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searching MLP- Camp Half-Blood


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We're on the train that's making its way to Los Pegasus. The only real problem with getting there is any monsters.

Haha... los pegasus.. lol :3


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Can I make a character that is the daughter of Hades? I know I don't have to but it would be interesting.

Edited by Pixelate



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Name: Minx

Gender: Female

God(ess): Hades

Age: 20

Mane: Purple with blue highlights. Her tail has the same colour scheme.

Coat: Black

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Yellow

Cutie mark: Doesn't have one because of a birth defect

Back story: When Minx was a filly, she actually had a happy life. But when her mum was killed by a minotaur, everything started to go downhill for her. After finding Camp Half-Blood, Minx had stayed for a few years but then decided to not go there anymore. She then went in search of her dad and has lived with him ever since.

Weapon: Her weapon has two forms. A bracelet and a Celestial Bronze bomerang

Other: She really doesn't like other demigods. That's the reason why she left camp after only three years. She just couldn't take it anymore.

Edited by Pixelate



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Name: Waterfall

Gender: Female

God(ess): Poseidon

Age: 19

Mane: blue with purple high lights

Coat: light blue

Species: Pegesus

Eye Color: blue

Cutie Mark: a waterfall

Back Story: She grew up with her family but when she turned 12 years old, her family was killed in a horrible accident. She went and stayed in a orphanage until she had to leave so no one would get hurt. She wondered around until she finally found camp half-blood.

Weapon: daggers

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R2D2 i think dashian forgot to mention we have to limit what we have to do because our parents are the big 3 it isnt fair if where extremely powerful and the rest has not so powerful gods. Thats why i am always careful on how i go about fights and things.


And waterfall my characters already the son of poseidon lol

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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I'm just putting it out here. This is what Minx can do. She can walk and teleport in shadows but you already knew that. When she gets pissed off at a god and ONLY a god, Minx's markings on her hoofs and legs light up to be a dull grey. When this happens, Minx can do stuff like Ocean Skies can but only with Hades powers. For one thing, she can control the dead. Then she'll have to recharge for a few weeks. Yeah, yeah, I got the idea from Oddball's use of Ocean Skies but I had nothing else to go on. Let me know if I should change anything about Minx's powers.



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Oh don't worry. The only reason I said only at a god was because she's gets pissed off really easily. It may not seem like it but she does/



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