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@@Frosty V,


Muddle slowly shook her head towards the stallion in reply, and trotted again to his side. "T-thank you," she said, "Both of you. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't run into you too." She tried to smile and show her appretiaction for saving her life, but she struggled; and the memories of what had just happened kept cause her to frown. Soon she gave up, lowered her head and walked. 


"I- I still don't understand what's going on?"

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost smiled, "No problem, I'm glad I ran into you guys as well, of I hadn't I'd probably be demon chow right now." chuckled to himself as they walked. He decided to break the ice before they reached the safe house. "So Muddle, Gaurdian? What's your stories huh? What you do before allll.....this." he asked looking around at the now abandoned looking city that surrounded them.

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Granite picked himself up from the room he had crashed into after knocking over the fire escape.  He seemed to be in an old apartment building.  Taking a moment to look around for potential supplies, it seemed as though the room had been mostly picked clean.  He did find a couple cans of what may have been food - it had been so long for the golem that he had to guess that's what they were - and packed them away, but there was nothing else worth even looking at in the old building.


As he made his way down to the ground level, he had a decision to make.  I could attempt to meet with those three who just escaped the demons, and potentially find this safe house one of them mentioned...  Or I could check nearby for other survivors.  The first option is safer, but if I choose it then I condemn anypony else out in those streets...  Bah, why do these decisions always seem to find me...


By the time he made his way back into a familiar alleyway, he had made his decision.  Choosing to skirt around the direction he had told the others to go, Granite made his way back towards the streets.  Not the street with the horde of demons, of course, but back towards a direction he hadn't had an opportunity to explore yet.  He could always search for this 'safe house' on his own later...  It was a more pressing concern to make sure no other survivors were stuck outside with those demons about.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Guardian followed the directions he was given by the mysterious pony. He heard Frost ask, "So Muddle, Guardian? What's your stories huh? What you do before allll.....this." he asked looking around at the now abandoned looking city that surrounded them. 


"Before all this happened, i was sent on a four year training session by Celestia herself. A week after i got back all this started happening. True to my way of life, i went around saving as many ponies as i could. Then one day, something terrible happened to me..." he grew quiet. Remembering that part of his life was still painful and he could not tell anypony, at least not yet. Not until he and everyone trusted themselves.

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Frost nodded again, slower this time. "I'm sorry to here that, Im assuming you don't want to go into details at the moment." he replied softly as he turned to the mare walking beside him. "What about you Muddle? Where did you live and do before all of this crap huh?" he asked, emphasizing the word crap.

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@@Frosty V,

She was busy looking at @,and listening to his story. She felt almost heart broken as he got to the end. She became lost in thought, wondering what had happened to this pony. She could barely here her name being called, "Muddle!" She snapped out of her daze, "Huh what? Oh where was I before... This?" She looked towards her left, hoping that her shadow had a logical way to explain this. "Don't look at me! I still think this is your fault." She realized it must have looked like she was shying away again, and turned back to the pony. Without any better way to say it, she said, "Before all of this I lived in Manehatten... I was sitting on my couch after a long day of school, and I was suppose to go see Scribble. Then I don't know." 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost nodded slowly, "I see...." he trailed off, getting the sense that Muddle didn't want to go into detail either. "It seems like both of you had fair lifes before all this crap happened.....you were lucky..." he trailed off again in a softer tone, now staring at the ground as he walked.

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Exploring the outskirts of the city had proven fruitless so far.  Granite was beginning to regret his decision - it seemed as though he would have been better off trying to go with the other ponies he had seen.  It wasn't safe out in the open, after all...  There was still the swarm of small demons for him to be concerned about.  While he didn't think the demons ate stone, he wasn't willing to test that hypothesis.


Granite was forced to take cover near a mound of concrete as a trio of the small demons passed, ducking down behind the debris to stay out of their sight.  At least I blend in with most of this cement wreckage...  While taking cover behind the concrete, Granite was content to wait until the demons left when he heard what was likely the last sound he expected to hear.




The golem would have sworn he heard a stomach growling.  Why would a demon be hiding under concrete?  No, that doesn't make sense...  It must be somepony hiding from the demons.  He imagined there was an opening somewhere into the debris pile, unless whoever was under there was actually trapped.  


 Watching to make sure the demons were a fairly safe distance away, Granite leans close to the pile of concrete.  With a voice barely above a whisper, he quietly mutters "Hello?  Are you okay?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Frosty V


Muddle had noticed the stallion's words trailing off, leaving an eerie silence in the room. She watched as he dropped his head, and wondered exactly what had happened to him? She spoke in a slightly louder, more concerned, tone than she had before. 


"I-if you don't mind us," Her shadow had cut her off, "You."

"Me! Asking... What happened to you?"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost kept his head low, listening to Muddle, when she asked if he didn't mind her asking he shrugged. "I was havin a good life, fine job, making money.......but no parents, no one to look after me." he said holding back the tears as he pictured his parents. "So one day I had enough, joined a military group, turned out I was good with a gun." he chuckled shifting the rifle on his back. "So they, put me up with a "special" team had me kill.....and kill....and kill all day, everyday. That's all I did, but hey, I guess it comes in handy in these sort of situations right?" he said awkwardly, trying to make himself sound less sinister than his background implied.

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Muddle went back to looking down as she walked, "ye-yeah, handy." 


After a moment of awkward silence. Muddles eye drifted to the item the item that was held on the two ponies backs. She still had no idea what they were, but she was sure that they made a really loud noise... and hurt.


"Muddle... A word that I'm not sure about came up. Twice for that matter. It would be a long shot, but any idea what a military is? This is the first time I hearing of it, both these ponies sound like they were apart of it?"


Muddle was glad her Shadow was paying attention better than her, but even then she still felt odd talking to the two.


@@Frosty V,@,


"Guy's, can I ask what a military is."

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost turned his gaze to Muddle questionably, How could this mate not know what a Military was? "Ummm, well you see, a military is a group of ponies that are trained to protect their country as well as the ponies in it.....they carry weapons to defend themselves, like this one." he replied holding out his rifle. "It's their job to eliminate threats to the country as the arise, it was my job to eliminate threats before they arose." he said with a slight smile.

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Lucid Dream woke up. "wha!" he looked around everyone was gone there was no monster but he was in the same place. "It was just a dream?"

he waited for awhile then screamed "I KNEW IT THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE IT WAS JUST MY MIND! nothing but MONSTERS ARE LEFT!"

he sat in the dust " I-I wish... I.... was dead..." he said to no one but himself. He got up and began to look for something to stab himself with "its not worth it, no one is left, that idiot sent me to far into the future, I'm ending this."

He grabbed a piece of glass and aimed at his heart, he wanted to stab it out and let himself die. As the tip of the glass came close to his target he felt light headed. He dropped it and felt like he was going to vomit "all that blood, all that pain..." he stared at the object he almost killed himself with and stammered, he ran outside, trying not to think about it.

As Lucid stared down trying not to faint something caught his attention, hoofmarks, "maybe... it wasn't a hallucination," he began to follow the tracks, staying at full gallop hoping he wouldn't encounter a demon. "Who were those ponies?" he asked himself as he continued to follow the prints.

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@@Frosty V,


She understood the concept, and even seemed glad that the pony was smiling again; but there was still one thing that ate at her mind. When she asked a question this time, she was able to speak with a little more confidence in her voice. "Why would Equestria need a defense against threats, I thought the elements of harmony and the royal guards took care of that? Also... that's not any weapon I've ever seen."  


"Not that you would remember it anyways." It was her shadows voice that had pulled her back from this sudden burst of bravery. "I-I guess it may have... gone over... my head."


Her shadow looked at Muddle and sighed, "You were doing so well too."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost smiled happy to see that Muddle was finally starting to come out of her shell. "Like I said, protection. The elements and the Princesses are gone now, but they were about stopping the enemies non leathaly....I on the other hoof was not as generous." he said softly as he turned back to Muddle who commented on his rifle. "Not surprised, it's a custom .308 I built myself for hunting and other shooting sports....the only one of its kind." he replied proudly, getting the sense they were being followed......

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The elements and the Princesses are gone now,


Muddle stopped moving all together, her shadow had done exactly the same. It was almost as if both were in full synchronization: they both stared at the pony in disbelief, both of them seemed to jump in a scared way, and they both yelled loudly. "Thprincess what!She was sure that what the stallion said was nearly impossible.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost jumped back at the Muddle's outburst. "The princesses are gone...poof. I thought you would know this. Have you been like frozen for a thousand years or something Muddle or are you just pullin my leg?" he asked becoming very confused at what the mare was asking.

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Lucid staggered through the rubble as he saw a few figures, "It cant be, are those survivors?" He slowly trotted to them as he hid behind whatever he could hide behind,  he hoped they weren't hostile, but he slowly inched up to see that they looked like normal ponies, however he kept his distance, examining them as well as he could while making sure he wasn't spotted. He had no magic or weapon and was defenseless.

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thousand years


"One thousand years? That's impossible." 


She wasn't sure what to say. She quickly looked at the two ponies, and the entire world around her. Everything seem to hit her all at once. "The monsters, not using magic... The monsters? I was relaxing in ponyville an hour ago, and everything was just fine." She felt a growing pain in her head and held her hoof up to it, hopping that it would cease. "Nothing's... making... sense..."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost shook his head. "Let's just forget about it, we are here now and we can't change that." he said walking over to Muddle and holding out his fire legs. "Dose somepony need a hug?" he said in a cutesy tone trying to uplift Muddles spirits. "I heard my hugs can do wonders." he chuckled

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"Hmm, there talking about hugs?" Lucid thought to himself, he stared at the ponies for awhile "maybe they're not dangerous, maybe I can trust them" He inched closer and closer, then backed.

Then all of a sudden, his hoof his hit a piece of glass as he felt the pain surged through him he tried his best not to yelp, and hid behind the nearest rock

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@@Frosty V, (I couldn't resist)


"Heh, a mare learns about the princesses going 'poof', and offers a hug... I like this guy. Muddle? Oh no!"


Muddle was wobbling for a moment, then she started to fall over. Her eyes were hanging open half way, as her shadow tried it's best to keep her from falling. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't go to bed right now Muddle. Come on, wake up!" 


From a different stand point, it looked as if Muddle was still standing and slowly shaking her head yes. 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Frost tilted his head, raising an eyebrow with his fire legs still extended. "So a yes to the hug then? Alright!" he exclaimed joyfully as he walked over and have Muddle a large bear hug, his ear twitching from a sound behind them, but it didn't cross his mind.

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The mare had been fading off to sleep when she heard the hoofsteps. Quickly, she awakened with a fearful tinge in her eyes while she silently watched...doing her best to keep her starving stomach quiet. When Granite peaked into the opening, Mael gave out a shriek as she recoiled as much as she could back in the hole, pulling back one of her hind hooves in a last attempt to fight before she died. "Don't come near me fiend!" she shouted with false courage, "If you do I-I'll kick you straight between the eyes!" Not that it would do much for the pony who wasn't used to war.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Granite pulled back, holding up a stone hoof and motioning frantically for quiet.  Looking over his shoulder in the direction where he had seen the demons before, he gives an agitated sigh as he turns back to the pony that was hiding under the wreckage.


"Shhh, do you want them to hear you?"  Despite his words, he does as she says and takes a few steps back.  "And I'm not a fiend, I'll have you know.  I'm a pony.  Or well...  I used to be.  I think.  That's not important.  Are you alright, hiding under there like that?"


The golem thought he could still hear the sounds of the small demons nearby...  But hoped that he was just being paranoid.  If she's weak from hunger, she won't put up much of a fight for those things...  It would be a very bad time to get caught in the open.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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