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Ask Greyhawk


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Greyhawk:"Hello everypony. my name is Greyhawk and I recently came to ponyville to do some information hunt through....ahem....obscure means."

Ghost:"(How bout Paranormal means, boss?)"

Greyhawk:"(That won't do. They'll think I'm crazy.)"


*Greyhawk clears his throat*


Greyhawk:"But yea, now I am taking a break from it and stayed in Ponyville to reflect myself from it and make new friends"



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What's your cutie mark represent?

Hmmm... A little personal question. Normally I would charge more but since I'm in a good mood, I will charge you a measly 1 bits.


My cutie mark is a picture of 3 red stones that some foreign beings call it 'magatamas'. They say that these stones have mystical magic supernatural powers that allows you to see supernatual esthereal forces.


Apparently, I can see ghosts that I doubt most ponies can see and I can even talk to them too.


(pssss, quiet you. I'm busy talking to my customers.)


Ok, now gimme your bits. NEEEEXT!!

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Was your hair the result of a fan and hair gel accident?

W...what are you talking about? This is no accident. It kinda grew on me.


(Yes I know it was an accident. try cutting your own mane)


(No, I don't like how Rarity stylizes my mane and tail. It's too corny)


(You ghosts sure like to make false assumptions here!)

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if you're comparing me to some pony with similar mane to mine, with a mask who doesn't like to show his own snout and likes to read 'flap flap island', no I am not him nor am I a ninja.


Well actually, I do stealths sometimes.

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Well as I have previously mentioned,I travel around equestia to collect some valueble information that could possiblly be not found in equestia. Sometimes I do some detective work that some ponies can't solve. Mostly Murder cases. But most of a time I spend traveling to collect information.  I began to do some info trading recently. I don't carry much bits but don't worry. I am covered. I spend my nights in most abandon mansions. It's quite comfy really, tho abit noisy. I mean.....reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally noisy.

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Hmmm.. Good question. I actually can't cut my own mane well and these mane just grew way too fast and covers my eyes. So I just had to use headband to tie them. It reminded me of a certain pony with that similar hair....I just don't know who. But yea I tried having it on and it looked cool.

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What kind of magic can you do?

Ahhhh Yes! My favorite kind of question.


Within the information I collect, I collect chunks and chunks of spells that were known in equestia, some that are long lost through time or those that do not exist in Equestia. Most of the spells I collected were either incomplete or I am not compatible with it. These spells comes in a lot of varieties that at least one unicorn can learn from them if it fits the theme of their cutie mark. For instance, Rarity could easily learn the spell to turn stones into gem.


My spells involve mostly ghost related spells. 2 of my favorite are ghost touch and ghost shape shift.  Ghost touch allows me to touch a ghost at will and ghost shape shift allows me to mould parts of my soul into any shape I want at will. Like, stretch my soul hoof. give it fingers, or change it into hammer, or any other close combat weapon shape against ghosts. However, I can only maintain that shape shift form of my ghost hoof for the duration of the time I cast on it constantly.


But I did learn some basic unicorn spells from Master hocus pocus.

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  • 4 weeks later...

post-18984-0-62346600-1380245557.png   Chatterbox: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mr. Greyhawk! i'm a journalist who work for the Canterlot Times newspaper, i won't take much of your time:


First of all, i just want to thank you for granting me this interview, so let's begin



I'm aware of the job you are doing, tell me, what is the most hard part of that job?

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attachicon.gifChatterbox ask.png   Chatterbox: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mr. Greyhawk! i'm a journalist who work for the Canterlot Times newspaper, i won't take much of your time:


First of all, i just want to thank you for granting me this interview, so let's begin



I'm aware of the job you are doing, tell me, what is the most hard part of that job?


Greyhawk:"Well, several really. One of the hard part of the job is weather the information is accurate or not considering each ghosts' information were not always hundred percent complete."

Ghost:"(Yea, we had to ask bout 20 ghosts with similar subject theme to complete it.)"

Greyhawk:"And worst of all, these ghosts are so damn noisy at night."

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Greyhawk:"Well, several really. One of the hard part of the job is weather the information is accurate or not considering each ghosts' information were not always hundred percent complete."

Ghost:"(Yea, we had to ask bout 20 ghosts with similar subject theme to complete it.)"

Greyhawk:"And worst of all, these ghosts are so damn noisy at night."


post-18984-0-47294100-1380247106.png Chatterbox: Gh...Ghosts you said!? And since when you meet those ghosts Mr. Greyhawk?

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attachicon.gifchatterbox scared.png Chatterbox: Gh...Ghosts you said!? And since when you meet those ghosts Mr. Greyhawk?


Greyhawk:"Eheh....Yea. Crazy isn't it? That's usually the same reaction I get from all ponies."

Ghost:(Except rarity, which he recently confessed his secrets to her....Not that you can hear me, lady.)"

Greyhawk:"I began seeing ghosts every since I was a colt and that's how I got my cutie mark and acknowledging my special talent."

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Greyhawk:"Eheh....Yea. Crazy isn't it? That's usually the same reaction I get from all ponies."

Ghost:(Except rarity, which he recently confessed his secrets to her....Not that you can hear me, lady.)"

Greyhawk:"I began seeing ghosts every since I was a colt and that's how I got my cutie mark and acknowledging my special talent."


post-18984-0-66274200-1380247819.png Chatterbox: S..So... you are a médium pony who can talk with the deads Am i right?

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attachicon.gifchatterbox sad.png Chatterbox: S..So... you are a médium pony who can talk with the deads Am i right?


Greyhawk:"If you mean a living pony who can see and talk to ghosts; Yes. I am pretty much alive in a flesh but can see and talk to ghosts."

Ghost:"(Yup. Amazing isn't it lady?)"

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Hey GreyHawk you remember me right (Kira) I never knew that someponies can talk to my people

Well, I have only been Prince for like three years

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Ooc: you gotta send me a thing so I can improve by weakening or strengthening or just say that you read it

 Sorry not to be mean but I'll never know you don't say, and also great character you made

Please don't be mad I'm to tired for that

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Ooc: you gotta send me a thing so I can improve by weakening or strengthening or just say that you read it

 Sorry not to be mean but I'll never know you don't say, and also great character you made

Please don't be mad I'm to tired for that


OOC: LOL I wasn't mad at all. You didn't ask for a opinion. All you did is show me XD.


I'm not the sort to criticize a person's character they made, but on the other hand, if it were to help one person to improve their character I suppose I could say one thing or two.


There's nothing wrong with making god like characters but question is; is it fun? A character that can shatter a planet at a snap of a finger since he was a colt, was it a blast?


You said he was born from an immortal father so he instantly got his divine powers by birth. Which means he didn't earn it, he was born with it. So you are limiting yourself to exploiting different areas for your character.


In Greyhawk's case, he wasn't born with it. Ok, maybe in ponyverse they were born with it but they still need to discover their hidden talent. But still, Greyhawk's special talent started out very simple and basic and that is the sight and communication with the ghosts.


Yea at first, I thought it wasn't much either with somepony who were able to communicate with ghosts. But I have been exploiting the use of it and soon come to terms that a simple talent can do so much when you make use of it.


What about Kira? How did he discover his special talent? Try consider what I just said and maybe it would work.


Thanks :D I loved my character alot. I put alot of heart into it.


Oh! One more advice;


do some discussing with your friends too. It could help develop your character. You see, I didn't create Greyhawk alone. I had help from friends too to start him off outside and within the forum.

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