to pull you down, sorry." Watching the Griffin uneasily, she shook her head and half-smirked. Even after that she was still going to go through with the wager? She couldn't let that happen: anyway, she still had the stallions coin-pouch from that morning just waiting to treat them all.


"I'll get them - I guess I owe you for that move back there. Whats your poison?"

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Sabel just laughed and waved off Wind's concern.  "I'm fine, really.  You just caught me off guard is all."  She smiled and turned her hurt leg further away from the pegasus, not wanting to drop her "tough griffon" personality.  I'm being stupid, why don't I just tell her my leg hurts?  


Ignoring her own thoughts, Sabel just shrugs.  "You can say I'm not really used to pony drinks...  So I'll let you pick something for me.  Don't worry, I'm not picky."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Sunset fidgeted nervously as the train pulled up to a stop. She grabbed her tattered saddlebag and flew out as soon as the doors opened. She didn't bother stopping on the platform. She had no other luggage. 

She stopped on a cloud and looked around. She doubted she could find someplace to stay, but she would be fine on the streets as long as nopony came up to her. She'd been spending the past few months on the streets of PBI after outgrowing the orphanage, doing small jobs whenever she could to gather bits for a train ticket. The only one she had been able to afford had been Manehattan, even after months of saving bits. The ticket was expensive.

The small Pegasus took off from the cloud and landed in a small alley. She wasn't tired yet, but it would make a decent enough hide out for sleeping in when she was.

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