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private Protector Force

Toon Richard

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I cast a healing V spell, and heal us back to full HP.


"Ricky VS Scorpion!"


It says, as i prepare myself.


"Im gonna kick your ass!" I say, and smiled.

"..." Scorpion remained silent.


I start it off with quick blows to the head.

1/19th, Then i charge at him, knocking him away, and dropping the bar down to zero.

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Round two FIGHT!


He summoned a chain and fired at your chest. then Tugged hard and yelled "GET OVER HERE!" this made you stunned which he used his chain as a knife to stab you in the stomach repeatedly then he wrapped you in his chain then flung you on the ground hard!



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"Phase BOMB!" I say, and hit him in the head with an exploding energy burst. Then proceeded to attack with my battlepan, knocking him to a low HP amount. I take out my Sandvich, and start nomming on it, restoring my HP.

"Omn nom nom, nom nom." I say while eating it.

"Omn, nom, nom, nom."

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"THATS IT, prepare to die hybrid child!" He yelled


he take off his mask revealing a firery skull. I gasped for I knew what he was about to do! "RICKY GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I yelled as I saw as if everthing was in slow motion as I see him inhale air and then blew fire at you. 

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I saw it coming. I just let it happen, and when i get hit, nothing happend.

"dude. That was weak!!" I say, and whack him with my battle pan.


I just poke him, causing him to fall on his back.


I say, and smile.


"Didnt you remember, silly? Im resistant to fire!"

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"he he I forgot there..." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.


There were many other fights fought by a number of opponents, some lost some won.


"That is the last fight tonight, you are all dismissed to go back to your quarters, the location is on your maps!" cried Shang Tsung.


"Well at least they are having us stay in the employee's quarters." I said with relief. "you did great out there" I said with a smile.

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"You did great out there yourself!" I say, and hug you. "This will be fun, I get to smack around the people in MK!" I smile, and then sleep to the next day.


The Next day..

"WAKE UP COMBATANTS! Go to the field for the next round of fighting!" Shao Kan says, as i get up, with my battle pan ready.

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I got up and I grabbed my armor and switched it on making it cover my body in a black robes with armor over them. The helmet with its tinted black visor his my face. I willed it to shut the helmet off so it retracted to reveal it. I rather have people recognize me when I fight I go out to meet Ricky. 


"how do you like my armor? I only wear it when stuff gets serious or when I feel like I need a boost of energy." I asked with a smile.

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"Sweeeeeet!" I say, and put on my full demoknight look.

"But seriously, If we have to fight eachother, im gonna take a dive." I say, and wait for a call..

(Newcomer/Non Cannon fighter: Scythe The Badass Psycho)


It says, and i look to a towering, monstrosity. A Badass psycho.

"Oh.. Shit."

I say, and then Scythe says 

"You Fight me? HAHAHAH you is weak! Me crush Baby!!" It says, and i start whupping his ass with my frying pan.

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He got angry and he charged at you and brought his buzz saw down on your head. 


"YOU PAY FOR DAT!" he yelled at Ricky as he grabbed you by the scruff of your neck and slammed you on the ground.


I was looking in horror as I saw you battle him. Rayden put a hand on my shoulder.


"take comfort young one, he is strong enough to fight him. He just has no idea how much though" He said to me. 

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I take minor damage, and use my Battle pan, and knock him on his butt.


ROUND 2: Fight!


"Imma punish you!!!" I say, and slam my pan on his head hard, and smiled.

"BOINK!!" I say, then hit him again, with another quick smack.

"BADA BOOSH!" I say, and he collapses.

I poke him on the forehead.

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I sighed in relief when he won the match.


"see you have nothing to worry about shild" said Rayden with a reassuring smile.


"BEtH DEY VS REPTILE" the announcer said.


"Bring it on!" I said as I got into position.


"Foolish mortal child, I will melt your face with my acid!' he said then got into position as well.




I charged at him and swung a baton at him he dodged and turn invisible.


"lets see if you can fight what you can't see" he said with a cackle

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"Richard VS Sandvich King!"

A huge, fat heavy, goes into the arena, with a grey vest.

"I CRUSH U LEIK BUG.." It says, as the fight begins.

I smash him in the face with frying pan. He punches me, and deals 29 damage.

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"I don't need to see you, you TMNT reject!" I said as I used my aura senses to find him. when I did I noticed he was about to use his acid breath. I dodged out of the way and summoned little balls of energy and tossed them at him. they latched on and exploded pushing him on his back forcing him to uncloak. i charged at him and struck the pole on the ground to pole vault kick him in the chest. making hims stagger backwards. I smacked the staff down on his head hard knocking him out.


Round one Beth Dey wins.


The Sanvich king punched you with his fists hard. Then grabbed your arm and tossed you in the air. 

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"BAD IDEAAAAA BROOOO!!!" I say, and slam my battlepan hard on the sandvich king's head, 1HKOing him.

Round Two! FIGHT!

I unleash, a wave of near lighning fast pan attacks, that almost defeat him.


I shout as i charge.


I poke him, knocking him over.


I go and watch your fight.

"BETH! CATCH!!" I yell, and toss my battle pan to you.

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With lightning quick reflexes I charged at Reptile as he charged at me and used him as a spring board to get to high enough to grab the pan with quick reflexes and then when he he did his acid attack again I blocked it with the battle pan. I charged it up with my energy making it do twice the damage. As I charged at him he tried to do a punch but I ducked and smacked it at his ribs then on his shoulder and when he was down I slammed it on his head knocking him out. 



I summoned a ball of energy and smacked it with the pan. it smacked him in the forehead and he was electrocuted unconscious.




I walk to Ricky smiling. "thanks for the pan Bro" I thanked Ricky as I handed him the pan back.

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"No prob, sis!" I say and grin.


The announcer begins to say, as a dark, shadowy figure, That looks like beth, with a smile that surpasses lesson 0 twilight sparkle.

The joker envie's her because of it. She is.. THE ANNIAHLATOR!!

"Well, you look ugly as always!" I say as i laughed.

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I laughed at his comment while the annihilator scowled. "you won't be saying  that once I show you my new tricks" she said with a growl. 



The annihilator charged at us and then summoned her impurity gun and fired at me which made me woozy then she slammed her fist against my face that sent me flying. "WHAT THE BLOODY HECK!?" I Said surprised.


"I gotten stronger, also I can do this," she said as she snapped her fingers and several dark mists flew out of her. they were the other competitors! only infected with the nightmare energies making them look twisted and pale. 


"you honestly thought that by poking and tazering them unconscious would save them? THIS IS MORTAL COMBAT B****!" she said with her grin. she then summoned acid residue on her claws. and slashed at Ricky at lightning fast speed.

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I yell, and stumble.

I emit steam through my nose. 


"I will sqash you like bug!" I yell, and whack the dark competetor's silly with my pan, knocking them unconsious and removing the nightmare energy. I start getting passive regeneration.

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"NIGHTMOSPHERE!" she yelled and an area attack of nightmare energy hit the competitors making them rise. then they were absorbed back into her. "nice try, but as long as I am "alive" I would make them part of me again" She said with a an evil cackle. "maybe I should do this.." she made poison flow to her impurity gun and fired a blast at you. That would've made you weak! then she got close to you and slammed you in the ground and jabbed her claws into your chest filling you with nightmare energies."lets see... if I can't make you mine! she started to fus herself into you trying to possess you.



I was horrified and ran at her with a sword. I tried to get her of of you but a possessed Heavy grabbed me and held me in place. "NO! RICKY!" I said as I watched her.

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"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I yell, and try to knock her back. I teleport both you and her into my mind.

I place you both in a Obstical course, and strip you both of your powers temporaroly.

"To claim victory, get to this point before the opponent does." My common sense emotion says, as he dissapears. "No using powers!"

"Winner lives! Loser perishes!!! BETH WIN THIS!"


I start to shudder, and collapse 

"MAN DO I HATE THAT!" I say, and curl into a ball.

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She jumped on one large ball to the other making it to the platform. "this will be easy!" said the annihilator as she started jumping as well. But her balls moved. so it was difficult to keep her balance so she slipped and fell into the water and had to restart at the beginning. "whats the matter annihilator? I thought you said it would be easy!" I said mockingly. 


"SHUT YOUR TRAP!" she yelled at me. She then did the balls again this time managed to get to the next platform.

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"The course has 5 challenges." 

One of my emotions says, as two portal gun's appear, One for beth, and one for the anniahlator.

"Use these to get past this challenge. I assume, you know how these work."

He says, as the challenge is made.


A platform with a button, and a cube on the floor, with a platform moving up and down to lift you up to a closed door.

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I grabbed my portal gun  and shot a portal underneath the cube then another at the platform with the button this caused to hit it and open the door. I  ran and jumped on the platform which got me to the open door and ran through. the portal gun shattered into dust for the next challenge. The annihilator soon followed to the next challenge. 

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"This challenge test's your knowleage of TF2! Which Class+Medic combo will capture the point the fastest?"

It says, as 3 button's appear.

One with scout and medic, one with Spy and Medic, and one with Heavy and Medic.

"The right choice gets an advantage! The wrong chooser has to do the challange: Portal Puzzle 2, and has to do it blindfolded!"
It says, as a Control point appears.

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