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private The Mountain In The Forest

Feather Gem

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@@Feather Gem,


"I think, my dear..." Discord chided - appearing beside Chamois with a kindly tone as the 'good king' arrived unannounced. "... that we should be taking our leave now. I'm sure that dear Celly has much to do, and Sombra here can be quite the bore when he is being overly serious. Which is to say, all of the time."


He vanished into a cloud of colourful smoke - lights for eyes peering out as he circled around the princess briefly with a joyful chuckle.


"Out little game can wait - I wouldn't want to interrupt important business if the Alicorn Pr... Oh, what am I saying? Cheerio Celestia! I'll be sure to tell your sister that you miss her dearly."


He returned - wrapping himself around Chamois in an almost - reassuring way before appearing again a few steps away.


"Now Chamois, remember how I showed you? Just focus..." The aspect of change encouraged the mare - placing something metallic in her mane with a casual motion. "No need to rush - nothing will harm you while I am here... but let us not waste too much time, yes?"




Princess Celestia.




Everything was falling apart - her sister was gone: Discord was here and turning her own subjects against her... and to top it all, Sombra if the Crystal Kingdom was here! Were the protective spells on the castle completely useless?


"Guards!" The solar princess commanded: ponies clad in glorious gold regalia flooding into the throne room to assemble defensively between their loved princess and these intruders. "I am sorry, little one, but I cannot allow these two monsters to go free. Please, do not do this!"


She shook her glorious head sadly before fixing a steely glare at the newly appeared 'lord of shadows'.


"Of all the dark creatures which might have graced my halls Sombra, you are the least welcome!"

Never quite forgotten.

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She shook her glorious head sadly before fixing a steely glare at the newly appeared 'lord of shadows'."Of all the dark creatures which might have graced my halls Sombra, you are the least welcome!"

Sombra stared at the guards in armor standing between him and the princess, the dark unicorn sighed and shook his head. Sombra then looked at Blacklight then back at Celestia with a solemn expression on his face, "Celestia, I come to you, not for vengeance; but for redemption. For too long I have been corrupted with darkness and hatred, for too long I have been blinded by the rage I gave myself. And now, I search for a path to purify my being." He said in a calm, non-threatening tone, Sombra has never spoken so sincerely in his life. "Help me...I beg of you."

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Blacklight who had stayed silent, partly from the distortion from teleporting and partly out of respect, chose that moment to act as he walked forward in calm, purposeful strides, he crystal hoof echoing on the polished floor as he spoke, " I can vouch for him Princess. He had proven to me beyond a doubt that he means what he says. Even the crimes he has committed  though unforgettable,  can be forgiven for it was an outside force controlling Sombra. I myself have seen...felt that...evil...and it proved to me that Sombra was not at fault...well at not all of it was. So I ask please give him a chance." A his rant ended, Blacklight suddenly realized that he was exactly best fit for the occasion, his coat matted with dried blood and signs of exhaustion showing across his face. 

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Chamois inhaled deeply through her nose and then exhaled through her mouth.  She straightened herself up to her full height and nodded silently.  When he wrapped himself around her for that short moment, she gasped loudly, having been jumpy in the first place.  At the same time though, it calmed her nerves a bit and she went over to him where he appeared a few feet away.

Chamois nodded at him.  When he placed something in her mane, it was obvious and a bit heavy on her head.  She lifted her hoof for a moment, to see what it was but stopped halfway, placing her hoof back down.  It could wait a moment.  She wanted to get out of here as soon as she could.

Ignoring Princess Celestia - as well as the king and the unfamiliar pony - behind her, she closed her eyes, breathing deeply.  It took her a moment to calm herself to the point where she was no longer shaking and then she began. 

No pony will harm you, you can do it.  So...do it.

And so she did it.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Dinner. Dinner did sound interesting, probably get a few interesting stories. But Chrysalis didn't need dinner right now, She didn't need to eat food. She needed love!

"Maybe..." Chrysalis would contemplate the idea nonetheless. If nothing else came up it would be smart to go for dinner. But that may have been the only option, as there were only two other entities in the area. If Chrysalis was stronger, this would have been easier to tell. But she was weak, she hadn't had love in a long time and it was having an affect. She was surprised she could smell the other two at all! Then again, the scent of emotions travel far.

"hmm. That's odd..."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@@Feather Gem,

@@Serious Sam,



Princess Celestia.


Discord was a problem - he was dangerous, unstable and although the word never seemed exactly correct, quite mad. The fact that he had the audacity to arrive unannounced not only in her throne room, but alongside a filly of her own kingdom, who's mind he had poisoned against her was proof enough of his intentions - he was challenging her, and her authority to rule.


Yet for all these things, Discord was reliable... Predictably unpredictable, one might say. He wasn't as linear and single minded as many of her subjects might believe. Evil? Yes, moster certainly but in his own twisted way he held his own ethics and demented sense of honour... feeble as they might be. Sombra on the other hoof... Sombra was a creature of pure darkness. Discord might be a creature of nightmares to her kand, but even nightmares had light - Sombra was a symble in her eyes: a symbol of the pure blackness of the void.


"Redemption...?" Echoed the princess dubiously as she looked between the pair. Did they truly think for a moment that she would believe that? That she might entertain the idea? The sister of light had heard that line before - from a source she had believed much more capable...


"Sombra..." The Celestia guardian managed to bring herself to speak in an almost level tone - teeth clenched tightly and the threatening power of a true princess of light resonating from her words. "... You enslaved an entire race of ponies that I loved dearly - I care for all creatures of good intent as much as my own subjects. For too many years did I feel their suffering within me... because of you and your selfish, spiteful pride - and you dare feign salvation?"


Without orders, the guards moved - responding to every tone and movement of their princess with precision formation and routine - raising weapons and taking defensive positions behind the goddess of the sun as she began to step her way forward with painful grace.


The look in the princesses eye was a sight that would break the will of even the most stalwart of ponies - a terrible visage of hatred and pain that had been locked away and subdued for more than an eternity within the mythical leader... the kind princess, who ruled with limitless kindness and benevolence beyond conpare no matter the cost to herself. A monarch who watched as the cycle of loss and atonement had repeated: as the ponies she cared for, the peaceful kingdom she had raised and even her own sister had been snatched away by what was always reasoned away as 'outside forces'. Always the same story, always the same forgiveness... and what had it earned her? What good had it done Equestria?


At least Discord never made any claims to the contrary. He knew who he was and made her well aware of it at every opportunity.


"Forgiveness...?" The breaking princess said sadly. Eyes shining with life as the light reflected from their tear-stained surface. "I have offered forgiveness to every foul creature of Equestria for all my reign, and yet always darkness returns to those places it claims to have been vanquished from! There is no more room for atonement: no more power remaining within my heart for kindness towards your kind, king Sombra!"


Each slow step was fuelled with the repressed fury of a thousand years: with the pain, and the sorrow, and the anger, that had boiled away inside her since the days before the defeat of Discord: since the very first time her sister had fallen - since that first moment where she had sacrificed the pony she held dearest to her to do what was 'right'... Just as with physical, and mental pain, there was a limit to have much emotional damage a pony could take - even one such as herself... an Alicorn princess, a living deity, if you will, whom began and ended each and every day by her divine right to rule - her mastery over the the skies and the passing of the day itself a gift like no other: a blessing that marked her as a leader: a champion of her kind... yet still just a pony like her subjects.


"This is my domain - and in forgiving the transgressions of others in the past, I have almost brought it to ruin. There can be no more forgiveness for the creatures that his in the dark corners of Equestria! Not for you - you will never be welcome in these halls, nor in any of the lands under the my protection!"


The radiant queen shuddered slightly as she suppressed a sob - ageless memories flooding back to her like a river of sadness - light on its surface but deep with cold sadness in its dark depths. How she had placed all of her faith in her student: how that faith had been placed perfectly - yet no matter what Twilight did, she could never replace the void that Nightmare Moon had left in her heart...


A dark stain formed below her eye - a damp trickle of what might have been called liquid sorrow, or guilt, or regret. A tear.


Better to shut it out: where its deceit and lies could fester and burn on their own hatred, rather than taint her land of light and life.


"I am Celestia! You will not bring your evil here, Fallen King! Your facade will not serve you - for I have seen the face of evil and the way it spins sweet lies to masquerade as the truth - as a ally, or as a sister! Only through redemption does it succeed and too many times have I fallen prey to its trap!"


"There will be no more forgiveness - no more dark figures seeking to take hold of Equestria from the shadows... the light of the sun will burn away the cold darkness of night to reveal a land which is beautiful and bright - a land where there is no more tolerance for those that would harm my subjects! A land with no more tolerance for you, Sombra! So flee: begone! My final act of mercy is to banish you from Equestria, so that you might spread word to the dark corners that you inhabit that Proncess Celestia is no longer the weak, forgiving foal that she once was!"






Discord watched as his protege focused and - with what seemed astounding ease, given the circumstances - formed them an exit which he ensured would lead back to the mountain... not that by this stage he had any doubt in her abilities. She might even be intimidating to him, what with her quick grasp of the concept of bending chaos to her will... were it not for the several eternities worth of practice that he had over her.


There would be opportunities to return, or to go elsewhere, but for now it was best that they returned somewhere quiet. He hadn't anticipated the arrival of that bungling fool Sombra, and while it had presented a fine opportunity to seize a fitting prize for his most worthy student, it was probably best to let him and Celestia settle their own differences in peace.


Not that her tone had suggested that peace was her intention - what he had heard before ushering Chamois through her gateway had been... unexpected. Orderly, of course - but to hear dear Celly so angry at a creature other than himself was... well, a little disappointing really. Highly entertaining - but still... he might not like her at all but there was some sense of respect that he felt for the princess - she always stuck to her principals, even if that made her a terrific bore.


No matter - to the task at hand!


Sweeping up the mare as they arrived back in the simple room atop the mountain, he grinned proudly at her before vanishing and appearing again from the ceiling to catch her, turn her the right way up and place her carefully on the ground.


"Excellent my dear! Excellent! You really are quite a natural... are you sure that you haven't done this before?" He crooned - reaching down and replacing the metallic object atop her head, which had been displaced with his enthusiastic praise.


"My apologies for the interruption - I have every faith that you could look after yourself, but when Discord says that he will keep you safe, he means it."


"Oh, and... ahem..." the Draconoquuis climbed down to stand normally on the ground - almost reduced right down to the same size as the filly, rather than towering over her dominantly, or sweeping around her deceptively. He cleared his throat and looked out of the window for a moment.


"Thank you, I should say. I thought that... well, Celestia does make a very convincing argument. It's been... quite a while since anyone took my side."


Okay - that was enough seriousness for one century!


"Did you feel it? Control... from surrendering control! Power... from giving away your own! It's a glorious feeling is it not, to be the master of yourself for the first time? You did wonderfully my dear! Truly spectacular!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Blacklight01,,Sombra just stood there, in slight shock and disbelief, his eyes where wide as saucers but his face was still straight and unmoving.  However, soon enough, his mouth went from straight and serious and slowly turned into a chuckling grin, and even sooner he was busting up laughing on the tiled floor of the throne room; his guffaws and laughing filling the giant room and echoing off of the walls.  After he had calmed down and pulled himself up onto his hooves; his face had completely changed from humorous and made a complete 180 and was now showing an absolute seriousness.  "I expected you to say that, Celestia.  You're too skeptical of a Mare to know just what the hell I have been through.  Anyway, you caught me, i'll leave."  


Sombra then starts to slowly walk backwards, but not before using his magic to teleport in a mid-sized, dark, shadow crystal.  Sombra grinned like a madman before speaking once more, "See this?  You know very well what this thing is, and you also know what it does!"  Suddenly, the fallen king thrust the crystal into one of the many pillars in the throne room; the corruption inside of the crystal quickly spreading and consuming anything in it's path as large, dark crystals started to jut from the ground with great force.  Stopping just in-front of a window which cast a shadow of his form, Sombra spoke for the final time in the majesties presence.  "Shadows are everywhere Princess, you can't stop corruption; and you can't stop those who can spread it.  Come BlackLight, we have work to do.  Goodbye...Celestia."  Sombra said with a voice overflowing with the deepest seething anger he had, as he lit his horn once more and teleported them both back to the mountain; right back to the cavern they were always in.  

Edited by Serious Sam
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Chamois was shaking slightly after he placed her back onto the ground.  At least she was allowed to stand up the way gravity for meant ponies to.  She was feeling rather...dizzy...

"N-no.  I...don't think I have done anything similar to this before..." she said blankly, answering a rhetorical question.

She blinked then, looking at him to see that he was suddenly about her size.  This was enough to wake her up.  She nodded at him when he said that he would keep his word when he said that he would keep her safe.  To her, this seemed very genuine, especially considering what had happened. 

But come on?  Could she have a moment, just a moment, where she didn't have to be so incredibly surprised?  Her jaw dropped slightly as he thanked her and she quickly turned away to hide it and compose herself.

First of all, the Spirit of Chaos had just thanked her.  Goodness gracious, that was pretty neat!  On the other hoof, she felt almost...almost bad for him.  He must have never been accepted by anypony.  He must have never had a friend or somepony to just...take his side like he said!

Better not to mention it though.

She turned back to him.  "I feel kind of dizzy..." she admitted. 

She reached up and carefully took the metallic prize from her head.  She looked at it curiously.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Shall we... ahem, get things moving along again? Yes, I do think so... Let's see if we cant free dear sweet princess 'Woona from the tyrannical grip of absence..."




@@Feather Gem,


Discord chuckled a little - absentmindedly running a claw against his chin. Sombra - of all the oafish, blundering idiots to arrive and try to sell out their ways... the Draconoquuis had genuinely expected his angst and rage to keep him on track... but such was the danger of unpredictability.


'Even a god makes mistakes from time to time I suppose.'

'True, but I'm so much more than than a god...'

'The stupid ones never stick to the lack of a plan.'

'True again - why, you all are a splendid group... where were you all while I was trapped in a room with them while they all complained to each other?'


He shrugged off the mental debate, watching as the no-longer-captive mare eyed up the prize she had earned herself. No doubt it was unusual to behold - it hadn't been seen out of it's place since he had been 'imprisoned' within that piece of granite. Indeed, it was likely that no pony had ever seen it without it's owner.


"I thought that you deserved that so much more than dear Celestia did... it certainly suits you better - though it could stand to be a little brighter." He reeled off - smirking in good humor as if such a relic weren't a priceless artifact. "Never did like crowns myself - far too orderly. You, however... lets just say it suits you. And I wouldn't worry about it - fun game as we play, Celly never deserved the thing. placed it on her own head after she enslaved Equestria. By all rights it's as much mine to give to you as it is hers."


Stepping through the air, he faced the mare and placed his back to the wall - smiling.


"I just need a moment dear, I'll be right back with you. Feel free to explore in the meantime - you recall how, yes? Just should if you need me and I'll find you. Not that you need help from Discord any more... your highness."


And he stepped backwards - directly through the solid mountain and out of sight.




@ ... Discord?,


Chaos was a curious thing to move through - pleasant enough, if one learned to ignore or simply accept the impossibility of ones location... though terribly dangerous if not. Thankfully, the only two with the knowledge of how to do so were safely within the mountain - and Discord was confident that his protégé was strong enough to avoid any irreversible mistakes.


"Well!" He exclaimed conversationally to a stray cloud as he passed - sauntering along without hurry as less than a second passed in Equestrian time - and that wasn't even to say that it was passing forwards! "It will only harm her not to learn a little for herself! I said that I would do everything I could to protect her - and that includes letting her make her own mistakes. Nothing too dangerous of course, now that she understands. And even if she does defy order and end up out of her proverbial depth... I'll be listening out for her. Aha! Here we are..."






@@Miss Reaper,




Discord stepped out from nowhere in particular - sidling around the nightmare Alicorn (who was coincidently, the least irritating of the three 'villains' to have take up residence of the mountain, despite reflecting her sister in more ways than she might have liked to admit.) to interrupt her with very little warning.


"Ever so sorry to intrude Moony - just thought I should let you know that I've been for a little chat with your dear sister..." He explained lazily - drifting in the very slightest, slowest circle around her. "She wasn't particularly pleased to see me, might I add. And it seems like she's less than happy with yourself as well. Do you have a moment? Of course you do..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Nightmare Moon hardly seemed surprised by Discord's sudden appearance; she knew all too well that he was simply the definition of unpredictability itself. She merely closed her eyes for a brief moment as she suppressed a sigh of mild annoyance. While he wasn't necessarily interrupting anything important, well... it was Discord. Whatever it was he came to bother her about, she had the feeling it wasn't fun.


Her slitted pupils narrowed somewhat when her sister was mentioned. Then something else he said started to bring forth her darker emotions, which she tried to suppress for the moment. Of course Celestia would be displeased with seeing Discord - but, she was also displeased of her sister? The dark alicorn flashed her teeth in a quick frown, instinctively raising an enchantment that made each of her teeth seem like sharp fangs.


"She, displeased with I?" she scoffed with some incredulity; however, her temper was thankfully kept in check by her better judgement. "Of course she would be... She believes me to be evil."

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Again with the good and evil..." Discord lamented theatrically - his distaste for the labels something that was far from secret. "But yes... I'm quite aware of that. Do you think I just felt like reminding you of the fact?"


He chuckled.


"The idiot 'warlord' showed up preaching something about repentance and forgiveness or some such drivel... quite suprising, even for myself! I didn't stick around too long - what with dear Chamois to protect - but your sister seemed a little, how should I word it? Mistrustful of the term forgiveness, if you take my meaning. I suspect it might have something to do with a certain 'Princess of the Night'..."


Drifting back towards the wall, he looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging.


"You were always my favourite of the two - so much more open minded and considerably more fun... Think of this as a favour. You should speak with Sombra, if you want to hear about dear Celly... or maybe come see myself and Chamois if you have time: I think you'd get along exquisitely - she's quite the student!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Serious Sam

Blacklight didn't even notice the change in scenery as he stood there, babbling incoherently as his mind struggled to understand what just transpired. It slowly dawned on him that, though obvious now, he had been played and he had fallen for it competely hook, line, and sinker. How did I not see it? He wondered to himself, Sombra was basically known for his lies and deceit and he had naively fallen for it like a foal. I should have never trusted him, but damn it was good, he even fooled his darker self...he admitted as he slowly realized he was back in the caves ...So what do I do now? he thought, calculating his options.

He could stay with Sombra and aid him in his campaign of darkness for better or worse, for which he felt a dark part of him strangely liking the idea; causing to feel disgusted with himself for even liking the idea, but he knew he couldn't deny the feelings were there. Another option would be to try to escape, but it seemed realistically impossible now. Because even if he escaped, and that was a big 'if', he would be hunted down by Celestia and the guard for his association with Sombra.His last option was to fight Sombra, but he basically dismissed it out of hoof, there be no way. This was more or less a situation he never wanted to be in, stuck between a rock and a hard place so to speak as he realized only one option remained for him, one that would comprise everything he once stood for, but it had to be done the survive.

Looking at the ground he whispered in defeat, using a tone one would use in morning the lost of one's best friend, " Stars hide your fire; Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see." Slowly trotting to where Sombra he asked in a carefully guarded tone, " So, what now?"

Edited by Blacklight01
  • Brohoof 1

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Nightmare Moon gave a quiet huff. "Perhaps," she muttered to herself. She apparently wasn't in the greatest mood; thinking of her tyrant sister tended to do that. But she did have to agree with Discord's sentiment that 'good' and 'evil' were absolutely relative terms. Who was to dictate what was good and what was evil? Certain ponies had such narrow minds, that anything which didn't conform to their beliefs was almost automatically considered 'evil.'


Though miffed she was, her interest was piqued when Discord mentioned Sombra. So Discord had been there as well as that so-called king... "Sounds like quite the party," the dark alicorn remarked with a slight note of sarcasm. However, it was interesting to hear that Sombra had been asking for forgiveness; she knew him to be the relentless, merciless tyrant that slayed others without hesitation.


Forgiveness... Of course she couldn't expect Celestia to forgive her. What was there to forgive! It was Celestia who took everything, she who banished her sister to the moon and ever since lacked the trust that was vital to maintain any positive relationship, familial or otherwise. Her thoughts were betrayed by the dark look that had formed on her expression, the slitted pupils of her eyes narrowing into thin vertical lines.


She shook those thoughts away mentally when Discord continued speaking, suggesting that she could either speak with Sombra about Celestia or go with him to meet his 'student.' She ruled the first option out immediately; the last thing she wanted to do was see Sombra and talk about the one sore subject she had at the moment... and admittedly, she had some small bit of curiosity about this Chamois character.


"Fine... let's go see this 'student' of yours. I've nothing better to do." The mare suppressed a sigh when she realized how true the latter statement was; her own potential ally had seemingly gone off to who-knows-where, and she had little else to do at this point in time.

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