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open Love's Flowers Bloom

_~Soaring Heart~_

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He blushed "I hoped you would like it , come on" e said leading her to a spot in te Snyder empty of flowers. He lay down tapping the spot next to him. "In frustrating days, I come here and just stare at the sky. It calms me some how." He said. He was lost in thought then snapped out. "Sorry love" he said

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@@The Time Pony, Sunset sat down next to him and stared up at the sky like he said he did.
"It's okay.. a-and I can see why..." she mused, still looking up at the sky. Since her head was turned up, the mane covering the left side of her face fell to the side, giving him a clear view of her scarredface, but she didn't notice. She was watching the clouds drift by.

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Dusk leaned over and kissed her again. "That's not the only reason why it's amazing" he said shyly. ((I know that was corny as buck but I've me some credit)) he glanced at her scared eye. Some how it made her more beautiful and amazing rather then take away. She was perfext

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Soaring took a deep breath and relaxed, fear of her dropping her coltfriend fading. She struggled less and less, and Guardian calling her 'love' added to her newfound strength. She began to slowly fly forward, her eyes fixed on the sky ahead. "You've got to see the Everfree from here. Kinda fun to see all those tiny little monsters that you can pretend to squish with your hoof." Soaring babbled softly.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian laughed at the thought of pretending to squish monsters with his hoof. "That sounds like a great idea. Also, how are you holding up?" he asked as he felt the breeze of the wind pass through his mane as the two flew to enjoy their company and to have a great day.

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"I'm holding up." Soaring replied. She floated down, growing tired. "We-we can land here, or I can die trying to fly back to Ponyville." She panted, still gliding gently down. "Sorry." She huffed. Soaring tried to remain in the air. We can't land in THE FOREST! Her mind screamed at her. But I'm trying...

Edited by .:Dash:.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian grew worried the more Soaring got tired. From where they are, they were heading for the forest. "If you have to land in the forest, that is okay. I will make sure we make it back to Ponyville safe and sound." he said to reassure her that they will be safe.

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"Okay," Soaring said nervously. "I'll land." She drifted down into the dark forest, placing Guardian gently on the ground and landing beside him. She stared into the twisted ferns and trembled lightly. "I'm so scared." She whispered, taking a step closer to her coltfriend.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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"Its going to be okay." Guardian said to help ease Soarings fear. He gave her a quick hug. "Now, all we have to do is just go back in the direction we came." He said as he started to walk in the direction while keeping his marefriend close to him in case anything would happen.

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"Okay." Soaring squeaked, her eyes darting around the forest as they walked. 'Zap Apples, Deer-Rabbits, Nothing dangerous yet.' She thought, still lightly trembling. "Nothing's gonna happen, right?" Soaring asked, brushing her mane away from her face. She scanned the forest again. 'Darn it, Soaring! Why'd you have to get tired!?' She mentally slapped herself.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian chuckled to help lighten the mood. "I cannot guarantee that nothing will happen, but what I can gaurantee is that nothing will happen to you." he said as he nuzzled her cheek. "I couldn't go on living if I knew something happen to you. And when we get out of here, lets go to the park." he suggested.

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Soaring nodded, her fear easing. She smiled as he nuzzled her. "The park sounds great." She agreed. She stared at Guardian, a huge smile still spread across her muzzle. She enjoyed his company, in any situation. Soaring walked along beside him, singing a tune in her mind. 'It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling.' She mentally sung, her thoughts turning into almost inaudible words. "..Can't stop myself from smiiiling..." She sung very softly.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian smiled as the two walked back the way they came. The forest may hold dangerous beasts, but as soon as he entered the area, he is now the most dangerous beast. He chuckled to himself when that thought crossed his mind. A memory from when he was with his master came to him, "All warriors are strong, but if they have something worth protecting, only then will their true strength show and concur all."

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(Now I feel like something should attack O.o Curse my thoughts.)

Soaring continued to sing softly, to whatever tune popped up in her mind. 'Pfft! Monsters? I could TOTALLY take them on!' She thought. She fluttered her wings to the beat of the current song in her head, worries disappearing completely.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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(That's fine. As long as you are okay with my OC being totally BAD ASS lol jk. But i'm okay with something attacking,)

Guardian listened to the soft tune that Soaring was singing. Whether she knew it or not, her voice is beautiful. Without knowing, Guardian was attempting to hum to her tune, but was not very good.

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(Let's get some badass Guardian up in here! xD)

Soaring stopped singing for a moment. A strong scent drifted around them. A low growl followed. "Something's here!" Soaring squeaked. "We're gonna die!" A dark shape burst through the woods, another following. Soaring's pupils shrunk in complete terror. "Timberwolves!" She shrieked. She trembled, frozen in place as they bounded closer, snapping and growling.

(How was that? ^-^)


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian put himself between Soaring and the Timberwolves. Already he can feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. His training kicking in, he awaited for the threat to make the first move. He did not wait long as one jumped straight at him. Guardian quickly spun around and bucked it hard, splintering it. The wolves were surprised that a single pony took out their brother in one hit. Enraged, two attacked at a time. Guardian dodged them both with ease, making sure that they re focused on him and not his marefriend.


(Is this good?)

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(Sho intense º^º)

Soaring trembled, watching the timberwolves strike, then her coltfriend. She whacked one when it got to close, dazing it so Guardian could shatter it. She still shook with fear, hoping no more showed up. She tried to help by shoving them back, but it only stopped them for about two seconds. 'At least it slows them down,' She thought. Soaring gave feeble aerial assaults every once in a while, though her wings still needed to recover. She couldn't imagine how she'd live if anything happened to Guardian. That was why she did what she did next. She leapt in front of a timberwolf when it attacked Guardian from behind, getting pinned down completely. Soaring wriggled under it's huge wooden claws. It roared in her face. Soaring was little use at the moment. It raked its claws down her side. "Yaah!" She wailed. She tried to escape, kicking at the timberwolf with her back hooves. Its claws came at her again, but she blocked it, the claws leaving cuts on her foreleg. (So not a drama-bot. •ω•)

Edited by _~Soaring Heart~_


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian, with the help of Soaring, were fending off the attackers very well, until she got pinned by one. He heard her scream in pain, and that was enough for him. He exploded in anger, his once golden fur now a darker color, his blue eyes changed from blue to red and his teeth grew sharper. A low red aura swirled around him. Guardian disappeared and then reappeared next to the wolf that held his marefriend and completely obliterated it. He continued his assault till nothing was left, not even fragments. He then grabbed Soaring and took off at high speeds back to Ponyville. When the two were safe, he laid her down. His breathing slowed down to normal as his form changed back to what it once was. His eyes filled with tears as he nuzzled her. "I'm so sorry you had to see me like that," he said in a low voice, "Its just that when you got hurt, I lost control of my anger. I never want you to see me like that."

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Soaring rose to her hooves. "No no, don't tear up. It's okay, it's okay, really. I'm glad you saved me, no matter what form you saved me with." She said, raising her injured hoof off of the ground. Ponies were starting to gather. "Is she okay?"

"Does she need help?"

"What happened?"


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian looked at the ponies that began to gather. "Its okay everyone, she will be fine. As for what happened, we landed in the Everfree and had a run in with the Timberwolves, but they will not be a threat any longer." he said as he nuzzled Soaring. "Do you want to go to the hospital and get that checked out?"

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Soaring nodded. "We probably should. Don't want it to get infected." She said, turning to look at the gashes on her side. They were deep, and tiny pieces of wood were wedged in it, causing more pain than the cut itself. "I'll be fine, yes." Soaring said, the ponies starting to disperse. Soaring had her wings spread to avoid touching her injury with them.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian sighed with relief that Soaring is alright. "All right, lets head to the hospital to get that taken care of." he said with his smile returning.


(I got nothing else for this, and I was thinking we could do a time skip. I know its soon but it will help because the hospital is boring.)

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(Sure. Skipping to the next morning...)


Soaring left the hospital, sighing in frustration. "No flying! I have to 'relax' for a few days. More like a few centuries." She glanced down at the huge bandage covering her torso and her wings. She let out a small "Ugh!" and trotted over to a nearby fountain. She tossed a bit in, just for good luck. She sat down beside it. "I'm gonna die of boredom."


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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The little bantering that Soaring was doing made Guardian chuckle. "Now you are just like us Earth ponies." he teased and laughed. He tried his best to help her see the good in all of this. He did not leave her side all night. Guardian stayed to make sure that everything was alright. Some ponies thought he was acting like that because he had a child on the way. But after explaining a few times over, everyone finally understood that he was just worried about his marefriend due to a Timberwolf incident.

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