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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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"Sorry Gray. I'll speak plainly. I don't use knives, just clubs and my bare hooves. So far your stuff has all been non-lethal, like me.
I can't 'fight' Twisted because given what I've seen he doesn't fight. Combat is equal terms with one eventually overpowering the other.
Fate's abilities mean he can kill anypony at any time, he's said so, and he mean it. We know it. And he knows it."

Dusk walks up to Twisted Fate before he gets out of the room and sets a hoof on his shoulder.
"maybe you're a merc, I get it. It'll take everypony a while to trust you. Getting used to you, going places with you and doing stuff together, after they've had your back for a while and you've had theirs eventually you'll just be one of the guys. And I'm not saying saying this just to make you angry, but the process might be hurried along if you just said you're sorry you threatened them."

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Crimson rolled away from the blow as best as he could, but glooms last kick still managed to hit him and knock his hat off. Once crimson got back on his hooves, he glared angrily at gloom, "okay ass! Let's get one thing straight here! You never, repeat NEVER touch my hat without my permission! That hat is worth more to me than any treasure! Actually, that's one of the reasons I decided to help grey! We both have a tendency to maim anyone who fucks with our hats! You should know that no one messes with a pirate captains hat!" Said crimson angrily before using a strange sword technique on gloom, rushing past him with a single slash with the back of his blade, but the attack was so fast, that most ponies would have missed it. Crimson stood still with his back to gloom, before bending over and retrieving his hat, placing it firmly back on his head, "that technique...took me years to master...my teacher taught it to me...the pain should be registering right about...now" said crimson as he turned back to gloom with Helios brandished.


((Sorry if that seemed OP but I promise that this really is just crimson's strongest sword technique, if its too OP then just say that crimson jumped over gloom and slashed at his back with the back of his blade))

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Twisted started to breath heavily turning around looking Dusk dead in the eyes, "This is the last time I'm going to say this, I did what I had to do to survive! The terms were different  I was brought on this crew just a few hours ago. All of you were enemies a few hours ago and some of you are still enemies!" Glaring towards Lume. "And cards aren't the only things I use to fight!" Putting on his spiked gauntlets as smashing a near by barrel in one punch. "I understand I'm the outcast, but still everywhere I turn I see a enemy!" His hoof starting to shaking with rage. "I'll be in the Captain's room." Starting to walk out of the room.



Edited by Brain Drain


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"Then maybe you can do with looking through different eyes."
Dusk replied softly, letting the stallion leave the room.

He turned and without glancing back spoke, turned back to turned back, to Fate.
"Y' know. some ponies here need the odd sugar cube now and then. Some smoke, some drink. Some use salt-lick. I think the master gryphon is a carnivore. If you have any particular needs I'll see what I can do to have em for you next meal. Fell free to just leave a note on the door if that's what you want."


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@, ((Nah, it's cool. My OC is a bit of a bad-ass himself.)) Gloom lets out a grunt, after a sec he chuckles. "I've been taught by my teacher sens I was a could to withstand pain worst then that, so my pain threshold is a bit stronger then a ordinary pony. And I'm sorry about your hat, but with all do respect. I didn't touch it. It just fell off when I kicked your. Do you mind id we called it a draw for now, cause I think you broke one of my ribs, and by the looks of it, I broke your eye socket with my last kick." He points to Crimsons bleeding eye. ((Do you mind that?))

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"uh, whats up?"


Lume trotted over to a quieter area of the deck - near the guard-rails - and signaled Gray to follow. "Listen..." Lume brought a hoof to the chin and faced downwards for a while. She took her time to choose the words properly. "That... Twisted Fate pony... Is he really part of the crew now? After everything he has done to us? I mean, what kind of agreement did you guys have last night?"

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Star Belle smirked to herself. She was alone in the kitchen.


"So I've heard that creep's name is Twisted Fate, huh? She was talking to herself."Well his fate's gonna be twisted when I challenge him to a flying contest."


She smiled evilly as she consumed her oatmeal.

(How would a pony eat oatmeal, anyway?)

  • Brohoof 1
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Lume trotted over to a quieter area of the deck - near the guard-rails - and signaled Gray to follow. "Listen..." Lume brought a hoof to the chin and faced downwards for a while. She took her time to choose the words properly. "That... Twisted Fate pony... Is he really part of the crew now? After everything he has done to us? I mean, what kind of agreement did you guys have last night?"

Gray became quite serious " He's being given a bad wrap. I know if I were in his position facing a crew of pirates while I stand alone I would have done what I could to survive."


"So I offered him a chance to make money. Now I'm going to assume Your not the only pony against him being here and I will say this and this alone. He Is a part of this crew now and like it or not he is here to stay until I say otherwise!"


Gray soon became quite remorseful of what he had said "... I-I'm sorry... but it's not his fault he did what he had to..."



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Star Belle smirked to herself. She was alone in the kitchen.


"So I've heard that creep's name is Twisted Fate, huh? She was talking to herself."Well his fate's gonna be twisted when I challenge him to a flying contest."


She smiled evilly as she consumed her oatmeal.

(How would a pony eat oatmeal, anyway?)

"I suggest a spoon."

Dusk entered the kitchen. it was time to work again.

"Sorry about that. I made it because it's cheap, quick, easy, and a cauldron full will feed an entire crew." he said with a happy grin.


"I'll see about diversifying the menu, but don't think I'll be able to do anything like fresh daisies or roses. There isn't any earth here after all.

And that reminds me, I've heard a lot of people talk about it and I think I'll need to get Lume to help build one. Everypony seems to think a ship would have a shower. heh heh. They're going to be disapointed when they figure out the most we have at the moment is probably going to be a water barrel and a couple of buckets."

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Lume shrank when Gray raised his tone of voice. Once again, she got thoughtful. She tried to understand the stowaway's reasons to have done the atrocities he did, putting herself in his place an all of that. But at the end of the day, hollow emotions such as anger and vengeance just didn't let even the slightest bit of kindness in. After a while, she sighed deeply.


"I just... I just don't trust him, Gray. He could be up to something, who knows! Did you see his face when he came out of the mess hall just now? It looked like he was about to freaking kill somepony! I just don't feel safe with that pony wandering around the ship. I'm scared to go to sleep tonight and wake up dead!... Well, technically, then I wouldn't even get to wake up since I would already be dead... Ugh, you got the idea!"


She began massaging her own forehead.


"Look, it's very nice of you to give him a second chance, a place to stay and everything else... I understand that he's one while we're like, eight or so, and that he might have done everything he did in order to save his own flank, but... I don't know!..."


She lightly bashed her hoof against her head a few times.


"You know what, I'll give the clown a chance. I'll take your word for it and assume he's a good guy and treat him like part of the family from now on. But I swear by Starswirl's majestic beard, if he tries anything funny, I'm gonna... I don't know, rub it in your face or something like that."


Lume shrugged, letting out a small giggle. After that, she looked out of the aircraft in the distance, watching the clouds and the birds fly by.


"By the way... How long until we get to Manehatten?"


(( OOC: Long post is long... Anyway, going to sleep now~ ))

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Gray listened to what Lume had to say, and one thing stuck out like a sore thumb to Grays ears.


 It looked like he was about to freaking kill somepony!


"Cripes.... no doubt he's getting pissed."

Gray sighed "Ok Lume I need you to alert the crew to come to me if they have any troubles with Mr. fate. and I will try to straiten things out. Oh and about manehatten... you need to ask Vincent Because I have no clue, I have been spending my time making the metal that by the way you should start placing on your machines." he hinted as he walked to the Captains Chambers to talk with Twisted.


As he approached the Captains chamber he knocked on the door. "Oi, Twisted you in there? I'm coming in."

he opened the door and walked inside.

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Twisted spun around to see Gray in front of him, "Are you hear to make beg for forgiveness? I won't do it you can fight me to the death, but I won't ask for those ponies forgiveness." Hints of anger in his voice. "Forget what I just said what do you need?" Rubbing his head.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gray spoke in an apologetic tone "I wanted to tell you the others... they are um.. Stubborn to say the least. The way I see it you haven't done anything to me or the rest of the crew That can't be understood by simple logic. You reacted the way you felt best to handle the situation. And I am going to tell the rest of the crew to stop yelling at you for your actions. So I guess I basically just wanted to say sorry on behalf of the rest of the crew. So as an apology and a thanks for not only fixing my hat but also giving me the idea for a new invention I have two things for you. One Is this."


Gray gives Twisted a small box with a lens at the top


" this item when opened can repair any substance ever created by analyzing the object and taking note of where there are any flaws or abnormalities and placing Atoms of the same atomic ID and thus fixing the flaws. This might also work on living organisms if I am correct but I have never tested it on anything living. The longest i have been able to keep one working though is 6 uses. And this is the other" 


He leaves the room and brings him drags in a big bag full of Gems and Bits.

"I stole this from a dragon a while back but never needed it and I already have more money than I know what to do with so this is also to show you that i can keep it raining your way for a long while. Oh and about the others I'm sure they will get used to you eventually. There just a little jumpy."


@@Brain Drain,


(sorry for the long, Boring and slightly sappy Mood of this but it was to progress the story. oh and Gray is LOADED btw)

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Twisted looked at the bits and gems, "Profit is profit...just have a bitter taste thanks to Lume. The way she acts just fills me with rage, but also she awoken my inner demons." Trying to keep his mind off Lume. "Oh if you go to the kitchen I'm sorry for the broken table...kinda lost control when Lume called me a coward..." Rubbing the back of his head. "I'm grateful for the gifts, but this ship reminds me of my childhood and I killed everypony from my childhood...can I have that key that opens this vault, so i can keep all my money in there until we hit ground?" Losing focus on Gray.


"Subject: Twisted Fate. Experimentation: Unknown. Doctor: Xavier Rath. Day: 45 (Excitation day)" Feeling a chill run up his spine.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"I told you the first time I opened it right? at least I think I did... well in any case It opens via a lock I created to keep thieves out. I have set it for me. If you want me to reprogram it that's fine but there is no key" he said to clarify the safe was advanced in technology " I'll do it after I get some sleep my mind could but shouldn't do it when i'm so tired...see ya." 


 Gray walked out the door in a sluggish manner then went to sleep on the ground on the main deck.


(I talk to much imma let you guys post for a while)

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An idea hits Dusk. It jolts him out from the rest of what he was doing. He heads to the cargo bay, looking for the carpentry supplies. He helps himself to a bucket of nails, a hammer, a saw, two pairs of pliers and a wrench and starts taking up lumber onto the main deck..
He searches through the cargo and finds what he was hoping for from the docket. Anypony who gets in his path will notice Dusk pushing up a grandfather clock to the deck. Soon after he gets some chain, a few cogs and gears, and spare piping.

Dusk gets to work on the first stage of his project: in less than an hour he has an elevated foundation with pipe shooting off the side of the ship. Phase 2 starts immediately after: the plans he built resemble a closet or an outhouse.
He sings while he works.

'Veinte presas

hemos hecho

al despecho del ingles
y me han rendido sus pendones
cien naciones
a mis pies."

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crimson smirked and nodded before sheathing Helios, "I guess this would be a good enough place to stop for today, our wounds aren't too bad, but we still might want to get them patched up just in case." said crimson before walking up to Gloom and holding out his hoof for a hoofshake, "that was a great match, lets do it again sometime soon" said crimson with a grin.

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@,  Gloom smirks, spins his knife in his hoof then sheaths it.((like a boss)) And takes Crimsons hoof. "Aye, it was. And we should. And after Moo heals our wounds,and as soon as we get some shore leave from the boss. How about we get a drank? On me of course, hehe." Gloom gives his normal carefree grin.

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crimson smirked and nodded, "sounds good! but what I'm a bit worried about isn't really the wounds themselves, its what my marefreind will say to me if she finds out, she hates it when I get myself hurt...also, there's still the matter of that annoying stowaway, I think I heard some sort of fight or argument earlier in our fight, so we should check it out" said crimson as he cracked his neck, still a bit sore from the fight.

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@, It took a while but he was done. The closet was up and the grandfather clock was ticking ad  the strange aparatus he jury-rigged was jutting out from the back of the clock's head.

Dusk went looking for Star Belle.
"Ah, there you are. I've got a job only a pegasus can do. Think you can help me out?"

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@, It took a while but he was done. The closet was up and the grandfather clock was ticking ad  the strange aparatus he jury-rigged was jutting out from the back of the clock's head.


Dusk went looking for Star Belle.

"Ah, there you are. I've got a job only a pegasus can do. Think you can help me out?"

"Sure, I guess a flying contest with that ruffian can wait. What do you need?" Star Belle questioned. "Not to brag, but I am a pretty great flyer." She smiled proudly.


(Just to notify, I'll have more time over the next three days, so l'll post more often.

Applejack is a ninja. :ph34r:)

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"Awesome. I hope you're a good weatherpony too. I need about..."

Dusk makes measurements with his hooves, looking like he's trying to hug the air upside down, then gives up when he realizes he can't translate that measurement to words.

"Aww, just get me a pony sized cloud if you don't mind. Two ponies' size works too."

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Moonilght walked towards Gloom and Rage, letting out an audible sigh. "Hold up. If you morons are done battling, I unfortunately need to fix you up before you go off somewhere," she said, carefully looking at the two stallion's injuries. Gloom seemed to have a broken rib, which was simple to fix if you had the proper medical knowledge. Crimson, on the other hand, had a broken eye socket, which would be tricky. If something went wrong with the spell, Moonlight could permanently blind him.


"You know, we have a lot more troubling matters at hand right now, so instead of beating each other up, you should've been doing something productive," she growled, gently examining their wounds.

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crimson sighed, "oh come on moonlight, give us a break! it wasn't a serious fight, we were just having a little fun! if this were a real fight then one of us would be dead...but seeing as that's not the case, then I don't see what the problem is...besides our wounds anyway..." said crimson with a sheepish grin.

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Moonlight grunted dissaprovingly, before nervously swallowing as she finished examining the two. She hadn't gotten a wink of sleep for the past two days, and used up a lot of her magic energy the day before, and the mare could only hope she had enough energy to heal them. "Alright. As always, the spell's going to hurt a bit. Ready?" she said, preparing to do the spell.




Moonlight Fire gently set a hoof onto Gloom's broken rib, and closed her eyes in concentration. She felt herself become extremely tired as the rib began to mend itself, and she breathed heavily. Within a minute, Gloom's wound was healed, and she panted with exhaustion.


Without a second to waste, Moonlight turned to Crimson and concentrated on his eye. "This is going to hurt," she breathed, before carefully doing the spell, mending the eye's broken bone stucture. She finally finished, and collapsed to the ground, completely worn out. "Alright.y-you guys..are all good. Just be sure.. to take it easy..for the rest of the day," she coughed out.


((Sorry that was reallyyyy long.))

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