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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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"I'm just teasing you. You can talk about it if you want to or not. Hahahaha." Melissa chuckled to herself. "In all seriousness though, what is taking Amaya and Zoey so long? They're probably doing each other's hair up or something. I wouldn't know too much about that sort of thing."

Edited by Roxas XIII



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She let Zoe pull her away back into the room and sit her down, a little wide eyed. " M-Maybe.. maybe something with a braid?" She \ tugged on the fringe that framed the sides of her face. She watched Zoe rummaged through her beauty supplies, her little tail wagging happily and her ears perked. She almost laughed. How cute!.. I wonder if she would have been sad if I had asked someone else. Not that I would, anyways.


Ms Claudia gave Lhee a light squeeze on the shoulders, her habit of showing fondness kicking in. 

"I wouldn't take what he says all too directly, Sweetie. After all, I think he would have a fit if someone tried to tell him Sheddzy there was -" She lifted her hands, making exaggerated quote signs." - 'School Property'...And if someone tried to tell me that Castform was school property..." She shook a fist, smiling. " I'd pop em' a shinier!~....Not..Not that that's appropriate in a school environment...No, very bad. Don't do that..." She followed Jonathan down the hallway. " Now then, lets go help your friend get out of that thing. He must be dying for some fresh air!~"

  • Brohoof 1

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Zoey giggles as she drops her armful of supplies on the nearest table, moving around behind Amaya to run a brush through her friend's hair.  "A braid, huh?  That shouldn't be too tough."  Zoey reaches over towards the table to grab a hand mirror, holding it up in front of Amaya.  The reflection would show the Swanna girl with her hair held in a long braid over her shoulder.


"Something like this?  I haven't done anything yet, mind you, this is just one of my illusions to make sure you like what ya see."  Letting Amaya hold the mirror, Zoey sets the brush down as she starts to set up a braid for Amaya's hair.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Jonathan remained silent throughout their entire walk towards the labs, letting them talk about him regardless without a word. Upon arriving at the Science Corridors, most of the classes had long window panes where you could see all sorts of equipment through them. There was a room built specifically to study Pokemon IVs and Evs, then there was the Biology room that held many Skeletons on several species of Pokemon, and there was also finally the High technical lab where various machines were stored to be used in learning and experimenting. It was this room that Jonathan stopped in front of the door and got out his key ring and unlocked the room. Once entering inside he turned the lights on and walked into the room that was much Bigger than the other ones prior to this one. 


From Healing Machines found in Pokemon Centers to Dream devices that allowed a person or pokemon to travel into another world where dreams manifested into reality, this room was highly secured and kept watch on all times though security feed. Jonathan showed his ID to one such cameras and proceeded to the back of the room.


"Since I am the Custodian...I have priority access to any of these devices other than the Scientists that teach here..." He explained. Once arriving at the back of the room he there was a giant machine covered in a white tarp. Jonathan rolled up his sleeves revealing his Shinobi-like gloves and tugged hard at the tarp revealing the Fossil Revival and Evaluation Device or also known as...F.R.E.D. The Machine itself was very complex yet clean due to the constant dusting by Jon himself. There the machine also had a little glass box where you would put in the Fossil itself, then if you wanted to revive a pokemon from said fossil it will then transfer it's genetic code over to a flooded Capsule Pod where the pokemon itself will get restored.


"Here it is...now all we need is that-" Being interrupted in mid speech a small buzzing could be heard from the ventilation from above. Several clanks and thuds later the crate to the vent swung open and out popped the Shedinja as it held onto a decently sized book which was probably the manual to the F.R.E.D. machine.




"Oh good...right on time...thanks partner.." He took the book from his little companion and patted it on the head and in return the Shedinja landed itself ontop of Jon's head and rested there while he read the Manual.



  • Brohoof 1

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"Oh, it looks so pretty, Zoe! Can you really do something like this?", Amaya said dotingly. It looked so eccentric and pretty, but maybe it was easier to create than it looked... She kept her eyes on Zoe as she worked, watching curiously.




Ms Claudia walked right up to the machine, tapping her foot against it.

"It's kind of pretty, don't you think?"  She remembered how many hours her husband had spent around one of these things in Oreburgh City. It had been one of his jobs to take care of the fossils young trainers brought into the facility for restoration. She turned to say something to Jonathan, but jolted at the size of the Instruction book. "C-C-can't we just....kick it?" The looks both of them gave Claudia gave her the idea that they didn't find the joke funny. 

" ...Sorry." she added, lifting her uguu hand. Using Physic she opened the maintenance hatch on the machine, pulling out the screws and lifting the metal page. " So, how about this. Since it's going to be Lhee's friend, he should be the once to manually fix it. Jonathan, you read him the instructions and lead him through it. And I-" She let her words sink in, letting a dramatic feel fill the air.


" Will supervise."

  • Brohoof 2

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Lhee carefully sets the fossil down on one of the nearby machines, leaving it wrapped in his shirt for a bit of extra padding and making sure that he can keep an eye on it as he tries to take a closer look at...  FRED.  Rubbing at the back of his neck, Lhee lightly taps the machine with the end of his bone club.  


"Complicated?  But...  You can get it running, right?"  Lhee slowly circles around the machine, for once showing curiosity in something rather than his normal bored expression.  I wonder how this thing works...  Can it really bring a fossil back to life?  He briefly thought back to the time he'd seen the process done on Cinnabar, when a scientist in a white coat had turned an old stone shell into a living Omanyte.  


"I want to help."  Even as he says so Lhee lowers himself to one knee, looking at the underside of the machine as though trying to familiarize himself with it.  I was still a Cubone the last time I saw one of these...  I asked the scientist if it could work on something other than a fossil...  Then one of the other kids told me to shut up, my skull fell down over my eyes, and I ran out of the lab crying...  


Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Lhee stands back up and steps over to place a hand on his fossil.  Machines weren't really his thing...  But he wanted to know all there was to know about this one!  He nods slightly at Miss Claudia's idea - Lhee didn't mind doing the labor.  He was looking forward to seeing how this thing worked.







Zoey clicks her tongue as she works, already in the process of braiding Amaya's hair.  "Of course I can, sweetie!  We're talking fashion here, that's like...  My specialty.  You just relax and let me work my magic, alright?"  Zoey giggles and her ears twitch slightly, focusing completely on the task at hand.


After a few minutes she would step around to pick up the mirror proudly, holding it in front of Amaya with a wide grin.  "What do ya think, am I good or am I good!?  This one isn't an illusion, so go ahead, tell me how much you love it!  And if there's anything you think doesn't look perfect, now would be the time for me to fix it!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Jonathan thought about her idea and brought a hand up to his chin rubbing at it. He then turned his gaze over to the Marowak kid and saw that he was willing to go along with it. He was quite determined to bring that little thing back to life...and Jon was also quite curious on what kind of fossil it was too though... Jonathan sighed and opened the Manual to F.R.E.D. to the first page and walked on over to the now exposed control insides thanks to Claudia. He gave a light chuckle and unhooked his belt. He unzipped his jumpsuit and brought it down to his waist and tied the sleeves around himself thus exposing the tight black sleeveless inside shirt he had on that formed around his built upper body. On Jon's arms he also had his fair share of scars from back in his day that were scattered along his shoulders and arms.


"Supervising huh..?...Well, It's going to take two pairs of hands anyway to get this fixed...so here, replace that bone club with a wrench for a bit and let's get to work son." He said throwing Lhee a decently sized wrench he had out. Son...? Where did that even come from? He shook his head a bit and knelt down as he peered into the machine's inner workings. It didn't look like there was anything wrong with it at all...looks like they were going to have to do a check up in order to figure out what was wrong. He brought up his goggles that hung around his neck and fastened them over his eyes allowing him to see somewhat better. Shedinja flew back and let the two work on the machine while he rested on Claudia's head since Jon was preoccupied.


"Bring that wrench in here and unfastened some of these tight cables...then we're going to disconnect the main auxiliary cables so we don't kill ourselves...then we're going to..." Jonathan went on and on explaining what to do. He didn't have the book out most of the time to know what he was suppose to do, all he needed was a quick skim through the book. He pointed out what Lhee needed to do when it came to unfastening things...screwing things in...or even forcing something out thanks to that strength of his. They were pretty efficient for such an unlikely duo met by random circumstance.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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Amaya couldn't help but stare at her own reflection. The braid looked so perfect, like a professional! And the way the small curls framed her cheeks.. She suddenly stood, wrapping her arms around Zoe in a tight hug. 

" Zoe! Oh, it's so pretty! Thank you thank you thank you!"

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Zoe giggles and hugs Amaya back before breaking away to pack up everything she'd gotten out.  "Don't sweat it, sweetie.  It was fun!  Anytime you need anything like that done, you just let me know alright?"  Standing back upright from her bags Zoey grins before her ears perk up and she starts to laugh.  "Umm...  I think everyone is probably waiting for us...  C'mon, let's get to the cafeteria!"


@(Everyone in the cafeteria because I lost track of everyone!)


Giggling again, Zoey practically drags Amaya down the halls towards the cafeteria.  Slipping through the doors she grabs a bottle of berry juice and moves over to sit down on the edge of the table between Zach and Dusk.  "Heeeyyy!  Sorry to keep you waiting!"





Raiga quietly made his way towards the gym, the same as he had last night.  Dragging a training dummy back into the center of the gym, the Raikou gijinka bows towards the dummy before starting his "dance", the same as he had the night before.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Nik had decided to stalk people today, he had nothing better to do. He smirked as he roof crawled over Amaya and Zoe. Both were so superficial...though Zoe still really creeped him out.  Nik decided to give them a scare. Dropping behind Amaya, he tapped her shoulder.


"Hello" he growled

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Zach frowned when Nik came up behind Amaya in an attempt to scare her. Sadly, it would probably work. "Go away Nik." It was all he had to say, for now, and he gave the idiot a glare. He had heard about the whole "bringing a criminal into school" thing, and that certainly didn't help Nik's image. 


Dustin frowned as well when the boy came into view suddenly. Wasn't he the one who made fun of that Marowak boy? Dustin didn't like mean people, and was glad that the Samurott boy didn't seem to want him there either.

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@, @@Lyridian

"Hey guys! You're finally here. What took you so long?" Melissa questioned. She can give the TM to Zoey later, seeming that Nik was there. "And I hear that Nik is here." She mentally face-palmed herself. Melissa closed her eyes and hoped that Nik wouldn't nktice her.



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@@Ampharos,@, @, @@Lyridian, @, @@Suitaloo,  




Dusk finally perked up when he saw the two girls walk into the Cafeteria.


"Well there you both are! Now we can get down to business~" Dusk said as he beamed with glee as he stood up and presented them both with pastries from the kitchens. Though what he didn't see was the skulking Nik behind them but once Zach had mentioned something about going away...he blinked several times and saw the skulking mass once again creeping up on Amaya.


"...noooooo....Nooooooo...NOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOPE. NAH. NUH UH. NIET. ZILCH. IIIE." Dusk gave the basket of pastries to Amaya and grabbed her freehand and one of Zoey's and proceeded to pull them back towards the exit.


"ZACH. SAMANTHA. MELISSA....DUSTIN if you want. WE'RE LEAVING!" Dusk said as he proceeded out into the hall with both girls being pulled behind him.


"SICK OF THIS SHIT, AND YOU AREN'T RUINING THIS WEEKEND." Dusk yelled while he disappeared from the Cafeteria and headed straight to the front entrance of the school. After what happened that one time Nik showed up in the cafeteria with Amaya...how could you blame the guy for being a little fed up with it.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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Amaya waved to everyone at the table. 

"Good morning, everyone-" She had just been about to sit down on the edge of the table bench, smoothing the back of her skirt against her legs when she practically felt Nik growling against her neck. Amaya practically jumped out of her skins, dropping her sweater onto Zach's head.


Her reflexes kicked in, and with amazing speed she nailed him square in the stomach with her elbow. Not only that but her wings shot out straight, the left one just missing him while the right smacked against his head, but not with much any power behind the smack.


Almost as soon as it happened, Dusk was pushing a basket of pastries into her arms, and pulling her away from the scene.


" W-wait, Dusk? What-... Who did I...?" Amaya tried asking too many things at once and they all sort of fell from her lips at once. All of this commotion, and so suddenly! She turned back just as the Cafeteria doors swung shot. She caught a glimpse of Nik and her heart sunk. I'm going to die.



Ms Claudia giggle as the pokemon landed gently on her head. She lifted a hand, giving the little guy a scritchy scratch under his chin.

" Kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ne! "

Edited by Lyridian

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Zach nearly burst into tears laughing at Amaya's reaction and barely noticed the sweater land on his head. As Dusk left the room, Zach had the largest grin on his face and was still giggling every now and then. He then steered the cocky grin in Nik's direction as he stood up and went after Dusk and his room mates. "Where should we head first?" 




Dustin blinked and lowered his ears at Dusk's yelling, but they perked up again when he heard his name. H-he wants me to come? But he doesn't even know me...  He turned slightly towards Samantha and said in a fairly low voice, "Urm... Do you think I should go?"

Edited by Ampharos
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"You know what happened yesterday. Do you think you can really blame him? Just try to be more careful next time. Please? For me?" Melissa left the Cafeteria and headed to the front entrance.


@, @@Lyridian, @@Ampharos, @@SleeplessSketch

"I-I don't know." Where did that stutter come from? She pulled out the cover that contained the TM. "Here Zoe. You'll get a lot more use out of this then I will. It contains the move Shadow Ball and I read somewhere that it works fairly well with illusions." She gave the TM to Zoey as well as informing her of what the move could mean for Zoey.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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Zoey blinks at the abruptness of everything, barely having time to grab a pastry from the basket and stick it in her mouth, holding it with her teeth as Dusk started dragging them towards the door.  "Mmrmf hm?"  Trying to juggle the bottle of juice she'd grabbed until she was holding it under her arm, freeing up a hand to take the pastry out of her mouth (now with a bite missing from it), she tries again.


"Sheesh, I know we were late, but you sure know how to sweep a girl off her feet don't ya Dusk?  I didn't think it was a literal phrase before..."  She giggles quietly before Melissa offers her a TM.  Once again trying to juggle her free hand, Zoey manages to hold onto the pastry with her mouth again as she takes the Shadow Ball TM, slipping it into her pocket to try and get to where she can speak again.


"Oh, uhm...  Thanks?  Hehe, you sure you just wanna give this away?  I mean, I already know Dark Pulse, and combat moves aren't exactly what I'm great with.  I mean, in case you wanted to give it to anyone else or anything..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Melissa smiled when Zoey took the TM.

"Oh, I'm very sure. I reckon my dad put it in there as a joke." She put the hood of her of hoody up and placed her hands in her pockets. "Do you want some help Zoey? You seem to be having a bit of trouble with your free hand."



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@,@@Ampharos, @@Lyridian, @,




Once the group that left the cafeteria was well a ways away from the place he snapped out of his impulsive actions and let go of both girl's hands while turning a little red himself.


"GAH! I-I'm sorry I just, I just kind of went off of my hinges there...well...least we're making progress?" He said scratching his cheek with his finger.


"Sorry...uhm well we'll have to walk there first so I suggest we get a move on if everybody's ready. I think I accidentally left Samantha and Dustin on their own. We should wait over by the gate entrance infront of the school." Dusk said proposing his idea as he opened the huge wide doors that lead to the outside campus. The day was quite sunny and beautiful with it still being considerably early. Dusk held the door open for his friends and took in a deep breath of fresh air, ohhhh how it was glorious.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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Dustin blinked and lowered his ears at Dusk's yelling, but they perked up again when he heard his name. H-he wants me to come? But he doesn't even know me...  He turned slightly towards Samantha and said in a fairly low voice, "Urm... Do you think I should go?"


"That's your choice. I don't really know this Nik kid, but based on their reactions, he strikes me as the kind most people don't want to be around." Samantha said. "I personally, am going to follow them, just because I don't feel like sitting alone here and we were going to go to town today." She mentioned, getting up and discarding her garbage. "I think I'll catch up with them. If you want to as well, just follow me I guess." She noted, walking out the door.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@SleeplessSketch, @@Ampharos, @@Lyridian, @

"Waiting over by the entrance sounds good." She thanked Dusk as she walked through the door. Melissa quietly walked over to the gate and beckoned everyone over.





Nico's eyes snapped open. He had a feeling that he would be needed in the town. Walking to the fence, he jumped over it and when he was sure no-one was looking, he raced off to the town, leaving a carbon copy in his place. He left the clone to guard the school while he was away in the town.



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 @Lhee@Lyridian@Roxas XIII@Suitaloo,  

Nik whined in pain, clutching at his gut. Then he realized it had been Amaya who had gut punched him. Finally, someone that he wasn't afraid of. Nik teleported in front of them, failing to look intimidating because of being bent over, still holding his stomach. 


"Rawr" Nik whimpered lamely, trying half-heartedly to get Amaya again. The Smeargle gjinka had had enough crap done to him for...two days

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Wow. Hahaha. That roar was lame. Really lame." Melissa couldn't stop laughing at how pitiful Nik sounded.





Nico, having made it to the town, stuck to the shadows and back alleys of the town. The town was a decent-sized one. Some people even mistake it for a city. Nico kept an ear out for any screams. He constantly checked his blip-map for any signs if disturbances. If he got lost at the end of the day then he could just fly up in his mega evolution.



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Dustin bit his lip slightly as he watched Samantha walk away and the Smeargle boy teleport away. He then shoved the notepad in his pocket and ran to catch up to Samantha. "I uh... guess I could use some outside time..." 


Zach stopped dead in his tracks at the appearance of Nik. "Oooooh no. You're not coming with us. Or near us. Or out of the school for that matter. Aren't you supposed to be in trouble or something?" 

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"S-shut up! You didn't just get slammed in the gut by a turkey!" Nik whined, panting hard. It didn't help that he had been trying to learn a new move, now that Substitute was useless. 


"I'm not coming with you" Nik grumbled. "I just came to get an apology from bird brain!" Nik screeched, sounding like a child

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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