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gaming Video Games That Were Better Than Expected

Blue Moon

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Chrono Cross- I played this as a kid and didn't like it. I replayed it just last year and absolutely loved it. I didn't like it as a child because the battle system was more complex than Chrono Trigger--but at the same time now I love the CC battle system a lot. The amount of characters is... vast but I don't really like that, so much--considering CT had only 6 and CC had about... what? 40? Maybe a bit more than that. The best characters to use, though--were really up to you. While two water elements could be the same for moves--they both have their own way of fighting that's good for the player.

Chrono Trigger DS - (Emulated) Now--I LOVE Chrono Trigger. I loved the SNES version and the PS version I kind of liked--anyway. the real disappointment for me with the PS release was that the release only gave OVA to the game--and it gave I think one more ending? But overall it was the same game with slower battle speeds (yeah initiating battle took a while); but with the DS version--all of the battle load times were fixed AND they edited items and made items better, including more items that they didn't have--and eliminated items you would never use! Not only that--they added an ending that linked Chrono Trigger DIRECTLY to Chrono Cross (Wherein before they had CC link to CT, and they had a few theories for what happened after CT to lead to CC)

Nier - A Lady at Gamestop told me that she didn't like this game. And she and I had very similar tastes in games. So--I almost took her word for it, but the game was, like, 15 bucks at the time. And holy crap. This game. Was--let's just say I went into Gamestop the next day when she worked and I told her she needed to get her ass back on that game and play it because she was dead wrong. Overall--this game is one of my favorite RPGs especially on this generation--for those of you who live in Japan with a PS3 you will have a different version than the Japanese 360 and the American PS3/60 systems. There is a reason for this.

Dragon's Dogma - Well I didn't think this game would be bad, but it is slightly tedious--overall though it's a great game for an action/rpg.

#1 Flutterfan has and plays:
PSP, Ps2, Ps3, PS4Xbox360, N64, Gameboy Color; Nintendo Switch
PSN: Loydna, Live: Loydaminc
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Viva Pinata

This is and will always be my fave game EVA! We got it with me and my brothers 360 we got for Christmas 1 year for being really good. I did not think I would like it my brother tryed it first and said that he did not like it but I will. I tryed it and LOVED the game! I really hope they come out with a Xbox 1 version! If not... RIP Viva Pinata you will be missed. :(

"I have always liked ponys and I always will."

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Dual Destinies.


I didn't think it was going to be bad, but It was definitely better than I thought it'd be. The story was good and it felt like all the cases fit together. The ending was really good as well, and it caught me by surprise. I hope the DLC case is just as good.

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I suppose one of the more obvious ones to say would be the Ace Attorney franchise in general. The gist is that you're playing as a lawyer, so of course it'll be boring, focusing on law and stale characters and straightforward and realistic court cases, right?




THE SERIES IS FREAKING PHENOMENAL. Every character is colorful and fun to be around... even the two-dimensional villains are quirky and enjoyable. The cases are unbelievably silly at times, and sometimes it requires you to stretch your suspension of disbelief further than it should be able to, but that isn't at all a bad thing. The characters are incredibly well-developed, with wonderfully formed backstories and excellent character development Heavy Rain wouldn't exactly shake a stick at, and even when they aren't too focused on, their role in the cases more than makes up for it. The comedy, ranging from slapstick to verbal abuse, is always top-notch, and you will not make it through a single game without chuckling at least once. Not to mention, the soundtrack is PHENOMENAL. Every song in the games, while they won't always be ones you find yourself humming at your leisure, are excellently composed for the DS, perfectly fitting whatever scenario they may be playing with, and they set the mood of every moment perfectly.


Overall, a top-notch franchise, easily earning a 10/10. If you ask me, it's Capcom's best series, period.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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Alpha Protocol - I had heard nothing but bitching about this game. Some people even said that it "barely worked". Then I got it on Steam for $2 during a sale, and it's actually one of the better games I'd played in quite a long time. The game plays fine, and even though it's certainly rough around the edges, has more than enough innovation to make up for its technical shortcomings.


BioShock - Up until I played it, nothing about BioShock interested me at all. Then, I'm not sure how, but every last thing about the game just... clicked into place. I ended up more engrossed in BioShock than I had been in most any other shooter I have played to this day.


Fallout 3 - Ditto for the above.


The Last of Us - Ditto again.


Mafia II - Yet again, nothing but bitching about this game. People complaining that it's not "open" and "crazy" like other crime shooters are. Well, no, it's not. It's a completely different take on the crime shooter that turns genre stereotypes (I'm looking at you, GTA3) on their heads. To put it bluntly, Mafia II does to crime shooters what Spec-Ops: The Line did to military shooters.


Dragon Age II - Bitching, bitching, bitching. No one ever stops going on about this game. Sure, it's not as good as the original, but it's still pretty good in its own right. And stop acting like Anders just decides to hit on you out of nowhere. Anders, like all romantic interests in the game, only pursues a relationship with Hawke if the player specifically chooses romantic dialogue options. Otherwise, he remains completely silent about the matter.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - I hated the first Black Ops. There, I said it! It was a mess of sloppy design and cheap limitations that did as much to balance gameplay as methane does to stop a fire. But Black Ops 2 actually came in with some great ideas, and made good on its promise to change up the campaign side of things. I really ended up enjoying the game as a result, definitely more than I enjoyed the two previous CoDs.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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*deep breath pinkie pie style*

Paper Mario Sticker Star- Well when i saw this game coming out for the 3ds already not impressed by most of the 3ds titles i figured it would just be a pathetic remake of some of the other paper mario games. So far this game has proven me wrong because it is actually kinda interesting. i just spent a long time avoiding homework and trying to kill the main boss in world 1 instead. It is much more interesting in my opinion than thousand year old door was but my only fear is that this game will end too quickly. Either way since i bought it on black friday this is the best $15 game i have gotten so far. 


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Conker: Live and Reloaded: I first played this game when my step brother came to my house with it. He said it was full of laughs and action, so of course I told him to pop it in. At first, I expected something like Halo, or Grand theft auto, but just by seeing the opening scenes of the game, my expectations changed. After hours of playing this bloody, crude, violent, potty mouthed, toilet humor of a game, I was hooked! While its true that the games storyline is a bit...questionable...I found the multiplayer game play to be, for lack of a better word, perfect. While the game has many flaws, it is still one of the funniest and out right most fun game I have ever played...besides Super Smash Bros...

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I honestly thought the new SSX (2012) was going to be total trash, but gladly, I was wrong. I've spent waaaay to many hours enjoying that game. Skyrim was another big downer, until I really got into it last week. Gameplay was great, and even better with mods  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


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I was surprised to learn how awesome Batman: Arkham City was after I first played it back in November of 2011. I was utterly addicted to playing it back then and it's one of my favorite video game ever right now.


Some honorable mentions include: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 Infamous,  Infamous 2, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Soul Calibur 2, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, Metal Gear Solid 4,  Metal Gear Solid 3, Uncharted 3, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Vampire Rain, Velvet Assassin, Bullet Witch, Deadly Premonition and Catherine to name a few. ;)



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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