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open Occult in the Swamps


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Swiggly trotted upstream alongside the main river, "Should have taken the damn ferry" Swiggly cursed and muttered to himself as he struggled to trot through the muddy riverside. The purple pony got tired and sat down on a log and levitated his flask to his lips.

Swig saw something upstream in the middle of the river, the tired pony squinted and tried to make out the object in the river "You're bucking kidding me" Swiggly sat there as the Ferry sailed by... in the opposite direction Swiggly was heading "You just had to be heading out" Swiggly put his flask back into his saddlebag and continued trotting upstream.


An hour passed, Swiggly trotted leftwards where the river bent and saw the ferry-dock, just around the corner. "I'm sweaty, muddy and I look terrible... should have taken the damn ferry" Swiggly was quite upset because the place looked well kept, middle class and Swiggly looked awful "I might have trouble fitting in"

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@,  @


Twila walks ahead with Wish, still a bit shaken up by the fish scare. She had been too afraid to even speak during the whole event, having hidden behind a nearby spruce tree, one of the few plants to actually survive in such an acidic bog.


She looked toward Sable with a look of uncertainty in her eyes. "D-do you really think so? We've hardly traveled into the bog at all and we've already been considered fish food! Who knows what else is out there!?" she squeaked, pointing her hoof frantically to the bubbling, murky bog surrounding them.


Twila couldn't quite place it, but something felt very wrong--not just with the unknown dangers of the swamp, but the overall feeling she got about the property itself. It's starting to feel very foreboding... She thought apprehensively.


"I just wanted to get out of this bog as fast as possible, either forward or back."

Edited by Twila Starshimmer
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(OOC: I apparently lied. It took me a few more days to get to posting. Sorry about that.)


Mirror opened her eyes, the room was dark save for a few streams of light that found their way past the curtains. The lack of light made it difficult for Mirror to tell what time of day it was, it seemed like it was the early morning...but that couldn't be right. She had stayed up most of the night...and she felt well-rested. It could very well be the evening. "Well...laying in bed isn't going to do anything...maybe I'm lucky and I haven't wasted the whole day..." The mare sighed as she rolled out of the bed. Briefly pausing to try to get over the loss of the warm blanket. Instead of opening the curtains she instead walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.


After letting the water warm, she sat down and just let it run over her while she planned her day. It might be too late to see if Wish wants to explore the hotel. If Wish couldn't play, then maybe she might run into the mare from last night again. She seemed nice....if she didn't see her then maybe there was a spot in the garden to read in.


After spending far too long in the shower Mirror dried herself off and walked back into the room. Making a point to not look into the mirror. After putting on her Fathers cloak she slipped her another's mask into her saddlebag along with a book that she had borrowed from one of the nurses. She pulled the hood of the cloak over her head before she walked out the door.


After locking her room she walked over to Wish's room and knocked on the door. She waited....and waited...and knocked again...and then waited some more, just in case Wish was asleep or busy. Mirror sighed again. She knew that Wish had gone exploring. It was disappointing that Mirror hadn't gotten up early enough to go with her. Maybe tomorrow they could play.


Mirror stood up and walked towards the gardens...or at least in the direction she thought the gardens were in...maybe Wish had the right idea about exploring the Hotel....knowing where things were would be nice.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Hack continued walking through the hotel. The ever changing smell seemed to grow even stronger the deeper he got inside. It was starting to disturb him. "It kind of came from nowhere." He thought, "Maybe someone used to much perfume? A joke..." He was starting to sound unsure. 


The smell had apparently gotten to his head. It's overpowering smell was making him dizzy, and he accidentally knocked over something small while he walked. "Ugh! Anyone there?" He didn't hear anything, and the area seemed prettyy well lit, but he wouldn't let his fears rest.


Hack started walking towards the main entrance in a slightly paced manner, and he kept looking over his should every few seconds.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Swiggly approached the front of the hotel and wiped his hooves on the doormat, trying to as clean as he could get. Swiggly pressed his hood against the door and gave it a push, the door opened and Swiggly trotted in. "hellooo? anypony?" Swiggly waited for somepony to come. There was nopony around so far, not even at the reception desk. "and I was wondering why the hotel's rooms are free"

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Hack was nearly at the front of the hotel. He was still walking fast and glancing over his shoulder every few seconds. His nerves were starting to get the better of him, and he just wanted to find someone to figure out what was wrong. He didn't realize that had already reach the front doors of the hotel, or that a pony was in his path.


He walked into the pony and said, "Oh, I'm sorry."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Swiggly brushed his shoulder off "all goods, mate" Swiggly looked over at Hack, then glanced around the small lobby, seeing how empty the room is and how silent the place is "Name's SwigglySwiggly, do you work here?, I need a room" Swiggly held out his hoof for a shake "Your name?"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Hack was still unfocused. The entire hotel seemed weird and empty now. He almost missed the pony extending their hoof.


"Oh, right Squiggly." He coughed a little and said, "The name's Insomni-Hack, and I'm sad to say I'm in need of someone who work s here just as much as you do."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(OOC: Posting from phone. Totally posted for the wrong RP...sorry. Have a terribly rushed post to cover it up.)


Mirror walked out into the gardes. It was still day light, but it looked late enough that Wish had definitely already gone to the Swamp. Hopefully it was everything she had hoped. Finding a relatively secluded spot Mirror say down on the grass and pulled out a book to read.

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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After nearly half-drowning himself from falling asleep in the bathtub, Golbez emerged from the bathroom groggily, it was no use, unless he was caught a nap or something he was going to shake this tiredness anytime soon despite his best efforts.

Picking up a towel from his suitcase he hastily dried himself before seeing to preening himself, folding one wing before his face as he used his beak to straighten his feather outwards.

Tending to his wings, a figure catch's the corner of his eye, peering out his window he observes a cloaked figure sitting outside in the garden.

His mood brightens some, the thought of spending the  rest of the day lounging, maybe even taking a nap there did sound like a good idea, and he was bushed getting here in the first place, why not?


The griffon takes a moment to look at the window itself, although not tall it was rather wide, but would it be wide enough to let him use it as an exit? "I wonder..."

Picking up his key to the room Golbez closes the door and locks the room from the inside, clutching the key firmly in his talon as he turned back tot he window, unlocking the hatch and carefully pushing it open with a single claw before sticking his head out......and then leaps out.

Spreading his wings out, Golbez hovers for a moment in the air before lowering himself, landing squarely in the middle of the garden.


Annoyingly, as Golbez took a breath expecting it to be fresh, as one would expect while standing in any other garden, he found that same bitter smell wafting his nostrils, he shook his head in disappointment but paid it no mind, perhaps it was the cooks doing?



It was then he remembered the cloaked figure sitting to one side, the magician smiled as he simply nodded at the figure, "Afternoon, don't mind me, just thought I'd catch a quick nap out here, have you been here long?"

Edited by Sparx
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@@Twila Starshimmer,

"Don't call me that!" Wish snapped in response before her eyes went wide in realization of what she had said.

'Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking...'

Stop talking... Wish was bright enough for her head to be able to figure out the safest solution to situations like this. Unfortunately, she was also too proud to listen to it.

"I'm not a kid!" She said, disheartened and less aggressively, but stubbornly scowling at the Griffin who had called her a 'kid'. She knew what she was doing! She wasn't a kid: she was an adventurer! A journeymare! And not even an awesome, cool... dangerous... Griffon was going to tell her otherwise! She turned back to Twila with a sour look on her face.
"Come on Twila, it's boring out here - no ruins or monsters or anything... lets go find something!"

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Twila Starshimmer,


"Don't call me that!" Wish snapped in response before her eyes went wide in realization of what she had said.


'Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking...'


Stop talking... Wish was bright enough for her head to be able to figure out the safest solution to situations like this. Unfortunately, she was also too proud to listen to it.


"I'm not a kid!" She said, disheartened and less aggressively, but stubbornly scowling at the Griffin who had called her a 'kid'. She knew what she was doing! She wasn't a kid: she was an adventurer! A journeymare! And not even an awesome, cool... dangerous... Griffon was going to tell her otherwise! She turned back to Twila with a sour look on her face.


"Come on Twila, it's boring out here - no ruins or monsters or anything... lets go find something!"

"Kid seems to be affectionate a gesture showing protectiveness" Skuldaf droned, giving Wish a quizzical look. "Why doe this upset you if she's returning your feelings?" Skulda questioned, his face pensive. "Also, a preliminary scan of the area shows that there is plenty of wildlife" Skudaf continued, his eyes flickering back and forth

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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STORMWING, a grey pegasus, was trotting around in Ponyville, looking around at the sights. A piece of paper flew through the air and landed on his muzzle, covering his eyes. He fell down. "Help! Somepony's trying to kill m.. Oh." He stood up, and pinned the paper to the ground with his hoof. "A free hotel, eh? That could be a nice getaway for a certain somepony." He put the paper in his bag of mingled belongings. The grey pony trotted off, towards the Everfree forest. "I wonder if there's a map on here..." He checked the reverse side of the paper, perking his ears in exclamation. "Ah, yes." He followed the map for quite some time. He got lost a few times; falling over stumps, going down hills, and whatnot. After hours of searching, he finally came to the building.


    He had no idea that this may not be a normal hotel visit.


He trotted into the main door, and looked around, seeing nopony. "Ahem," he said nervously as he flattened his ears. "A-anypony here..?"

Edited by StormwingThePony

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Swiggly sat down on one of the many lobby chairs, placed neatly along the walls "It's a fancy place, I'm quite surprised that it's free... despite the crappy service and horrible environment" Swiggly got up and trotted to the counter and looked over, Swiggly found a folder placed on the desk on a skewed angle "no pony's gonna mind if I check the-" Swiggly quickly read the cover of the folder "Guest logs" Swiggly opened the folder and found a note-pad clipped inside and started looking through the pages, looking at the names of those who checked in.

"Funny... there seems to be a lot of ponies checking in and not checking out... well actually, none of them checked out" nothing suspicious crossed Swiggly's mind, "just somepony being too lazy to check off the list properly, and somepony too lazy to help us check in for a room" he thought to himself. Swiggly opened his saddlebag and levitated out some "Hershey's chocolate bars" "If any pony wants some, I still got 2 packets of choc left"

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@@Twila Starshimmer,


Sabel blinks at Wish's outburst, leaning back a little.  "Alright, alright, sorry.  I didn't mean anything by it."  It was a rare occasion when the griffoness actually referred to ponies by their names; maybe at first, but the more time she spent around them the less likely it became.


She quickly moves to follow the two mares.  Nopony in their right mind would ever refer to Sabel as 'responsible', but she didn't want anything to happen to them for following her into the swamp.  As she walks she tries to speak up, hoping to salvage the situation.  She actually liked Wish, so she didn't want the mare upset at her.


"Anything else ya would prefer?  How about hero?  No, too lame, too on the beak.  Hmm, gimme a minute, I'll come up with something cooler..."  She moves a wing in front of her as she walks, making a show of counting on her feathers as if counting out different nicknames and subsequently rejecting them.





@(Anyone in the hotel)


The hotel owner, Mr. Silver, walks down one of the halls while speaking with one of his employees.  "What do you mean nopony knows what's causing it?  We need to fix it as soon as possible, or we'll get a poor reputation.  Our guests should have every luxury, especially fresh air!"


"But, sir, we've searched everywhere!  The cooks say it's strongest near the door to the cellar, but the door seems wedged shut.  Nopony can manage to pry it open."


"Bah!  First my trusted employees abandon their shifts, now this...  Sweet Celestia, I only wanted to host a place for ponies to explore new sights...  Is that such a bad thing that such things continue to happen on our first few opening days?"


"What was that, sir?"


"Oh, nothing, the ramblings of an aging stallion...  Go and see to the smell before it spreads any further.  Get the rest of the cleaning crew to help you, I want as many hooves as possible fixing this atrocious odor."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Storm, as well as probably most of the other guests, was beginning to pick up the strange scent. He perked his ears and looked around. "Eww.. What's that?" He looked around, still nopony to be seen at the desk. He trotted up to it and rang the shiny bell. "Hello?" he called. "Anypony.. err.. home?" He flattened his ears at the silence, then figured he'd go off to find somepony else, if there was anypony else here. He began to sing softly to himself. "When the cold of winter comes.. Starless night will cover day.. In the veiling of the sun.. We will walk in bitter rain.." He looked around. "The place actually seems like a nice enough place, I guess.." He trotted down the hall.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Swiggly popped from behind the desk "Ello there" Swiggly raised a hoof to Storm for a shake "Names SwigglySwiggly, and the fella over there is Insomni-Hack" Swiggly bit out a piece of chocolate as he grinned at Storm "Me and Hack just met, you're welcome to hang with us for the time being, I just got here and I'm waiting for someone to get me a room"

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Storm jumped with a slight squeak. "Oh, uh.. Hi." He reached out and shook Swiggly's hoof. "I'm Stormwing. I'll probably stick with you guys." He looked around again. "First ponies I've seen in this place all day. So do you think we should just go find a room for ourselves? I mean, the keys are right behind you, Swiggly."



// I love that picture of your OC, Swiggly. //

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"I don't see why we shouldn't, its not like anypony is running this place at the moment" Swiggly looked at the many keys that hung on the board behind the desk, "Which room.... ehhhh" Swiggly looked at the map pined onto the wall, the map showed the corridors rooms and lobbies of the hotel "Hey there are some rooms in the left hallway" Swiggly levitated 3 key chains for the rooms in the left hallway "The rooms are not too far, we should be neighbors... I don't want to be alone in a place like this" Swiggly tossed a key at Hack "Hack, you got room 6" Swiggly then tossed another key at Storm "Storm you have room 8, and I have room 7" Swiggly picked up his saddlebags and trotted the the hallway on the left "our rooms are straight ahead down this hallway, I'll meet you guys there" Swiggly trotted to down the hallway, passing rooms 1 to 5.

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Stormy nodded, catching the key with his teeth. "Sure. I'll catch you guys later, I'm getting hungry." He headed off towards the snack machine. When he went to dig some bits out of his bag. To his horror, he found there was no money. Checking to make sure nopony was around, he bucked the machine and got some free candy. He then headed off down the hall, following after Swiggly.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Twila looked over at Wish, impressed and a bit startled by her outburst. "Uh, what were you hoping to find, then? I just know this bog is giving me the heebie jeebies. It's starting to get dark, should we head back to the hotel? Maybe see if there's been anything else creepy happening?"


I hope not...but it would be a welcome change of scenery. 


She turned toward the horizon, squinting to vaguely see the plantation garden in the distance.  "I think I see the plantation this way!" she squee'd hesitantly, though there was an undertone of excitement that she couldn't conceal.

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@,@,@@Twila Starshimmer,


The griffoness was still chatting about nothing as she walked, hoping to lighten the group's mood somehow.  She'd been so focused on the new task that she hadn't been paying close attention to where she was walking, stepping out in front of the group...


...And having the ground give way beneath her talons.  "Ah!"  While normally she was fairly quick in situations like this, Sabel had little time to react as the soft ground collapsed underneath her.  She tries to snap her wings out to lift herself into the air, but she simply succeeds in smacking them into the ground as she already sinks into the hole forming under her.


With a loud crash, the griffoness falls through the newly opened hole in the ground to land on a hard surface underneath.  "Owww..."  She lifts her head, glancing around to try and figure out what happened.  She seemed to have landed on a hard wood surface...  And as far as she could tell, she seemed to be in a tunnel stretching out into the dark in either direction.  She lifts her head to the hole that she fell through, trying to stand up and wincing from the effort.  "Hey!  You ponies alright?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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"I am alright" Skuldaf droned, looking over his body. He didn't feel pain so a body analysis was the only way to be sure. "I assume that you are alright?" Skuldaf said, giving the gryphon a quizzical look. He wasn't concerned about the hole, it would be a matter of ease for someone to fly out

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Twila watched Sabel fall in seemingly slow motion. She rushed over to the opening, a look of concern on her face. "A-are you okay, Sabel? I can hardly see you down there. What's down there? Oh, please be careful!" she shouted down, shaping her hooves around her face for better sound travel. 

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Storm, finally getting to his room, sighed in relaxation. "Now'd be a nice time to sit down and relax..." He plopped down on the bed, flicking on the light with his hind hoof. "Finally, some nice peace and quiet.. Wonder if they have room service?" He looked through the bedside table, hoping to find something of use.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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