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private The Pendants of Equestria

Pinkie Paranoia

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'Tis a dark time in Equestria.


Since the collapse of the Elements of Harmony, Equestria has had no way to properly defend itself from the evils that reside in the land. An organization known only as "The Government" seized it's opportunity, and began to crusade throughout the kingdom, seizing all areas it passed through. The Government seeped through all of Equestria, taking control over town, cities, even individual homes. Not even the city of Cloudsdale, which at first had turned into a refuge for the land's Pegasi, was truly safe, as it was engulfed by The Government's reign. As The Government spread through the land, it grew more and more powerful, using the inhabitants of the cities and towns it controlled to increase the size of it's armies. Eventually, all that remained free in Equestria was Canterlot. The princesses, not wanting to harm their own citizens, were forced to surrender, leading to The Government's complete control over Equestria.


The Princesses were allowed to remain in their positions, but merely as figureheads. The only real political power in Equestria comes directly from The Government. New, harsh rules were instated, and punishments were made more severe. The entirety of Equestria is forced to work, building up The Government's power, resources and armies. It is no question that The Government's true goal is global domination.


In an attempt to stop The Government's plans, the three Princesses of Equestria, on the morning of the Summer Solstice, took action.  Princess Celestia raised the sun to it's highest point in the sky. Princess Luna raised the moon, placing it in front of the Sun, creating an eclipse. Using the power of the Eclipse to intensify her magic a thousand fold, Princess Cadence imbued four pendants with the magic of love. Together, the three Princesses took the pendants with their magic, each splitting into two halves, and teleported each half to a different pony across Equestria.


"Do you really think this will work, Celestia?" Cadence asked, a worried look on her face.


"All we can do is hope," Celestia responded, as the sound of The Government's soldiers grew nearer. "That the power of love shall not fail us."


'Tis a dark time in Equestria.








Alan was flying over the road leading to Appleloosa. Just beneath him, the details on the dirt path blurred and whizzed past. Looking far above him, he saw occasional Government patrols guarding the air. Nopony was allowed to fly too high, at least, not without being questioned for hours. He turned his attention back to the road in front of him, and almost immediately, there was a flash of bright light right in front of him. The light blinded him slightly, causing him to crash into the ground, tumbling for a little ways, coming to a complete stop past where the flash originated.


He let his eyes readjust to normal, checking his wings and limbs. Luckily, his tumble only left him with a few bruises. He then quickly slung off his satchel, opening it, and began to sift through, checking that all the packages were still in one piece. Seeing nothing was broken, he let out a sigh of relief. "Glad to see everything's fine. I don't make enough to have to pay damages." Alan said, to himself.


He put the satchel back on, then turned towards where the flash had come from. Seeing something on the ground, he walked the few feets distance towards it. Laying on the ground was a pendant. Or rather, half of a pendant. More specifically, half of a Sun. Curious, he picked it up, putting it in one of the side pockets of his satchel. 'I'll take a look at it later, I've got to get back to delivering these packages.' Alan thought, turning to go back to Appleloosa.


He spread his wings, and took off, not stopping again until he reached his destination.



"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Paint Splatter was running out of supplies. She had ponies with various injuries lying left and right but her pain relieving herbs were disappearing fast. She held her head in her hooves. "I had so many the other day!" She wailed, as the moans and groans increased. I have to go retrieve some more! She thought. 


Flying quickly to the tent of her supervising commander she informed him of the dilemma and was given permission to go search for some more in the surrounding forests. Before leaving however, she told her fellow medics of the problem and to 'hold down the fort' while she was away. She would have sent one of them in her place, but the majority of them were new and didn't know what the plant looked like. And the senior medics needed to supervise the junior medics! 


Why doesn't the Government spend more energy finding potential medics instead of filling and refilling the ranks of the army! She thought in frustration. 


Upon entering the forest she went straight to wherever she saw clumps of roots and rocks. The plant grew beneath rocks and often wrapped around the roots. "Ah-Ha!" She yell whispered triumphantly when she a sparkly yellow hue half covered by a moss covered rock. She scrabbled in the dirt around it before yanking it up--


"Wha?" She exclaimed at the necklace she was holding in her hooves. She had thought it was the pain relieving plant, which happened to be shiny and yellow as well. "Maybe somepony dropped it..." She thought  as she stared at the piece of jewelry. It looked kind of like the half of the sun, but she couldn't find the rest of it. She dropped it into her saddle bag with the intent of handing it off to her supervising commander. 


She then continued to look for the pain relieving plant. She managed to find three bunches before she had to return to camp. Her heart dropped. "This isn't nearly enough..." She whispered, as she slowly flew back to the base. 

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Terse Tranquility stepped out into the afternoon sun of Fillydelphia. She looked back at her "home", or rather the building she was squatting in. It wasn't her finest hour, but avoiding the Government was hard when you did everything by the book. She walked around the back of the dwelling where she currently lived. She was growing her own food, and for all her knowledge of cultivating, her successes had not been plentiful.


"If this keeps up, I'm going to have to resort to stealing," she though, laughing to herself. She had gone to FillyU, and thought it was laughable now that the top student of last year was near stealing and starving. "Where's that fancy education now, Tranq?" she mocked herself.


Hunkering down near her sad patch of withering crops, something shimmery caught her eye. She levitated it towards her eyes. She knew using magic was against the law, but she was already going to be in deep trouble if she was caught. Why not make her life easier while she was free? "Hmm, half of what looks like a star pendant. Wonder if I could sell it."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Hack was only just starting to get out of bed. He could hear a small buzzing acting as his alarm clock. He turned his head to see Fi, buzzing right next to his ear. It looked like the insect was standing at height equal to his nose while his face was rested on a pillow. "Maybe after glass I will see straight?"


He started to get ready for work. No, he started to get ready to go waste the only time he spends awake. "I hope that no pony breaks another rule..." He was nicer than the other guards. He would at least try to give the pony a warning, or correct them before another guard noticed. Often he would be too late. He wasn't sure exactly what would happen to ponies brought in, but he knew it would be extremely tenuous, or extremely painful; but all he had to base his information off of were rumors.


He poured himself a glass of water and said, "I hate my job Fi... Fi?" It was only now that he realized that the Firefly was left o his bed. "I'm sorry... I've just been having these really long shifts lately. Guess I just got use too waking up, working and going to sleep." He felt slightly bad as he realized Fi fit no where in that schedule.  "I promised you that you come with me this time right?" He could hear the Firefly slightly buzzing in excitement. "Alright, don't get too worked up."


He walked over to bed again to pick up Fi, and slowly he started to realize why she seemed so tall before. She was resting on a weird amulet. He had stayed up enough long nights to know what the moon looked like, and that was this amulet's odd form. It also didn't take a genius mind to see this was half of it. 


He picked it up and twisted it around in his hooves. "How did this get here?"

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Atheia stood, watching, by the statue she had arranged to meet her mentor by. She didn't know Baltimare particularly well: even after being informed that all 'creatures' like her had to be kept within city limits where they 'couldn't cause trouble'.


She hated crowds, and given that Baltimare was a busy city, well, she spent a lot of time inside these days.


It had been a month ago... or maybe two, that she had first made contact with Bardic. The letters had been friendly: curious and at times, a little personal, but friendly. She didn't know anything about him other than that he had promised to help her - to show her how she could free herself from her invisible chains. Of course, she accepted without a second thought and within a week, he was due to arrive from overseas.


And now... he was late. The Hippogriff sighed sadly, shying away from a particularly large section of the crowd and around the statue, where something caught her eye.


"What's this...?" She wondered, lifting the thin chain up carefully and peering at the broken pendant that hung from it. Broken, but pristine and as if brand new - not the type of thing that would just be left in the street. Glancing around to see if there was anypony about who looked like they may have lost it and...


"You are to be Atheia, I presume? A warm pleasure - I am Bardic Knowledge - you are welcome to my apologies for the lateness of the hour."


The voice was that of an unusually tall stallion. His thin features marked him as foreign - not to mention his accent. Smoothly formed words shaped into sentences that might have been learned from a centuries old adventure story: mostly because many of them were.


"Oh! Bardic, I..." Atheia gasped, flustered. Her sharp eyes darting about the street nervously - the absurdity of the situation dawning on her for the first time: she was a 'monster' and he... was hardly inconspicuous himself. The Government had eyes everywhere: meeting at all seemed stupid but in public of all places?


Spying an alleyway not far away, she tugged gently at the strap of his saddlebag. "... We can't talk here: come with me..."

Never quite forgotten.

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(Sorry for the late start! I had a lot of things going on yesterday)


Arcane grabbed hold of a small tinkering device within his magic and brought it up close to the device he was developing for The Government. He had been studying the magic of 'invisibility', also known as light distortion. His eyes were filled with confidence, his focus completely on the device.


Most of his work dealt with the magic aspect of technology. Enchantments, infusions, augmentations, power sources, etc. He smiled and set the device down. He pulled over a small glowing crystal; a diamond infused with luminescence magic. He fit it into a small opening in the device, his eyes following every little thing that would or could happen that could ruin it.


Just as it was about to set into the device, a bright flash of light blinded him and made him fall back. Arcane quickly regained himself and stood up. He ignored whatever the flash was and went straight for the device and diamond. The device was sent flying across the room when he fell, along with many other things since they were in his magical grasp.


Arcane found the diamond in the far corner of the room. It was fine and unharmed, but he couldn't find the device anywhere. He suspected it was destroyed on impact of a wall and its pieces scattered. He let out a loud sigh and rubbed his forehead with a hoof. "I have to start all over again..." he mumbled to himself.


Arcane walked back over to his desk and lifted the diamond back onto it, that was when he noticed the pendant on his desk. It was a half star on a chain that looked like it had another part to it. He for some reason felt it wasn't meant for The Government to have, like it was meant to be sent here, for him. 


Arcane quickly stuffed the pendant into his personal work bag along with a few other parts. He put the bag on and started to head out of his lab. He wanted to go home to personally study the pendant.


He flashed his ID card at a slot next to the door and waited for a moment. The door slid open and allowed him passage. Arcane couldn't help but grow a small smirk on his face as he walked past and into the hallway. This always happened, since he knew it was his research that developed such a thing. He felt like he was making a difference in the world.


As he walked down the hallway he was stopped by one of the security guards. "Heading out at this time Arcane? I doubt you have finished working on that thing of yours" he questioned. Arcane sighed and rolled his eyes. "Its fine Brutus. I forgot one of the parts back at my house, it shouldn't take too long to get it" he said and tried to continue on his way. Brutus stopped him again and raised a brow. "Are you sure? We have plenty of able bodied ponies that could go and get it for you" he tried to persuade. Arcane shook his head and motioned for the guard to move. "My house is quite messy and confusing. I doubt any of the ponies here could navigate through it all" he said, trying to hide his real reason. Brutus leaned in close to Arcane and stared him down. "You are actin' funny. You aren't hiding something, are ya?" he inquired. Arcane rubbed his forehead and shook his head. "I'm not having a very good day Brutus. Now can i please go?" he pleaded, but not desperately. Brutus sighed and moved aside so Arcane could pass. Arcane smiled and nodded towards him in thanks.


Arcane was out of the building a couple minutes afterwards, heading home as fast as he could without looking suspicious. The feeling was much stronger than before. He needed to know what this pendant was for, and what he was supposed to do with it.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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For as long as he could remember, Lost had hated The Government. Everything about them, right down to how silly and pretentious the organization's name was, just rubbed him the wrong way. But he cooperated with them anyway, because doing so meant that he could continue his studies more or less as he pleased, so long as he could produce findings that satisfied them. Still, he couldn't help but feel dirty working for them, and he hoped that one day he could help to orchestrate their downfall, thus redeeming himself for anything he might have done to help them. Of course, even the princesses weren't able to stop The Government, so what could he possibly do about them?


As he was sitting in his study, once again pondering this, he saw a flash of light out of the corner of his eye. He turned and saw a pendant he didn't recognize sitting on his desk. He could tell immediately there was something magical about it, something quite powerful, but nothing that he could recognize from any of his research. Dedicated academic that he was, the only logical thing to do was study it and see what he could learn. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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The stallions face contorted briefly and then relaxed, but behind the forced smile Lucky Toss could sense complete fury. She smiled; the threat of one much larger than she didn't bother her to any great extent - after all, she was the one accepting the small pile of bits being shoved across the table at her.

"Third time's the charm, mister," she said mockingly, winking her pale brown eye, and the heavy earth pony across from her shifted as he debated another round. Lucky toyed with a coin on the table in front of her, letting the candlelight flicker across in a most attractive manner, and he grunted. Lucky smiled. Another easy win.


It was only a few minutes later that the stallion rose from the table, slamming his chair back in anger.

"You cheated!" he thundered, cards scattered madly as he slammed his hoof on the table. Lucky didn't flinch, just kept smiling.

"Eighteen bits, please," she said quietly, and he frowned and quivered, then shiftily looked about before he slung two coins on the table as well as a necklace and barreled out of the gambling house before Lucky could say tickly boo or even really get out of her chair and yell.


Angry that he had gotten away, Lucky slumped down and picked up the necklace. It was delicately crafted, and quite pretty - it would fetch her more than eighteen bits, she was certain, especially since it appeared to have a slight magical aura to it. Magic was forbidden by the Government, and so she discreetly put it in her money bag and sat back, waiting for her next challenger.




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@, (I guess since were in the same town) 


The amulet held a strange glow. It was shining in his hooves, gradually becoming brighter and brighter. It seemed to draw Hack towards it. He extend his hoof to touch the crystal face of the amulet, but just before he could. He heard a small buzz that snapped him out of whatever trance he was in.


Shocked and frightened by the sudden noise, Hack dropped the amulet onto his bed and screamed. "It's cursed!" He remained in shock until he heard more buzzing and could see Fi crawling towards the front of the amulet. She continued her high pitch buzzing and her light was flickering on and off at a rapid very rapid rate. "Oh, very funny." He sounded annoyed, but in reality he wanted to laugh to. "Outsmarted by a six legged insect." 


Hack picked up the amulet and Fi once again. Then started to make his way down stairs to begin his patrol. Maybe he would find the owner of this amulet on his way there? Maybe he wouldn't, but for some unknown reason he felt this didn't belong in the hands of his superiors. Besides, if no one claimed it, Fi seemed to take a liking to it.


As Hack was walking towards his patrol, he kept wondering about the amulet in his bag. This time it really did feel like it was calling out towards him. He started to re-think things about his life and position. "Is this really where I want to be? Do I have choice? I can recall a time when I would answer those questions without hesitation, but now..." 


He was lost in thought and didn't watch where he was going, and walking into a stallion that seemed like he was in a hurry.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(Stallion, STALLION. Its okay though, he does look a bit like a mare... or so iv'e been told)


Arcane's eyes were dead set on the ground, trying to think about what he was going to do with the pendant. As he was almost home, he bumped into a stallion accidentally. Arcane stepped back a bit and looked up at him. A Pegasus no doubt, always being so clumsy even with their wings. "Sorry about that..." he half mumbled half grumbled, even though he knew it wasn't his fault.


Arcane looked around quickly and then back at the stallion. He felt like he was going insane, and the only way to fix it was to tell another pony. He sighed and looked intently at him. "Promise me you can keep a secret? I think i'm going insane. I found this pe- well, HALF pendant" he said and pulled the half-star on a chain out of his bag. He quickly flashed it to the stallion and then put it away. "I don't know why, but i have the oddest urge to do something with it... or more specifically, GO somewhere with it." He took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "Does that sound too crazy?" he asked, but didn't really expect an answer.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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@, (unless I've developed an eye disorder. I read she 15 times in your post... How! and fixed.) 


Hack was taken back by the stallions sudden outburst, but there was code for this. It was pretty much the code for everything. He started to recite a list of personnel the pony should go inquire to about his problem, but during the middle of his verbal tirade. He could hear Fi buzzing in his pocket. 


Slowly hack started to put a few pieces to the stallions story together. "The medica- Wait. That pendant from before." He dug around in his bag for a bit and pulled out his half of some amulet. "I was hoping to find it's owner, and I-" He heard a slight buzz, "Sorry, Fi noticed that these crystals look very similar. I know it may not be an exact match, but does this mean anything to you; or does this have something to do with your," He wasn't sure quite how to say it, "Feeling? I suffered some odd thoughts on my way over here, but..."

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Arcane looked down at the pendant the stallion presented. Arcane pulled out his again, and tried to fit them together. It didn't fit, no matter which way he tried to put it. Arcane then put his away and shrugged. "Seems it doesn't fit... Where did you find this, exactly?" he asked, hoping he could try and put together a few pieces of this puzzle. 


Arcane was a bit worried that this pony thought he was insane, and that he would go and tell the Government. Arcane prayed to whatever was left of gods in this world to make sure he didn't tell on him.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Alan walked into town, quickly making for the post office. He entered, taking off his satchel and pulling out the documents and packages inside. Setting them on the counter, he turned to the mare running the building. "Here's everything. Anything left I've gotta deliver?"


"Nope, you're good." Came the response. "Thanks Jones." Alan grabbed his satchel, slinging it back over his head as he walked out the door. He made a straight beeline straight for the saloon, and to his room upstairs. He slung the satchel onto his bed, pulling out the pendant and holding it up to the light. The pendant gleamed and glistened, it's beauty drawing Alan's full attention. Ever since he had put it in his satchel, he'd felt compelled to pull it out, to look at it, to put it on.


'What magic is this?' The longer he stared at the pendant, the more it compelled him, the stronger it pulled on him, reaching, seemingly, into his very soul. He was curious, wanting to put it on, to find out exactly what it was, what it did, but stopped. A part of him began to ring through his body, promoting a single thought. "If I put this on, my life will change completely." The pendant gleamed brighter, as if to answer his statement.


Alan dropped the pendant. He didn't know what had made him say that, and he didn't know anything about that pendant. What he did know was that he wasn't about to put it on. Not until he knew what it was, and what it could do. He picked it up, placing it in one of the drawers of his deck, and left his room, locking the door behind him. 'I need to walk around for a bit, clear my head.'

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Hack scratched his head. He wasn't sure how to answer the pony. "I guess, I just woke up; and when I looked by my bed. There it was... really odd huh?" He was sure that the pony would think that he made it up or was poking fun at him, but he honestly had no idea; and lying to this pony felt wrong for some reason.


Time was growing short and he had to get back to duties, "If you want, I could..." He was about to say 'let you have it', but something stopped him. He didn't want to give the amulet away. "... I mean, we could possibly talk about this some other time. I hope you do understand, but I have some work to do." He rolled his eyes at the thought, "So do you live around here, or maybe there is a place you would like to meet?"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Arcane was half listening to the rest of what he said. He was busy thinking about what he said first. '"There it was"... Just like it happened to me...' It was the same situation. 'Maybe he feels the same impulses...' he pondered. 


Arcane at least listened to the last few things he said. "I'm supposed to be working as well. It would probably be easier for you to meet me at my work whenever possible. I'm there most of the time. Just tell the guard you are bringing me a component i needed and he will let you in." Arcane reached into his bag and pulled out a small piece of metal with precise designs. "I don't actually need it, but it looks authentic." Arcane handed it over and (assuming he accepted the object) allowed him to take it. "Names Arcane by the way" he introduced himself. He felt he should have done it sooner, but he was too busy rambling on before.


(I'm going to allow room for you to build on. You can leave here if you want.)

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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