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How would you react if one of the ponies used the word 'buck' like we use it?


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I'd rather they not say that, this a kids show after all. You saw what happened to Derpy because ten people wrote emails to them about her being offensive. If they started slipping in dirty jokes and fake swear words then we can all kiss the show goodbye.

Edited by Rox159th
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I have to admit, when Fluttershy said "no pony gives a flying f..", I was drawing, and I had to physically stop, look up at the screen, and wait for what she was going to say. "Flying feather" might be one of my favorite lines this season.

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Its been brought up already, but the moment Fluttershy got "Nopony gives a flying f....." out her mouth my jaw dropped. If you listen closely, there is a slight pause from the start of the word(f.....) to its completion (....eather) almost like the va realized what she was about to say.


If there's a question I would like to see asked of Andrea Libman the next time she's interviewed, it's how many times she flubbed that line while trying to record it. I can't imagine it was easy to avoid the mistake.

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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They better not make add this "buck". Or.... Just.... Um.... It will Ruin the peaceful feeling of the show!

Please don't be alarmed with me changing names often, I did it for roleplaying purpose.


Moderator of 'Cloudsdale.com' RP Cloud

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For some reason when i saw this topic, i thpought you ment buck like a young, good-looking male. I was already thinking of various scenes of stuff like big MC walking along, and dashy saying to AJ "Damn gurl, your brotha is one fiiiinnne buck!" Or Rareity watching some stallion walk by, and nudge fluttershy saying "Get a load on the plot on THAT buck!" I started lol'ing uncontrollably before i could click on the topic, :lol:.

But yeah, i think that would be a bad idea. i love this show way to much for it to be ruined by a substitute curse word, no matter how funny it was.

Edited by TheKoalaNextDoor
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like if one of the ponies said "what the buck are you looking at?" how would you react?


I would say YES! Now let me record it before they change it on iTunes :)



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Depends on who would say it.



Rainbow Dash: Ehhh....I mean, she's already said 'Hay yeah!' and that's the equivilant of 'Hell yeah!' in our world.

Fluttershy: ...Fluttershy....I'm very disappointed in you. :(

Applejack: Depends on the situation and how she'd use it.

Rarity: Again, depends on the situation. I mean, if somepony destroyed a dress that was her best masterpiece ever made and she was all 'WHAT THE BUCK HAVE YOU DONE!?!' I could understand and let it slide with a gasp.

Pinkie Pie: *Stare shocked at the TV* .....Pinkie.... :blink:

Anyone else: *GASP*

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I am treasured over all the earth

Just look at what he's done

How he's laying down his life

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