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Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's problems?

True Rarity

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So, while I was thinking about Fluttershy's family, and I was wondering if perhaps her father was an earth pony, it would explain her weak flying abilities.


So, my mind drifted to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Maybe Scootaloo's parents were weak flyers like Fluttershy and/or one/both of them was an earth pony? I mean, Pound's parents are both earth ponies, but he has abnormally strong flying abilities. Maybe if Scootaloo's parents are earth ponies, she has abnormally weak flying abilities?


Then it got me thinking - Sweetie Belle is unable to use magic, or that's what we know, anyway. Her dad appears to be an earth pony, unless his hat hides his horn:





But wouldn't his hat be pushed back farther if he had a horn? We would probably at least be able to see the base of his horn. Later, he is seen fishing:






Look closely. He's holding the pole with his hoof. I know some unicorns still use their hooves even though they can use levitation magic, but he just doesn't act like a unicorn.


So, here are my questions: Who are Scootaloo's parents? Is Sweetie Belle's dad a unicorn or an earth pony? Will Scootaloo be a weak flyer as a result of her parents? Will Sweetie Belle be unable to do magic because her father is possibly an earth pony?


What do you think?

Edited by True Rarity
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Sweetie Belle's dad is a unicorn but, we never seen him do any magic. Scootaloo's parents are somewhere in Cloudsdale possibly, that's my theory. Scootaloo is probably a weak flyer but maybe it is because of her parents, and Sweetie Belle will still be able to do magic when she becomes more developed when she gets older.

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Well for starters there was confirmed to be an episode about disabilities and judging from the season 4 preview it looks like Scootaloo is getting that episode and may or may not be a cripple which I hope she is.

Second of all from the unicorn colts and fillies we have seen that at this age not knowing magic is pretty normal and takes longer than a pegasus learning to fly.

Lastly I'm pretty sure that Rarity's redneck father is an earth pony due to picture of him fishing using his hooves and the hat does not show a horn at all.

Edited by cmarston1
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Sweetie Belle's father looks like a recoloured Big Macintosh with a moustache. Even has the same amount of eye flare. Either way, I don't think the position of genes in your family tree has any effect. Remember Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake? They had their Pegasus/unicorn features from extremely distant relatives, but still had exactly the surges that Rarity detailed to come from newborns. 


Either they both had ridiculously distant unicorn/Pegasus relatives, or they're simply in that stage where they can't yet do magic or fly. Perfectly explainable, I mean Scootaloo's wings are tiny.

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I for never thought that Fluttershys parents were earth ponies. They are most likely pegasus seeing as Fluttershy went to the school in Cloudsdale. 


I've always thought that Scootaloos parents were earth ponies, seeing as she has yet to show any sign of flying. But there is still the question of, is flying something you learn from someone or do you just do it in time? It's hard to say. Hopefully the episode well talk about it.


As for Sweetie Belles dad, he could be an earth pony or he could be a unicorn. He could just be a very weak user of magic and just never trained or learned how to use his magic. The hat could be hiding his horn. Trixie, was able to hide her horn under her hat with out making a hole.




They had their Pegasus/unicorn features from extremely distant relatives, but still had exactly the surges that Rarity detailed to come from newborns. 


True unicorns have a surge, but there is no prof to support that pegasus have surges to.  


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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True unicorns have a surge, but there is no prof to support that pegasus have surges to.  


There is - Pound Cake was able to fly at intervals during the episode, at the same age Pumpkin Cake had a surge of magic. It could be related to the passive magic that Lauren Faust described Pegasi to have, the same kind that lets them walk on clouds.


This means that, if she has the same flying ability as a normal filly with immediate Pegasus parents, then it doesn't matter if Scootaloo's parents were Earth ponies or not; the distance between Pegasus relatives seems to have no difference. Scootaloo is simply taking longer to learn how to fly at this stage. Other Pegasus fillies her age have been able to fly, for instance during the Cutie Mark Chronicles where a group of filly Pegasi were sitting on a cloud that they couldn't reach without flight.

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Rarity's dad is in fact a unicorn as he was pictured without his hat in a canon source and had his horn. He's never been seen using magic simply because he's little more than a background pony and the animators never saw fit to show him using it.


Plus his cutie mark (three footballs) would imply he's an athlete and probably doesn't have much use for magic, if you want an "in-universe" explanation for it.


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There is - Pound Cake was able to fly at intervals during the episode, at the same age Pumpkin Cake had a surge of magic. It could be related to the passive magic that Lauren Faust described Pegasi to have, the same kind that lets them walk on clouds.


But there has ever been anything in the episode saying pegasus have outburst and it also does not mage seances for a pegasus to have an outburst of flying. Magic and flying seem to be charged differently. Magic is most likely is charged by the magic that builds up in a baby unicorn and than just unleashes at random points. While flying seems to be based more on physical strength. Most likely Pound Cakes super strength is being manipulated into his wings giving him the power to fly. So a unicorn well need time to recharge which may take several days or a month, while a pegasus may just need to rest for a while before getting back to full power.


Also if you look at the crystal heart book and comics, Pound and Pumpkin can still fly and use magic. 


Another random thing, also in Cutie Mark Chronicles one of the bully ponies say's that his baby brother is already flying. 




This means that, if she has the same flying ability as a normal filly with immediate Pegasus parents, then it doesn't matter if Scootaloo's parents were Earth ponies or not; the distance between Pegasus relatives seems to have no difference. Scootaloo is simply taking longer to learn how to fly at this stage. Other Pegasus fillies her age have been able to fly, for instance during the Cutie Mark Chronicles where a group of filly Pegasi were sitting on a cloud that they couldn't reach without flight.



Well it makes seances for those pegasus to be flying at this point. They live in an area were you would need to start flying at a very young age. Scootaloo did not live in that area so she may have not gained the strength to fly. Even Fluttershy who is a weak flyer could still do some of the basics at a very young age. Scootaloo has yet to do even that.


I had another thought that maybe Scootaloo did not get the right nutrients during the time in her mother. So she never grew the right way.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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But there has ever been anything in the episode saying pegasus have outburst and it also does not mage seances for a pegasus to have an outburst of flying. Magic and flying seem to be charged differently. Magic is most likely is charged by the magic that builds up in a baby unicorn and than just unleashes at random points. While flying seems to be based more on physical strength. Most likely Pound Cakes super strength is being manipulated into his wings giving him the power to fly.


Also if you look at the crystal heart book and comics, Pound and Pumpkin can still fly and use magic. 


Another random thing, also in Cutie Mark Chronicles one of the bully ponies say's that his baby brother is already flying. 


Ah, but if it weren't simply a temporary surge of flight for Pound Cake, then that would mean the first time Pound Cake flew would be the basis for him flying thenceforth. So Pegasi begin to fly within a month of their birth? If that's the case, Scootaloo and Fluttershy are both total anomalies, the former being unable to fly at all, and the other being much weaker at flight in her child years than Pound Cake in his baby years. I do honestly think it was a surge of flight ability, it makes a lot more sense - and it gives the bully pony grounds to make an overblown claim about his baby brother flying.


Also, Scootaloo living in Ponyville instead of Cloudsdale can't have impacted her flying ability too much. I mean, it didn't affect Pound Cake who lived in Ponyville too. Scoots can still flap her wings on her scooter, just no taking off. Maybe her wings were grown short.

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Ah, but if it weren't simply a temporary surge of flight for Pound Cake, then that would mean the first time Pound Cake flew would be the basis for him flying thenceforth. So Pegasi begin to fly within a month of their birth? If that's the case, Scootaloo and Fluttershy are both total anomalies, the former being unable to fly at all, and the other being much weaker at flight in her child years than Pound Cake in his baby years. I do honestly think it was a surge of flight ability, it makes a lot more sense - and it gives the bully pony grounds to make an overblown claim about his baby brother flying.  


I do agree with you that, maybe Fluttershy was a weak flyer as a baby and Scootaloo may not have been able to fly at all when she was a baby. Still I don't get why flying as an outburst makes sense to you? Like I said, there is no energy at all and Pound can just fly when he wants to. 




Also, Scootaloo living in Ponyville instead of Cloudsdale can't have impacted her flying ability too much. I mean, it didn't affect Pound Cake who lived in Ponyville too. Scoots can still flap her wings on her scooter, just no taking off. Maybe her wings were grown short.


Well I was going with if Scootaloo lived in Cloudsdale she would have to start flying right away and would get better with time. If you look at the book and the comics, it shows Pound Cake is able to still fly. If he keeps flying now, he well keep getting better and better.  


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I do agree with you that, maybe Fluttershy was a weak flyer as a baby and Scootaloo may not have been able to fly at all when she was a baby. Still I don't get why flying as an outburst makes sense to you? Like I said, there is no energy at all and Pound can just fly when he wants to.


If it wasn't a surge, then that means it is standard procedure for Pegasi to fly at Pound Cake's ability at that age. Which, when compared to the flying ineptitude of Scootaloo and Fluttershy, doesn't seem reasonable. At that rate of learning, Pound Cake could grow up to be a Wonderbolt.


Well I was going with if Scootaloo lived in Cloudsdale she would have to start flying right away and would get better with time. If you look at the book and the comics, it shows Pound Cake is able to still fly. If he keeps flying now, he well keep getting better and better.  


If she did live in Cloudsdale and still couldn't fly, then yeah, she'd be an anomaly. Like I said, Pound Cake didn't need to live in Cloudsdale to start flying at a really young age - so whichever place Scootaloo lives in, she's inept at flying by default.

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Well, we don't actually know anything about the pegasi's family, except for Rainbow Dash in the "Games Ponies Play" episode. Lauren Faust actually never meant for Scootaloo to learn how to fly, probably creating a good plotline.


In "Baby Cakes," I think Pound Cake was able to fly since it would make a good episode, (( It's not. )) leading to the lesson that it's not easy raising a child.


Anyway, we haven't seen any of the OTHER foals fly, have we? Then why do we want Scootaloo to fly? As for Sweetie Belle, we haven't seen any other unicorn foals do magic, so I'm assuming she can't do magic, either. 


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Hmm.. Well, seeing as season 4 will have an episode that focuses on disabilites, and from the looks of it, it will focus on Scootaloo's lack of ability to fly; implying that she has a disability.. Which I think is the safest thing to bet with Scoots.

Now that I think about it.. Scootaloo seems to use her wings to give her more speed and help her out when she's riding her scooter, and maybe that could provide a gateway for Scootaloo finding out her special talent, since she knows she has a disability but still uses her wings to an advantage!
But this isn't the topic for theories such as that, so yeah..


For Sweetie Belle..
It's established in 'Boast Busters' that a Unicorn's magic is relative to their special talent (i.e. Rarity's magic helps her out with her dress making).

And since Sweetie Belle doesn't know her special talent, her magic doesn't have much purpose.
And once Sweetie Belle realises her special talent, her magic will then begin to work?


But still, these are just theories from my strange, strange mind, so yeah..

  • Brohoof 1

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Anyway, we haven't seen any of the OTHER foals fly, have we? 


I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash could fly when she was Scootaloo's age. This may have something to do with the fact that Rainbow Dash lived in Cloudsdale at the time, but do you think RD might get a little worried?

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@@True Rarity


Well, Rainbow Dash HAD to fly because she had to earn her cutie mark. Scootaloo hasn't yet, and I don't think flying has to do with it. Rainbow Dash is different; she earned her cutie mark FOR flying.

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@@True Rarity


Well, Rainbow Dash HAD to fly because she had to earn her cutie mark. Scootaloo hasn't yet, and I don't think flying has to do with it. Rainbow Dash is different; she earned her cutie mark FOR flying.


In Rainbow Dash's flashback, you can see a group of foal Pegasi sitting on a cloud. The cloud is floating by itself; you could only reach it by flying. It's deductive logic but I think it shows that they can at least fly short distances.

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Scootaloo's parents are James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman.


I defy you to even THINK about questioning such an unimaginably awesome possibility.

It's established in 'Boast Busters' that a Unicorn's magic is relative to their special talent (i.e. Rarity's magic helps her out with her dress making).

When is this established? Theoretically, literally any unicorn could use magic to help make a dress...Rarity's just the only dressmaker.

Also, Rarity got her cutie mark after finding tons of jewels in a big rock. So her special talent is less dress-making and more being a potential gold digger. :lol:

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Scootaloo's parents are James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman.


I defy you to even THINK about questioning such an unimaginably awesome possibility.

When is this established? Theoretically, literally any unicorn could use magic to help make a dress...Rarity's just the only dressmaker.


Also, Rarity got her cutie mark after finding tons of jewels in a big rock. So her special talent is less dress-making and more being a potential gold digger. :lol:


Actually, Rarity did find the jewels in a rock, but she didn't get her cutie mark until she used the jewels to decorate her costumes. So she's not really a gold digger as much as she is a clever, creative decorator.

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Really? When was he without his hat? I must have missed that, could you please provide a reference? Thank you very much in advance.


He was never seen without it in the show proper, but he did appear in an officially-produced guidebook featuring unique art of him in different clothes and no hat. The book also reveals Rarity's mom's cutie mark. Here's the image.


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He was never seen without it in the show proper, but he did appear in an officially-produced guidebook featuring unique art of him in different clothes and no hat. The book also reveals Rarity's mom's cutie mark. Here's the image.


First glance response: "Huh...Rarity's mom's special talent is collecting the Dragonballs?"


Damn. If only she'd been in the right show. Could've saved those guys so much time... :P

Edited by Koelath
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If she did live in Cloudsdale and still couldn't fly, then yeah, she'd be an anomaly. Like I said, Pound Cake didn't need to live in Cloudsdale to start flying at a really young age - so whichever place Scootaloo lives in, she's inept at flying by default.


Well I'm going with more that because Scootaloo did not live in Cloudsdale, there was no need for her to learn how to fly. So thats why she can't do some of the basics. Because Pound Cake is flying now he well develop much faster and be able to fly better. Thats kinda why I think at times Scootaloos parents are earth ponies or that maybe Scootaloo never received the right nutrients when she was developing in her mother. Because they thought their child would be an earth pony. Thats why she can't fly or even do small amounts of flying.  


Still I guesses in the end location may not matter to much. Besides you can't really compare the 2 living areas, seeing as Pound has only been a live for a month and Scootaloo has been a live for about 10 or 12 years.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Well I'm going with more that because Scootaloo did not live in Cloudsdale, there was no need for her to learn how to fly. So thats why she can't do some of the basics.


Scootaloo can't do any of the basics. She can't lift up from the ground at all. Again, the idea that there was no need for her to learn to fly doesn't make sense - look at Pound Cake, in the exact same situation, who can fly after a month.


Thats kinda why I think at times Scootaloos parents are earth ponies or that maybe Scootaloo never received the right nutrients when she was developing in her mother. Because they thought their child would be an earth pony. Thats why she can't fly or even do small amounts of flying.


That still doesn't make sense if you look at Pound Cake again - his parents are both Earth Ponies too, and he can fly remarkably well. Why must it suddenly differ for Scootaloo? Plus it wouldn't be a case of nutrients - again, the Cakes never foresaw Pound Cake being a Pegasus but still raised him just fine.


Which leads me to my original point - it was a surge of flight ability. If it wasn't, then Fluttershy and Scootaloo, one of which couldn't fly until school age and one that can't fly at all, have unexplainable disabilities/delays.

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But there has ever been anything in the episode saying pegasus have outburst and it also does not mage seances for a pegasus to have an outburst of flying. Magic and flying seem to be charged differently. Magic is most likely is charged by the magic that builds up in a baby unicorn and than just unleashes at random points. While flying seems to be based more on physical strength. Most likely Pound Cakes super strength is being manipulated into his wings giving him the power to fly. So a unicorn well need time to recharge which may take several days or a month, while a pegasus may just need to rest for a while before getting back to full power.

Actually, there is. Rainbow Dash talks about pegasus' foals power surges, except that instead of explaining fancy like Rarity, she simply says that once Pound Cake gets those wings going, he'll be all over the place.


If you can now rewatch the episode, and it is literally not there, I might've broken dimensional barriers earlier than expected, but that's not likely.



Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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