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private [RP] Equestria Online


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@, Most games... he had experienced many genres of games like puzzles, adventures and others... but he was always interested more in Roleplaying Games. That way he could create his own story, customize his character, get invested and stuff like that. Why would anyone want to work alone in this game?

"This isn't a game anymore... It's a fight for survival. I don't think we should start messing around, people have started being suicidal... this morning i just saw some teenager just run ahead into a pack of wolves and get completely mutilated. Some people here don't exactly have perfect psychological condition. There are those who hide behind anonymity and Roleplay as their avatars becoming victims of an ailment of the mind called "Immersion", basically they invest themselves too much in the game and their avatars that they forget who they actually are. Shedding the anonymity away from them was really soul-shattering indeed. Glad to see you're not of the ones discouraged in that way..."

He tried it once more... dang it! Had he just forgotten the controls? Ugh... the stats didn't seem to show properly.

"Ugh... god dang it Terra get a hold of yourself." he said to himself. 

"I'd be glad to help you but can you do me a favor? Can you view my stats perhaps? Maybe even show me how to view other people's stats? Cause i seem to have tampered with my controls a bit more than i'd want to."

((OOC:Gimme a reference or something for my levels and stuff like that like an in-game synopsis of my char if you can so i can work with this in the future))

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Sparkey walked up to the wolf and took it out with a single swing of a large one handed sword. He looked up, ignoring the menu that had popped up, and saw two ponies which he recognized. He walked over to them. "Hello." Sparkey placed his equipment back in his inventory, then proceeded to check his level. After a good day or so, he had leveled up to level 12. Most others were only level 3-5 at the moment, if even that.

"So, how are you guys progressing? Finished many quests?" 

Edited by Timelord RegularPony
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"For sure! There's actually a skill for that called 'Analyze', I haven't invested much time into it myself, but for those players who do, they can view like equipment inside bags and skill levels of other players. Now lets see..." Zephyr selected Terra and clicked the 'Analyze' Icon. A progress bar appeared and after a short while a message popped up saying "Analyze Successful". And some of Terra's menu lit up:

Terra Lionmane (Earth Pony)

Level: 3

Weapon: ???

Armor: ???

- War Hammer Skill: Lv 2

- Heavy Armor Skill: Lv 2

-Crafting Skill: ???

- Mapping: ???

-Fishing: Lv 1


Zephyr took a moment to explain to Terra. "As you can see, because my level is low, I can only view some of your stats. Visually I can tell that you use a War Hammer, however what I can't tell is if it is a unique weapon or not. I can only see some of your skills, but in EQO, the amount of skills out there are limitless!"


Zephyr closed down the menu and opened his guide book. "Here, do what I say." Zephyr commanded. He proceeded to show Terra how to open his menu, and reset the menu to the default settings. "...aaaand there you go!" Right as he was finishing his explanations another pony approached them.




"Hello. So, how are you guys progressing? Finished many quests?"


Zephyr recognized the pony from the other day. When he locked on to Sparky however, there were several things hidden. "Well that's just a feature of the game, the ability to hide things like your level. I wonder why he would hide it though..." Zephyr didn't dwell on it too much though and gave the pony a friendly wave.


"Hey Sparky! Things are going fairly well, just about to finish the first one myself! Terra needs to catch up a bit, but he's not too far behind!" Terra stepped on Zephyr's hoof, and Zephyr gave a sly smirk back. "What have you been up to?"


((OOC: Nioniosbbbb and others, if you're wondering about some skills you could have, I know of a place to get references from. Currently a group is trying to make a fan made SAO called "The SAO Project" In their Facebook page, under photo albums they have a few skills that they have come up with. https://www.facebook.com/TheSaoProject/photos_albums This is a good source if you're looking for something to focus on! I shall also post this to the OOC Page))

Edited by Zephyr Vortex
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Hollow Shades, Floor 1, Day 3


"It has to be a beta tester," Bowsprit speculated.


The orange earth pony stallion (his name in real life was Apple Cinnamon) was sitting on the fountain located in the town square. He was almost the same level as every player in the group, but he had the energy in his eyes and the take-initiative trait that allowed him to stand up in front of the crowd. A small crowd was gathering there, arguing on who was the murderer. Though they had different views, it was generally agreed that it was a beta tester that killed Lightning.


Synapse agreed. It would have made sense; only someone with a much higher level could finish a player off with little resistance and in such a short time span. It wouldn't have been possible for a player her level to be able to kill a player with struggle. Even Shady, one of the better non-beta testers, couldn't have done it without tiring himself.


In fact, players weren't only pinning the murder on a beta tester, but they were blaming them on everything else as well. The beta testers knew what to expect, and they took all the quests with higher loot and EXP. Some beta testers have gone well past Lvl 10 when most of the players were far to achieving that feat without risking their own lives. And they butchered the hunting grounds in the frontlines so they couldn't use it.


And it all seemed agreeable. While the rich got richer, the poor stayed poor. "It could be Antares," Shady surmised.


"Who?" Synapse said.


"She's a beta tester," Shady continued. "She's already Lvl 11, the last time I saw her. Antares is cold hearted, and stays away from the villages. If she's ever in one, it's never something good."


"How do you think she did it? Wouldn't the NPC guards notice her when she player kills?"


Shady shook his head. "Not unless you duel. She could have easily done it by forcing a duel while Lightning was asleep. She would have got away scot-free."


He pointed at the green marker above him. "You see this? The marker starts off green. If you kill a player, it turns orange for a few days. If you keep killing players, it stays there permanently and can only turn back green through a number of special quests.


"But if you killed a player in a duel, your marker will stay green because you didn't attempt murder, at least in the system's perspective. A player can customize the duel to 'total loss', which will completely kill the loser."


"That's right," Cinnamon suddenly intervened. Synapse nearly jumped in reaction. "It can still be any player, however, but it's very much likely a beta tester. The killer may have PKed to steal Lightning's equipment, since his backpack was opened and several things were moved."


Cinnamon looked outside the gate. "We'll have to guard the premises, and some of us has to go out and hunt the culprit down. He or she is likely to be around here, so we have to be in party teams so he or she wouldn't kill us. Whoever captures the player would get about 2,000 Col, as agreed by our group."


Synapse and Shady looked at each other. They were going to deal with beta PKers now...

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@,@, Everything was back to normal now. 

"Thanks... i wasn't a beta tester like you... if i was i probably would not have been so far behind. I'm a quick learner though. Don't worry."

Terra looked at his levels and stats

Terra Lionmane (Earth Pony)

Level: 3

Weapon: Iron War-Hammer (Sharpened +1)

Armor:Chain Mail Heavy Armor

- War Hammer Skill: Lv 2

- Heavy Armor Skill: Lv 2

-Crafting Skill: Lv 1

- Mapping: Lv 1

-Fishing: Lv 1

Currecy(please remind me the name of the currency so i can edit this):423
Wolf Fur:15
Wolf Teeth:10
Simple Parchment x5
Simple Anvil Hammer
Loaf of Bread x4
Bottle of Water x6

He was gonna try and maybe do some crafting or something. Mapping also sounded a bit useful since the game didn't seem to have any permanent featuring map past the one in the cities. Then again making custom maps was gonna be useful... Just as he was pondering his choices another player showed up. Something was familiar with this one... like they met before. Of course all players had changed appearance but he was good at remembering voices.

"Hey... your voice sounds familiar... weren't you that guy that told us there's no logout button? Sadly i am not a beta tester so i'm not high level yet but i intend not to stay behind! Say what's your name again? Mine is Terra Lionmane! Wonna kill some mobs together? I think we're reaching the Alpha Wolf soon enough."

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@, @, @



Frost sat in the town square. He munched on a roll and pulled up his player menu and checked his ranking. He had just reached level 12, to him was no surprise being a beta tester. He then checked his active quests. He had one on at the moment in time, wasn't a very large one. He just needed to kill a bear that had been terrorizing a near by village. He grabbed his mace and set a waypoint.


He had been walking for about ten minutes when he spotted a group of players off in the distance. They all showed green so he guessed they were not out for a fight. He trotted up to see if they had seen the bear.


"Excuse me!" He said removing his white hood as he approached the trio. "You all wouldn't have happened to see a large black bear run through here have you? Preferably one covered in scars or blood?" He asked, letting out a slight chuckle. "The names Frost. Its good to meet you all." He smiled

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West Fields, Floor 1, Day 3.


@, @@Frosty V, @, @,


Synapse hid in the grass, cutting a purple colored plant – it was apparently called Rubidia on her quest screen. And it was part of her quest as well; she needed to collect 10 of every known plant in the fields. The work was made less gruesome when she decided to learn the "Hiding" skill. Though some of the monsters still detected her, she was a bit more difficult to find now, and she didn't need to get up and fight the monsters, which had now become a nuisance, all the time. 


Incidentally, she had leveled up to Lvl 5 from some farming and plant collecting; some of the EXP share from Shady as well. He was away this time, trying to explore for a labyrinth dungeon to the first floor boss battle. It had taken her longer than expected to level up. Synapse presumed that it was because her level was getting higher and higher, therefore it took more EXP to level up. 


She kept her eyes out for any player, and was especially careful not to provoke anyone who seemed to be a player killer. Synapse remembered what they said: the PKer killed the player in a "duel" while he was sleeping, so the PKer could have a green marker, rather than an orange one. Nonetheless, orange players meant danger. The only way to get an orange marker was to kill a player outside of protection borders. 


Meanwhile, she had noticed that she was lost on uncharted ground. Damn it... Synapse thought to herself. I should have taken mapping when I had the chance...


Synapse hesitated. She thought she heard a noise, and the mention of a "Beta Tester". She bit her lip in anger when that word was spoke. They had extravagantly high levels, dominated the game, and monopolized the whole system. If anything, they were taking advantage of the weaker players. Then she wondered: Could it be the PKer? She had recalled the meeting in the town square, saying that it was very plausible that a beta tester, or at least a player with a high level, committed the crime. Even Shady agreed on that, suspecting a beta tester of his own, Antares, a young mare described as cold-hearted and condescending. 


She slowly peeked out. It was a group of greens, but that did not make them any less susceptible. Using her new Hiding skill, she sat in the grass, waiting, and arming her axe. 

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@ @


"Thanks... i wasn't a beta tester like you... if i was i probably would not have been so far behind. I'm a quick learner though. Don't worry." Terra stated.


"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not a beta tester!" Zephyr interrupted. He quickly scanned his inventory and pulled out a small hand book. "See this book? Well I picked it up at the store for free. It's a guide book that was put together by the beta testers during the trial version. After what happened..." Zephyr yawned "... I stayed up all night memorizing this thing. Gotta learn as much as I can! You should pick up a copy for yourself!"


Terra then turned to Sparky and said, "Hey... your voice sounds familiar... weren't you that guy that told us there's no logout button? Sadly i am not a beta tester so i'm not high level yet but i intend not to stay behind! Say what's your name again? Mine is Terra Lionmane! Wonna kill some mobs together? I think we're reaching the Alpha Wolf soon enough."


@@Frosty V


But before he could answer, another pony joined in the group. As the pony approached, Zephyr took a quick look over and focused on him. The player name displayed as 'Frost', which he felt was apparently named as the unicorn before him had a white coat and a light blue mane, that seemed to stand on end like icicles. He wielded a mace, but Zephyr hadn't seen one in town that looked like that one. "It must be a unique one." He thought to himself.


"Excuse me! You all wouldn't have happened to see a large black bear run through here have you? Preferably one covered in scars or blood?" He asked, letting out a slight chuckle. "The names Frost. Its good to meet you all." He smiled.


Zephyr chucked, "Noo... Can't say I have, otherwise I'd be probs back in town with my tail between my legs!" He laughed. "This pony seems friendly..." Zephyr pondered. "...Might as well try to see if we can get some help." Without waiting for the others to respond, he asked Frost, "Well we were about to head out deeper into the woods by the side of that mountain," Zephyr pointed at a looming mountain in the distance. " We can expect that the monsters might be a bit tougher there, but there is a higher chance that what you're looking for is there..."




Zephyr heard some rustling from a near by bush, but was unable to tell from what direction it was coming from. After a moment it vanished, and no matter how much he strained his ears, he couldn't hear anything. Figuring that it must have been the wind, he continued.


"...We are looking for an 'Alpha Wolf', so maybe we can find both if we stick together! Better chance to succeed if you ask me! So what do ya say, team up?"


((OOC: Nioniosbbb, the currency in SAO is Col, however being that this is Equestria Online, should we go with bits? I posted earlier with Col, and Timelord can have the final say in this, but I say stick with Col.))

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Frost smiled, happy that the pony had excepted his kindness better than other players in the past. "Deeper in there eh?" He said staring past the pony into the wooded area, he checked his map and sure enough it was a part of the designated quest area. "Well it looks like that's the direction I will be heading in as well friend." He said, his smile widening. "Well...would you mind if I tagged along? Strength in numbers you know." He said letting out as small chuckle,

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Page turned on the video game she was kind of hesitant getting it at first she was one of the last getting it. She knew she was going to get for her brother as a present considering she didn't see him often but she had finally decided she would get one too. She sat there videogames weren't a usual thing for Page but she was sure the bookstore wouldn't burn down if she spent some time playing. She turned on the game she didn't look at the instructions she had heard all about the games and had looked it up first. Character selection came next she made one close to herself then came weaponry,Page knew a thing or two about weapons considering the fact that she had read almost every book ever she chose an Axe it felt more hands on it was close and tough and it can hack down a tree obviously it was strong enough. With that she started the game

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@, @@Frosty V, @, @,


Synapse stopped immediately. Guidebook? she thought. She did not recall having a beta testing guidebook on her inventory. Maybe she had missed it in the store...


Unfortunately, Synapse did not have the time to think, for when she turned back, Synapse was met by a swipe from a large wolf. This one was unusual; rather than one health bar, it had two. The cursor was of a dark hue of red, and though she was not aware of it, it indicated the evident level difference between the wolf and her.


As a reflex, Synapse attempted to push the large wolf away, then proceeding to swipe her axe about to harass it. Of course, due to their level difference, she was doing little damage, while conversely, the wolf was taking down a good amount of her health. She didn't know about this; the NPCs said these fields only had regular wolves and worms. This wasn't in the NPC analysis! she thought.


In a last resort, Synapse used her hiding skill and tried to sneak out of the high grass. She had hoped to get to the group, where she would find help. But instead, she was hit again. She had not known of a fact, a fact that the hiding skill was ineffective against enemies that did not need to use their eyesight to track their targets. 


Taken down once more, Synapse glanced at her health, shockingly knowing it was on red (HP: 152/828). Struggling, she stepped back, and tried to go for a dash.  
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Zephyr once again heard bushes rustling. "It isn't the wind... I'm sure of it!" He thought to himself. He scanned once again for the direction of where the noise was coming from... "THERE!" With lance in hoof he whipped around expecting another monster. But he was caught off guard from what he saw.


An earth pony dashed out of the bushes. Her mane of a silver grey, her coat orange-white mixed. Her health bar in the red. She was being chased by a massive wolf. It's coat a dark blue, with a bright yellow feral eyes. Eyes with one purpose in mind. To kill.
The wolf was gaining on the pony, and try as she might, she could get away. It leapt in air for a final strike.


Zephyr could not stand idly by and watch this happen. without giving it a second thought, he grit his teeth, planted his hoof and dashed forward. He flapped his wings and quickly covered ground. With a mighty burst he leapt into the fray! The wolf's jaw gaping, Zephyr thrust his lance's shaft into the mouth! By pulling with all his weight, Zephyr launched the wolf to his left. The wolf managed to rip the lance out of Zephyr's grasp as he landed hard on his side. He stood up, and what appeared to be an act of defiance, clenched down his jaw and snap the lance in half, shattering it into polygons.


Zephyr unfazed, turned to the pony and tossed her his red crystal. "I don't know who this pony is, but right now, it doesn't matter!" Zephyr had spent all that he had on that crystal and dubbed it as the 'Emergency Crystal'. And this, was an emergency. Regardless if he knew the pony or not. "Use it!" He commanded in a harsh voice.


He opened his menu and selected a wolf tooth. It appeared in front of his face and he grasped it with his teeth. "I may not have any experience with daggers in this game, but it's better than nothing!" He thought. Without turning he asked the pony, "Can you fight?"

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@, @@Frosty V, @, @,


Synapse fell, believing that she was going to be finished off. But the strike never came. Instead, a stallion leapt out and dealt a strike on the wolf, drawing its attention on him instead. He was fighting a losing battle; the wolf bit and shattered his lance into pieces. But instead of running back, he took out a wolf tooth instead, fighting the enemy with that.


She stared at him when he gave him the red healing crystal. Synapse used it as told, and instantly her health regenerated completely. When she picked up her axe and got back up, she noticed that the stallion's health was decreasing at a dangerous rate at well. He would be dead if she didn't help him.


Now Synapse got back into the fight, attacking the wolf from the back. "Switch!" she commanded, throwing her axe down, returning the wolf's attention to her instead. The wolf was weakened; it needed some blows before it could be taken down. And she could see it's attack pattern now: circle, swipe, push, swipe. Now she needed to exploit it.

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The other members of the party were sitting there slack jawed at what they had just witnessed. Zephyr didn't let this draw his attention as he stared back at the wolf, who had slowly proceeded to circle them.  Zephyr was surprised on how fast this wolf could move after being as large as it is. The wolf, giving no indication that it was about to attack, suddenly lunged at Zephyr. He brought down his claws and managed to snag Zephyr in the wing. Before he could react however, the wolf again pushed forward and managed to lacerate Zephyr across the chest. Zephyr's health bar dropped rapidly.


"At this rate, I'll be dead in no time! I don't think I can out run him either." The wolf was circling again, and Zephyr decided to attempt something very risky. Before the wolf could lunge, Zephyr dove head first at the wolf! This startled the wolf for just a moment, but that was all that he needed. Zephyr used a bit of maneuvering and was able to swing around to the right side, then by planting his hoof, he wrapped his wing around the wolf's belly and give it a jerk. This knocked the wolf off his stance for just a moment.


In that split moment, Zephyr drove the wolf tooth through the wolf's neck. "Ha! That should have hurt!" Zephyr exclaimed. The wolf regaining his footing turned and snapped at Zephyr with his powerful jaws, however Zephyr pushed off the wolf body with his hoof and leapt to safety.


Examining the wolf health bar however, was a socking realization for Zephyr. After those attacks, the wolf's first health bar had just reached yellow. "That last attack was a critical and this is all that it did?!" Zephyr glanced at the tooth which now had a crack in it. "This isn't a weapon, it's an ingredient," He knew this already "This may just give me one or two points more in damage than just doing bare hoof combat." He looked at his own bar again. "There's no way that I can do this alone!"


"Switch!" Came the call from behind him. He glanced back at the pony he had just saved. She was standing in a ready position with an axe. Zephyr nodded and leapt back. She managed to aggro the wolf's attention away from Zephyr for a moment. He reached into his pack and pulled out a health potion. It wasn't instant heal, nor will it recover him all the way. It was just enough for him to get back into the fray. He pulled the cork and chugged.


As he took a moment to catch his breath and wait for his health bar to replenish, he watched the pony and the wolf duke it out. He was surprised on how she managed to swing the axe with as fluid motion as she could, and yet there was great anger and power behind her strikes. It was almost like the rage that he felt during the opening ceremonies.


Glancing back at his health, it seemed to start slowing down. He adjusted the tooth back in his mouth and stood by the pony's side as they faced down the wolf. "You got a plan?" He asked.

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@, @, @@Frosty V, @, @, It wasn't long before another surprise came to greet them with open "claws". It started with bushes rustling around them which made his ear flinch a bit... someone was in danger and in here that meant that someone was about to die. An adrenaline rush hit him like lightning... he had to find a way to restraint the beast in order to take it down. Zephyr and the other pony were in danger... he tried sneaking up behind the wolf but was knocked back down to a tree with the wolf's two paws.

"Alright... that's no normal wolf... i get it now."

Time to change tactics. He backed down and got his hammer waiting for the right moment, the wolf had a pattern and he noticed something important when it switched targets just for a few seconds it focused completely on the target that he was switched to... That was the time he would strike. Zephyr had given one of those red crystals that heal players and now the newcomer had switched once more the attention of the wolf to it. Now was the time, he grasped the hammer firmly and jumped a bit in the air...


He swinged the hammer as hard as he could aiming at the head... YES!!! Critical hit! It was about time he got one of these... it seemed like these didn't require just chance but also vital hits but it was hard to land vital hits on creatures with high reflexes without an extra team-mate to distract them.


The hit seemed to make the wolf a little dizzy but he wasted no time looking at his health bar ((OOC:I leave that up to you really)) Instead he grabbed the chance and used this hit to jump on the wolf. His warhammer had come rope attached to it. An idea had hit him! He used the rope as a noose and slided it below his head pulling it up.

"I think now would be... woah... the time to... Arghh!!! STRIKE!!!"

The wolf had recovered from the blow and was none too happy to find that a new pony was riding his and was trying to restraint it's head. Of course it would be hard to strangle him, or drown him, but still it was a chance to strike and lessen his strikes. The wolf also kept trying to shake him off his back but he had grasped firmly... from there he held his hammer with his teeth while with one hoof he grasped some fur and with the other unseathed a dagger... this wouldn't do much damage since he wasn't used to fighting with it... but it was better than nothing.


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@, @@Frosty V, @, @,

"The wolf has a pattern," Synapse explained to the stallion. "The wolf is trying to circle to our back before attacking, before it strikes and pushes us down and goes for a swipe. Then it repeats and repeats." Coincidentally, another player came to help, and it allowed her to step back and temporarily regenerate some of her health.


"If we can predict it's pattern, then defeating the wolf would be easy," Synapse continued. "And it seems like your friend is already aware of that."


Synapse handed the stallion a simple sword she had looted from a normal monster before. It wasn't much, but could probably be of some use. "By the way, the name's Crevass...or Synapse, if you want my real name." She looked up; the wolf was down to its last bar. It was time to finish it off.  

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@, @@Frosty V, @, @,


"The wolf has a pattern," Synapse explained to the stallion. "The wolf is trying to circle to our back before attacking, before it strikes and pushes us down and goes for a swipe. Then it repeats and repeats." Coincidentally, another player came to help, and it allowed her to step back and temporarily regenerate some of her health.


"If we can predict it's pattern, then defeating the wolf would be easy," Synapse continued. "And it seems like your friend is already aware of that."


Synapse handed the stallion a simple sword she had looted from a normal monster before. It wasn't much, but could probably be of some use. "By the way, the name's Crevass...or Synapse, if you want my real name." She looked up; the wolf was down to its last bar. It was time to finish it off.  

@, @@Frosty V, @, @,


"The wolf has a pattern," The pony explained to Zephyr. "The wolf is trying to circle to our back before attacking, before it strikes and pushes us down and goes for a swipe. Then it repeats and repeats." Taking a glance at back at the wolf, Terra had smashed the wolf with her hammer and climbed onto it's back. It was quite comical, if their lives weren't at risk. "If we can predict it's pattern, then defeating the wolf would be easy, and it seems like your friend is already aware of that."


The pony opened her inventory and lobbed Zephyr a simple sword. It had some light chips on the blade with some tears in the cloth at the hilt. But it didn't matter, as this would be significantly better than what he had been using! Plus he already had a level in short swords due to having to use a blade before he could purchase his lance in the first place.


"Thanks," he said as he took a swipe or two to test it's weight. "I outta be able to do more than a thorn now!" He grasped the hilt and prepared to strike. He saw that, try as he might, Terra was losing his grip on the wolf. He called out to Terra, "Switch!" and lunged forward.

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@, @, @, @


Frost stayed a little of a way back from the fight, he wanted to spend his time observing. He watched as the wolf circled and attacked over and over again, he was about to point that out when another pony beat it to him. He stayed back a bit longer. He figured the ponies had everything in hoof, not wanting to jump in and interrupt a pattern if they even had one going. He looked down at his mace and then back to the fight. "Celestia I might as well try and help, although I don't remember the monster from the beta..." he said, trailing off


He began to run towards the wolf, being sure not to run into anypony in the group as he did so. Once he saw a clear path between him and the wolf he lowered his head and picked up some more speed. He brought his mace back and dropped to the ground, sliding under the wolfs head, slamming his mace into the side of his jaw. He slid out from under it and regained his footing on the other side, hoping the blow had at least stunned the beast.

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The conflict was now much easier with the additional help and company of two more players. With little resistance, the wolf was down to it's final bar. When the mace wielding pony entered the battle, Synapse believed she had saw the health bar instantly be taken down by half its bar, though it could have been a critical hit or the association of another player, so she dismissed it as something not to get her hooves on too much.


Synapse was the one to deal the finishing blow. With the alpha wolf's bar down to the red, she went forward and vertically dropped her axe down on the wolf, disintegrating it. A EXP and Col window appeared in front of her - 67 Col and 129 EXP - as well as an item notification.


Fatigued, Synapse collapsed down, sitting on the grassy ground, opening the notification. It was a rectangular shield called the "Iron Wall", the words highlighted in yellow. A rare item.


Despite that fact, Synapse sighed. Despite the valuable drop, it was useless to her, being an axe wielder, not a sword wielder. She couldn't use it, and Synapse considered trading it. Meanwhile, she saw a yellow light on two of the ponies, and she merely blinked. She realized that they were doing a quest all this time, a quest to defeat the wolf, hence the yellow light. It wouldn't explain anything else.


"So..." Synapse started. "Does anypony need this item? It's unusable to me."

Edited by Cartophile
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@@Frosty V, @, @, @


Zephyr wasn't being too effective during the battle, even with the help of two other ponies, the battle was dragging on. He glanced to the others, they were all tired. "I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up..." He wasn't doing too much damage, but that wasn't his role in this battle. All he needed to do was draw the attention of the wolf for the other hard hitters to have a clear shot. He had become quite adept at dodging, and with the light weight sword he had plenty of movement to work with.


Another swipe came crashing down towards him, but with a dart to the left he nimbly dodged it and slapped the wolf on the paw. The wolf growled at and and began it's push, when Frost charged in and slid hard under the wolf. Using his mace, he smashed the wolf in the jaw dealing massive damage. The wolf was almost finished with half a bar left!


With the addition of Frost, the wolf had no chance to watch from all directions. The Hunter has become the Hunted! Using a similar tactic that the pack wolves were using, the wolf's HP steadily drained. The mare with the axe dealt the final blow, the wolf shattering into many polygons. And the reward screen appeared:


EXP Received: 92

Col Received: 52

Items dropped: Wolf Fur (x3), Alpha Head (x1)


Quest Complete!

Pack Wolf 12/12

Alpha Wolf 1/1

EXP Rewarded: 500


Level Up!

Combat Level 4 -> 6

Light armor 1 -> 2

Knife 0 -> 1

Sword 1 -> 2

Dodge 0 -> 2

Battle Healing 1 -> 2

HP 794 -> 823


Zephyr was panting hard and slouched against a near by tree. "Whew! That's a incredible increase!" Zephyr Exclaimed. "I should be able to wield an Iron Lance too! With the money from this raid, I can buy a new lance, a dagger, (cause now I know how important it was to have a spare weapon with me!) some medium armor, and if I had any to spare, I could buy a new crystal!" He smiled. Zephyr knew that if he could beat this wolf, he could beat anything! He might actually survive this!


He grabbed a potion from his pack and uncorked it. He was a few gulps in when he hear the mare from earlier say, "So... Does anypony need this item? It's unusable to me." Zephyr looked at her, and studied her for a moment. "Her name is Synapse..." He was thinking it was about due time to introduce himself.


Clearing his throat he responded to her, "I don't have any use for it, but I wouldn't discard it so easily, like I've shown, you never know what you'll need in a pinch." Standing back up, he stretched his back and walked over to her. Holding out his hoof he said, "The name's Zephyr and I have to thank you for finding that wolf for us! Although next time, a little heads up would be nice!" He jokingly said.


After shaking her hoof, he continued, "Ya, as for the shield, I feel that it might just get in the way. Never learned to use one at the academy and I feel a lot more safe with just the lance." He thought about it for a moment. "Although you saw what happened to it!" He chucked "Hey you wouldn't happen to know of a good black smith? I'm thinking of seeing if he can make a custom armor for my wings and I could use as a shield." He flexed his wings. "I don't meant to brag, but I've got quite the set and it would be a same for them to go to waste!"

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@,@, @, @@Frosty V, Terra was helping as much as he could, whether it was dealing scratches, or pulling the noose when needed to reduce the raging instensity of the wolf. Now the "Big Bad Wolf" as the tale said was nearing it's retribution by the "Hunter". The only thing left to do after that was to rescue Red Riding Hood as the tale said. Distracted as he was the disintegration of the wolf caught him off guard... and he fell down a bit shaking his head. The ding-dong that followed the fall of the beast signalling his level-up did nothing to alleviate the pain he felt by crashing down. As he rose up and found a safe spot a little bit further that the wolf's corpse he took a look at his stats once again.

Terra Lionmane (Earth Pony)

Level: 5 Progress 75%

Weapon: Iron War-Hammer (Sharpened +1)

Armor:Chain Mail Heavy Armor

- War Hammer Skill: Lv 3

- Heavy Armor Skill: Lv 3

- Strength (Lev 3): 64%

- Defense (Lev 3): 56%


-Crafting Skill: Lv 1

- Mapping: Lv 1

-Fishing: Lv 1

Wolf Fur:20
Wolf Teeth:15
Simple Parchment x5
Simple Anvil Hammer
Loaf of Bread x4
Bottle of Water x6

He proceeded to clean his wounds a bit and eat some bread as well as pour some water over his sweating face. After he successfully refreshed himself he proceeded to look at the loot. It was a shield... he was good at handling shields.

"Hey guys if you don't mind... imma have this shield, maybe i can play like sword/shield style put it on my hoof and stuff... You know... Ouf... that was tiring... You know i can craft something for you guys once we get back in town. I was a metalworker at my uncle's engineering shop and i have some experience with crafting weapons. I don't know about you... but this really pumped me up! Adrenaline rush... natural drug of the body i guess right?"

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Unlike the two others, Synapse didn't level up due to not being involved in the quest, considerably dropping her experience gain. It did go up significantly, however, and Synapse took out the shield that she previously mentioned. "Nice to meet you then, Zephyr," she answered.


The proposition to reconstruct the shield seemed like a good idea to Synapse, and she turned on a trade window to Terra. She didn't know the other stallion, but he did mention having skill on blacksmithing. "So you can just have it. I don't mind if you don't pay me, though I do need some Col to get through the game."


She immediately remembered after all that fighting, Synapse's hadn't finished her own quest. She wasn't done plant collecting yet."If you don't mind, I have some errands to attend to. It was nice knowing you all; perhaps we will meet again in the future." And with that, she pressed "Accept Trade", and the shield disappeared from her inventory.


Synapse went into the meadows, but stopped for a second. "Also, just a newsflash. A few players are close to finding the dungeon. It's a small step, but it's something. Good luck with your loot."

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@@Frosty V, @, @,@, "You're leaving?" said Terra a bit dissapointed at Synapse, they had just saved her and she just left? He was a tad bit dissapointed to be honest... as he tied the shield on his hoof, he sighed a bit turning to Zephyr.

"Why does everyone want to solo this game? We're gonna lose our lives quickly if this continues any longer! Some people just can't understand that this is an MMO Massively Multiplayer Online game... which essentially means you are playing with other people! I mean if you didn't want to play with others then just buy a single-player game!"

He was a bit frustrated as he kept cleaning himself up, making sure the wounds were bandaged well... There were oh so many things that were so complicated in this game. Like the trade system and the.... wait a minute.

"Does this game have a friend-list a Personal Message system or something in those lines? At least if we need help we could type to each other. The way i see it we'll need to keep in contact with each other. What do you think guys?"

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@@Frosty V, @, @,  @


"Alright! See ya around Synapse! Don't get eaten by any more wolves!" Zephyr said as he waved back. He knew that this wasn't the last time he was going to see her. She had the "never say die" feel around her. If what she said was true, He would need to level fast to be ready for the boss. He figured that he should be at lease 10 before that battle.


Zephyr turned to Terra and said, "Well some players like doing things at their own pace. Others feel that other players might get in the way. And I bet a few think that they want to keep all the loot to themselves." He pondered for a moment, "Still like what we have seen here, it's better to give equipment that you're not going to use to others. Surviving should be priority number one." He shook his head, "Some ponies would rather think of personal survival rather than others. In a way they are right. However, I can't just sit by and watch that happen."


At the mention of the friends list, he opened up his and sent out requests. First to Synapse, then to Terra, followed by Sparky and Frost. After he got a response back, he closed the menu.


He turned to Sparky and Frost, "So Frost you say that you were looking for a bear? I really wish I could help, but I don't think I can do it with the equipment I have now. I need to head back and buy some more gear." He pointed to the sword, "I doubt that this thing will hold up for much longer." He opened his map and looked for the nearest town with a blacksmith shop. The closest one was about half a days jog from where they were. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he activated his mapping skill and tracking skill. He focused his trapping skill on finding a path out of the woods.


He turned back to the other two and said, "You're welcome to come along if you wish, that way we can help you later. Or if you think you can handle it, you could try on your own. I bet that bear is way slower than that wolf, but might have more HP and Power behind it's attacks."


He scanned the brush and found a game trail. He was about to set off, when...




"Oh, umm... heh heh..." He didn't realize how hungry that last battle made him. "Maybe we should stop for a moment. I know that I want to press on, and I kinda get carried away! This game is so exciting!" He opened his menu and selected a few items. First a bottle of water, next a simple sandwich (Made with cheddar and apple), last a wolf pelt. "Might as well sit on something soft!" he joked.


((OCC: Hey I might be out for a day or two, I've bought a new computer and I'm building it up from the ground up, so I'd when it will be become functional. I'll try to be back as ASAP but if the story needs to move on, assume that I'm in deep thought or give me some witty one-liners! :) thank you for your understanding!))

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@,@@Frosty V, @, @, 

Terra found himself both agreeing and disagreeing on that matter... some people just seriously thought this was still a game. He disagreed greatly... maybe the early levels would be easy but when they would near the end of it this whole place would become one huge graveyard. He felt a guilty for thinking that they deserved such a fate, but then again he tried a lot. At least he had found those who wanted to live... he wouldn't force anyone unwilling to live. 

Zephyr was about to leave, but soon he too heard the audible growling noises of his stomach. He was hungry too... While he started chewing on some bread and some sandwiches he had bough earlier at town he wondered a bit.

"You know... i kind of don't get it. I mean we are eating right now... but are we truly eating? What would really happen if on the outside world they kept feeding us, and in here we didn't? I suppose there is a constant on the programming that regulates that as well? The same would go for sleep, drinking... everything. Which essentialy means that if someone could hack into the system... they could get out. Hey you were on the beta testing? Suppose there are some glitches overlooked? That would be bad if we fell in the right? Don't get me started on the maintenance of the servers, the updates, or patches... would any of this harm us?"

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