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You're really cute; did you know that :-P ? I just want to see you blush :twi:.



post-18984-0-24039800-1399343692.gif oh dear.. with such compliments how i couldn't blush? i personally think i could use more makeup, ya know to be pretty for ponies *giggles*

post-18984-0-30187600-1382380445.png come here! *hug happily*
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oh dear.. with such compliments how i couldn't blush? i personally think i could use more makeup, ya know to be pretty for ponies *giggles*


come here! *hug happily*

You don't need makeup silly :-p . You're pretty just as your natural self :twi:.


*hugs you tight ^_^*


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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post-18984-0-28376400-1382379262.png *giggles while hugging* that's very sweet, you do know how to be a gentlecolt, you know, when i was younger i was in same school as Rarity.. and i saw her being popular with the rest of the schoolcolts and everyone had a crush on her.... i was shy and nerdy.. so i fixed my eyes to look like her 

post-18984-0-41037900-1381898817.png so in order to be as popular as Rarity in those days i add lashes and makeup 


You don't need makeup silly :-P . You're pretty just as your natural self :twi:.

*hugs you tight ^_^*

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*giggles while hugging* that's very sweet, you do know how to be a gentlecolt, you know, when i was younger i was in same school as Rarity.. and i saw her being popular with the rest of the schoolcolts and everyone had a crush on her.... i was shy and nerdy.. so i fixed my eyes to look like her


so in order to be as popular as Rarity in those days i add lashes and makeup


Oh so they didn't always look like that did they :-p ? I think everyone's pretty in their own different ways, it just seems like most people just preferred one type over another, but it doesn't mean you need to change yourself; why would you want /everyone/ trying to crush on you when you can have... maybe just a few that see you as a nice, humble, modest pony :)?


Unless there weren't any at all following you :C , and I can relate.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Oh so they didn't always look like that did they :-P ? I think everyone's pretty in their own different ways, it just seems like most people just preferred one type over another, but it doesn't mean you need to change yourself; why would you want /everyone/ trying to crush on you when you can have... maybe just a few that see you as a nice, humble, modest pony :)?


Unless there weren't any at all following you :C , and I can relate.



post-18984-0-35675300-1399344126.gif well the shape is same but no lashes and dark makeup, ahm... oh sweet Bios... you think am nice, humble and modest? 
post-18984-0-02307300-1381856818.png *blushes heavily*
post-18984-0-24039800-1399343692.gif i am speechless now... ironically the oposite of my name i guess... you so sweet~ i just try to keep my standars up, something most ponies should do, just be nice and that's it



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well the shape is same but no lashes and dark makeup, ahm... oh sweet Bios... you think am nice, humble and modest?



*blushes heavily*



i am speechless now... ironically the oposite of my name i guess... you so sweet~ i just try to keep my standars up, something most ponies should do, just be nice and that's it



Heheeh, well you can still be humble even if you talk a lot about yourself :twi:. Don't make yourself look like a superhero; just say whatever things just as they are :). Edited by 95-Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Miss Chatterbox, what's your favorite types of stories report on? I may have missed this question but I wanted to ask. Oh and what are some the stranges stories or encounters you have had while being a reporter?

post-18984-0-79845300-1399345014.gifwell that's a deep question, there's a lot of topics i would like to talk, to be honest i can't stand ponies who are not open enough, i mean, if you interview Rarity or Pinkie pie, they like to talk to much, venting about everything looking and you never get bored, they just have a transparent soul, but if you look ponies like big mac am like.... "what's your IQ again?" "eeyeup" "nope" ? Come on! isn't your brain enough to process more than two words? also there's humans who, trying to look "interesting" "misterious" "shy" they are just simply... boring! whenever i interview anypony just say less than 8 words, i go to another who can offer me a good story, so nope! i dont talk to walls

Hey Chatterbox did you write an article about Flurry's crystalling or the changeling in the Crystal empire?

post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif i remember i was on the challenging attack, i risk my life trying to make a godo story of the situation, i was hired to take notes of Cadence and Shining armour wedding but this truly got our sales up, but did you know there was something secret underneath the events? like some changelings imitating crystal ponies to explore the area in seek for a perfect plan? did you know Queen Chrysalys send some strange messages to Cadence? and also something secret eclipsed by the main events but.. there was a few ponies (and am talking about normal ponies not crystal ponies) who were actually cooperating with the changelings and Chrysalis... there's rumors and conspirations of possible followers of a cult that Chrysalys has been doing this time the connotations are from religion, political movement, anarchy or a overall revoilution, like a terrorist hit aganits the Crystal Empire, what you read in another news is not the full information
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Ooh you have one of these too!


What is your favorite holiday tradition?


post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif that would be christmas! (forgot the pony name of the holiday) not for the presents but the dinner, the friendship, the Winter, and all the ambience of ponies celebrating the foundation of Equestria, such a nice day to remember who we are!
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YO so have you ever been to my lab as it spans under all of equestria. It's a very futuristic place with very advanced computer technology. :)

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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nnope! i haven't the pleasure yet! i bet it would be nice, by the way, what is a computer?

Well basically it's a (electronic brain) you could say. Infact in equestria computers are everywhere as evry single pony is basically a robot as I built most of them. Even you are one of them! Infact you unit number is: CHPX-194 VADCORE CHATS

And trust me I can change your program from the lab If I need to like if Herobrien takes control of you! :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Well basically it's a (electronic brain) you could say. Infact in equestria computers are everywhere as evry single pony is basically a robot as I built most of them. Even you are one of them! Infact you unit number is: CHPX-194 VADCORE CHATS

And trust me I can change your program from the lab If I need to like if Herobrien takes control of you! :)


post-18984-0-35101900-1382393131.png *laughs uncontrollably*
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*laughs uncontrollably*

Or maybe you will see when I enable you first ever memory files from when I started your system for the first time in the lab.. :)

Infact I just did it now before I even posted this!!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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post-18984-0-24039800-1399343692.gif dude... you are confusing me with another mare, i am not a robot, i bleed and have natural parts, i don't have nothing else in my brain of body, now you may give me a reason like "oh i just implanted a microchip inside your brain" or any other justification of your theory, dude, just don't
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Well that's one really important thing I need to do soon!! And that is increasing the believe sensitivity on all of my units. It'll be vital for when I reveal myself to equestria. Which is something I'll have to do if Herobrien decides to come down to equestria. But who is Herobrien? Well he is the creator of all of the villains in equestria and he tried to hack a number of my units including starlight glimmer. Yes he is my brother that became evil for unknown reasons as of now and I need to be there to protect my units from his attacks. I guess I'll end it here before I get carried away! :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Well that's one really important thing I need to do soon!! And that is increasing the believe sensitivity on all of my units. It'll be vital for when I reveal myself to equestria. Which is something I'll have to do if Herobrien decides to come down to equestria. But who is Herobrien? Well he is the creator of all of the villains in equestria and he tried to hack a number of my units including starlight glimmer. Yes he is my brother that became evil for unknown reasons as of now and I need to be there to protect my units from his attacks. I guess I'll end it here before I get carried away! :)


post-18984-0-35675300-1399344126.gif whatever hun, just don't mix me with your visión, i may look nerdy but am not that fudged up to look like a robot, good luck with ahm.. whatever that you are facing


What's a Curiosity Cake? 


post-18984-0-79845300-1399345014.gif how should i explain with common words...? is a cake... with curiosity feeling... get it? no? well is a random name i put because i don't know how to change it to something more original
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