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open An Equestrian Trinity RP (Survival, Armageddon, Action, Adventure, Horror)


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@Frosty V,@danzxc123, @Kibishi,

The decrepit noises continued to grow until they were almost roaring and blurting out all other followed by the rushing noise of thousands of buzzing wings all around and the sound of scratching claws below the grounds inside the temple. The inside of the building had gotten increasingly darker to where it was almost impossible to see much outside their small group. Then, the noises stopped  followed by a low, belowing, breath from behind the group, the air sending chills between them.


@Lhee, @Lucid Dream


The endless noises below the ground seemed to slowly cease as it traveled to the temple. The light that boomed in the distance seemed to be another sun in how brightly it lit the landscape.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Frost whipped around trying to keep Muddle behind him. He looked around but couldn't see anything, he was about to freak out, he calmed himself down and called out in a high whisper. "Gaurdian? You there? Awnser me Gaurdian." he called out still holding up his rifle, not sure if to shoot or stay.

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Guardian turned around and answered back to Frost, "When i say run, grab the mare and get out of here. I'll take care of whatever is around us. And whatever you do, DO NOT LOOK BACK!" the last part was much louder but still a whisper. Guardian Angel, slowed his breathing and concentrated, waiting for the right moment


(Sorry i'm a little late. I am in 10 different RP's so it will take me a minute to reply if nothing else is going on.)

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Muddle couldn't see it, but she could fell her ears falling downward as she heard,


whatever is around us.
She gulped and ask in a normal tone (not a whispher), "exactly whats' surrounded us?"


She could see her shadows white eyes glare at her in the darkness, telling her to be quiet. 

@@Frosty V

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost shook his head, "Ohohohoh hell no!" he yelled back, tighting the grip on his rifle, "I don't care how good you are in a fight I'm not running the risk of somepony dying TODAY!" he yelled aiming his rifle in the direction of the noises. "Come on out you little bastard." he growled




Frist looked over his shoulder when Muddle asked what was around them. He sighed, "Something bad.....very bad."

Edited by Frosty V
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Guardian shook his head "Nopony is going to die if you will just listen to me. Please, you have to trust me. I took an oath to guard all ponies living in Equestria, no matter the cost. I can't fight them off and protect you two. Please, go, i'll join you shortly." the last part was more of a beg rather than an order.

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Frost shook the rifle in rage. "Celestia FINE!" he yelled as he turned to Muddle. "Time to go Muddle." he muttered softly. He picked her up and put her on his back and bolted for the exit. "Gaurdian you'd better be right behind me or I swear I'll kill you myself got it?!" he yelled as he ran through the temples entrance.

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@Frosty V,@danzxc123, @Kibishi,

Powerfully, there was an abrupt stomp followed by the sound of the scratching on the ground. A few buglike flaps were heard around the three and quieted giggles. Then, whatever stomped gave out an annoyed snort before growling beastily, the dripping sound of drool hitting the floor echoed through the temple..."You will succumb to the lusts of your flesh and become mine!" the gurgling and rough voice bellowed menacingly.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"I will be with you shortly" Guardian called out.

Guardian Angel listened for movement. When he heard the stomp and some demon call out to him. He turned on the spot and jumped towards the abomination. He flipped in mid air and delivered a kick to its side. Jumping from the contact, he hit another monster in the air. He continued to do so till he landed on the ground and ran towards the entrance. "This should disorient them for the time being" he thought as he ran to catch up with Frost and the mare, known as Muddle.

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@Frosty V,@danzxc123, @Kibishi,

The beast gave out an enraged roar as it fell from the surprise attack. The temple was in immediate uproar as the demons screeched and whirled, blasting out of the entrance in full view...there were so many...They were like swarms of hornets as they briefly recollected in the sky. Then, with what sounded like an angered bull, the large demon bursted through the entrance standing 2 times the size of any of the ponies. It's red eyes were quickly brought upon the fleeing three.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V

"And all i did was piss them off." Guardian shouted as he caught up Frost and Muddle. "Okay, you were right. I should have let you stay." Just then he got a great idea. "Can you run and shoot at the same time? I have an idea." he asked Frost, hoping that this would be better than the last

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(i gotta get going soon sorry)

Lucid heard the terrible sounds, he cringed and began to panic, he saw the temple, "I gotta get out of here!" he ran to the temple "Please, Please, somepony be there!" he tried to use a spell but it was no use. He ran insade and stared at the beast in awe, he hid in the shadows of the temple praying he would get caught,"I gotta get a weapon! No magic! Darn it!"

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((Little bit of catch-up here))

The sound was nothing but trouble - Granite had heard a similar sound a couple times since waking up, and each time it had meant bloodshed.  He was near the outskirts of the city, and the sound seemed to focus on a location a few blocks away from him.


The temple.  It was the only logical answer, given the area he was in.  It would be in his best interest to travel the other way, but that would involve leaving the ponies he had passed before to fend for themselves...


Granite sighed heavily.  What a drag...  He turns to start making his way back through the darkened alleyways, in the direction of the temple.  He had been spending a lot of time in these alleys - he might be able to help whoever the demons were hunting escape.  Assuming they don't think I'm another demon, anyways.


((Okay, caught back up, time for an actual post))


@,@@Frosty V, @,


Granite watched from his shadowed alley as the door to the temple was thrown open and three ponies ran out, shortly before the demon responsible for the trouble broke down the door behind them.  Am I really going through with this?  


From his place in the shadows, he calls out to the three fleeing survivors.  "Over here!"  He waved a hoof, trying to get their attention before slipping back down the alley.  He would do his best to help for now - he would deal with letting them find out what he was after the threat was passed.  For now it wouldn't do to let them get a good look at him. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Frost nodded slowly, "Yeah, some what, hold on." he said as he set Muddle down. "Run, keep our pace and stay in our sight alright?" he asked as they began to run again, Frist slung his rifle on his back and drew his side arm, a small caliber pistol. He ran holding the gun behind him firing off rounds at the demons hoping that whatever Gaurdian was gonna do he'd do it fast.




Frost heard a voice call out to them and turned to see somepony waving from an alley. "Gaurdian, Muddle over here!" he called still firing at the beast as he turned to run for the alley.

Edited by Frosty V
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Guardian saw the pony call them over, "Okay, Frost, we have a good lead on them, as soon as we get into the ally i want to to take out your sniper and fire at the large demon. It's a big target so its hard to miss. Hopefully by taking him out the others will lose moral seeing that their leader is down. He is our biggest threat, the others we could take."

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Frost nodded, "Sure it's worth a shot." he chuckled as they reached the ally he slung his rifle into his fore legs, spun in a 180 into a crouching position and aimed at the large demon, he took a deep breath. "Celestia this better work." me thought to himself as he squeezed the trigger, hearing the loud gunshot followed by the recoil on his shoulder.

Edited by Frosty V
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@@Frosty V,@, @, (sorry, I was gone for a bit.)


Everything was happening too fast, all muddle knew was that if she stood still in the presence of that beast. "I don't want to imagine." She ran and listened as the two ponies she meet kept barking orders, and it seemed like they were so use to this. "I really shouldn't be here right now." She said as she tried to teleport to the ally, but her magic was failing her. "Muddle what's are you doing?" "I don't know, it was fine a second ago. I-I just" She said as she continued to run into thr ally. Once she was there she dashed behind the pony again.


She heard a loud bang coming from the thing that the pony carried, and jumped at the sound. She stumbled back to a wall and said, "What kind of Equestria is this!"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@Frosty V,@Lhee@Kibishi@

The likely .308 bullet zipped through the air powerfully, barely dodging past the swarms of mini demons that flew in its way. Within a flash, it had met its mark and nailed the beast right between the eyes, causing it's eyes to role back in its head and causing it to crash and drag from it's feet suddenly failing. A small dribble of blood came from the wound as the tiny demons suddenly screeched at the falling of the large demon. Savagely, they swarmed the corpse and began ripping the flesh from the creature's bones, eating their once powerful master.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Guardian shivered at seeing this. No matter how many times this has happened he can never get used to the fact that those things will eat anything, even their own kind. He turned to Frost and smiled brightly, "That was an awesome shot. Now is the perfect time to get out of here. Follow me, i know a secret passage to the Safe Haven, as i like to call it." Guardian chuckled at his own antics.

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@@,@@Frosty V,



Granite had pulled himself up onto an old fire escape before the others could enter the alleyway, staying out of their sight.  As he watches the large demon fall and hears that one knows a way to a safe house, he calls out quietly to the ponies below him.  "Head down this direction.  There will be a building on your left with a cracked door.  Cut through that building, it will get you a block away from here."  


Hoping that they were following his advice, or at least moving in some kind of direction away from the demons, Granite delivers a sharp kick from his stone hooves to the wrecked fire escape he was perched on.  With a loud screech the rusty structure began to collapse, and Granite leaps through a nearby window to get away from the falling wreckage.  The old fire escape would fall to clog the entry of the alleyway, in order to hopefully stop the small demons from following them.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Frost stood slowly as he watched the demons feed on their former master. " Disgusting." he growled as he cocked back the blot on his rifle, causing the empty shell to eject from the chamber and fall to the ground making a satisfying clinking noise. He turned to Muddle and Gaurdian after hearing the other ponies directions, "We'd better listen, I don't wanna be out here when those things are done eating." he muttered in a serious tone

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Guardian nodded in agreement. "The best part about the directions that pony gave us is it will lead us closer to the passage way." Looking over to the fallen demon, the little abominations were almost done having their snack. "We better leave now while we have the chance." Guardian added as he followed the path the mysterious pony gave them.

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As the demons fed and the tower fell with a crash, the area once again laid silent with the distance continuous boom of the bomb that's cloud still towered over a burning hell. The new greenish-yellow sun that hanged low in the smoke covered sky beamed brightly against it's red competitor.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V,@,  


Muddle had witnessed the entire gruesome event, and had almost wretched at the sight. She heard the two ponies talking about a safe haven, and passages; and wondered how they could live like this. They brushing this off like it was nothing. Could that mean there were creatures worse than what she saw "I need some answers about this place," she thought while eyeing a dead corpse, she gulped before he continued thinking. "Hopefully before I end up there." 

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost nodded and began to walk behind Gaurdian, but stopped. He turned to see Muddle who was pressed against the wall, looking extremely frightened. He walked over and extended a hoof. "It's ok there gone, I told you if you stayed behind me you'd be safe right?" he chuckled with a large smile across his face. "Come on, let's go get somewhere safe." he added softly

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