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open The Royal Equestrian Institution for the Sick and Disturbed


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"Of course it's you." Chain Said, not dropping his guard. "Or rather, your body. It's a demon using it." He added, responding to the Spirit instead of the body as he went in to slice off the tentacle tail with his holy silver sword. "That's why I'm fighting it. At least I can keep it all non-fatal, unlock the guards of this place.  

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David looked up just in time to see Chain Mail draw a sword. He yelled, still perfectly copying Storm Lilly's voice "Idiot! Don't hurt it! Storm is going to need that body when she recovers!" He was still, for some reason, comepletely unaware of Storm Lilly's spirit.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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"What do you think I JUST got through saying to the real Storm Lilly?" He asked, knowing that this was far to dangerous for a normal pony. "I've trained in killing things for so long that I know how to NOT KILL. You know, taking prisoners. Things like that." He added, going in for another strike that would hurt like a bitch, but certainly weaken what was inside.

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@Dave Pyro

Storm watched from behind them, as the tentacles fell, she watched as they fazed through the ground, and shuddered.

"It isn't normal. Not demon normal!" She said, as it lunged at David, opening it's mouth to reveal a set of inky black shark-like teeth.

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"If it isn't a normal demon, than what IS it. I've read a lot of books on demonology and if this isn't just a REALLY severe possession than I have no clue what it is." He asked loudly. He almost wasn't the same pony as was in the lunchroom. This was somepony else, the real Chain Mail at his core. "I have to weaken it a good deal before I can banish it back to the void."

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Golden Dawn enter the Institution for his shift, having decided to take a job as an Orderly to pay for his tuition in Royal Academy. He had been there for less then a week and already he had learned much. For one though he had grown up believing he would need to fight to protect others more often he would need to talk another out of a fight, as patients needed calm and soothing words not a fight . Once he had entered he calls to the secretary, "I am here, I hope things have been peaceful."

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"The ghosts...were talking about a 'Black Mass'...They were scared of it... And Lost Soul, she said she could feel a powerful energy connected to me...If she went too far from it... It drained her..." She said, remebering what had happened earlier that day.

"This must be the Black Mass..." She said, staring at the creature.

Golden Dawn enter the Institution for his shift, having decided to take a job as an Orderly to pay for his tuition in Royal Academy. He had been there for less then a week and already he had learned much. For one though he had grown up believing he would need to fight to protect others more often he would need to talk another out of a fight, as patients needed calm and soothing words not a fight . Once he had entered he calls to the secretary, "I am here, I hope things have been peaceful."

Volure ran downstares, seeing Golden Dawn.

"Emergency. One of the patients. She, she..." She began, out of breath.

"She's become a monster...The rest of the patients should be in the activity room, but two are with her: Chain Mail and David Pocket..." Her face was filled with worry and fear.

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"Well then, it looks like I made the right weapon for this. Information on this 'Black Mass' is scarce, but I may be able to put this back in it's place." He said, lying about how much he knew with ease. He only knew that it was a high level demon. "And who is this Lost Soul, how did this happen. Why did it happen when we sang?" He asked, Kicking Black Mass in the face like he had done so many years ago to the one bully.

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A serious look appeared on the stallion's face as he pieced together what this would mean, realizing quickly that his training as both a royal guard and an orderly would be needed for a situation like this and he asks, "Quickly, where must I go, is it a unicorn patient, and lastly most importantly the name of the pony I will be meeting." As he asks all this he takes out a symbol of Celestia's sun from his saddlebags, a necklace enchanted to protect a pony from harm and darkness. He hoped he wouldn't need it but it was better to be safe.

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"Storm Lily... She's an Earth Pony... She's in the second floors nurse station. She had collapsed. She was making so much progress! Please make sure she isn't hurt! Or...or worse." She said, remebering the creature that had taken the sweet ponies place.

"Be careful..She isn't... IT isn't normal..."

"Well then, it looks like I made the right weapon for this. Information on this 'Black Mass' is scarce, but I may be able to put this back in it's place." He said, lying about how much he knew with ease. He only knew that it was a high level demon. "And who is this Lost Soul, how did this happen. Why did it happen when we sang?" He asked, Kicking Black Mass in the face like he had done so many years ago to the one bully.

"Lost Soul... She's... She's a cursed Pony that felt a pull to me... Only the dying and dead can see her." She said, recalling the young mare.

"She could sense something was wrong. Buut she left earlier... "

"I think it was because I opened myself up. To both you and the demon. It saw an opportunity and took it..." She said, silently cursing herself for letting it in.

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"Well..." He said, having to think about what he was going to do. "Fuck." He said a second later. "Do you know if this thing can be attracted by negative emotions?" He asked, coming up with a plan. It was REALLY fucking risky in comparison to his other plan. He'd use his own past to draw it out of her and banish it when it didn't have a host.

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"It could. I'm not sure, but... It is the logical conclusion." She said, her eyebrows furrowing in concentration. (Ooc: Wait, do ponies have eyebrows?)

"But what the hell are you going to do?" She said, before her eyes widened in realization.

"Don't tell me you're...."

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"That's exactly what I'm doing." He said, focusing on the negativity he felt at the end of the Hippocampi war. When King Tsunami, rather than face defeat honorably, had the members of the city guard in all the major cities fire into the crowds of civilians. What had broken him a year earlier.


"When your body's vacant again, we'll have to act fast." He said, his eyes welling up with the pain he felt so long ago.


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"Yes...Of coarse..." She said, seeing his pain.

She then locked her eyes on the monster, determination on her face.

The monster was now still, staring at Chain Mail. An odd aura began forming around it, and Storm began hearing small whispers coming from it.

"He's coming."

"The great one..."



Storm could feel the energy coming from it. It made her whole body feel cold, and she began to shake slightly.

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David had been listening to Chain Mail talk to himself. "Ahem! Excuse me!" he yelled as he dodged a tenteacle that whipped past his ears, narowly missing him. "Hey, Would Holy Water be very useful? I happen to have some in one of my pockets on my vest!" He pulled out a bottle and ran over to Chain Mail. "I've got a few more bottles after this, but only a few!"

David turned back to himself in a flash of blue fire and waited for the Demon to appear. He picked up enough from what Chain Mail was saying to know that the demon thing would come out of her body soon. When that happened, it was in for a nasty surprise. He grabbed all his bottles of Holy Water, about seven in all, and levitated them in to the air with his magic. "When that monster comes out, he's in for some trouble."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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"Just a little more." He said, ignoring David. "A little more." He repeated.


When Black Mass finished coming out in search of new prey, him. It would be met with the absolute most magical energy that Chain Mail had ever used in his life. The spell book he teleported into the room, for a weather spell to make it snow in the yard the next day, would flip open to a page with a series of runes and glyphs for opening a portal into the void. And then, he would be fighting a visible black demon in a battle of the will alone.


"Oh god, I just realized that it would suck to be the only unicorn here." He would say when everything got that far.


(I assume that the next post will take place after all of that happens)



David had been listening to Chain Mail talk to himself. "Ahem! Excuse me!" he yelled as he dodged a tenteacle that whipped past his ears, narowly missing him. "Hey, Would Holy Water be very useful? I happen to have some in one of my pockets on my vest!" He pulled out a bottle and ran over to Chain Mail. "I've got a few more bottles after this, but only a few!"

David turned back to himself in a flash of blue fire and waited for the Demon to appear. He picked up enough from what Chain Mail was saying to know that the demon thing would come out of her body soon. When that happened, it was in for a nasty surprise. He grabbed all his bottles of Holy Water, about seven in all, and levitated them in to the air with his magic. "When that monster comes out, he's in for some trouble."


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Golden Dawn rushed to where the others were, putting the necklace around his neck as he did so. The expression on his face as he entered the room was serious yet calm, though others would not be able to tell he was scared. A pony could be lose and if he made a mistake things could actually get worse... yet he was determined. Courage was not the lack of fear but the willingness to overcome it.

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Storm watched as the monster left her body.

Springing from her spot she rushed at her body, before colliding with it.

The next thing she knew, she was gulping in air, greedily taking in oxygen.

Shakily, she stood up, her balance comletely off. She needed to know what was happing to the others.

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David saw the thing come out. He was about to bomb it when he saw that what ever Chain Mail was about to do was about to take effect. He then also saw Storm sit up, this time, with much less goo coming from her eyes. He dropped the vials of holy water next to Chain Mail and ran over to Storm staying between her and the demon, while casting a magic shield around them that would not only protect them, but also make them invisible should what ever Chain Mail was doing fail. "Go for it!" He yelled at Chain Mail

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Golden sees the monster and charges towards it, saying to the others, "Keep her safe, I will distract the deamon." With such he would come to it and turn to kick back his back legs to hit it, hoping his hooves would actually be able to hurt it as he says to it, "You will not harm any here, may Celestia's light protect!"

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(Last post of the night)

Chain Mail was, at best, at an impasse. He was rooted to the ground, his muscles taught with the sheer amount of magical energy flowing through his body. His skin was pulled to it's limit, too much more magic and his flesh would rip like tissue paper. He didn't notice Golden Dawn in the room, so he started to move his sword, his back flesh splitting along the lines. Chain let out a scream of agony, but still held strong. Now with much more room for his muscles to focus, he plunged the holy blade into the black demon. He was starting to lose his grip on consciousness, but that stab should weaken it enough to be sealed into the book.

(This was all typed before the last post, but he's so wrapped up in his spell he is oblivious to everything around him)

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@Dave Pyro

"Thanks..." She said, her voice hoarse.

The her face went blank.

"WHAT IS THIS TASTE IN MY MOUTH???" She said, trying to get the leftover black substace from out of her mouth. She looked up, noticing a new stallion.

"Where the hell did he come from?" She asked.

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David turned and looked at Storm, keeping the shield up as he did. "Hey, you going to be ok?" It was a stupid question, she had just been possessed by a demon. Still, he felt like he needed to make sure she was going to be alright. "Don't worry, we're safe. This shield is unbreakable, we're also invisible to every pony in here." Upon hearing a scream, he turned to see Chain stabbing the demon. "That's not going to be enough is it?"

David looked and saw another stallion come flying through the door and kick at the Demon. He parted the shield enough so that he could stick his head out and yell at this new pony. "Hey! For all the good that it's worth! There's multiple vials of holy water on the ground by Chain Mail. I've got storm, she's safe in here! I'll get your back if you need help!"


Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@Dave Pyro

"As long as that thing killed, I'll be just peachy." She said, a new found corage in her eyes.

"It needs and extra boost of magic... Something pure." She statedd, as she wiped black sludge from her eyes.

"If Chain Mail were to use anymore...It might kill him..."


Sticking her head out as well she yelled at the stallion.

"You need to use a combination of your magic and the water!" She screamed.

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The stallion sees the blade pierce the daemon's body and hears of the holy water from one nearby and considering gets an idea saying, "I think I have something the will work." With such he grabs a vial of holy water and tying his necklace around it turns to the monster he smiles and says, "Hey you, hungry?" With such he takes the vial in his mouth and flies towards towards deamon, planning to shove it down its throat.

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