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Why Did The Royal Sisters Have 2 Castles?


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If the sisters had their own castle in Canterlot, then why have a castle in the Everfree forest? Or vice versa, why occupy Castle Canterlot when they already have Castle Everfree? 


Why did Celestia abandon Castle Everfree? If it was because of Luna's banishment, then why not reclaim the castle after her return?


Heck why did the ruling authorities of Equestria have a castle in the Everfree forest to begin with? Why place your castle in an area that has potential dangers to the subjects who try to visit?



  • Brohoof 1
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That didn't really bother me.


What bothered me was there was a big castle in the Everfree Forest, and it was no where to be found for three seasons, but suddenly in season four, it's right over there.


Also, why are they walking through the forest in groups of twos when the week before there were evil plants growing there? Bad idea guys.

  • Brohoof 1
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I feel like the reason Celestia left the castle in the Everfree was because it carried too many memories of her sister, whom she was forced to bansih to the moon. Thats why she left, and built a castle in canterlot. Because she couldn't stand to be in a place that was full of reminders of her sister. Why didn't they move back there after Luna was redeemed? Well, it was in great disrepair, and when Celestia had to banish Luna/NMM, Equestria was most likely still a fairly new nation. At most, it was probably about 50-100 years between the defeat of Discord and Luna's banishment, not much time for a country to blossom. In the modern day, Equestria is a booming highly populated nation, and Celestia couldn't just abandon Canterlot, the new capital of the nation. Imagine if the capital of America was moved back to Philidelphia, without warning. Just, one day, whatever president that may be in power decided, "You know what? Lets move the country's capital back to Philidelphia." You can't just do that, there would be outrage, moving an entire government to a different location is a difficult and unnesasary action.

  • Brohoof 3
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What bothered me was there was a big castle in the Everfree Forest, and it was no where to be found for three seasons

It was in the second episode of season one where the Mane 6 first fought Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmon but i guess that's still 3 seasons without mention really.


I'm sure part of the reason Celestia left to built Canterlot was because of how damaged it became when Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon but more so to try and leave that bad memory of her sister behind. It probably would have been easier to repair the broken sections of her old castle than to start building from scratch. Or maybe real estate in Canterlot was cheap at the time.




Also, why are they walking through the forest in groups of twos when the week before there were evil plants growing there?

The Tree-o-Harmony's got their flanks covered.

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
  • Brohoof 1
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Lingering Nightmares from Nightmare Moon. Bad mojo.

Maybe that shadow pony has something to do with it.

Though the old castle actually having evil spirits would clash with the "It's in your mind, calm down" message of Castle-mania.

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The castle started to fall apart during a long duration of time, also that when Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon and fought her sister in their old castle it would explain how badly damaged the castle is.

Edited by Scootalove
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2 sisters? 2 castles?


Maybe the Everfree Castle was Luna's. After all if they did spend some time apart it would explain how Luna could build up enough resentment with Celestia not seeing something was wrong with her sister until the last second.

Edited by Malinter
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Somewhat disappointed no one pointed out the other obvious part...

The old castle not only was ruined, but the area around it had become feral, and "unnatural" as the ponies put it.


Out of all of equestria, that one spot in the center is the only spot as such on any map shown. And it being in the CENTER speaks loads on its own. Both as the original place for the sisters castle, and how its gone wild on its own after Celestia moved away.


Chances are, following the new story, as the tree of harmony lost power, the forest began to take over. And perhaps Celestia's use of all the elements herself caused some sort of reaction that expedited it in the area (after she did this it seems she lost her connection to them)


So perhaps she didn't rebuild not only due to memories and such, but out of necessity.


TBH my bigger question is why they're suddenly entering the Everfree willy nilly like after all the huffluff about it being unnatural and scary.

Kinda blows the whole wild, strange, unnatural, scariness out of the place if they're taking strolls out there now :(

Edited by GrimCW
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I think the reason for two castles is because of discord. Its possible that discord tried to attack the castle back when the princesses were still there. Just look at the forest filled with unnatural plants and animals with the castle in the middle of it. they probably decided to get a new castle after they saw all the terrible things that surrounded the castle.

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