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Poppy Seed



Poppy called to the others as she followed after Sabel. "Try and stay out of trouble, too."



"Spooky hallway..." Poppy said, staying as close to Sabel as possible. Not that she was afraid, just concerned about the Gryphoness. When she spoke again, her voice was dripping in sarcasm. "Lovely decor. He does pick the nicest vacation spots, doesn't he? Maybe I'll tell him what times I work so he can kidnap me again next year."


The sarcasm was mostly a coping mechanism, given her situation. At least they had each other's company, so neither was suffering alone.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Wish Scribe.





Wish blinked.




She took another tentative step forwards and poked the statue with a hoof. Yep - still a statue. A moving statue.




She blinked again, before turning her neck and looking back at Cherry - manic grin on her face. She trotted a little in place and looked back at the statue.


"Uhm... I mean, no its okay. Don't do that." The Mare hastily corrected herself.


"Who... What are you? I'm Wish - Wish Scribe - I uh... I found you here, wherever 'here' is. Where are we? What's your name? Who's the creepy mask guy? Are you hungry?"


As suddenly as her fear had struck her, it dissipated: replaced instead by curiosity and intrigue - this was amazing! Her first real discovery, and it was amazing! Sure, it might still try to squish her - but it didn't really seem to want to at the minute at least.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Golbez Grandolfo


Golbez could only smile up at the creature nervously as it clutched it's make-shift club in it's hand, it made him a little more nervous on the fact that a large, flesh eating fish monster, was aware that this place was dangerous, if that was so, then what were he and the rest of the group unaware of? What did the fish know that they didn't?

"Right then...", Golbez turned and began to tentatively head for the door back to the circular room, not having a single clue on how to explain this to the others.


He knew could safely assume there would be lot of shouting and screaming at the very least, and what if this provokes the creature enough to turn against them? It could be disastrous! He had to play this cool and carefully.

Standing beside the door Golbez looks back up to Murglock, seeing as the creature responded tot he name, the name stuck effectively, "Murglock...Stay...here", pointing a claw downwards Golbez pushes the door open with he other and peers inside.


 @, @@SilverHeart

"What the...?"


To his surpise, the room was nearly empty save for Mirror and Stormwing, what had he missed? Was he really gone so long the other decided to split up and go searching without them? With a raised eyebrow he looks over to the two ponies standing in the middle of the room next to the cauldron, "Erm, guys...somepony mind telling me where everyone else has gone?"





Cherry Bomb 


Cherry reached up and poked the stone stallion on the nose after Wish did, being nearly as curious as Wish was.

Turning to her friend, she jumped in shock a little as Wish grinned somewhat like a maniac at her, putting a hoof to her chest she could feel her heart beating rapidly after breathing a soft sigh of relief, none of this was doing her poor nerves any good.


Looking at Wish dancing on the spot in excitement did bring a smile to her own muzzle though, she had to admit she was impressed how Wish could get into such high spirits, especially under the circumstances, speaking of which..."Wish, I reeeeealy think now would be a good time to head back, Maybe he could help us get out of here? Pleeeeeease Wish?" She didn't want to but Cherry found herself dancing on the spot herself as she begged her little friend.

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Storm looked over at the griffon. "They went off to explore." He took his hoof off the cauldron and trotted over to Golbez. "Maybe we should go find them. It's probably best that we stick together. That... The eye thing in the cauldron. It said something about runes or something. About setting it free." The grey pegasus turned to look back at the cauldron. "Whatever it is, I don't think it's coming back. Mirror, you going to come with us to look for the others?"

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"Oh....okay." Mirror said as she sat down near the cauldron. Rather content to sit and wait for Wish, Cherry, or Sabel to get back. She could probably be searching for the runes, but she lacked the adventuring experience that Wish had. Mirror wouldn't even know what to look for if she tried.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@SilverHeart, @, @@Umbreon


"So your telling me, that Sabel, having just received medical attention, decided to just up and go exploring with the others?, Golbez raised a talon to his beak and pinched the bridge of it as he let out a loud, agitated sigh an action which he himself noticed he was doing far too often, "Well we have no choice, of course we'll have to go look for them...but, erm...there's some-one I need to show you first..I found him imprisoned in here likely by our masked friend and I think he can help us, " Golbez looks behind him from the doorway into the room behind him before looking back at the two ponies rather sternly, "Erm..you might wanna stand back...and whatever you do..do not scream or shout at him, or we've all had it."


Turning around he looks inside the room again, and then begins to talk rather slowly to someone inside as he walks backwards, "Alright then...Come...Follow Golbez..."

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Sabel turns to smirk at Poppy - she was quickly growing to like this mare.  "I'm starting to think he's scared of color or something.  Well, he is a zebra.  But hey, at least its...  Something different, right?"  She was trying to stay confident.  There had to be a way out of here somehow.


As they made their way up the sloping hallway, they eventually came to another door.  Glancing at Poppy, Sabel shrugs before pushing it open.  The room on the other side was large, but remarkably empty.  The only thing to be seen was a very large green crystal seemingly suspended in the air in the middle of the room.  The light in here was rather bright - not from any kind of torch, but from the green glow coming from the massive stone.









The creature ducks down to go through the door behind Golbez, standing fully upright again as it passes through to the other side.  Staring at Mirror and Storm, Mrglok slowly brings his makeshift club up to rest on one of his shoulders as it just quietly stares at them.  It wasn't sure what to say to ponies - so far his only interactions with ponies had been with the zebra who imprisoned him.


As he stares at the two ponies, Mrglok slowly pulls his lips back into a makeshift smile.  "Hay...  Low..."  The old creature wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but it knew enough to know it was some kind of greeting.







The golem slowly stood back up to his height as Wish and Cherry both poked him.  Sighing rather loudly, the stone stallion turns towards WIsh and dutifully starts to answer her barrage of questions in the order they were asked.


"I am a living stallion - at least I used to be.  Now you can refer to me as you wish - golem, construct, statue..."  As he speaks the golem starts to take a couple steps to the side, he seemed to be making sure his body still worked properly.  A crumpling sound can be heard and he glances back towards where he had been standing, then sighs in disgust.  "...and, it would seem, paper weight.  So under appreciated..."


Shaking his head, he turns his attention back to the two mares.  "You placed the crystal back into my body, that makes you my new master.  Your wish is my unfortunate command, Wish."  He does grin slightly at that last comment.  "As far as I can tell, we're currently in a store room.  If you mean this place in general, I imagine I'm still somewhere within Savoba's lair.  I'm don't remember my name, but my original master used to refer to me as Granite.  She was terribly uncreative, but that has stuck through the ages, so you may call me that.  By creepy mask guy, I assume you mean Savoba.  And no, I don't get hungry."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Wish Scribe.





"Paper weight? That's not really a name... Oh! Oh, I see.." Wish grinned sheepishly before a look of confusion flooded her face - confusion most caused by her mind rejecting the most obvious solution to her next question. "Wait, you. Used to be alive? Like, as in me alive? I know that your still... well, you're talking and moving and stuff."


She paused, looking back at Cherry - the poor filly was desperate to leave. Wish could hardly blame her - not everyone had the adventurers spirit after all, and it wasn't fair to force her to be here if she didn't like it.


"Come on Cherry, we can talk on the way back... lets find Mirror and the others! I bet they'll be really impressed!"


She hopped across the room merrily - becoming the two to follow her.


This. Was. Great! Wish couldn't wait to see her brothers face when he saw...


"I don't think that I'd be a very good master... does that mean I have to be mean? I suppose I can do that, but i don't really enjoy it. What do you like being called anyway? Did you like granite? I can call you that if you like. Or I can call you Paperweight if you really want..."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Umbreon, @


"Or...maybe you could just be nice master and give the poor guy a break, hmm?" Cherry was very rarely one for common sence, it wouldn't be wrong to say even  she was nearly as bad as Wish, if not worse.

She was however a rather caring Pony, usually always the first to be there to cheer up somepony else, she could tell the pony golem had it rough, and not just as a figure of speech.


"You know I'd be grouchy too if I were turned into a walking whetstone...maybe not so much if it were diamond though....or Ruby....Ooh there's a thought," Cherry began to daydream as the three of them began to make their way back, the red mare imagined herself with a glistening clear ruby colored coat that shone brightly, only to snap out of her dream as she tripped on an upturned stone and only just managed to recover from it as she stumbled forward instead, she couldn't stop herself from blushing from embarrassment however.


Half-way down the corridor Cherry eventually turned to look at Wish, "Wish, do...do you think I'm a......liability?...Like I'm holding you back?...It's just well....I'm not an adventurer like you, I'm just an entertainer, I mean I get paid to help Golbez as his stage assistant, not going around looking in caves and going tomb raiding," The red Pegasus smiles meekly at the earth pony before looking down at the ground and circling a hoof on the spot, "I don't mind if you do, really!..I know what I can and can't do...it's just..something I wanna get off my chest..I guess..."

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Wish Scribe.




"A lot of the best adventurers end up that way by accident... I mean, my family all chose to, but it happens by accident too! Anyway, I can show you the ropes!" She bounced alongside the mare, cheerfully discussing her favourite topic of conversation as she cluelessly trotted carefully made her way back along the dangerous, potentially trap-laden corridor. "I'll look after you - just stick with me! We're all here to help each other, see? We're all a team!"


It was a bit of a jarring shift of tone for Wish - as she became aware of her new friends opinion of the situation. She didn't really know how to answer, so she just started to reel off words that made sense in her head.


"Magic is cool, my brother is a unicorn! Sort of anyway - but you two aren't, and you do magic anyway - that's even cooler! You can both fly too! I wish I could... but that's not the point! It's all about just... just never giving up! Setting your sights on the horizon and believing in yourself, knowing that if you keep on going, you'll get there in the end!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Granite followed dutifully behind the mares, his heavy hoof steps falling at a steady pace.  He was compelled to answer Wish's questions by the spells that bound him, yet he was also smart enough to wait for a break in their conversation.  He'd learned better than to interrupt his masters by this point...  All though the young mare was quite different than what he was accustomed to.


When there seemed to be a small pause in the talk he quickly pours out the answers to the questions she had asked before they left.  "Yes, living as in flesh and blood.  No, I suppose being mean is not a necessity of the title, but give it time and it will happen.  And Granite is fine - as terrible as that name is, I'm used to it by now."  As abruptly as he had spoken up the golem's mouth clamps shut again - he'd answered the questions well enough to stop being compelled about them.


Granite was busy trying to think - trying to piece together what kind of situation he'd been awakened to now.  They had mentioned others - that meant there were even more here...  Was Savoba dead?  No, she had mentioned the creepy mask guy, the only one that fit that description would have been the zebra.  Why had he brought others here?  It couldn't be for anything good...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Poppy Seed


"Well...at least it's something different." Poppy echoed Sabel's words (though not as a question) when she saw the glowing stone, blinking rapidly while her eyes adjusted to the light. She stood rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do. Though she was curious as to what it was and what it did. "Now I know we're in a horror story... You got an idea of what to do with this thing? 'Cause I got nothing."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, @@Umbreon


Cherry Bomb


As she smiled at Wish Cherry couldn't help but also raise a curious eyebrow at her friend, thinking that the Earth Pony was struggling to reach some sort of point or meaning, or even what it had to do with how she herself felt currently, Cherry wasn't even entirely sure that Wish could make sense of her sentence either.

Not that she wasn't grateful for the gesture however, she was aware that Wish was only trying to make her feel better in her own way, and in a way, it did a little.


Cherry stopped in her tracks, reached over to Wish and pulled the Little, Small, Young?.....young pony into a warm hug, resting her chin on top of Wish's head and nuzzling it a little, "Thanks for cheering me up Wish, your a good Frie-" *CLICK* "Huh?"

Cherry lifted her chin off of Wish's head and peered over shoulder to look where the noise had come from, right underneath them, as she looked at the stone slate the two of them were sitting on she could have sworn it  wasn't sunk into the ground as it was now.


The red mare didn't have time to observe any further as another noise emitted further down the corridor in the direction they were intentionally heading.

A stone slate had dropped from the floor creating a large hole, the sound of scraping stone could be heard from within it as a stone statue abruptly emerged from the hole.

The statue itself resembled that of the head of a fully grown dragon and it didn't appear to want to waste any time with it's purpose as it's eye's suddenly flashed a bright red light, and Cherry felt something zoom past her ear.


It was a split second decision.


With Wish still on her hooves, without hesitating Cherry abruptly shoved Wish as hard as she could to the wall and hopefully out of harms way, she wasn't close enough to shove her right up to it, only able to push her friend as hard as she could towards it.

By now her head was buzzing with a mixture of adrenaline, fear and anticipation, her mind racing as it was she just couldn't think straight, only able to do the first thing that came to her head.

Not once did she take her eye's off the statute, only able to catch glimpse of whatever it was firing form it's mouth in he corner of her eye, they looked like very thin objects, they didn't look harmless, this was a trap, and she was standing right in the middle of it ,"Move Cherry!! MOVE!!"




Instinctively her first thought was to simply keep moving as she was caught in the statue's line of fire, and there was no place to hide, the corridor with's it's simple smooth stone appearance offered on protection whatsoever, she could only keep moving.

As bent backwards she could already catch a glimpse of something heading right for her head, continuing to lean backwards she gritted her teeth in anticipation, she just couldn't get out's it's way fast enough.

It was only a split second, but it was long enough or her to feel whatever was continuously flying down the corridor to "just" graze across her cheek, it stung badly but she had to keep moving, else she would feel worse.

As her fore hooves touched the floor Cherry kicked her hind legs as she continued in her momentum, effectively performing a back-flip as her hind-legs swiftly swung overhead.

When the red mare started to move, it only took two seconds when she finally  landed flat on her belly.




Staying low to the ground seemed to make it difficult for the thin flying objects to hit either of the mares, Cherry glanced over to Wish, right up against the wall where she had left her, should she have pushed her out of the way? Was that the best thing to do? 

As the red mare laid there she couldn't help but be worried for Wish, as brave as she suggested she was she was she still was only a Lit...a Lit, No! She Was just a "Little" Pony, and Cherry feared for her safety.

Cherry started to get an itch in her flank, was it the anticipation? Cherry glared back at the stone dragon statue as it pinned both of the mares where they stood with it's dangerous flying objects whizzing past them, the itch got worse as she laid there, they couldn't very well just stay there forever could they, she just had to do something......"Wish!! Don't Move!!!"




The red mares adrenaline burned as she pushed herself up from the floor and into a gallop as she charges at the stone statue dead on, darting her head this way and that as flying objects continued to zoom past her head again and again.

Stomping a hoof into the ground Cherry leant forward as she kicked her hind legs up and overhead, pushing herself off the ground with he same force she pushed Wish with, Cherry somersaulted up in the air and over the relentless barrage of the stone dragon's attack.

Twisting her hind legs each way in mid-air, Cherry tucks her fore legs in as she rights herself, glancing

over her shoulder at the stone statue she was heading right for as she finally tucked only one of her hind legs.

As Cherry's extended hoof made contact with he statue, with her hoof planted firmly into the dragon forehead, the statue effectively crumbled beneath her as it caved in, Cherry landed awkwardly inside of it as it crumbled around her.


She did it, she destroyed the trap and saved her friends, well one of them at least, the other was entirely made of stone and wouldn't have been injured at all, speaking of which...."*Gasp!* WISH!"

cherry awkwardly crawled out of the remains of the statue and half ran, half stumbled in panic towards her friend, "Wish!! Are you ok!? Are you hurt anywhere!? Are you bleeding!? OHMYGOSH are you BLEEDING!? Wish I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to throw you like that I just didn't wan't you to get hurt and OHMYGOSH did I hurt you? Did I break anything? Wish is the-".....


As Cherry continued to witter on at Wish, she was completely oblivious to the fact that one of the flying objects had managed to strike her right in the flank, which coincidentally was the cause of her, "itch".

Edited by Golbez
  • Brohoof 2
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Wish Scribe.


(How am I supposed to contend with that!? :P )

(Okay folks shows over - Golbez just won the RP, lets all go get waffles!)




Wish blinked.


Her reactions weren't... they weren't bad - but when she was shoved aside in the face of the barrage of arrows, she could do little more than watch the events unfold with a mixture of horror and fascination as Cherry dived and twisted and... and...


Wish winced as the projectile found its mark on her friend: thankful that it didn't seem to have struck anywhere fatal but in the heat of the moment this seemed a moot point.


She scrambled back as much as she could in her shocked state but simply didn't know what to do - the arrows would tear right through her before she got a chance to help, and she wasn't the type to run, so she just waited - almost in a trance as her friend wove through the arrows and was generally awesome: though for some reason, Wish couldn't bring herself to appreciate the display.


"I'm... I'm okay - just a few scratches..." The filly gasped. "Cherry! That was... oh sisters! Come here - I can..."


What could she do? Wish wasn't a doctor - wasn't a surgeon or a medic: even when she helped look after animals, she family had dealt with the more 'serious' business of tending to injuries.


"Cherry, I'm so sorry! I didn't want... I couldn't... you were amazing! The filly snuffled - still completely unaware of her friends obliviousness. "There was... and you... and then... I'm so sorry!"


It really was taking all of her strength not to burst into tears - the only thing stopping her was her pride: which was in pretty poor shape anyway after needing to be saved like that. She threw her hooves around the mare and squeezed - never before as thankful to see anypony alive and... mostly well.


They could deal with the arrow in a moment - when they had calmed down. For now... she didn't want to move at all.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @@Umbreon


Cherry Bomb




Cherry only blinked as Wish threw herself onto her and wrapped her hooves around the red mares neck, she wasn't really surprised as this after what just happened, she was only sorry for possibly upsetting her for putting herself in that position in the first place, "Aaaaaaw, Wish I'm sorry If I scared you, come on now..it's ok....Shhhhhhh.....it's all ok..."


Cheery assumed that Wish needed at least a little bit of comforting right now, speaking in a light soft tone as she gently stroked Wish's mane, almost like a mother comforting her foal after a bad dream, not that Cherry compared her friend to a foal far from it, no....this was merely one of those moments where everything just got a little bit too much for one pony to bare on their own and was in much need of comforting before they had a nervous breakdown, or worse.


Cherry continued to comfort her friend a little longer before lifting her chin off of Wish's shoulder, showing her the cut on her cheek, "See? It's really not that bad, it's just a small scratch that's all, a bit of warm water and a small bandage will fix it easy, really not worth getting upset about is it?" Cherry giggled and smiled at Wish as she lightly ruffled the Earth's pony's mane with her hoof, completely oblivious to the bigger picture.

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Granite had simply stopped in the middle of the hallway as the trap sprang to life, trying to process what was happening.  This is new...  How long was I asleep for?  What year is it now?  He half-watched Cherry's very impressive acrobatic display as she dealt with the trap, the stone pony hardly reacting as the arrows thwacked into him.  He slowly started to walk forward to inspect the destroyed trap, ignoring the arrows still stuck in the softer material of his mane and tail.


The golem prods at the wrecked statue with one of his stone hooves, his unblinking gaze staring at the crushed dragon's head.  This...  He attempted to replicate me, didn't he?  It didn't work...  Even he isn't that powerful...  That or he got it wrong.  Pushing some of the rubble aside, Granite looks through the rubble for a moment.  Satisfied when he didn't find anything resembling the crystal in his chest, the golem instead turns towards Wish and Cherry.


It was a sweet moment...  But then again, Granite hardly knew either of them, and as such he didn't feel all that bad about interrupting.  "You know, as impressive as that was, the smart thing to do would have been to hide behind me..."  Even with their serious situation the stone stallion's voice had a hint of sarcasm to it.  Walking up towards Wish and Cherry, Granite reaches up with a stone hoof to poke at Cherry's flank.  Or more specifically, the arrow in it.


"That probably could have been avoided.  Though don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see somepony do something for them self rather than make me do it.  Do you have a plan for dealing with this part too?"  







"No clue..."  Sabel stared at the floating stone for a short moment before walking forward towards it - they weren't going to figure it out by standing back, after all!  The griffoness promptly walks up towards the floating crystal, sparing a glance back at Poppy before standing up on her hind legs to try and get a closer look.  Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Sabel taps a talon against the crystal.


Suddenly the green light coming from the stone would shift, causing Sabel to fall backwards in surprise.  The glow starts to swirl slightly before taking shape inside the crystal, showing an image of...  What looked to be a city of some kind!  Sabel squints as she looks into the crystal, it almost felt like looking into a window.  There were small forms moving in the streets - trying to concentrate on one of them would almost make the image feel like it was zooming in to be able to show individual ponies!  "Wait...  Hey, is this...  Canterlot?  What's going on here?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Wish Scribe.



Wish shot a death-glare at the statue's tactless approach. She couldn't really blame it for it's lack of subtly - it was a statue - but in times like this stress tended to get the better of ponies. She pulled away from Cherry with a determined firmness after a few moments, holding her friend firmly between two hooves.

"No, no I meant..." She clenched her jaw and shook her head: Cherry had suffered all of this because of her! Hadn't she realized yet? That was... not much better actually. "Cherry, listen to me. You cant freak out, okay? Promise me you wont freak out... everything's going to be okay but you've got to not freak out because I don't know what I'll do if that happens..."

She was going to help... somehow... but she couldn't handle any more panicking - Wish was panicking enough for both of them already and she really needed the mare to stay calm - but had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't going to. She turned her head and reached into her saddlebag for one of the strips of red cloth that her cousin had given her a long time ago.

"Please don't freak out, okay? Please!" She said thickly though the cloth.

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @@Umbreon


Cherry Bomb


Cherry may not have been a mare of common sense, but she wasn't thick, looking at the other two ponies she could tell something was wrong and it made her a little anxious, and even more so when Wish practically begged her to stay calm, what happened that she somehow manage to miss?


Cherry gulped nd began to slowly turn her gaze behind her and...."Oooooooh fudge..."


It was the best she could do without breaking her promise and yelping out loudly, only emiting a tiny squeal as he widened in shock at the state of her poor flank, her beloved cutie mark thoroughly bloodstained from the wound found just above it where a small, thin arrow could be clearly seen protruding from it.

As Cherry continued to stare at the arrow with a lump in her throat, several thoughts began to appear in her head, some she was truly too scared too even think about clearly, "...Oh...This would explain the itchy feeling I felt earlier, ooooh......how did I miss that?..."


As she she turned her head back to face Wish she drew a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Ok, I'm going to need to find Golbez, we've both had our fair share of accidents before when we did show rehearsals, he should know what to do."

The red mare smiled meekly at Wish, placing a hoof on her shoulder as she attemptd to put on brave face, "It's really not that bad Wish, honest...so please stop panicking ok?....I....I could really do with a friend right about now."

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Poppy Seed


Poppy walked up beside Sabel and gazed into the crystal as well. "We'll know soon enough. See if you can find somepony in armor. I'd bet you 2 bits that it's a member of the Royal Guard. Who knows, I could win a bet for once." She said, not dropping the sarcasm that was currently keeping her sane and active.


"Ok, shall we go find the others and show them the big spooky stone that lets Shaman Freaky go all super-spy zebra on us?" She asked, reasoning that the others would probably be worried...and there might've been a tiny chance that Poppy was scared.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Yeah...  Yeah, that's probably a good idea..."  The griffoness stared at the floating crystal as she spoke, slowly starting to back towards the door again.  It was hard to tear her gaze away from it...  But they needed to find the others, and Wish and Cherry had obviously not come this way.  "Maybe the others will be back by now too...  We should probably stick together so we can find a way out of here..."







The golem had watched their exchange quietly, seemingly passive because of his body though his thoughts were racing.  Golbez...  So others are here as well.  If Savoba brought a group this large here...  That can't be a good sign...


He turns his head just a little to direct his gaze towards Wish.  What does she plan to do with that cloth?  It won't work with the arrow still in her flank...  It looks like it will be painful to just pull out though.  Odd that she's attempting to do it herself, she hasn't given me a single direct order or death threat yet.


A sound suspiciously like a loud sigh comes from the statue as Granite promptly folds his legs up and lays down.  "You shouldn't walk with a wound like that, whatever you two decide.  And considering Wish's stature, it looks like it's going to have to be me to carry you..."  He was volunteering to do the job actually, though the golem still sounded annoyed by it.  He glances towards Wish again before adding "I wouldn't usually suggest doing something myself like this...  You don't seem to have a good grasp on what being my Master means yet though.  Normally I would have been threatened to have my spirit twisted or something by now...  At least assigned some kind of menial labor."  Granite's stone face actually splits into a smile at that point, before looking back at the arrow in Cherry's flank.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Wish Scribe.





Wish looked around at the golem and back at Cherry - she knew exactly what to do - this was one of those times that reading paid off - but shaken as she was, she didn't dare risk her new friends health any further. Instead, she carefully stepped around her and looped the red cloth around the arrow - tying in such a way that it bunched up and was firmly pressed against the wound with the projectile sticking through the centre.


Well... it made the blood less noticeable, she guessed. Cherry's coat was red anyway though, so it wasn't too bad anyway.


"Yeah... lets try and find them: I don't... uhm..." The young mare shook her head and looked back to the golem. "Thanks... Cherry, can you climb up? I can help..."


A nervous grin cracked onto her features.


"You really were awesome though, you know? Come on - lets find help!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Poppy Seed


"If the stars align and the winds of destiny blow just right. A friend told me that. A friend who's gonna get a smack in the head when I see him next for not even sending me a single lousy letter in a few years." Poppy said. She followed after Sabel and inspected the Gryphoness, especially the chest injury. "Feeling ok? Are the bandages too loose?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, @@Umbreon


Wish wouldn't have been able to tell, but Cherry was trying very hard not to yelp out in pain whilst Wish wrapped her make-shift bandage around it, instead merely emitting a silent whimper.

Much to Cherry's dismay even the slightest touch seemed to cause a piercing pain through her leg which nearly brings a tear to her eye, she was still puzzled how she managed to move as she did if her leg was wounded this badly, maybe it had something to do with the "spur of the moment?" The adrenaline rush that coursed through her body and sharpened her mind, which allowed to focus on nothing else but to just keep moving, but now that that was gone the only thing that remained was the pain leftover.


Cherry smiled gratefully at her friend for help, in truth she'd would rather just want to pick her up and hug her tightly as a source of comfort right now but now really wasn't the time....maybe later when she found Golbez.

She glanced at her impaled flank at Wish's handy-work, managing to clean up at least some of the blood on her flank and stop the bleeding any further, plus the cloth bound around the arrow seemed to keep the arrow still to prevent any stray movements, well at least a little...the wound itself still hurt like a mother bucker.


"Y...You really don't mind Granite? You don't have to carry me if you don't want to,", Still putting on a brave face Cherry slowly limped towards the golem, keeping her hurt leg off the ground as slowly walked forwards on the remaining three.

Edited by Golbez
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Sabel pauses to flex her undamaged wing again, glancing at Poppy and forcing a smile back to her beak.  "I'll be fine," she lied.  The bandages are good, thanks for wrapping me up by the way...  Probably need to see a doctor, but nothing we can really do about it here.  And there's no way I'm going to ask the witch-doctor freak."  She chuckles lightly, trying to keep the air light as she leads their way back to the central chamber.








"Of course I mind," the golem complains as he moves closer and positions himself underneath Cherry.  He slowly stands upright once she was above him, being surprisingly gentle and careful considering he was a statue.  "All I'm ever used for is physical labor.  Nopony wakes up a paperweight for conversation."  Despite his complaints he turns his head to look at the pegasus on his back, and his sarcastic voice takes on a softer tone as he asks "Are you comfortable?" The fires that burn behind his eyes flicker slightly as he waits for her to get situated, and eventually he turns back around to take a step down the hallway.


One advantage of his stone body was that Granite was able to take steps without jostling the rest of him, resulting in what would be a fairly smooth ride for Cherry.  Especially since he was trying to be careful and not jostle her when he walked, he didn't want to make the arrow in her flank any worse after all.  He glances towards Wish as he takes another step, jerking his head to gesture down the hall.  "If any other surprises decide to pop up, you two should hide behind me...  It's not like I'm going to get hurt the way you are."  He wasn't sure why he was being so generous....  Maybe he was damaged during his last sleep cycle.  Or maybe it just had to do with the fact that Wish hadn't threatened to dismantle him yet.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Wish Scribe.


Wish beamed and gave a short snort of mirth as she bounded up beside the golem - whom still might decide to squish them at any moment, so far as she was aware - in response to it's grumbling response. That not-quite-reluctant tone, she had heard that before! It was kind of reassuring: it made the 'squish--likelihood' seem at least a little lower.

"You're a sweetie really, aren't you?" She observed chidingly - pushing her luck but but not able to stop her mouth from running away with her as it had a tendency to do, especially these days. Maybe it was from spending to much time around gryphon's?


"You sound like my brother! What do you want to talk about? Me and Cherry want to talk!" Her eyes flicked upwards toward the wounded pony and she resolved to at least try and divert the mares attention from the wound in her flank. "Don't we Cherry?"

Never quite forgotten.

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