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ooc Who Murdered Mary Sue Grafton? (OOC Thread)


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Who Murdered Mary Sue Grafton?

Everypony is a detective... and everypony is a suspect. Nopony knows who did it but you are given the clues and it’s possible you might not survive the murderer or the haunted house trapping you till it’s over! Highly experimental type of RP!

RP Thread

It was supposed to be dinner and a mystery at Big Manor House with the famous mystery writer, Mary Sue Grafton. But things quickly go wrong. After waking up in the dinning room after a lapse in time everypony finds the legendary novelist dead in her study behind a locked door. Even worse, the murderer's attempt to make everypony loose their memory seems to have gone wrong and no pony can remember which of them did it. However, they seem to remember a lot about everypony else, and the guests start accusing each other of the crime. Could it get any worse? The house is a haunted maze filled with secret passages and the undead ghost of Mary Sue herself threatens to destroy anypony who leaves her house. Lost and confused, you must know who to trust and who to suspect. Follow the clues and figure out which of you is the one who did it.

Evidence Rules:
In this roleplay, all ten players must single out one character who has the Means, Motive and Opportunity to commit the murder in question. One player will be predetermined and picked randomly to be the real murderer. However, everypony has amnesia and nobody knows the truth. So, before the roleplay, every player will be given a personal message. Each player will receive two things. You might want a piece of paper to keep track of the things you know.

1) Players will be given a clue. They will be told the exact Means, the exact Motive, or the exact Opportunity behind the crime. You are told ONLY ONE, so figuring out the other two clues for yourself is essential. IMPORTANT: This clue is Concrete Proof! You must talk and you must question other players if you’re going to have all three clues and pin the blame on somepony.
2) Players will also be given the complete profile of another character (the truth behind your own character is going to be a mystery from even yourself). You will be told the Means, Motive and Opportunity behind another player’s character, giving you reason to suspect them of this crime. IMPORTANT: This profile is NOT Evidence! This profile is only circumstantial, so the character you are suspecting is not guilty unless you prove their Means, Motive and Opportunity match the clues you have discovered.

Before the start of the game, a murderer will be predetermined among the playable characters. Clues specifying the Means, Motive and Opportunity are scattered among the players. Only ONE character will have a profile that matches the Means, Motive and Opportunity specified by the clues given to everypony as Concrete Proof. This one pony is the true murderer and everypony else is innocent.

To solve this case, you must talk and you must share your clues with other players. After you’ve determined the Means, Motive and Opportunity behind the murder, find a character profile that matches these clues. Remember, you must be suspicious, because you can’t tell if you’re talking to somepony innocent, or a cold blooded murderer.

In the end, the murderer must be exposed and all the players must pool their evidence. If evidence supports the theory, the pony being framed must give up or be captured. But remember, the murderer can strike back too. Any player can freely attack another person’s character for any reason (remember, no God modding).

Player Rules:

1) OMNISCIENCE: IMPORTANT! Players are free to read each other’s posts, but your character does NOT have an all-seeing eye. Your character doesn’t know anything, unless they’re in the same room and listening to the words being spoken. You CAN’T steal evidence by just reading it from another person’s post. Having a piece of paper to keep track of stuff you know might be useful.
2) CONSIDERATION: This RP Thread is meant to be fun, but I would encourage people not to be accusing everypony of murder with every other post you’re making. Please don’t go making your character mean spirited and accusing when people are trying to have a good time. For that matter, don’t take it too personally when it starts happening either.
3) RELIABILITY: This is EXTREMELY important! Don’t sign on unless you want to join in. At the start of the roleplay there will be a predetermined murderer. You could likely be that murderer and if you stop responding players will get confused if the evidence doesn’t single one of them out. For that reason, your character will quickly be killed off if you don’t post AT LEAST once a week and their role will be given to somepony else. If you have to leave, please specify how long we can expect you to be gone in the OOC Thread.
4) INTERACTIONS: If your character is afraid of the evidence being stalked up against them, or you believe somepony dangerous is maybe the murderer, you are free to attack. However, you are NOT allowed to God mod and decree the victim dead without the player’s consent. Also, solving this other crime is not necessary to completing this roleplay.

Other Rules:

1) GENERAL: Follow MLP Forums’ usual rules, like no God Modding, no Mary Sues and such.
2) NARRATIVE: For simplicity sake, write all your posts with a Third Person Narrative. Don’t tell the story from the viewpoint of your character (that just makes things confusing).
3) GRAMMAR: Give each post at least one spell check. Use proper spelling, divide paragraphs, use proper punctuation, etc etc. Just please make it easy for others to read what you write.
4) CENSORSHIP: Keep all content to a PG-13 rating. You may mention flirting and kissing but NO sexually content. Be mindful how many times you swear. You may write about blood but NO gore please. Though this is a murder mystery, any violence (as well as killing) should be handled in a tasteful manner.
5) CANON: This is a haunted murder mystery that’s otherwise like a novel by Agatha Christie. Don’t introduce plot elements or devices that don’t fit the setting, and no using time machines to change that.

1) Marina Emerald
2) Distance Traveler
3) Masquerade
4) Royroger/Cherry Cola
5) Deluded Mind
6) Aréte
7) Chain Mail
8) Blue Belle

Edited by Stancet
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Alright, I give. I'll join again with Royroger (Although I've renamed him Cherry Cola now).

Actually I might be making a new OC specifically for this, but it's getting late so I'll make him tomorrow.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey Stancet, count me in! Sorry I haven't gotten round to speaking to you, the forums have kinda slipped my mind the past couple of weeks XD But now all my exams are over I'll get more involved. So yeah, I'll join this! :D


OC as you know: Aréte


Thanks again ^_^

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@@Super Mario Brony
Deluded Mind is EXACTLY the type of character this RP needs! He is our most welcome victim... I mean guest!
Hey Raritas, I'm glad your exams are over. I'm very, VERY sorry I canceled the first time. In a funny way, I guess it worked out. I am nervous, but anyways, Aréte is welcome to join.

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Yes, of course you can. Truth be told, nobody has done an RP like this before. It makes me nervous, but trying something different should be an exciting experience. Just give me a link to your OC and I'll add you right away.


@,@@super2379,@@Ampharos,@@Super Mario Brony,@@Raritas,@@GameytheGeemer,@,



Thank you all for joining this RP. Though I would have preferred a complete set of 10 suspects, I know some of us are probably getting impatient for this RolePlay to get started, so I'll have the RP Thread posted this evening. You'll also receive your clues and evidence. Remember, having a piece of paper to write what you know might come in handy.

  • Brohoof 2
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Yes, of course you can. Truth be told, nobody has done an RP like this before. It makes me nervous, but trying something different should be an exciting experience. Just give me a link to your OC and I'll add you right away.


@,@@super2379,@@Ampharos,@@Super Mario Brony,@@Raritas,@@GameytheGeemer,@,



Thank you all for joining this RP. Though I would have preferred a complete set of 10 suspects, I know some of us are probably getting impatient for this RolePlay to get started, so I'll have the RP Thread posted this evening. You'll also receive your clues and evidence. Remember, having a piece of paper to write what you know might come in handy.


Ok, sounds good. However, if you are starting it today, I will not be able to join until tomorrow evening (GMT), cause timezones and stuff are in the way tomorrow :/ sorry Stancet

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Awesome. Great to have you with us.



Just so everypony knows, Mary Sue Grafton is already dead. If we go to her study, our characters are going to find her laying down and killed. Just remember, one of you did it. (Don't ask me who, I've already managed to loose track.)

Edited by Stancet
  • Brohoof 1
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There is terrible snow here where I live. It's possible I might be spending the night at work, so I'll probably be away from this Roleplay for a while. Since Mary Sue Grafton's discovered to be murdered, it's about that time to start asking questions and figuring out who did it.

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