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Ask Applejack!


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Hi AJ, It's me Jess. That was Ultraman back there, but he has to head back to M78 now...


Anyway, how are you?


Ah'm great! Still a little confused at what a Utra-whazzit is.


Have you even seen the video called cupcakes????


Nah, but ah've read the story. Scary stuff.


*Snaps fingers and it rains chocolate* There. That any better?


Thanks, partner! *runs around happily catching chocolate on tongue*


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Understandable. Anyway....I challenged Big Mac to hoof/armwrestling once. I lost but it was fun.


Big Mac don't lose to nopony. Not from what ah've seen, anyhow.


Oh well then you know what gets put in those cupcakes then right?


Erm...they told me that story was fake.

*looks at cupcakes suspiciously*


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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So Applejack, how are you today? And I have to say, those years on the farm made you a very strong mare! :)


Thank ya kindly, ah have ta be ta harvest mah family's crop.


Well Applejack those stories are not fake they are absolutely real!


Aw, who are ya kiddin? Pinkie's a nice pony, she wouldn't do that.


No, they're fake. The cupcakes are fine.


See, that's what ah - wait a darn minute, Discord's agreein' with me?


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Howdy there!





*trots over to Mikejr*

*bucks him over the horizon*

And ah have insurance, ya know.




Ya ain't one ta talk - aren't ya the one who's abusin' your lil' sister?




Yeah....nopony'll be seein' him where he just went. *sweeping glance across the sky*


it call tough love...she aint going to survive in the world if she gonna be a whimp.




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it call tough love...she aint going to survive in the world if she gonna be a whimp.


Aw sure, and you're definitely makin' her braver by beatin' her up. /sarcasm


Why are you so mean?


Mah thoughts exactly.


I mis read that as "Wait a damn minute".


...good ta know? :huh:


AJ, d'you know who ate all the donuts?


No sir ah do not. :huh:


hey AJ if any time you want to give Rainbow Dash a good scare just say the word cupcakes and she'll go and cower in a corner some where!


Oh really? Ah might give it a try sometime if she tries ta prank me again by poking holes in all mah apple baskets.


That ain't polite, 'specially not to lady-folk. :mellow:




it's called joking around!


Revenge, more like.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Why are you so mean?


I am not mean i am just a gal who like apples.


Aw sure, and you're definitely makin' her braver by beatin' her up. /sarcasm




Mah thoughts exactly.




...good ta know? :huh:




No sir ah do not. :huh:




Oh really? Ah might give it a try sometime if she tries ta prank me again by poking holes in all mah apple baskets.








Revenge, more like.


oh you think what i do with applebloom is bad...look at my cutie mark...you think it was just there by magic? oh no...you wanna know how i got this cutie mark? ever heard of a tattoo? oh it hurts like a angry bear! i don't want my sis to get burned! sure i rustle her up a bit but at least i don't hit her with a bucking shovel! oh you wanna know who gave me that tattoo? i will give you a hint: big...red...and finally...he don't speak much. that's what gonna happen if you don't get your cutie mark at your teenage years! and it still burns even today. think i am much a monster now?




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There you go now your thinking better!


Ah sure hope so.


I am not mean i am just a gal who like apples.




oh you think what i do with applebloom is bad...look at my cutie mark...you think it was just there by magic? oh no...you wanna know how i got this cutie mark? ever heard of a tattoo? oh it hurts like a angry bear! i don't want my sis to get burned! sure i rustle her up a bit but at least i don't hit her with a bucking shovel! oh you wanna know who gave me that tattoo? i will give you a hint: big...red...and finally...he don't speak much. that's what gonna happen if you don't get your cutie mark at your teenage years! and it still burns even today. think i am much a monster now?


I am not mean i am just a gal who like apples.




oh you think what i do with applebloom is bad...look at my cutie mark...you think it was just there by magic? oh no...you wanna know how i got this cutie mark? ever heard of a tattoo? oh it hurts like a angry bear! i don't want my sis to get burned! sure i rustle her up a bit but at least i don't hit her with a bucking shovel! oh you wanna know who gave me that tattoo? i will give you a hint: big...red...and finally...he don't speak much. that's what gonna happen if you don't get your cutie mark at your teenage years! and it still burns even today. think i am much a monster now?


Wait a darn minute - your cutie mark is a TATTOO? Aw, hay, that's just plumb weird.


Do you like being an Earth pony? Have you ever wished of being a unicorn, or a pegasus?


Ah always thought it would be nice if ah could fly...specially with how Rainbow Dash rubs it in my face all the time with her Sonic Whatzitcalled.


It's different fer you, AJ; yer a ladyfolk.

It ain't right for a gentlecolt to make such suggestions is what Ah said.


Well, ah'm gonna do it anyway. See how Dash likes gettin' pranked.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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