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Rank the Micro Series comics


Micro Series favorites and least favorites  

8 users have voted

  1. 1. What was your favorite Micro Series comic?

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Applejack
    • Cutie Mark Crusaders
    • Princess Celestia
    • Spike
    • Princess Luna
  2. 2. What was your least favorite Micro Series comic?

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Applejack
    • Cutie Mark Crusaders
    • Princess Celestia
    • Spike
    • Princess Luna

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Okay, since the Luna micro was released recently, and it's the last book in the micro series, why don't we share our final rankings?


1. Luna. Every page had me cracking up. This is my new favorite out of all of the comics.


2. Rarity. The hippies were great new characters, and Rarity's reactions to their "spa" was fantastic.


3. Pinkie. This one has the best moral, and they were able to make Pinkie seem cute instead of obnoxious to me. I wish she were portrayed more like this more often.


4. CMC. This one was absolutely adorable, and Imp was a great new creature. This one also has my favorite art style of the comics. It's beautiful.


5. Spike. Another cute one with a nice, simple story.


6. Celestia. Another one with a good moral, and the few references that were put in were really well done.


7. Twilight. The story was good, and I loved Jade Singer, but the art was pretty terrible.


8. Applejack. The art was good here, but the story was boring. Like the show staff, they wasted an opportunity to give Applejack something to make her interesting.


9. Fluttershy. I liked the story concept, but the execution was poor. I also don't like how the rest of the mane six suddenly showed up at the end despite the fact that pretty much none of them would be interested in going to an art exhibit except Twilight.


10. Rainbow Dash. Sadly, this one was just flat out terrible with no redeeming qualities. The dialogue was painfully forced, the references tried to hard, and Rainbow's characterization was too much like MMDW. There was no point that I actually cared about the plot.

  • Brohoof 1



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I haven't read all of the comics, so I'll jut put up my favorite and least favorite


Favorite - It's between Rarity's and Celestia's. Both give them a good deal of justice, but I'll give it to Celly for giving her some much needed spotlight


Least favorite - Rainbow Dash's easily. I already tore it a new one, but to put it simply, this comic is a farce. It's one of the laziest, effortless, most half-assed tripe I've ever seen in FiM's entire run(probably an overexaggeration, but that's how I feel) and imo pretty much exemplifies everything wrong with the My Little Pony franchise in the past. A writer who doesn't give a crap about the original source, lazily placed memes and references, poor art, and dialogue that a only a third grader could come up with(actually, that's an insult to third graders) make this comic only good for wiping your rear-end

Edited by Megas75
  • Brohoof 1
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The Luna comic was HILARIOUS, and showed off the differences between the sisters duties, and Luna's youthful view on things her big sister does do.


+I love the cover with the pile of coffee cups.. Its just pure gold :P The story and Luna's reactions to having to WORK, and treat other ponies with respect were outright hilarious.


Also Tiberius.. yet another reference to Star Trek..... That or the god, but given past references from this writer, I'm thinking ST. I loved how he was just a seemingly random thing throughout, and then at the end they showed what and who he was in the mini story. It really did play at Luna very well, A night creature for the Night princess! :)

Shame the only time I see opossum around here is when they're dead on the side of the road usually... I mean we have a TON of them, but they are hard to spot unless dead or crossing the road in the middle of the night.  Also it reminds me of a show I love, Red Green.. heh Possum lodge.. Wrong name since they use an opossum, but still funny..


Close second would be Rarity. That story really actually played her character VERY well. And her resolution to the situation, rather than storming out as planned. That showed the generosity she represents.


Then theres Celestia.. Stand by your friends no matter how crazy they've become!

Oh.. and Hewey, Dewey, and Luey... that was outrageously funny when I realized we had 3 ponified ducks :P


As for worst... RD by far. it was just.. ugh.. sooo horrible...

every little thing about it was just terrible...

Edited by GrimCW
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  • 1 month later...

My list is very different.


1. Cutie Mark Crusaders (tie): Its art style is very unique to the series because it's manga-influenced, which fits the central characters well and wonderfully balanced. Imp is a great character with a ton of dimension despite not speaking once. Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are wonderfully portrayed, and the humor is varied to keep things fresh. The lone downside is that you need to be pretty familiar with the series (and maybe the main comics) to get somewhat of a grasp, and the pacing in the market scene was too quick. That said, it's very well done and far better than any CMC-centric episode (minus Sleepless in Ponyville).


1. Pinkie Pie (tie): (Yes, I like this one as much as the CMC micro, and I'd daresay call it the best Micro comic.) Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike are great, especially Pinkie, whose humor is intelligent and purposeful instead of being random and idiotic. >_> There isn't much humor compared to others, but the art helps make up for it. Very clean and professionally executed. The story is arguably the best. While it plays Pinkie's antics, it's fresh and doesn't rehash any of the episodes, and her chemistry with the retiring Ponyacci is gold. Of course, some of the panels and word balloons are a bit disorganized, and sometimes the background forgets to put in the shadows. And the name "Trollo Lollo" is just plain stupid. But these are minor qualms, because the rest of the comic holds up so well, and the moral is arguably the best told.


3. Twilight Sparkle: A big surprise, because the art style is so unrefined, it drops the horsehoe on its objective quality just for that and can just really ruin the experience. Combined with it being the first micro comic, it left an awful first impression. That said, one thing that saved it for me was the pacing of the story and the communication between Twilight and Summer Mane/Jade Singer. But the plot is very predictable; the humor consists of only pop culture references that will only become corny in a couple of years; and the story (like the moral) is a complete retread of the series. If you like the heartwarming communication and decent pacing, go ahead. If not, well, I can't blame you. An awful comic, but I like it, nonetheless.


4. Princess Celestia: This is the first professionally executed medium of the princess, as she's now stuck as a background pony in the show. But Celestia is portrayed as smart, wise, fair, and competent. Inkwell Gazette's relationship and backstory is intriguing and doesn't handwave the cause of her eye injury. And the resolution is quite good, especially the thought of Celestia watching a close friend eventually dying. Some problems include the plenty of the Canterlot folk being reduced to the "snobby, rich sheep" stereotype that hurts Sweet & Elite, Celestia doesn't actually develop as a character, and the Honey Boo Boo-bashing was classless. But it still holds up quite nicely; as a Celestia brony, this is one you will enjoy.


5. Rarity: Conceptually, the story plays off Rarity's strengths and weaknesses, but it ain't no retread. The resort is different from CB and more rundown. Wheat Grass is a rather cool character and plays off well with Flax Seed. Meanwhile, Rarity's strengths, rather than weaknesses, are concentrated, as the comic focuses on her ability to create, strategize, and execute intelligently, ala a much more extended Suited for Success. As a big Derpy fan, her job as a mailmare is now canon. However, there are some issues. Firstly, Flax Seed becomes more or less a flat note: His "spaced out" gag runs for too long and makes him look really stupid occasionally. The art style itself, which is very bright and very dark, clashes too much, and the scratching of black marks here and there make the characters look too dirty when they're not supposed to. And one scene featuring Pinkie and Dash peaking in the stallions' dressing room was painfully OOC. Aside from that, a pretty decent comic. The best one, though? Not even close.


6. Spike: More due to a bias than anything else, but I can't rank it in the top five because there are some issues. One for some problems with the coloring and anatomy drawing. Another is how the moral was approached: being told passively in the last few pages. Lastly, the Three Strikes (one pet peeve of many of us in the Thomas fan) is way too evident here, and it made the comic pretty predictable. Personally, I'm also a tad disappointed to read a comic where Spike's flaws were exploited instead of his strengths, but that's more a personal disappointment. That said, I really like the idea of Sea Beasts, and they showed an interest in intelligence. (Why do they remind me of the Pizza Planet aliens from Toy Story?) And since he's trying to help grow, he's trying and is aware of screwing up before going back and doing what's right. In all, a comic you may like, don't like, or in between. I'm more in the latter.


7. Applejack: The art is very polished despite the sharp light/dark contrast; and it's often very hilarious, like AJ getting outwitted by the Sass Squash, G. Smith dousing AJ, and Big Mac sleeping with Smarty Pants. But humor doesn't necessarily save a story. This story is basically the same Applejack episode from seasons one, two, and four. If you watched Look Before You Sleep, Applebuck Season, The Last Roundup, and (to an extent) Bats!, then you read the AJ comic. Combined with a very cheesy "Sass Squash" pun and a song that does nothing except eat up pages, it's pretty much a wash. I don't like it, and it's not a good comic whatsoever.


8. Rainbow Dash: This comic is factually terrible under every stretch of imagination. Arguably, it's the worst Micro-Series comic from top to bottom because it's so badly written. Dash's characterization and overall dialogue are horrible. The art is cleaner than Zahler's, but that's not saying much as there are proportion problems and lack of polish. Every pop culture and brony reference is as subtle as a train horn blaring from five blocks away. The antagonists, conflict, and resolution are nonsense. The only true saving grace was the background art. That said, I don't dislike it, but not hate it, even though I should, because it's so broken. But I despise two Micro comics much more.


9. Luna: Ooh, do I despise this one. The structure was okay, but the resolution was too fast. The art was good, but the coloring was still rather sharp. The faces always stayed fresh. There are funny little tidbits such as Celestia's bed mane and "I Hate Mondays" mug. Tiberius is rather cute and plays off both Kibutz and "Luna" well. Unfortunately, Luna was flanderized and later out of character, only focusing on the "annoying sister" attribute and force-fed "awkwardness" humor that just doesn't fully fit her, when the two have a close, cordial relationship. Celestia behaved way too slyly and was basically Trollestia beyond just being playful. She knows how painstaking it is to run a kingdom, and Luna was very inexperience. By that, she should've said, "no."


10. Fluttershy: Once again, a completely recycled plot circling Fluttershy, but a nice reference to Suited for Success for her knitting passion. Unfortunately, the anatomy isn't  well drawn. The visual hierarchy and continuity is sketchy at times. To make it worse, the whole ending, especially the moral, is broken and OFFENSIVE! Praiser Pan is a straw character, a character only written to be proven wrong. And its message is simplified as "Whoever criticized you, no matter the merit and no matter how friendly it is, is an asshole. It ruined the whole comic and is my most hated overall. (If this was an episode, it would be my most hated simply because of the disgusting ending.)

Edited by Dark Qiviut

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Favorite Micro Series: Cutie Mark Crusaders - The art style is very well put together, and one of the comics where they toy around with Chrysalis was adorable and funny.


Least Favorite Micro Series: Fluttershy - Having a straw character in one of the comics, didn't hit a home run for me.


There you have it, ladies and gentlemen!

Edited by Scootalove
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  • 5 months later...

My list is very different.


1. Pinkie Pie (tie): (Yes, I like this one as much as the CMC micro, and I'd daresay call it the best Micro comic.) Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike are great, especially Pinkie, whose humor is intelligent and purposeful instead of being random and idiotic. >_> There isn't much humor compared to others, but the art helps make up for it. Very clean and professionally executed. The story is arguably the best. While it plays Pinkie's antics, it's fresh and doesn't rehash any of the episodes, and her chemistry with the retiring Ponyacci is gold. Of course, some of the panels and word balloons are a bit disorganized, and sometimes the background forgets to put in the shadows. And the name "Trollo Lollo" is just plain stupid. But these are minor qualms, because the rest of the comic holds up so well, and the moral is arguably the best told.



Why do people always praise Pinkie's episodes and stuff simply for having her in character? I understand you have other reasons but I see it a lot and it is a fixture in yours as well.


She has little chemistry with Ponyacci really. Just the normal Pinkie stuff of wanting to help and being sad when she cannot.

Which made it rather derivative for me. It was a more positive telling of AFID. Which is not bad in of itself but it does make it a retread


It's a good comic but I think you're giving it too much credit and other comics too little.

Edited by Whatevs
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