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private One of the Many...

Aurora Lights

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Silver stopped his thoughts and stared at Tempest "...I promise Tempest,I will protect Ivy if something happens to you."he says before hearing his brother say this and he teleported back in,standing beside Muddle,his eyes having a much darker look in them.

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Muddle's ear twitched as the stallion spoke, but she ignored it. She brushed it off as nothing more than an ill humored taunt, but something made her doubt that resolve. She turned her head slightly towards Gold, and just barely caught a small glance of him before he was punched.


She quickly looked away when her head had started hurting again. She was letting her curiosity get the best of her. Shadow was acting weird and she was tied to a wall earlier. When Silver appeared again she was starting to get worried. "Guys... exactly, what is he t-talking about?"

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Silver looked down and he said in a soft tone,"He did something bad...Bade even for him...he spread your legs and made me look..."he said softly before readying to stop and hold her.


Gold growled "Oh...that felt good,do it again sweety!"he said,his eyes fixated on Ivy now,the golden in them reflecting her image as Silver's does,but...instead of it a soft,good reflection...his was...evil...it made her look as if she had no eyes,or mouth...it was scary...

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Ivy was slightly scared of her reflection in Gold's eyes. She then rolled her eyes, and trotted away. She didn't even want to talk to the moster that had kidnapped her and her friends.


Tempest sighed, and trotted back into the room. He then glanced at Muddle and Silver.

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@,@, (sorry, long story why my response took so long.)



Muddle slowly took a seat. She could feel her checks getting hot and turning red. She put her hooves in between legs and stared at the ground. She felt wrong... and violated.


Shadow was in an uproar. it could feel fangs, that it didn't know it had, piercing the lower part its jaw. It was trying hard to escape Muddle's mind, but something had kept it locked inside. "Let me out of here, I'm going to destroy him!"



Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Silver looked at her and he softly held her,comforting her as he says softly "Before he got back in to do anything to you...I broke out...and now,he is up there...if you want,I can make him suffer."he says softly,his face showed caring and compassion for Muddle,he tried to console her as best he could. 


Gold watched him do this,a devious flicker in his eye "...You two look cute...awwww..."he says.


Silver glances up at him.

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"I'm tired of this guy, Silver can I just kill him" Equinox said. "Hell why not you Shadow and Flame do it" Deranged suggested. "I would love to kill this guy" He said pointing a feather at his eye. "Make him lose his eye before you cut his neck and drown in his own blood" Flame hissed

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Silver shook his head "Do not touch him...he is my brother...even though he is the most psychotic pony that ever lived...he is still my brother,even though I hate him to his very last breath,he is still my brother...I cannot let him be killed...only by my hooves...but for now...we will leave him..."he says.


Gold snarls "DO NOT TRY TO SAVE ME FROM DEATH BROTHER!!!"he yelled at Silver,Silver not even blinking at Gold's loud mouth. 

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@, (The thoughts of everyone around her really affects her. Muddle's a bit a sponge.) 


Muddle still didn't look up from the ground. That had made six, even without Silver: Equinox, deranged, Shadow, Flame, Ivy (smacked him close enough), and even coming from the filth himself. "Don't try to save me from death!" 


Muddle still wasn't looking up from the ground. It was no big deal, we could all just forget about later right? Leave him here to rot. I'll get over... right? 


She desperately wanted to think this could happen, but how she could it. Her thoughts weren't even her own anymore. "You know what I think?" She teleported directly in front of Gold and placed a hoof on Equinox's blade. It would be so easy to just push it forward, and let the finely crafted piece of metal do it's work.


"If he wants to die so badly, why are we keeping him from Taurus." An evil grin was slowly growing across her face. She whispered so only he would hear, but she could have cared less if Equinox of flame over heard her. "Tell me, do I still look so pretty? I know it only a face shot, but I'd hate not to have your opinion." She stared directly into both of Gold's eyes.


Shadow was getting the same clustered feeling from earlier. Only when it looked back, it didn't see the shadows of rich and greedy ponies. It saw Muddle's friends. "... The buck are you all doing here?" The shadows didn't respond.

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Gold cracked a wicked smile "No...you look beautiful now...that hate...oh,it is SO delicious..."he glanced at Silver,who was watching closely,inside though...he wanted her to do it...but,he made a vow,and he wouldn't break it...This anger and hate showed in Silver's shadow,his shadow was now looking evil.


Silver slowly stepped forward.

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Muddle started chuckling. As she chuckled, she looked even deeper into to gold eyes. She could see the monster she really was. She was completely over taken by everyone emotions and the desire to kill Gold, and she was perfectly happy with it. At least she thought.


Muddle pulled her hoof back, reading to thrust the sword into Gold's head; but something stopped her from finishing him.


Gold could probably see her eyes dilate in fear as Silver took a step closer. She could feel what ever resolve he had, not to kill his brother; and slowly, the shadow of him in her mind began to disappear. 


Her head was hurting again. 


Shadow was pushing the Shadow of Flame into a different spot. "I don't care if I can't to anything. No one sits in my chair!" Then it saw Silver's shadow disappear. "...What?"

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Equinox grabbed the blade and pushed it to Golds neck causing blood to trickle. "I hate to say this...but I don't give a shit of what you say Silver" Flame looked at Equinox. "Just let it go Equinox" Flame said before he was pushed away. "The world doesn't need ponies like this, so they deserve to die" Equinox hissed. "Besides...never start what you can't finish" He said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Muddle looked at flame, the fear from her eyes were now viable on her face. "No..." She took a step a back, away from Gold, Equinox, and Flame. Her head was starting hurt her again, but it was even worse than before. She could feel two more shadows leaving her head. She stumbled backwards a bit in her panic.


"No!" She recovered and sent her shadow after Gold. "Kill him now." She was shocked when nothing happened. "..."

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Silver started to clear his mind of all evil or cruel thoughts,this is why his shadow disappeared,and he said in a calming,soft tone to Muddle "Muddie?...please get down."he states softly. Gold,for once,was silent,he was looking to be in shock that his brother had not killed him yet,he had the opportunity...the will..maybe he needs a little "push"...he looks back to Muddle before she can get down,he picks her up and placed his lips to hers,sliding his tongue into her mouth as he forced her to kiss him.


Silver looked to be in shock for a mere second before teleporting into the air and yanking Muddle away from the psychopathic pony,he held her all the way to the ground.


Gold felt the blade cut his neck,but he only smiled more at his blood "Now that was tasty..."he stated with the darkest of grins,he licked his lips as he stared at Muddle,"I'd like to have another taste..."he said in a voice of...lust?


Silver looked down a moment before he opened his mouth and flame started to churn,Gold's eyes widening as he sees this,he hides his face with his hooves,but,Silver blew the flames onto Gold's hoof braces,making them heat up very fast,they got red hot,and he was wailing in the agony of the severe burns.

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Equinox was about to cut open Golds neck till. "EQUINOX STOP" Flame shouted and punched Equinox causing him to drop the katana and growl. "Flame...why would you protect this fool" Equinox said. "I'm not protecting him" Flame picked up the blade. "See...he's suffering now" Flame said as he raised the blade up. "Mess with my friends, you mess with me" He brought the blade down cutting his eye and then brought it up cutting off his foreleg. "I will dice you to pieces" Flame hissed

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, (Did you mean that he cut Gold? If so,don't,this all has purpose for not killing him.) 


Silver stopped,the bracers still red hot,he looked up to Gold who was crying in the pain,blood started to trickle from his ankles,he yelled out "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!"he yelled out in agony and pain,Gold stared at Silver and said "I thought you weren't like me...I thought you wouldn't torture me..."he said,


Silver kept a cold,almost soulless look on Gold as he stated without tone,"I'm not like you. I did that because you needed it. You needed your mouth to be shut before I cut out your tongue."he states plainly.


Gold stared at him,tears in his eyes "...s-so it was true...she wasen't lying about your dark side...you do have one..."he stated,his voice shaky.

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Tempest was losing his patience, and he felt his anger growing. "That is enough." He said, as he blasted the blade out of Equinox's hoof with a aura sphere. The cyan pegesus's aura then began to violently swirl around him. A pair of dual swords then formed out of Tempest's aura in his hooves.


Ivy noticed Tempest, and backed up. "This isn't good." She thought.

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Silver looked at Tempest and made his body lock up "I don't believe you have the right to do that,Tempest,especially without my order,and you,Equinox..."he held out his hoof and made him completely still as well "..same goes for you,and if you don't give a crap about what I say...then you don't deserve the right to be in this group..."he says.

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That made four. Gold was now afraid of something, rendering the last two negative thoughts that were left in her head useless. The real Muddle started coming too, just in time to see Tempest summon two katanas; and see Silver order Tempest too put them away.


What was going on here?


(ignore this)

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Equinox re summoned his katana and looked at Tempest. "You magic can't affect me" he said before leaving. "I'll be back...when you learn have guts" He vanished.


Flame sighed. "Thats not like Equinox to do that...I dont know what happened" Flame said as he looked at Silver

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest fumed, and made his aura return to his body. "Fine, but he was asking for it. You know this isn't right, Silver." He said, before looking at where Equinox used to be. The cyan pegesus then sighed.


Ivy sighed, as she watched the scene. "Well, this is getting us nowhere." She thought.


(They aren't katanas. They look more like an average sword, but smaller.)

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@, (did you see the last post with Gold in it? If you didn't please do,it's pretty important.)


Silver watched Equinox leave "He only thinks my powers can't effect him...little does he know...I can render him completely useless..."he mutters to himself before looking at Tempest again,by now,Gold was passed out again.

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Ivy glanced at Gold, and debated on whether or not to actually heal him. "I might as well." She thought, as she used her aura to heal him. The old arm was also able to be healed back on, though it did take a while. When she finished, Gold still had a few wounds, but those weren't exactly life threatening.

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It took the Lightnings about five minutes to find HQ "Well, we kinda left the 'party' early, so lets just kinda sit around HQ." OLightning said as they walked in, they sat down as they started singing welcome to my life "Do you ever feel like breaking down?

Do you ever feel out of place, Like somehow you just don't belong And no one understands you? Do you ever wanna run away? Do you lock yourself in your room With the radio on turned up so loud That no one hears you're screaming?." they sang, when they finished they kept singing over and over again.
((Lightning be a singer.))
Edited by defearonthedestroyer

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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(sorry got confused, fixed... I hope, for once I'm unsure on this one.)


Muddle wiggled out of Silver's hooves, coughing and spitting from the kiss. "Son of a..." This had been the second time that stallion had violated her and embarrassed her today, but with everyone leaving or finding some sort of resolve. Muddle, if you could still call her that, found herself in a position where there was little she could do.


She could feel the real Muddle waking up.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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