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private Golden Corruption

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/78714-golden-corruption-inquisition-rp/#entry2017441


The small town of Golden Pines- a lovely community with a population of roughly two hundred. Originally a mining town, it has quickly faded off of the maps, nestled within the mountain ranges bordering the Everfree Forest. Another border town, the town is a living monument, being well over five hundred years old with little to no contact with the outside world. So long, in fact, that no one knows of its exact current location anymore...


With the full-scale demonic incursion into Equestria only just beginning, energy signals speaking volumes of evil and chaos filled the Lord Inquisitor Starlight of the Twilight branch with great suspicion. She presented this information in front of the Council, who agreed that it warranted an investigation of the town. Besides, if something nasty had taken up in the area, it would only be a matter of time before it became a spawning area for demons, and the Guard companies had troubles of their own.


So it was decided that Lord Inquisitor Moon Crypt would take a investigative team and go and remove the threat posed. Sending messages to the Inquisitors that would go, to meet with the Council and to discuss the threat in more detail...



((You can be doing whatever you wish when you receive the letter, but you have to stay in Canterlot and the Halls of the Inquisition- the fifty-story underground bunker that serves that the HQ. If you have any questions whatsoever, so that you may make a more effective post, go ahead and shoot me a PM!))

Edited by Magos Amphrose
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Jaeger stared at the piece of parchment that was in his hoof. He had read it over multiple times to be sure he wasn't in some day dream. He wasn't extremely happy that Starlight had called apon him, he was scheduled to be in Las Pegasus for his latest contract, I could have been sipping a glass of cider by the condos pool by now. he thought, keeping his mind off work as he usually did. Still, in the back of his mind this was to interesting to pass up, being personally called in usually meant something important was going on.


He leaned up against the wall of the bunker, the metal pistol around his waist making a clanking sound as it struck the wall when he leaned against it. I just hope it's important. Not a waist of my time...my valuable time. he thought, letting out a small chuckle.

  • Brohoof 1
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Solar Sentinel

Solar saluted Princess Celestia as he turned and began walking towards the barracks at the end of his shift. It had been five long years since he had joined the Royal Guard. He never would have thought that in those five years he would have been selected as a Princesses body guard, and even more astonishing, be head of the the 743 Sky Guard. It was his newest duty that had him on edge though. For all his colthood, he thought the Inquisitors where just a myth, told by his father when he was still in the guard. When Celestia asked Solar if he would like protect Equestria under her branch, he couldn't refuse.


As Solar enters his quarters, he takes a deep breath and looks on the wall to the picture of himself as a colt with his father's guard helmet on. It helped him relax thinking about the old times, when things where simpler, back when he thought his father was the only thing that stood between danger and Princess Celestia herself. He wished it could go back to that way, but knew it could never happen. As he sat at his desk, he pours himself a small glass of cider. He picked up a quill, preparing to wright his mother a letter to see how she's been, when he saw a letter addressed to Lt. Solar Sentinel. This letter was not here when he left for his shift earlier or he would have noticed it.


Setting the quill down, he looks at it more carefully. Noticing the seal of the grand inquisitor, his heart skipped a beat. 'So soon?' he said to himself as he stared blankly at the letter. He took a gulp of his cider, hoping that it would calm himself down. 'Let's see what you've gotten yourself into Lieutenant' as he opens the letter. The ink was still somewhat fresh. As he read, he was in shock. 'What perfect timing. Celestia asks you to join and two weeks later....' as he sighs. 'It says to be prompt...well, I better get a move on.'


Solar slowly stands up, walking over to his helmet and placing it back on, looking at the picture one more time, than to the one of his mother as a small tear runs down his cheek. Locking the door behind him, he begins to walk to the long spiral staircase the would lead to the Inquisition's headquarters. Walking down the steps, first one flight, than another, than another, deeper underground, before he stops. 'What in the name of Celestia am I doing?' as he opens his wings, flexing them. 'This should make the trip faster.' as he flew down, landing at he door to the bunker. He slowly opened it, stepping inside, closing the large door behind him as he looked around the room for others who had gotten the same letter.


@@Frosty V,

Seeing the pony in the corner that did not look happy to be there conformed his suspensions. Solar gave him a nod of respect before walking over to him to try to spend some time before the others arrived. Keeping it short, he addressed the dark gray pegasus. "Lieutenant Solar Sentinel, Celestia's Branch," hoping for the pegasus's  response.

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Jaeger looked up hearing an unexpected voice. He was confused for a moment, wondering who this pony was and why he didn't just say "hi" or "nice to meet you" or something. At the mention of Celestias Branch he kinda understood the greeting, he decided to sport a smile and return the kind gesture. "Uhh...Jaeger, Black Legion, Tactical Specialist." he replied giving a slight bow of the head, before returning to his leaning position on the wall. "I'm guessing you got the same letter I did.....isn't that interesting." he said cooly as he waved the parchment in the air.

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Suddenly, a caramel brown hoof stomped upon what appeared to be a silky hardwood stage followed by many others to a beat. Sunny flicked her bright golden mane back as she smiled beautifully to the small crowd below who cheered in excitement at the mare clutching the microphone that then happily nodded to the small band behind her. They all quickly nodded together as the drummer and guitarists suddenly took up a fast paced, upbeat key. The crowd cheered as they immediately knew the song she prepared to sing. Sunny's hoof began to tap faster with the drums as she gripped the microphone and looked out to them with excited sapphire eyes..."Come on! Let's go!" she shouted before taking a deep breath with the chord hit by the backup vocals behind her.


"Hey you there brightest star,

keep picking on your guitar!

Dad gum my head is numb,

while brother plays that drum!

 Don't want to see the sun

so we can start the fun!


Try to keep up and don't ya fall now,

Follow me and you will learn how,

 Get them hooves movin,

Keep on running!

Keep on running!

Gotta keep running on!"


Epicly, she took the microphone and held it out to the audience who cheered and sang along with the back up vocals,

"Whoao! Whoao! Oowhao!

Whoao! Whoao! Oh Oooh!"


"Come on! Let's go!"


"Whoao! Whoao! Oowhao whaooo!"


Sunny's smile seemed to gleam brighter as pure energy pumped through her and the crowd as the band hit another verse,


"Stay at it rocking mare,

Feel the cheers blow through your hair!

Step it up till you're the best

Can't quit! Can't stop and take a,

Gonna burst right through the fire,

You gotta keep flying higher!


Though the roads may get harder,

It don't matter cause, you'll go farther!

Nothing can chain you,

Keep on running!

Keep on running!

Gotta keep running on!


Whoao! Whoao! Oowhao!

Whoao! Whoao! Oh Oooh!


Come on! Let's go!


Whoao! Whoao! Oowhao whaooo!

Whoao! Whoao! Oowhao!

Whoao! Whoao! Oh Oooh!


Come on! Let's go!


Whoao! Whoao! Oowhao whaooooooo!"


As the chorus ended and the drums and guitars beat to a sudden close, the crowd erupted into cheers and screams. Sunny's voice had been so beautiful yet so awesome during the rocking song.  She beamed with joy as she waved to the cheering ponies while exiting the Canterlot stage. It made her overjoyed that she could distract them from the terrible events that were beginning to unfold around them. Suddenly, a messenger pony ran up to her from a dark corner off stage and handed her a message as she trotted towards her undressing room. Noticing the emblem, she eagerly yet fearfully opened the scroll and after reading it, turned to the event director and described the urgency of her leave as another vocalist entered the stage. "I've gotta go partner. Keep the earnins. It was my pleasure to sing for everypony," and with that, she ran off towards the main castle of Canterlot.

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar let out an uneasy laugh and pulled the letter out from under his armor. "Yep. This is actually my first time down here. Sorry about the greeting. I didn't know if there was some secrete greeting that we needed to use so I just kept it simple. Name, Rank and Branch. This is all new to me. I've been in the Royal Guard for five years now, and only last week I was asked to join by Celestia herself. I was given minimum information. To be honest, I thought the Inquisition was all just a myth...Just like the Canterlot Caves.." as he let out a slight chuckle. "But I'm sure I passed those two levels ago."


Even though Solar was the new pony in the group, he thought it would be a good idea to find out more information so he didn't see like an idiot during the briefing.

"So, I know Celestia's Branch is the militarily portion of the Inquisition, but I've only heard legends of the Black Legion. I never thought I'd meet one of you face to face."

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Black Legion

Jaeger let out a slight laugh, if there was one thing he loved it was telling newbies about the Black Legion. "Well I'm here, in the flesh." he said with a smile. "The Black Legion is real and do is the Inquisition. So....your part of Celestias branch huh? No offense, but I thought you all were just mindless robots just following orders. After meeting you I can see that's not so. Personally I don't care for ranks....just placement....your put where your good at and that's the way I like it, luckily that's what the Black Legion believed as well." he said in a slightly more serious tone. "So...Solar was it? What exactly are these legends you've heard.....I'd like to know wether these ponies who told you are know it alls or have facts...it's interesting to me." he said, motioning for Solar to stand beside him.

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@@Skycoaster,@@Frosty V


Suddenly, door Solar entered through burst open with Sunny breathing heavily from an obviously strenuous amount of running. She simply stood their waiting for her breaths to calm down as sweat rolled off her head. Also to her side was a beautiful rapier that was embedded with a sapphire upon it's butt with a Hoofaissance styling to the hilt. She had almost forgotten her weapon that was given to her by the Cadence branch. Sunny cherished the blade and how it whistled through the air, one of the lightest yet sturdy blades she had ever laid eyes upon. It fit her perfectly.


Finally, once her stressed breathing had subsided, Sunny brushed back her honey mane and looked upon both the stallions with a cheery smile and beautifully flamboyant voice. "How y'all doin? Sorry about the entrance," she laughed embarrassingly.

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Branch of Celestia

Solar walked over to Jaeger as they could have a conversation. "Well, I've just heard that you guys where like ghosts, never being seen, but yet always able to do things that others could not. Taking out an opponent even before they or anypony else could know what happened, that your trained to be the most deadly thing in Equestria." Solar took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "As for my rank....It's just that I'm a Lieutenant in the Equestrian Military, the 743 Sky Guard to be precise. I don't know if you've heard of them....."



As Solar finished talking about his rank, the door bursted open again, this time it was a honey maned mare, she looked like she had run down all five flights of stairs, and it was catching up with her, a feeling that he somewhat knew before he decided to cheat and fly down the rest of the way.


Solar nodded to the mare. "Lieutenant Solar Sentinel, Celestia Branch. Pleasure to meet you Miss...?"


A though ran through his head. How where these ponies getting into the castle? Did they have some sort of ID on them. In his five years in the guard, he had never seen the guard just let anypony waltz on back to the main stair case to the castle basements, but he held that thought. It is a question that he would ask the Lord Inquisitor.

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Frost nodded slightly, giving a half smile. "I wouldn't say the deadliest in Equestria, but by others standards that's what we are I guess." he replied giving a slight shrug of his shoulders. "As for being like ghosts....you could say that....we prefer to make sure our targets are taken out with as least resistance as possible.....but the frontlines can be different....brutal...bloody.." he trailed off right as the main door burst open. He figured he would just stay silent and let Solar do the talking for this one.

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@@Skycoaster@@Frosty V

"Sunny...Sunny Caramel of the Cadence Branch..." She giggled a little before scratching her hoof on the ground respectfully to a guard of Celestia. "You wouldn't believe how many of ya I had to run past to get here. You'd figure fellers like y'all would know a popular singer when you'd see one." The words sounded good coming out...'popular singer'...maybe a dream for another time. The mare then looked cautiously to the pony with a darkening vibe about him, unsure of how to approach him either than the way she did everyone else, "Howdy howdy, don't think I've met somepony like you afore." She beamed another smile in his direction to lighten the mood.

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jaeger looked up to the pony who he figured had been speaking to him, saying she had never met somepony like him before. At least there's what he thought she said, through that accent of hers. He kept a straight face and shrugged again. "I could say the same for Sunny.....its good to meet you. My names Jaeger and I'll leave it at that." he said trying not to sound hostile. "I'm guessing you got this letter as well?" he asked the mare, showing his letter to her.

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@@Aerodynas, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"It's Nice to meet you Miss Sunny....Wait, you just ran past them!" as he facehoofs. "Well at least Captain Armor isn't here or he'd be none to happy about that. Didn't they give you some kind of ID....Never mind."

Solar looked around the room again, just double checking on how many ponies were in the room.


"So we have Black Legion, Cadance Branch, and Celestia Branch. I wonder when the others will get here? There are others, Right?...before you say anything, remember, new pony." he laughed.

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@@Skycoaster,@@Frosty V,


Sunny could have been somewhat prying into Jaeger conspicuousness but she preferred to help everyone feel comfortable with her rather than resent her presence. "Pleasure to meet ya Jaeger," she whistled, leaving it at that as he instructed. The mare then turned back to Solar and laughed at his reaction, finding it funny that he seemed surprised she did as she claimed. "Yep, to slow to keep up with these speedy darlins," she humored, kicking her left hindleg out a little before winking kindly at Solar. Once he asked his question though, she brought up her hoof and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm...not really sure there myself. I'm kinda a new apple in the bushel myself too," playfully booping Solar on the muzzle as she spoke.

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Solar Sentinel

Being bopped on the muzzle caught Solar a bit off guard, as he gave Sunny a strange look, raising one eyebrow at the mare before sitting down on the floor. "So Miss Sunny, what exactly dose one do to get into the Branch of Cadance? I know with Celestia's, The Princess asked me a few weeks ago if I'd like to be a member of her branch and one letter later, here I am. Sunny, would you mind telling the story on how you got chosen?"


@@Frosty V,

Solar looked back to Jaeger with a serious look.

"If it's not too much trouble, Jaeger, would you be willing to tell us how you got selected for your branch? I'd like to hear it."

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@Areodynas, @Skycoaster


Jaeger once again looked up from his position on the wall and let out a sigh as he walked over to the two ponies who were apparently new to the Inquisition, the least he could do was try to awnser their questions. "I'm sure there are others, if Starlight called us here personally..." he said holding up the letter. "...then it must be important, a job for more than three." he muttered in a straight firearm tone. "Now it's just waiting......Celestia I hate waiting..." he grunted with frustration as he face hoofed softly.


Jaeger looked up from his facehoof when Solar mentioned his name, asking him how he was selected into the Black Legion. "Well....it's hard to say.....it's not something you can apply for just let me say that.....there are a group of ponies who are almost like....like scouts. Picking the best and brightest and placing them where their strengths are.....sometimes right out of training for those who show potential...some ponies say that joining is more of a curse than it is an honor..." he said trailing of again.

Edited by Frosty V
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Lee teleported back to his room. He rarely left the bunker now a day, always studying magic to try and better himself. When he did though, it was usually for is adopted sister. Unofficially adopted. Fluttershy had taken care of him in his greatest time of need. He and her had grown close over the years. So close in fact, he actually felt bad lying to her about what his real job was in canterlot. She was the only one he felt bad lying to, and about the only pony who could tell with a 50% accuracy when he was lying. Such was the way of an agent of shadow, espionage, and the night. "Well, I'm beat. I should probably..." His ramblings trailed off as he saw the note stuck to the door. "What is this?" He quietly pondered to himself. He read it over and paled. "Oh bucking hades! A mission! I'm late!" He stuffed the note in a pocket of his vest and, after frantically gathering supplies from all over his room, burst out of his room and bolted past what few other members of the Luna Branch were up at this ungoldy hour of the morning to the meeting room mentioned in the letter.

@@Frosty V



"What do you mean I can't go up there? I have every right to go up there! Do you know who I am?" The guard in question simply looked annoyed. "Look, I don't care who you think you are. No one goes up there without ID. Understand?" Lee merely snorted, turned around, and walked away. How am I supposed to get to the meeting if I can't even get in to the bunker?  He thought for a moment, then came up with an idea. He hated to shape shift usually. It reminded him of his past as a drone in the changeling hive, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. He focused on a guard he'd seen earlier and in a flash of green, quickly took on the appearance of a Lt. in the celestia branch. Smirking, he turned around an walked up to the guard who had given him so much trouble earlier. The guard merely stood at attention and saluted, saying "Lt. Sentinel!" Lee walked past him feeling extremely pleased. The feeling of pleasure followed him all the way up to the meeting room where it vanished with extreme suddenness. As he pushed open the door and stepped in, he noticed three ponies were already there. One mare who seemed to just exude happiness, or so his feelers told him, another bonus of being a changeling. One stallion that was dark. So dark in fact that Lee had a hard time focusing on him. He decided not to think to hard on it and focused his attention on the last pony in the room. This was a Pegasus that... "Oh buck." He swore aloud, mentally kicking himself for not being more cautious. The last pony was the exact same pony that he had shifted to copy to slip past the guard. "Uh...hi!" He said nervously, facing his the real Solar Sentinel.

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Frosty V@, @@Skycoaster,

As the three of you talked, a line of ponies, each wearing a various colored cloak, passed by, each of their cloaks adorned with a various branch of the Inquisition. Moon Crypt was one of these ponies, as well as Starlight. The latter held his gaze sternly in front of him, while Moon Crypt smiled silently. Followed by them was a squad of the armored and armed Silver Guard, led by a slightly bigger pony who was shaking his head. Following them was a Inquisitor clad in the armor of the black legion- by his shoulder guard, it was Lord Inquisitor Shadowblade- and, following him, was a pony with metal-and-crystal legs and a neon blue eye. He wore a pendant with the pendant of the Inquisition around his neck, and grinned and nodded. They filed into the door, which shut behind them.

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Jaeger looked at the line of ponies that filed into the room, he noticed a few ponies he had seen and spoken to in the past. Shadow blade stuck out the most. This had better be good.. he thought with a scowl across his face. "May I ask what this is all about then?"!he said pulling out his letter once again. With all of them here...this must be important he thought, overlooking the copy of Solar.....he figured it was best the real Solar handled it. He turned his attintion back towards his elders, normally he would have kneeled, but for now he just gave a slight bow with his head. "Forgive me....I'm just curious as to why I'm here." he apologized.

Edited by Frosty V
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@,@@Frosty V, @, @@Skycoaster,  


Sunny was about to answer Solar and recognized the new entry until the other more elegant looking ponies entered. Stepping out of the way respectfully, the mare returned a friendly grin to Moon Crypt and the neon blue eyed pony. She knew something important was happening, otherwise Inquisitors wouldn't have called them there...though, she didn't what. The golden mare then walked forward to the nearest pony, the one with metal and crystal legs, and held out a hoof. "Howdy...pleasure to meet ya," she chirped, ignoring Jaeger's sudden honorabilities, "I'm Sunny Caramel, what's your's?" In all reality though, Sunny knew who these ponies were; however, she learned that innocence and almost seeming ignorant can allow others to put their guards down. The mare gave out a welcoming wink in addition to comfort the pony she was addressing. 

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V,


Shadowblade raised an eyebrow at his initial blunt attitude, and was about to answer when Moon Crypt stepped in, smiling. "There's been a strong- a very strong- surge of energy in the Everfree mountains that suggests something lurking. The details will have to wait until the others arrive, but it is a serious threat that has to be dealt with."




The pony raised an eyebrow before smiling. "Hello... I can see we haven't met properly before. My name is Karmatic Justice- though you may call me Karma." He smiled and lifted he hoof, kissing it, and set it down.


Shadowblade looked at this strangely before turning to Jaeger. "You seem to be the only sane pony here. There are too many jovial conversations and pleasantries while we have demons running amok aboveground."


Karma sighed. "Optimism is a good thing, Lord Inquisitor. It keeps the morale up."


"I understand, Karmatic. But someone has to be serious, and I would expect the Grand Inquisitor to be the pessimist of the group and look at the situation as it really is."


Lord Inquisitor Starlight sighed. "May we please stop arguing? It is pointless and gets us nowhere. We haven't even started the meeting yet. Save that for then."




Flare Blitz sighed, walking away from the crowd to Solar. "Hello, Inquisitor. And you too... Inquisitor..." He paused, looking at the two. Moon Crypt was laughing silently. Solar shook his head. "Moon Crypt, can you tell your agent to change back to his normal form?"


"When he wants too," said Moon Crypt, sighing with a smile. "I am not going to impose my will on him merely because he is giving you a headache, especially if it isn't your mission."


((In hindsight, I probably should have started the RP on the airship headed towards the mission. Let's see if I can get it to work out...))

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Sunny recoiled a little, not expecting the mannerism...or that the stallion was the Grand Inquisitor. "Um...I uh..." she stuttered, trying to find the right words as this was literally the first time she had ever found herself surprised out of her wits. "My...The name's Sunny Karmal, er, Caramel. Sunny Caramel, Karma...sir.." Upon Shadowblades remark, Sunny bearings were restored as she turned and hummed out to the stallion, "Why do you fear sir? There is still so much good in the world. When was the last time you heard music?" She was about to strike up another song before Starlight recommended everypony to stop arguing. Redirecting her attention, but not after sticking her tongue out playfully at Shadowblade.

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jaeger gave a slight nod at the two ponies who had addressed him. He truly had be er been called sane before, but he liked the sound of it. If it's this important....why didn't they take care of it themselves? Why are they asking.....us he said looking over to Sunny who was being as joyful as she had when she walked in. He let out a sigh and returned his gaze to Shadowblade and spoke in a whisper at the sight of Sunny's playful attitude. "I hope you've picked the right team Shadow....." he muttered, expecting to be slapped for calling him Shadow

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@, @@Aerodynas, @@Frosty V, @,

Solar Sentinel

Solar stood there for a moment, staring at his double. Looking at his copy, raising an eyebrow. "......yea......changeling......." He said grumbling, starring at Lee. Solar himself wasn't two fond of changeling since that incident five and a half years ago.


Before he could say anything else to Lee, the door opened again, this time with the head of many of the branches entering the room. Solar's gaze shifted from the changeling to the group that had just entered. He bowed to his superiors before once again locking eyes with Lee.


As Flare Blitz walked over, Solar once again took his direct vision off of his double, Saluting what he believed to the commander of his branch. "Lieutenant Solar Sentinel reporting sir. I don't believe we've met before."

Solar could tell that one of them was laughing at his predicament with Lee. He looked to Moon Crypt than back to the inquisitor in front of him. "It quite all right sir. I'll remove my helmet so you can tell us apart."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Aerodynas@@Frosty V,  @@Skycoaster@,


Shadowblade raised an eyebrow at the use of his first name. "Correction- I certainly hope that Moon Crypt knows what he's doing..." He sighed. "Do me a favor, Jaeger. Keep an eye on him and his... colleagues. I still remain to be convinced that he is really interested in working for the good of Equestria..."


Flare Blitz smiled lightly at Skycoaster removing his helmet. "Thank you." He saluted him back and smiled. "So you're the pony that were recruited by Celestia. I'm Flare Blitz." He shook his hoof. "How are you enjoying your two weeks here so far?"


Karma smiled and shook his head. "Shadowblade leads the Black Legion, so there is only two possible attitudes for him- cocky and overconfident, or grim and serious. For the commander of some of the most dangerous ponies in Equestria, I'd prefer the second." He shrugged. At this, Shadowblade rolled his eyes and sidled away from the main conversation, centering his attention on Jaeger.

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