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searching Darkness On The Coast (Inquisition RP!)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Roleplay Link! http://mlpforums.com/topic/88101-darkness-on-the-coast/


With the highly secretive war between Equestria and the alternate dimension of Tartarus underway, the specialist forces of the Inquisition are finding it more and more difficult to provide enough forces to deal with all of the threats...



The City of Baltimare is a grand place indeed, its buildings dwarfed only by the large ships that are built for exploration of the ocean beyond. Albiet the war has prevented any major exploration fleets from setting out, the ships are still built, each the size of a castle. The ponies in that area specialize in metalwork and craftsmanship, and also provides the host for several popular aquatic sports...


Yet, the locals have recently noticed that things are not what they seem to be in the area- most particularly, the spread of disease and an appearance of an odd, multicolored slime around town. While not enough to draw conclusions from, the citizens have alerted officials to its presence, and word of this has made its way back to Canterlot. It is decided that this should be looked into. Lord Inquisitior Starlight of the Twilight Branch is sent to look into it. Are you one of the valiant Inquisitors, sent to cleanse the threat from the seafaring town?


With the recent reincarnation two of the seven Lords of Darkness, they seek to siege this city with corruption and disease, allowing them conquer the city int eh name of Tartarus. However, until they have fully formed, they cannot do their own bidding, and rely on their ponies and lesser demons to assist them in their task. Will you take the side of these cultists, hopefully showing your masters that you are worthy of ascending to their level?



But, of course, perhaps you have another reason to be situated into this confrontation? The world is a big place after all. If you can stand through this, perhaps you will be able to win for yourself riches, glory, and honor, assuming that you don't lose your life, your sanity, or your freedom along the way...



Welcome! Thank you for considering joining this roleplay.


I certainly hope you stand to have a good time here. But before we begin, let us go over some very important rules.


1. No godmodding, powerplays, Mary Sues... you know, the whole hog.

2. Alicorn OCs may or may not be accepted. I don't know, I haven't looked at a lot of good ones, but I am willing to take a chance, but you have to abide by my decisions.

3. No dragons or demons. I have exactly one person who may play as a demon (@Charcoal Embers) and if you are not her, too bad.

4. I am the DM. Listen to me, please.

5. Romance is allowed- indeed, encouraged! But keep it PG-13, please.

6. This is going to be a darker RP with all types of fun descriptions of blood and gore- these are demons we are dealing with. You have been warned.

7. Keep swearing down to a minimum, please. Pony swears are recommended, but not required.

8. Do not use this as an excuse to change your OC's affiliation if you submitted it in the Character Collect thread, as it is very irritating to me- especially since I am the one sorting your OCs.

9. Do not use this as an excuse to yell at me about how horrific I am for not doing your OCs. I went on a hiatus with that project until we get some more work done on the main project. It will happen eventually.

10. Only two characters per player max, please.



Now, there are two main factions for your characters- you can play as a villain or an Inquisitor. If you play as a villain, expect to get defeated by someone eventually. If you are an Inquisitor, you can die, so be careful...


If you choose to be a villain, I will PM all of you with details to get things sorted out.


Inquisition Branch Selection


Each Inquisitor is placed into one of six branches, depending on their skills. Don't worry- if you submitted your character to the character collect project and you have already been sorted, then you are not at all held by that. I won't even look at you strangely. Your branch might give you additional perks or penalties in relation to the other branches or other ponies, and each branch favors a different combat style. The branches are as follows:


Branch of Celestia


The Branch of Celestia is the major branch of the Inquisition, and the first branch officially considered a military asset for combat. Proud and strong, the Branch of Celestia is known for its bold strides forward and its strong military skills, whether it be on the front lines or in a general's seat. Due to their consistent loyalty, the  Branch of Celestia has also become the figurehead for the entire Inquisition, as these are one of the few Inquisitors that you will ever meet face to face.



Branch of Luna


The Branch of Luna is another major branch, but less known then their brethren in the Branch of Celestia. They are the spies, the saboteurs, and the assassins- they encompass the shadier side of the Inquisition. All of them know that their missions are never for personal gain, but, after extended service in the branch, several ponies become so stressed out to the point where many retire to the Canterlot Mental Facility to keep their heads straight on course. The Branch of Luna is considered by many to be new, for they kept their heads down during Luna's thousand year banishment to the moon.



Branch of Cadence


The Branch of Cadence is responsible for services rendered to the populace. With their home base in the Crystal Empire, it is rare to see one, even compared to other Inquisitors. They focus on ridding the land of corruption and recovering the populace of those such corrupted leaders. The branch of Cadence is one of the youngest Branches of the Inquisition, and thus, not well known.



Branch of Twilight


 The Branch of Twilight is the newest branch of the Inquisition, and their job is shady indeed. They specialize in knowledge- forbidden knowledge- and demonancy. Currently, only a handful of Inquisitors are in this branch, and this is the way Celestia wants to keep it, until she deems Princess Twilight ready to accept the fact that she had inherited the most dangerous job in the entire Inquisition...



Silver Guard


 The Silver Guard is a group of elite guardsponies that have been selected by the Inquisitor-Captain Soulhammer to protect Canterlot- and, more importantly, the Princesses. They never paint their armor with heraldry- further emphasizing the fact that they are all equal- and they are always where the Princesses are. Even if you think that all that's between them and the populace are two highly-decorated guards, think again- somewhere within eyesight of the Princesses are at least a squad of Silver Guard, ready to defend their mistresses until death.



Black Legion


The Black Legion is a group of faceless, black warriors- to those on the outside. On the inside, they are the most dangerous known ponies in the world, and they like to keep it that way. They are trained to look for any sort of corruption within the ranks and to immediately snuff it out any means possible. They are the demon specialists- in a full scale demon incursion, these are the ones on the front lines. Only one group in all of Equestria knows more about demons than they do, and they often find themselves fighting alongside them- the Demontouched...






Character list:


1. Jaeger - Frosty V

2. Monkshood - Nomadic

3. Caprisha - Charcoal Embers

4. Sanura - Pripyat Pony

5. Shadow Star - Pripyat Pony

6. Johanna - Moaning Myrtle

7. Crimson Grinn - ragestar




***SPECIAL***: Charcoal Embers, Lesser Demon Lord -Charcoal Embers

1. The Sandpony - Aerodynas

2. Manechilles - Aerodynas

3. Thunder Shred - RaptorJesus

4. Moonlight - moonlight7starshine


Neutral Characters- Bounty Hunters, Dovahkiins, or whatever the heck else go here.

1. Jacob (DA DOVAHKIIIIIIN!! :D) - The Dragonborn



Edited by Archmagos Amphrose
  • Brohoof 2
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Hello again. I think I'll join this as well. Though I hope this doesn't mean you're abandoning Golden Corruption. I think I'll go with my OC Caprisha (link in sig) with her being in... either the Twilight or Cadence branch. Can't really decide.

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hmhmhm....this means I can use my...not so friendly ponies huh?


Well...it's either going to be the notorious Sandpony or Manechilles :) What exactly are you looking for in this one Thunder?

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Charcoal Embers, Of course not!  :okiedokielokie:


Caprisha would probably fit into the Twilight Branch somewhat better than the Cadence Branch. Could I get a list via PM for the list of her possible powers and (if they apply) their time frames?


@@Aerodynas, Really, it's a tossup... take your pick from either of them. Or maybe even play as both of them.



Keep coming in! And if either of you have any forum friends that you think might be interested in playing, feel free to invite them here, too. :)

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I'm working on my signature as we speak. I'm adding and removing a few of my OC's so it's more up to date on the OC's I'm currently using. 

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Nomadic, That's alright. And don't worry about it fading away- @@Frosty V, @@Charcoal Embers, @@Aerodynas, and @ are all close friends of mine. We have a different RP going on as of right now, but we (read:I) felt that a change of scenery was needed. It also allows us to play with new characters, and give us interaction with other people outside our own little group.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Nomadic, Alright! Welcome aboard, Nomadic! :D Are you going to be in the Twilight Branch?



@, Hmm. You would think that I planned for this. XD


Welcome aboard, friend. :)



Sorry for not responding immediately, I was preoccupied. 

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Righto, then this guy shall play both! Prepare for the most spectacular display of the darkest hearts and mind of our hallowed evilness....Mwahahaha! The Evil RETUUUURNS!! 



Edited by Aerodynas
  • Brohoof 2

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Do you mind if I play a villain in this? I'm feeling particularly evil today... huehuehue... Anyways, I was thinking to use Thunder Shred, it would actually make some, if any, sense. If that doesn't work then can I use Gareth? Both are in my sig, and both can be changed as needed.

  • Brohoof 1

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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@@Aerodynas, Alright. I will add them in. :D


@, Thunder Shred will work, but when I shoot all the villains the villain PM, you are going to have to explain to me what he is doing serving a pair of powerful demons.


@, Please define exactly what you mean by 'limits'.

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Can I join with these OCs?


Shadow Star - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-star-r3239


Sanura - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sanura-r3501


Both are members of the Luna branch.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@, Please define exactly what you mean by 'limits'.


in short she's only slightly stronger than a avarage unicorn she can only teleport for 10 ft and max range if 16 ft she can conjure weak magic shields but she can only cast a shield big enough for one pony and it cant block things such as swords she is skilled with telekinesis that means a simply rock can be a weapon in her part but she can't live boulders with her magic all on her own and she usually forget to use her wings in some cases.


if you want something weaker i'l make her weaker.


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@@Pripyat Pony, Sounds good! Welcome aboard! :)


@,  Very well, you are in. Sorry, I was just making sure.



Alright. Since we've filled up the villain slots and have most of the Inquisition slots, I'm going to wait until either we fill the Inquisition slots or until tomorrow afternoon- whichever comes first. :D

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Pripyat Pony, Sounds good! Welcome aboard! :)


@,  Very well, you are in. Sorry, I was just making sure.



Alright. Since we've filled up the villain slots and have most of the Inquisition slots, I'm going to wait until either we fill the Inquisition slots or until tomorrow afternoon- whichever comes first. :D



also i'm hoping its not a advance roleplay


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@, It's not an advanced roleplay, don't worry. I would specifically say so in both the title and the OP.


hey i bet its fun to roleplay with new people ive seen some of you guys in other roleplays you people are amazing :D

  • Brohoof 3


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Ok, sorry, just a pet peeve speaking, but can we capitalize the first letters of the first words of our sentences and use appropriate punctuation? Run on sentences are the bane of my role playing existence. 

  • Brohoof 2

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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