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open Occult in the Swamps


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Savoba responds to Golbez's question with a laugh, turning around to walk towards the cauldron in the center of the room.  "Why?  Because I can, of course...  What be de point of powah when chu nevah get ta exercise it?  Savoba not used ta so many intruding in his swamp at once.  Sometimes a pony stumble in - den when dey go missing, maybe a search party come in after...  But aftah dey lose enough search parties, dey stop sending d'ose as well.  De cycle repeats every few years, aftah ponies forget..."


Shaking his head, the masked zebra stands up on his hind hooves to prop his front hooves against the edge of the cauldron, staring into the bubbling liquid within.  "Savoba be forced ta hide and gather powah like dis, else Savoba risk bringing Princess C'lestia down upon him..."  Stamping a hoof angrily against the side of the cauldron he quickly turns back around to face the group. 


"But dat not be de case much longer...  Savoba spent years in dis swamp, slowly gathering powah...  Now, Savoba finally be strong enough ta leave dis accursed swamp!  De building Savoba find chu in was just de first step...  Next, Equestria will fall undah Savoba's hoof!"  The zebricorn starts to laugh again, his horn beginning to glow with the sickly light that foretold of his spellcasting.




Suddenly a portal would start to appear between Savoba and the group.  Not a clean or professional looking portal, but more like some great beast had torn a hole in the air above them.  Shortly afterwards a mare would stumble through the portal and it would close up behind her.  "Hmm, funny what Savoba manage ta catch wit' dat spell...  Nevah cast it towards a city before...  May 'ave ta try dat again sometime."  The zebra laughs again, already turning his attention away from what his spell had ensnared.


As the unicorn rants, Sabel would push away from Golbez to lean down towards the mare, offering her a talon up and whispering quietly "Are you alright?  I have no idea what you just got dropped in to..."


Savoba started to climb back up to the platform above the cauldron, once again using the smoke like a staircase.  As he takes his seat he turns around to stare at the group again.  He was confident that he was in control - he could afford to toy with them as much as he wanted.  Waving a hoof lazily, Savoba actually yawned before speaking again.  "Well, go ahead, make chuselves at home...  It not be likely chu ever leave here again, after all..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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A normal day on her way to work, Poppy had started out bright and happy when she tripped on something. But instead of hitting the ground, she felt through it and hit the ground in a different location. Before even knowing where she was, a gryphon’s talon was extended out to her. She panicked and froze stiff.


“Wh-where am I? How did I get he-here? And who the hay are all of you?” She asked, scared out of her wits at the sudden change of scenery.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, @, @@SwigglySwiggly, @, @@SilverHeart, @

Golbez stares wide-eyed at the sudden arrival of the green earth pony, slowly raising an eyebrow at the realisation on just how powerful the Zebra was.
Despite being unable to cast real magic himself, the griffon was a aware that it took a great amount of practise for a unicorn to be able to cast certain spells such as teleportation, something that required a moderate amount of power, but to be able to literally summon somepony else from a great distance away? That was truly powerful magic.

As Sabel tended to the confused mare, Golbez stepped closer up to the platform, "So you intend for us to simply sit here and behave ourselves or do you actually have a plan? Because it seems to me you don't truly know how to properly control this power, especially if you seem to summoning ponies out of the blue like thi-"
The magician was cut short as another portal ripped through the air close to the zebra, what surprised Golbez this time about it was water seemed to be continuously gushing from it.

It was early in the morning in Manehatten as Cherry was humming to herself whilst in the bathtub, using a long-handled brush to scrub at her back.
The red Pegasus pony was completely unaware of the bottom of the bathtub lighting up, it was already too late as the portal underneath Cherry opened up and with a shriek, she fell straight through, along with the rest of the bath water.
Landing with a thud on her flank Cherry glanced around at the sudden change of scenery, "Wha-What the...Golbez?", noticing the griffon Cherry gasped as her gaze turned to the masked Zebra standing right next to her.

Siting there soaking wet and still clutching the brush in her hoof, Cherry simply sat there staring at the Zebra in awe, before eventually screaming out loud and abruptly covering herself as best she could with her fore-hooves and wings, she scowls at Savoba angrily,"PERVERT!!".
Still clutching the the long handled brush in her hoof, Cherry abruptly thwacks the Zebra over the head with it before quickly scampering away.

"Cherry!?", Golbez gawks at the sudden arrival of his own assistant, quickly making his way to her as she glides and lands behind him, almost hiding behind the magician.
Cherry shakes the excess water from her coat vigorously before abruptly wrapping her hooves around Golbez's neck, "Golbez,what's going on?! What did that Peeping Tom do?!"

Edited by Sparx
  • Brohoof 1
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That was amazing! Not the magic - well, it was okay - but the brush! Why had she never thought of that before? it was so perfect for... thwacking!




Wish couldn't help but snort in entertainment - momentarily forgetting the magnitude of the situation. Besides, who said that this meant that things were getting worse? The way she saw it - these were two more ponies to either rescue -and thus prove her talents - or help them make their escape and live to prove herself another day!




Getting her priorities in order - the mare did her best to look impressive: which proved to be about as difficult as one would expect in a room containing two Griffons and a bunch of ponies that were all about a head higher than her. Adopting what she considered to be a stern, reassuring expression, she took a step forwards - briefly stopping to smile happily at the two newcomers (and in doing so ruining her grim look completely) - she looked towards Creepy Mask Pony and cleared her throat loudly.

"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" She demanded. "Stop doing that! And let my friends go, right now!"

Strange - she had been confident in herself just a few moments ago... Well, she had started now: there was no point stopping just because she had lost her nerve! She stomped a hoof angrily to try and find some inner resolve: it seemed to work... either that or she had gas. One of the other.


"And me too! Never mind Celestia... when my brother finds out that you're keeping me here! He'll stop you... doing... doing whatever it is you do!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Sitting on his platform and mumbling to himself as one of the griffons complained at him, Savoba's horn began to light up as he opened a second portal.  He was mostly doing it this time just because he was curious what else he could manage to snare - why hadn't he tried this sooner?  Oh, right, he didn't want his magic traced back to his swamp...  But one more wouldn't hurt!


Tilting his head in surprise at the water pouring from the portal, Savoba mutters quietly under his breath.  "Savoba would 'ave swore dere was a pony city dere...  Not a lake..."  His confusion clears up slightly as the mare falls through with the water, though it comes back when she whacks his mask with the brush.  Taking a step backwards before angrily jumping down from his platform - not even bothering with the smoke spell this time - Savoba glares at the mare that had the nerve to strike at him.


"Savoba don't know what chu are talking about - ponies dunnae normally wear clothes anyways!"  Grumbling quietly, Savoba considered blasting the mare for having the nerve to hit him - not that he had felt much through the wooden mask, but it was more the gesture than the feeling.  But, he decided against it this time.  "Chu lucky Savoba plan ta be a merciful god..."


Looking at the gathered ponies and griffons one more time, Savoba abruptly turns away and starts walking towards one of the side rooms as the smaller pony started yelling at him.  "If chu brotha is strong, he welcome ta try...  De stronger dey are, de more powah Savoba gain when he drain dem..."  Laughing darkly, the zebra walks through one of the doorways and disappears into the side room as though completely forgetting about the others in his lair.





Blinking and shaking her head, Sabel growls quietly before shouting "What the hay is going on here!?"  This crazy unicorn had brought them here, rambled on about himself...  And now left?  She was hurt, tired, and in no mood for putting up with this crap.  She looks towards the first mare that had appeared - she looked panicked, which was to be expected considering she had literally been dropped among a group of strangers...


"Sorry...  Honestly, none of us know what's going on either...  At least I haven't been able to make any sense of it.  That freak in the mask set his pets to hunting us, and then brought us here to start going on about himself...  We just want to get out of here..."  She sighs quietly, glancing around at the mostly empty room before looking back at their seemingly random group.  "What do you all think - try and find a way out while he's distracted?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Poppy glanced around, part-panicked and part-annoyed. “Wonderful… Fall down a glowy rabbit hole on my way to work, and end up in a place of madness with a bunch of strangers… ugh, today was supposed to be relaxing, too.” She deadpanned, as if to try and ease her tension.


She turned back to the Gryphon, forgetting that she hadn’t introduced herself yet. “Name's Poppy Seed. Are you ok, hon?" She asked with definite concern in her voice.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, @, @@SwigglySwiggly, @, @@SilverHeart, @


As Golbez attempts to pries off his his assistant from around his neck he turns to Sabel, "Now Sabel, we've just narrowly escaped with our hides attached, I think we can afford a brief respite, you espec-... Cherry confound it already!" finally managing to free himself from the clingy hooves of Cherry Bomb, the magician holds his assistant firmly by the shoulders and firmly plops her down beside Wish and Mirror, the red pegasus pony pouts up at him as he turns back to Sabel "...as I was saying, you especially need some rest, in fact I want to take a good look at that wound before we go any further."


Sitting in front of Sabel, Golbez reaches behind him and removes his cloak, it was rather tattered especially at the end but Golbez found another use for it, raking his claws through it he begins to shred it into long pieces of cloth and creating make-shift bandages, "Wish? Would you kindly come here? I may need some assistance here.", he turns his gaze from the small mare back to Sabel, "Do you need any help to lie down or anything?"


Cherry raises a curious eyebrow as she watches Golbez tend to the other other Griffon, she wasn't yet familiar with his new friends, but she was rather eager to meet them, but first she was keen to know what exactly was going on, she turns to the two mares beside her, smiling sheepishly at them, "HI!" I'm Cherry...um...what did I miss here?"

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Wish Scribe




"Sure, one sec..." Nidded Wish absently as she made her way forward - still twisting her neck to try and see any trace of Creepy Mask Guy until she had no choice but to look ahead. "What do you need me to do? I don't know what to do with cuts like that..."


'Assistance' wasn't as exciting a word as 'adventure'... but so far, adventure hadn't been as glamorous as she had expected - so it was a welcome change. She stood attentively nearby and looked over the two Griffons.


Griffons! She could still hardly believe it - two of them! Despite the safer they were in, the mare couldn't help but wonder just how impressed her parents would be if they knew that she had two Griffon friends... how impressed her brother would be! Of course they weren't any more important than her pony friends but... but Griffons!


"Hi Cherry, I'm Wish - Wish Scribe!" She announced as a way of keeping her mind from wandering."There's... stuff happened and now we're here!" She added in an informative tone.

Never quite forgotten.

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"Name's Sabel," the griffoness says to Poppy Seed, "and don't worry, I'm fine.  It's not as bad as it looks.  Just a scratch from one of the freak's pets..."  Of course, her efforts to play off her injuries were immediately discredited due to her friend's concern and efforts to take a look at the cut.


"Wha-huh?  What are you talking about, I'm fine!  You should be worrying about yourself, don't think that I didn't notice you coughing up blood earlier!"  Of course her complaints weren't seeming to deter Golbez as he ripped up his cloak, causing Sabel to sigh and roll her eyes as she sits down.  "We should be worrying about getting out of here, not over some scratch I got from a pissed off tuna..."


Admittedly she was touched by the concern they were showing her, but Sabel's pride wasn't about to let it show.  Especially not once Golbez asked if she needed help lying down!  She glowers at the other griffon for a moment, to keep up appearances, then abruptly turns her gaze away.  "I'm not a hatchling, just get on with it...  The sooner you stop fussing over me the sooner we can get on to important matters, like escaping."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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(Like I said, terribly sorry for my absence in the roleplay. Don't hate me. :( )


Stormwing had sat back through all of this, from the two mares popping through the portals to Golbez patching up Sabel's wounds. He had actually not even been paying attention to what was going on, really only looking when he heard the thunk on Savoba's mask and the sloshing water which got on his hooves. Instead of paying attention to his surroundings, he had been looking for a way out of wherever they were at. He looked to the ceiling, the floor, the tunnels... Nothing. He was sure that the tunnels probably just looped around in order to confuse whoever had been unlucky enough to be trapped here by the zebra. Sighing, he waited until everypony was finished speaking about themselves, then said softly, "Does anpony here have any idea how to get out of this place?" He had seen Savoba go into that room. What a stuck-up, he had thought. He brought us here, and doesn't even stay? He just leaves? Jerk! After Storm had finished his thinking, he sat back down on the ground, which was surprisingly cold, despite the fact that there was a bubbling cauldron in the room.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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“No complaining, hon. Scratches can be pretty bad. Speaking of escape...Got a plan? If not, pick a door. Any door.” Poppy said, gesturing to the doors and trying her best not to seem afraid. She turned her attention to the youngest of the group, or...she thought it was the youngest. "What kind of stuff happened, sweetie?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, @


Golbez dipped one of the bandages into the puddle of water that formed when the water came through the portal with his assistant,"Wish I'd just like to borrow your first-aid kit," since he first saw the small pony Golbez had assumed that within her bulging saddlebags full of adventuring necessities she must have packed a simple first aid kit, that was just common sense...right?


Golbez looked up at Sabel and noticed she looked quite, which considering the night they've all had it was hardly surprising, reaching a claw over he gently lifts her head up under her chin to look up at him, speaking to her in a calm voice,"Hey, come on now, most of these ponies are looking up to you to get them out of this, and I know you don't intend to let them down, but your not gonna do any of us any favors if you keep pushing yourself too hard like this,", he smiles and gives a reassuring wink at the griffoness, "So let me just patch this up and then we'll get the blazes out of here, deal? Wish how are we getting on with that First aid Kit?"

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Wish Scribe.




With a sullen "Hmph!" Wish spared a glance towards the mare who was clearly mistaking her for a child - dumping her saddlebags on the ground as she did.


"Well, ponies started going missing, and that was strange. but it was even weirder because whenever I tried investigating all the staff started acting suspicious and stuff. Then we found this place out in the swamp - that's where Sabel hurt her wing. It was like a tunnel only... not. It head all the way back to the hotel but there were these from things that attacked us. They hurt Sabel and I think I cut myself too..."


There was no way that anypony could think of her as a anything other than a seasoned adventurer after an explication like that! She glossed over her bout of violence though - that wasn't something to be proud of.


"And then Creepy Mask Guy shows up and he's like 'Git too de portal!' so... that's what I did. And that's what happened - pretty cool right?"




Aha! There it was - bandages and plasters... alongside a number of other bits and pieces that Wish only had a vague understanding if. She had never got really hurt - nothing that hadn't been cured by keeping it clean and getting plenty of rest anyway. Tucked inside a pouch that was stuffed haphazardly at the bottom of the bag, she tugged firmly at it and fell backwards as whatever was holding it in place gave way and shifted slightly.


"Oof... Aha! Here you go Gol... Gob... Guh... Here you go!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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As Sabel sat waiting for the others to stop fussing over her, gradually the room they were in would start to become brighter as though a light had been taking a long time to warm up.  As the light increases, the cauldron starts to bubble less violently and give off less smoke.


In a different room of the strange lair, Savoba was busying himself with writing down the effects of the portal spell into an old book, before he forgot about it.  His 'guests' would be fine on their own - it wasn't like he had to worry himself too much about them.  You didn't worry about the mice scurrying through your walls until they made their way into your cupboard, after all.


Trying to look around at the room now that it was more well-lit, it still seemed just as boring as it had in the dark...  But at least the absence of the smoke from the cauldron made it easier to breathe.  Turning to glance at Golbez, Sabel rolls her eyes and moves a talon in a circular motion.  "C'mon then, just get it over with so we can keep moving...  We all want to get out of here, right?"  Close inspection of the gash on her chest would show it to be deeper than she'd let on until now, her feathers having managed to mat themselves over the cut enough to let her play it off as a shallower scratch.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Poppy Seed



As the one named ‘Wish’ said she got cut, Poppy looked over. The young mare seemed to be under the impression that Poppy looked down on her, though. She walked over to ‘Wish’ and sat down beside her. “Mind if I take a look at that cut, sweetie? Don’t worry. I don’t bite. What's your name, anyway?”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker, @, @, @@SilverHeart, @


Cherry Bomb


Cherry watched from a distance as her friend Golbez and two other mares tended to the griffoness, she wasn't sure but she seemed familiar.

Usually Cherry was always one to get acquainted quickly with new friends, but even she knew that by looking at the scene that it wasn't the best time to do so, noticing a cloaked mare and a grey Pegasus stallion sitting on one side of the room ,she decided to get acquainted with them instead.


Fluttering over to the Mirror and Stormwing Cherry greeted them both enthusiastically, "HI THERE!! My names Cherry Bomb, I'm from Manehatten and came out of...thin..air...apparently." The red mare smiled sheepishly after that last part, but who could blame her? She just wanted a relaxing bath and ended up Celestia Knows where! "What are your names?", she beamed at the pair, trying to make the best of the situation.


Golbez Grandolfo


After finally managing to convince Sabel to let him take a look at her wound, Golbez wasted no time tending to it, as he began cleaning the wound which proved to a rather difficult task with all the blood caked feathers covering it.

Despite Sabel's threats suggestions to hurry the buck up act quickly Golbez took his time to tend to the wound, for all he knew they might not get another chance and if he didn't do the job properly it could very well put Sabel in jeopardy, no, for her own good he was going to do the job properly, even if it meant having to restrain her.


Golbez finally managed to clean up a good deal of blood from Sabel's feathers before looking at her wound closely,"Ok then let's a take a lo...Sweet Merciful Celestia Sabel!" Golbez glares at the griffoness, he was well aware of her stubbornness but leaving such a grievous wound for so long was bordering on the pure imbecilic.

Somewhat now agitated Golbez sighs and shakes his head before turning to look in the medical pack Wish had lent him, plasters and bandages weren't going to be of much help here with a wound this bad, what it needed was stitches, something that, to Golbez's even greater annoyance, the med pack lacked.


Golbez pinched the bridge of his beak as he tried to remain calm, it had been a very long night so far and he was on the verge of throwing his calm, patient, shiverlic demeanor out the window.

Managing to put his own irritations aside Golbez did think of one alternative he knew of that could help Sabel, taking a deep breath he addressed Sabel in a calm ,yet slightly shaky tone, "Sabel, I do know of a way to fix this, but I don't think you'll like it at all, but considering there's no alternative I don't see there being any other choice," He pauses for a moment to clear his throat, his breathing had noticeably eased since the thick smoke pouring out of the cauldron lifted, "...are you familiar with cauterizing?"


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(OOC: I can't believe I forgot to post to this RP. So sorry about that.)




Mirror quickly glanced up at the mare, trying to see her face before lowering her head again. "Um...my name is Mirror Image. ...Are you alright? ...Do you know him?" Mirror asked pointing to Golbez.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@[member=SilverHeart], @, @


Cherry Bomb


Cherry lowered her neck down in an attempt to get a better look at Mirror's face, she wasn't intending to be rude, she wasn't even curious she just knew it was common courtesy to look at at somepony directly when you were talking to them.

"Oh I'm fine, bumped my rump a little though," the red mare giggled before looking back at Golbez when mirror pointed him out to her, "Oh! Golbez? Sure even better, I work with him as his assistant, we're a magicians act!"


Cherry struck a pose as she stood up on her hind legs, one hoof behind her head and the other out stretched in-front of her with her wings spread out, she beamed at the cloaked mare again she came down on all fours, "So, how do you all know him?..Last we met we decided to take a little holiday break...didn't think he was gonna start doing shows BEHIND-MY-BACK!! GOLBEZ!!",without warning Cherry turned from having a bubbly personality to looking as if she had the worst day "imaginable", abruptly turning away from Mirror as she scowled at Golbez.

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@verHeart'], @, @


Cherry Bomb


Cherry lowered her neck down in an attempt to get a better look at Mirror's face, she wasn't intending to be rude, she wasn't even curious she just knew it was common courtesy to look at at somepony directly when you were talking to them.

"Oh I'm fine, bumped my rump a little though," the red mare giggled before looking back at Golbez when mirror pointed him out to her, "Oh! Golbez? Sure even better, I work with him as his assistant, we're a magicians act!"


Cherry struck a pose as she stood up on her hind legs, one hoof behind her head and the other out stretched in-front of her with her wings spread out, she beamed at the cloaked mare again she came down on all fours, "So, how do you all know him?..Last we met we decided to take a little holiday break...didn't think he was gonna start doing shows BEHIND-MY-BACK!! GOLBEZ!!",without warning Cherry turned from having a bubbly personality to looking as if she had the worst day "imaginable", abruptly turning away from Mirror as she scowled at Golbez.

(OOC: posting from my phone. Sorry about the formatting.)


Mirror attempted to keep her face hidden while Cherry tried to look at her face. stared at Cherry for a few seconds during her outburst at Golbez, "You're BOTH stage magicians? This is awesome! My parents were magicians too! I LOVE magician acts! What acts do you do? Where have you performed?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@SilverHeart,@,  @@Windbreaker,@,@,





Sabel glares at Golbez when he suggests cauterizing, but simply turns her gaze away.  With her beak clamped shut, she mutters quietly "Just...  Make it quick."  She knew what the term meant.  She also knew that it was going to hurt.  But, they needed to get out of there...  And that didn't seem likely with the other griffon fussing over her the way he was.


The griffoness nods towards Wish, trying to get the mare's attention.  "Hey, still have that knife I gave you?"  The blade was made out of good metal, it should serve well enough...  If they could come up with a good way to heat it, anyways.





The room was quiet other than the group of ponies and griffons...  Or at least, it would seem that way.  There was some kind of sound though, like the faintest whisper of a breeze, barely detectable.  It would grow more noticeable to anyone that looked in the direction of the cauldron in the center of the room.


Eventually, a very quiet whisper would be heard by the first one to approach the cauldron.  It would be difficult to hear - it wouldn't be hard to think you had imagined it at first.  But, the voice is persistent.  


"Come...  Here...  Look...  In...  To...  The...  Waters..."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Windbreaker, @, @, @@SilverHeart, @


Cherry Bomb


Cherry turned to Mirror as the cloaked mare started to rather excitedly ask her various questions about their profession, the red mare began to smile to which gradually began to grow as she beamed at Mirror, "Oh well I'm not, I'm just his stage assistant, but Golbez is, we both travel all over aaaaall over Equestria," Cherry began to hover over Mirror as she carried on, "Golbez performs all kinds of tricks that not even the most skilled unicorns would dare try..." the mare paused and landed abruptly on her hooves, smiling sheepishly at the cloaked pony, "..erm, no offence, say...didn't Golbez tell you this? *Gasp* Areyouamagiciantoo!? Can you show me a magic trick? Please? PleasePleasePleasePleasePlease?" Cherry began to dance on the spot excitedly.


Golbez Grandolfo


Golbez rolls his eyes at his assistants behavior, this really wasn't the time for such behaviors but, as long as she wasn't bothering him he could at least concentrate on helping Sabel.

As Golbez noticed the griffoness talking to Wish, possibly to distract herself, Golbez rolled up one of his sleeves, reveling a cluster of tiny fireworks attached to his wrist.

Intentionally he had planed to use these as a form of defense against the fish monsters earlier but never got the chance to be used for such a purpose, which was fortunate as far as Golbez was concerned as he didn't fancy possibly singeing his talons.


Removing one of the fireworks Golbez immediately removed the fuse with his beak before gently screwing the top off, gently tapping the end of the firework beneath his open talon showed what he intended to use to close Sabel's wound...Black powder.


The magician quickly began to apply the flammable substance carefully around Sabel's wound, the idea being by setting it alight it would effectively cauterize the wound and close it, it would be quick, be it would also be rather painful, Golbez didn't look up but he did call to Sabel's attention, "Sabel, I'm going to need you to brace yourself now," rummaging in his tux Golbez managed to fish out a simple lighter,"....ok, here it comes."...*CLICK*....*CLICK*...*CLICK*...*FWOOOOOSH*


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Wish Scribe.




Gol-thingy seemed to know what he was doing - so Wish just watched from the sidelines in case she was needed. She craned her neck to get a better view as he ran the powder down the length of the wound.


"What are you..."


Too late - the powder burst into flame: sending the mare reeling in surprise and alarm! Why? Why had he done that - at what point did setting fire to her friend become a good idea? That was a terrible idea - fire burned!


"What are you doing!?" She shouted through her lack of stalling as she tried to decide what to do. "Stop it!"

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Mirror calmed down when Cherry asked to see a trick. Were there any that she could do? "Well, I'm not really a magician...yet! My parents taught me a little bit....but I don't really have anything to use for their tricks." Mirror sat in contemplation for a few seconds before looking up at Cherry. "Well...um I don't know if its a very good trick but I can do this..." Mirror turned her back on the mare. A bright light flashed from under her hood. She stood still and looked down at her forelegs to make sure the spell had worked, everything seemed to have worked out. Slowly she turned back to face Cherry again. Her cloak continued to conceal her. Suddenly she stood up on her hind legs and attempted to strike the same pose that Cherry had done earlier. Her coat was now a dull red. Her mane and tail were no longer a light shade of pink, instead they were a healthy red and black. It wasn't a perfect imitation however, She had managed to get the number of freckles correct but their positions were wrong. The wings that replaced her horn were awkwardly sticking through her cloak instead of pushing it aside. Mirror dropped back down to the ground before pulling her hood back over her head. Her ear twitched underneath the hood, had somepony whispered something? The moment her forehooves touched the ground the illusion shattered. She spared a quick glance behind her towards the cauldron. Nopony was over there....strange.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Windbreaker, @, @, @@SilverHeart, @


Cherry Bomb


Still smiling keenly the eccentric red mare tilted her head in curiosity as Mirror turned her back to her, her curiosity growing even more as a brief flash emitted from her cloak,"Hey, are you o-", as Mirror turned back around abruptly Cherry gasped in surprise as she fell back on her haunches and stared wide-eyed and open mouthed, for before her now stood...Cherry?


"Wha...bu...ho...YOUR ME!!...But I'm me!...But if your me too then...then...YOUR ME!!," Cherry was truly amazed at mirror's magic trick to the point where she actually failed to grasp it was only a magic trick, the perplexed mare continued to stare, dumb-founded before mirror changed back to her original form before her very eye's,"That...was...AMAZING!! Howdidyoudothat?Wellyouusedmagicobviouslybuthowdidoyumanagetoturnintome?Doesn'tsomethinglikethattakeagestodo?Didachangelingteachyoutodothat?Canyoucahngeintoanyponyyouwanted?CanyouchangeintoGolbez?CanyouchangeintothatpervertIpromiseIwon'thitIjustwannaseeifyoucandoit!Doyouhaveafavouriteform?Isithard?" Cherry abruptly ceased with her bombardment of questions as she merely looked at her friend with keen interest.


Golbez Grandolfo


As quickly as the black powder was set alight, Golbez put the small fire out using one of the soaking wet make-shift bandages he prepared earlier from his own cloak, despite Wish's protests, "Wish for goodness sake calm down," Golbez spoke to the mare with a calm tone, understanding that his actions were unorthodox but necessary for reasons she likely had yet to understand,"What I did was effectively seal the wound and also prevent infection by killing any germs and I'll have-you-know I didn't do this lightly but we had very little choice," Golbez had pointed a claw at Wish as he finished his sentence as he cleaned up the last of any excess powder that still remained, he looked over at Sabel, "How do you feel?"...that was possibly a very stupid question to ask but one Golbez felt needed asking regardless.

Edited by Sparx
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As soon as the powder was ignited Sabel had clamped her beak shut with enough force that she was sure she was going to break something.  Groaning and shutting her eyes she balls her talon up into a fist and slams it into the floor repeatedly, shaking her head and trying to distract herself from the cauterization.  It didn't work very well.


As the process finishes, Sabel opens her eyes to glare at Golbez.  She pulls a talon back, her first instinct being to slug him, but restrains herself since she knew he wasn't exactly in the best shape either.  "THAT HURT WORSE THAN THE BLOODY CUT!"  The griffoness sways slightly before lowering her talon back to the ground - she was having difficulty balancing while she was holding it up.







The whisper didn't grow any stronger, but it was persistent.


"Look...  Water...  Look...  Water..."  Over and over it repeated itself - like something stuck on repeat.











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