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".....NAAWEWE" He nuzzles scout "this is an adorable filly oh my celestia!" He chuckles. "He's an adorable little filly" he smiles "my name is oceon skies what's yours?" He asked as he chuckles he's a sucker for fillys. he then sits and listens to scout smiling as if he was scouts father.

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Grell nodded then looked at Leif and epic and smiled he nodded to them" I think we should give then a few font ya think" grell whispered "they're having a moment"

Panomma limped over to grell

Grell patted her head "can Anypony help heal her" grell asked

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Scout smiled. "I'm Scout! My dad is Hades!" He nuzzled into his chest, smiling.


Midnight nodded, looking at Panomma. "Is she okay?? What's wrong??" She nuzzled Panomma, her ears flat. She didn't like seeing any creature hurt or in pain. She blinked, remembering she can heal. "Now that I have Mother's powers, I just realized I can heal things..." She smiled, her hooves glowing. "Of course, I can't use it on myself... One of the cons about being a demi-goddess, I guess..."

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"Oh you are aren't you" he smiles. "My dad is posiedon" he smiles. "I can control water" he says. "What can you do" he smiles looking at the adorable little filly. He acted like he was scouts father. As he nuzzles little scout. his brilliant blue eyes sparkling brightly

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Grell nodded "I'm not sure but she hurt her leg" grell said " i think she would love for you to heal her but I don't speak animal but Leif does he can understand most animals but he understands panomma completely"

Panomma nuzzled midnight Midnight wanting to be healed

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Midnight put her glowing hooves on Panomma, healing her. She was concentrating hard, trying to find the points where she was hurt.


Scout smiled. "I can talk to spirits!" he said, looking up at him. "What can you do???" He smiled brightly, his ear twitching in happiness.

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Panomma yipped happily nuzzling midnight

Grell smiled the dark aura around him wasn't fading " well she'll love you forever now" grell said "that makes two" grell kissed midnight in the check with a smile he really did love her and would till the day he died

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He smiles as he lifts water itself out of the bowl and makes it swirl around little scout and lets it shoot up into the air. "Oh just control water breathe under water. nothing special." He chuckles. then he pets little scout. "Maybe i should take you under my horn and raise you" he smiles.

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Midnight giggled, finishing the healing. "And I love you both too..." She kissed them both on the forehead. She looked at Silver. "Why did you even say all that stuff if you were just going to agree with us in the first place???"


Scout's eyes widened as he jumped up in joy. "Omg omg omg really??? You'd really do that???" He jumped around happily.

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Grell smiled and looked over at scout he had heard what was going on -at least somepony will be teaching him - grell thought as he watched every pony else he was content to just sit

Panama laid down by midnight and grell licking midnight to say thank you

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"Yup ill pull you under my wing now when we get to hades ill protect you so you don't have to worry about anything." He smiles nuzzling little scout having inner" cute attack explosions as his heart mmelted like better. "So what are we gonna do next?" He looks at grell.

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Midnight smiled as she pet Panomma. "You're such an adorable little animal, ya know??"


Scout smiled, jumping up onto his back.


Midnight looked up. "We need to start heading towards Medusa's lair so I can get the first pearl. We don't have much time. Mother looked very weak in my vision..."

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Grell nodded he knew they didn't have much time but he'd hate to ruin Leif and epics moment he thought they should be allowed to enjoy themselves for a few minutes

Panomma yipped happily she could understand what ponies said she was a very smart wolf

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Skies looks determined. "I can make her look at her reflection in the water" he smiles. "It'll be risky ffor me but darn it i can do it" he chuckles as he smiles at scout. I think I'm gonna teach you how to fly eventually.- he thought to himself as he walks over to midnight.

Edited by odd9120
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Midnight nodded. "Sounds like a good plan if I get in a bind." She continued to pet Panomma, smiling.


Scout snuggled into his back, closing his eyes. "You're so awesome!"


(((Sorry. Had fifty million things to do today and then had to work. Now having a chance to reply .-. )))

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Skies smiles as he nuzzles scout. "If you keep that up ill adopt you as my son" he chuckles nuzzling scout. "I mean i can also be a distraction if i stay under water and not look up I'm sure ill be alright."he smiles. "So when do we start this mission?" He looks at grell

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Grell looked at him "I don't care when we do it but I say we should do it as soon as possible there's only (rolled for it) two pearls in there but I'll go I'm with midnight to two look for the preals I'll find medusa and kill her" grell said (I plan to leave Leif and epic back at the camp for this)

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"Grell i swear to celestia if you go in there alone ill drown you right here and now. I'm not having a pony risk their lives, if you go in there ill go in there I'm sure scout wouldn't mind keeping midnight some company" he chuckles watching scout. he smiles.

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Grell laughed "maybe I'll just drain you of life before you can or maybe ill reduce you to a pile of ash and bone" grell said "you go in and look for the pearls I'll handle Medusa I can kill her and anything else I want I'll be fine trust me " grell was sure he could handle it

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"If you get turned to stone I'm gonna pee on you" he chuckles then he busts outs laughing putting his hooves on his tummy laughing so hard "hehehe make you yellow sandstone" he laughs a little harder thinking about it is really funny. "Grell will be sandstone."

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((Sorry I missed so much I was inactive for one day and then it was under maintenance...))

Epic kissed Leif a little longer and then stopped. "Wow," she said. "That was... AMAZING!!!" She covered her mouth because she felt awkward just screaming like that. Epic was blushing very much. She then hugged Leif and then let go again after a few moments.

Edited by Epic Rainbow
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Leif smiled "yes it was" Leif said he smiled more when he seen her blush he put his foreleg around her "I really like you epic" Leif said he pecked her cheek he glanced over at grell and the others smiling -ths is so awesome she kissed me-leif thought happily

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Epic blushed even more. "I...," she stuttered. "I really like you too. I wanna be with you. I...I...I love you..." She nestled in Leif's chest. Epic snuggled up closer to him. Closer and closer she got, until before she even knew it, she was lying in the hammock with Leif, cuddling with him.

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Leif thought epic was cute when she blushed his held her close Leif used the last of his magic to make a white rose grow he picked "the white rose means I am worthy" Leif said as he gave it to her he knew it was cliche to give a mare a rose but cliche says a red rose

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Epic blushed still even more when Leif gave her the rose. "It's beautiful," she said. "Thank you so much. I'll cherish it forever... or at least until it dies and I have to throw it out." Epic giggled and pecked Leif on the cheek. She then put the rose's stem behind her ear so that the flower was showing in front.

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