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Sabel shrugged, grinning as she pretended to be distracted by her talons again.  "I'm still pretty new to the city, I was thinking about maybe trying to see some of the sights...  Not any of that snooty tourist stuff, but some of the real city.  And not as a blur like I was doing yesterday."  She flexes her wings and stretches before looking at her friends again.  "Ya know what I mean?  I don't want to see the fake city that folks always try to show to newbies, I want to see what it's really like!"


"Besides, ya meet so many more...  Interesting ponies...  When you get past all that touristy stuff."  She winks at both of them before snapping her beak with a grin.  "Way more fun." 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Interesting, yeah thats one word to describe them I guess..." The mare said affectionately, memories of a pony trying to free his head from a bucket after an escape gone horribly right surfacing and causing an absent smile on her face before she snapped back to the present. "Well I guess we might tag along, what do you think Perce? Bail her out of any trouble she gets into?"


Turning back to Sabel, she also added. "I'll even try not to make you lose you're lunch - how's that sound?" With a wink.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Percy grinned at their conversation, then grinned confidently at Wind when she questioned him. "I'm down. Let's go have some fun, yeah?" At her last remark to Sabel, he thought to chime in, 




"I'll even try not to make you lose you're lunch - how's that sound?" With a wink.


"You'll get no guarantees from me though, Sabe. Hope you don't mind me getting mushy with Wind here." He chuckled.

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Sabel smirks and rolls her eyes as she turns to start walking down the street again.  "Yeah yeah, if you make me taste that junk a second time I'm throwing it at your face."  She swishes her tail while she walks, doing a pretty good job of not putting pressure on her bruised leg.  "You two are the ones from around here, right?  So where's a good place to start?  I wanna see what we can stir up."  At that last part she turns to Wind and winks.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Stir up trouble? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about!" Symphony exclaimed in an over-the-top indignant tone, the corner of her mouth curling with barely contained mirth as she did. "Well I'm not from around here exactly, Percy was just showing me around. I think I can find my way well enough now though. Call it a talent of mine."


Nodding for them to follow, she set off at a trot down the street thwarts the shopping district she had located from Vincent's description the day before. Where there were shops, there were ponies. Where there were ponies, there was trouble of some kind to be had.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Sunset nodded, turning her attention back to the road.

"N-nice to meet you t-too," she mumbled.

Not long after, they reached the cafe. Much to Sunset's relief, there were only a few other customers.. She looked at the menu and ordered one of the cheapest things on it; chocolate chip muffin. She turned back to Glacier, still timidly hiding behind her mane, moreso now that there were other ponies around them.

"A-are you sure y-you're not going to g-get anything?" she asked, mainly to fill the silence. Truthfully, she liked the silence, but she thought Glacier might dislike it or find it awkward, hence her attempt to fill it.

Glacier nodded gently. "I'm positive," ​she said. "I'm not much of a fan of the things they serve in places like this and even if I was, I have nothing to pay with and I don't want to take your money."


​Struggling to sit still, Glacier saw that, just as outside, ponies were still staring at her and her ring. 'Have these ponies never seen an 'insane' pony before? They're transfixed like I'm some sort of unicycling elephant!'

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Sunset looked outside and saw ponies looking their way, and immediately thought it was her, causing her to squeak almost inaudibly, hide behind her mane, and turn away from the window.
"I-If you're sure..." she mumbled. "I-I just feel weird eating in front of somepony who's not eating..." Especially since she'd been in that position. Sometimes when she was younger the other fillies at either school or the orphanage would bully her out of her lunch and eat it right in front of her. 

Calm down, it's not like you stole it from her, she told herself as she took a hesitant bite from her food. It was ten times better than the burnt food at the orphanage, but she tried not to show it. Though, she wasn't an actress and tended to wear her emotions plain on her face. Especially if she was scared or upset. 

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@@Mint Drop


Glacier sighed mentally as Sunset squeaked and hid. 'Think damn it! You don't want anypony to think you're causing her grief. Calm her down some how.' ​ Seeing all of the ponies outside glaring in gave Glacier a clue as to what was occurring. Glacier put on a calming voice and began to speak. "Relax,"  she said. "It is not you they're looking at. I know what they're thinking and I know why they're thinking it. And I can understand why you'd feel strange eating near somepony who wasn't. But I don't need to eat. Enjoy your... whatever it is. It's yours and I will not take it from you."

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Sabel floated along lazily just above the ground, both because she could and because this way she wasn't putting pressure on her leg.  She was distracted looking at the different shops and ponies they went by, idly following anywhere the crystal pegasus lead.  Heh, this place is a lot more packed down on the streets than it looks like from up above...  


She was distracted by a few window displays in the shops they went past, but not having any money meant not doing much more than looking.  Until they passed a jewelry store, at least.  The flash of light on silver caught Sabel's eye, causing her to come to a quick stop.  "Woah, hang on...  I want to look at this."  The young griffon had a particular weak spot when it came to silver...  I'm JUST going to look.  I can't afford to buy anything.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"What's up feathers? Something caught your eye?"


She looked the building up and down: as was usual for the kind of places that sold jewellery it looked flashy enough: the staff (and most of the customers, she imagined) wore the smug, superior look of those who clearly enjoyed having too much money simply to feel superior to others.


It was fairly busy but far from impossible: had she been living rough still she could have lived like a princess for months on what she could have taken without them noticing. Of course, she did it these days for the game - not the money.


'Well I promised Percy I would behave for our date... and we don't seem to be on a date yet.'

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabel stepped into the jewelry store to glance around quickly, paying particular attention to the silver.  Man, I would LOVE to have some of this stuff!  It's so expensive though...  Trying to get a closer look brought a cough from a pony behind the counter, causing her to grin nervously at him.  "I'm uh...  I'm just looking."  


Feeling like she was being stared at, Sabel turned her head.  Sure enough, a griffon in a place like this drew a lot of attention.  Most of the ponies in the store were staring at her, a few of the shopkeepers as though they actually expected her to take something.  Frowning and bowing her head a little, the young griffon backed towards the door again.  She leaned towards Wind as she left, muttering "C'mon Sparkles...  I can't afford any of this stuff...  And there's no way I can have any fun with all these ponies watching me."  


Sabel stepped back out to the sidewalk, sighing and muttering under her breath.  "Just because I'm a griffon...  Pony behind the counter was staring daggers at me!  So not fair."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Well, if there was any real disappointment be be had around the griffin, it was that her presence made the game far too easy. With everypony watching Sabel, it was foals play to select her prize and slide an 'out of stock' sign up a few spaces to cover the now empty display.


'It's no fun when it's so easy... but it's for a good cause I guess.'


She smirked to herself as her friend returned, lamenting about how prejudiced the ponies were: nodding in agreement. "Yeah I know what you mean..." She said airily as they left the store, trying to cheer up the disheartened Griffon. "Maybe that just couldn't help but stare though? Can't hold that against them."


As they put some distance between them and the store, she enacted phase two of her plan: glancing around to ensure they weren't followed, she twisted her wing so that the ornate silver bracelet dangled from the feathers at its tip.


"I got you a present by the way: let's say its to make it up to you for being so antisocial last night." she said casually through a wide grin. It would probably be days before to fools even noticed anything missing anyway.

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabel blinked, staring at the bracelet for a long moment before a smile split her beak.  She slowly reached to take the bracelet, carefully putting it on over one of her forelegs.  After taking a moment to admire it she quickly leapt towards Wind to throw a talon around the pegasus' shoulders in a one-armed hug.  "Ha!  Thanks Sparkles!  You're the best."  


The young griffon couldn't believe it, her annoyance at the ponies in the jewelry store completely gone from her mind.  Sparkles actually swiped this?  For me?  I've never had a friend do that before...  Sabel flexed her wings slightly, her mind racing at what it could mean.  Dropping her voice a little while still hugging the mare, Sabel leaned in to quietly mutter to the pegasus "You should give me lessons sometime...  And if you ever need me, I've got your back."  Winking as she stepped away Sabel admired her new bracelet again, twisting her talon to watch as it caught the light at different angles.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Come on now, weren't you the one saying you hated all this sappy stuff?"


Symphony mock-grumbled at her friend.


"Not like I bought it or anything. I just saw you liked that kind of stuff. No big deal." She shrugged. "Looks better on you than it would on me anyway."


Well, she had been able to do a favour to one of her friends using her particular talents. It was a shame that she couldn't think of anything to do like that for Percy.

Never quite forgotten.

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Percy simply watched the scene unfold in front of him. One side of him was happy to see that Wind did something nice for Sabel, the other side disappointed that Wind would steal. He pulled Wind aside for a moment. "I know it's what you do...but please be careful if you're gonna keep that up..." He sighed, "This just started, and I don't wanna lose you to the law, or to some angry pony who takes things too far."

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"I'm the best, I'm always careful!" Symphony replied, slightly irritated by the lack of faith folks seemed to have in her. "It's not like it was going to anypony other than some stuck up..."

She caught herself before getting carried away.

"Just, don't worry about me. I can look after myself: trust me!" She said instead.


The concern was... unusual. Scribe and Cinder had always just put blind faith in her - not surprisingly after what they had been through - and concern wasn't something she was accustomed to. It was strange: like doubt that somehow wasn't unpleasant. It was irritating but at the same time reassuring.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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He blushed abashedly, "I'm not worried about your skill...it's something I could never do." He sighed, "Still, I'm only worried about losing you...as much as I'd like to believe you're just perfect...everypony makes mistakes. I won't stop you from doing what you do." He frowned, much worry coming over his face. "Please be careful."

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Sabel chose this moment to push her way into their conversation, back to her usual somewhat-abrasive personality.  "Ha, you worry too much Percy.  Sparkles is fine, and if anypony decides they've got a problem with her than I've got her back!"  The young griffon winked at both of them before flying in a quick circle, landing facing a different direction and walking slowly while flicking her tail.  "There anyplace you guys wanted to go while we're near all these shops?"  She really had no idea what direction she was walking in, but sitting still wasn't very easy for her.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Not really... I just figured we might find something interesting." She shrugged basking in the sun as she followed her friend. Eyes landing on Percy for a moment, she paused.


"Actually, yeah I do need something." She said, feeling the weight of the pouch she had lifted the day before still under her wing. "You two go on ahead, I'll catch up in five."

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Finally, after a long journey from Ponyville, Grandmaster Vedana Purity arrived at the beautiful city of Manehatten. The wise, blind unicorn sighed with relief as he heard his escort calling to him. "Aaaaah Grandmaster Vedana~ A pleasure to meet your acquaintance once again sir." The Escort said with a smile on his face, his voice showed he is a true Manehatten folk. "Hello to you as well, it has been quite a while since I last came here. Tell me how is the city these days?" Vedana Purity politely asked the escort, tilting his head to the side.

"Ooooh it has been rather well sir~ Please do follow me to the carriage, where I shall take you to your living quarters." Vedana nods his head as a sign of gratitude and trots alongside the escort. Once inside the carriage they took a pathway where it would lead them towards what appeared to be a penthouse for the rich and famous. "I have taken the liberty of ordering you a house of your noble prestige sir~" Vedana only sweatdropped after hearing it was a penthouse. "There really is no need for this you know. I should just have a house just like everypony." "Nonsence!" exclaimed the escort. "You are a pony of caring and wisdom, just like Starswirl the bearded!  I insist you take this penthouse to live in whilst you stay. Besides there are people here who can help you with daily needs."

Vedana said not a word, and decided to stay, he thanked the escort for the hospitality and decided to get acquainted to his living room.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Sabel smirks at Wind and teasingly says "Don't get into too much fun without us" before the pegasus gets out of earshot, then shrugs and turns to look at Percy as they walk.  With a sly grin on her beak she leans in close to the other griffon to elbow him with one of her talons.  "Well well, look at you two...  Hitting it off even better than I thought, huh Ace?  Good thing we landed on that roof."


Her voice still teasing she leapt into the air, flying around in front of Percy and flying backwards so she could look at him.  She rests her chin in her talons, looking completely uninterested in watching where she was going.  "C'mon Ace!  Give a girl some details, how'd it go?"  She winks at the other griffon, trying to goad him on.

Edited by EmberSparx











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Symphony slipped through the streets: much as she actually seemed to enjoy the company of the two Griffons, there was something about being alone that felt peaceful. The crowds of faceless ponies were nothing more than scenery to her: like trees in a forest or stars in the sky - just something that happened to be there.


Opening up the pouch and jingling the bits inside to get a rough estimate of how many she was carrying, she glanced over the shops around her uneasily. The others around her seemed so certain about what they wanted: where to go. Symphony knew - sort of - but didn't feel the same level of confidence.


Ordinary behaviour wasn't easy, especially when only half of her actually wanted to try and act like everypony else.

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@@Mint Drop


Whilst waiting, Glacier looked around the café with impatience. Everything seemed so manufactured and unnatural to her. As her disagreeing gaze scanned the room, one thing caused great alarm. "What!?" Glacier said with emphasis. "I need to go! Now! I'm going to be late for check-in at the local rehab centre. I've got to go. I'll see you around perhaps?"


Glacier's powerful legs fired her from the café and towards the centre. Before the beginning of her rehabilitation, Glacier was shown and told several times where the centre was and Glacier's earlier tour had only helped drill its location into her head. Within moments of high-pace galloping, Glacier charged through the door. She slammed a hoof onto the check-in desk.


"Don't worry! I'm here!" Glacier said whilst panting for breath.

"Right on time," the yellow pegasus from behind the desk said. "I'm surprised you turned up. You are full of surprises."

Glacier growled and bared her teeth. "I've killed a lot of things in my past. Don't make me make you the first pony on the list."

"And there was me thinking you had changed.  But that's for a less important time. I'd recommend you go to this address. There's a guest there I recommend you visit. She may be useful to you."


With a scowl, Glacier looked at the address on a piece of parchment she'd been given. Charging back out of the centre, Glaicer hunted for the address and a new place and pony of assistance. In a few minutes of eagle-eyed searching, she reached the building that the "useful pony" was residing in. She trotted to the door, knocked and waited for a reply.


@@Vedana Purity

Edited by Sir. Loin
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Vedanaears picked up the noise of somepony knocking on his door. The blind Grandmaster trotted towards the door and began to slowly open it. Vedana smiled towards Glacier, but could not see her due to the bandage that was covering his eyes. "Why hello there~ May I help you with something?" The well renowned Grandmaster of peace asked, as he began to wonder just who he was talking to.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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@, (Sorry, been away and busy. I'm guessing your post means you're acting as if they were on the same day as the others? Might as well do that with Sunset, too. )

Sunset squeaked and watched the mare gallop out of the cafe.
R-rehab? she thought. Wh-why's she going there? ...Forget it, none of your business.
She ordered another muffin to go and finished eating the first one on her way out. The second would be cold, but would make a decent breakfast tomorrow.


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