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Both smiles on both faces faltered and faded away, as if the twins knew exactly what Mason was thinking, when in reality all they could sense was his murderous intent. "-I..." Taylor seemed, for once, at a loss for words. Renee picked up the slack. "Yeah," she said, with the air of one talking to someone very sick. "We'll be ready for the gym, too. You can come with us, if you want."

Edited by Bard

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Revvy looked up at the sound of Comet's voice and watched her walk away for a few seconds. He waited before he stood up and motioned for his two Pokemon to follow, walking in the same direction as Comet. No point in looking for another place when someone else already found it for you. He had to shove Skrelp forward to get it to start moving, and the three of them set off towards wherever Comet was going. 

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"Maybe," Mason mutters quietly.  He still had no intention of even going to the gym.  "I plan to find a hotel and rest first.  Sleeping out on the ground is killer.  You get strange dreams...  Sometimes even nightmares."  He smirks behind his scarf, for a moment afraid that he'd said too much...  But what did he have to be afraid of?  As far as he knew, these twins were just a pair of traveling trainers.  He supposed it was possible that he would have been dropped near others from the dream, but these two?  Mason wasn't all that concerned.


"We work better without an audience anyways.  Don't we, Gabriel?"  The Absol growls in response, which just causes Mason to laugh.  The gatehouse was close now - soon he would be able to slip away in the shadows of a crowd and start his all-too-important work.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cedric sighed in exasperation. He wasn't finding anything out of the ordinary. Give me a sign or something! Why couldn't she just tell me what to do? Had to give me the whole cryptic 'you'll know what you need to do' crap. Sorry... if you can hear me... Still not sure how this all works. Do you just want me to stay in Ilex or something?


Just as Cedric was wondering what to do he heard an explosion coming from Azalea Town. The explosion woke a few sleeping Pokemon who ran to hide behind Cedric. Whatever was going on out there couldn't be good.




Silas groaned and shook his head, clearing it of the last vestiges of sleep. "Silas. My name is Silas Webster. Thanks for looking after me. You said you found me in route seven? Is that near Lavender Town? I think was supposed to be heading there for something."


He decided it was probably best not to mention the dream he'd just had, or this guy might think he was crazy. Well, crazier than he already must have seemed having been found sleeping in the middle of the road.

"Well hello there Silas. You happen to be in Lavender town right now." Mr. Fuji said. "This is my house though I have converted it into both a shelter for abandoned Pokemon and the new grave site. We had to do something with all those graves once they built the Radio Tower." he explained. "Well I'm just glad to see your safe. Oh and I took care of your Pokemon for ya so there's no reason to go to a Pokemon Center." It was apparent that Fuji was very kindhearted.

Rin watched quietly as everything happened in front of her, seemingly unconcerned with the unfolding events. Why should she be - it was a dream after all, right? But, as others began moving towards pillars and slowly fading away, she started to develop the feeling of not wanting to be left out... Quickly running through the pillars, Rin stops abruptly and places her hand on the pillar of Deoxys. In all honesty she was picking at random, not wanting to be left out of whatever else was going to happen in this strange dream. So what better to do than pick a legendary that she recognized!? She sure wasn't going to go with Groudon or Kyogre - after the events between Team Magma and Team Aqua shook Hoenn, she wasn't all that eager to help either of them. "Deoxys, huh? Cool..."

"You are imperfect." a alien voice said. "But I can change that, human. The fact that you picked me shows you are ready. Now you must make the rest of the world ready." Deoxys said. "In order to do this I will give you the power to mutate anything you please. At first the changes will be merely cosmetic but soon you will be able to change anything and everything about a being. Furthermore you will be able to change form just as I can and will slowly become like me, down to your DNA." Rin starts to fade as Deoxys says this. "You will awaken near Azalea Town. It is there you will test your new abilities by killing anyone who opposes your goal. This will be your first step towards perfection, do not fail me." Rin then wakes up on Route 33 and can hear explosions coming from Azela Town. It seems Rin will have the perfect change to test out his new powers on whatever is going on.


Not too long after Serperior had left, she was back again, leaping down from a tree, she pointed her tail in a vague direction. Comet's expression had reverted back to her original jaded expression, almost mirroring that of Serperior's. Though Serperior also seemed prideful of how quickly it managed to figure out where they were. "Excellent job, Serperior. Now, let's make haste. I think you could use some training, so we should find someone to battle." Comet said, patting Serperior on the head, and beginning to walk the way she had pointed. Serperior passed a quick glare at Revvy and his Dragonair, before slithering on next to Comet.
Shortly after Comet walked off she found herself at the entrance of Goldenrod City. Normally it would be bustling but something didn't feel quite right. Upon further inspection she could see a crowd of people huddled around a TV shop obviously watching something on the display TVs.
"Well then, I suppose it was all real." Leon said to himself as he woke up in a Saffron City alleyway with his Porygon2. He felt around his belt and grabbed his other Pokeball containing Metang. "So I have both of my Pokemon." Leon said. As he looked around he saw a couple of boxes and decided to try and levitate them with his new powers. Sure enough the boxes were soon floating in the air. "Heh, cool." Leon said once again thinking out loud. "Mewtwo said to go to Silph Co right? Well I suppose there's no time to waste." he thought to himself. "Alright Porygon, we're going to pay the Silph Co. building a little visit." he said motioning for his Pokemon to follow.
As he walked out of the alleyway he passed by a boy wearing a scarf and dark clothes though he thought nothing of it, he sensed something odd about the boy. Still he shrugged it off in favor of continuing his mission. @
Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Just as Cedric was wondering what to do he heard an explosion coming from Azalea Town. The explosion woke a few sleeping Pokemon who ran to hide behind Cedric. Whatever was going on out there couldn't be good.


Cedric jumped and flung his arms into the air at the sound. "What the hell!?" Cedric took off immediately towards the town, Whimsicott and Leafeon following close behind. Thankfully he had only been around the corner of the entrance to the forest, so he made his way quickly through the pavilion and surveyed the town to see the problem.  

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"Wow! Goldenrod City!" Comet exclaimed, patting Serperiors head again. "This place is famous for not only it's many shops, radio tower, and other amenities, but a fantastically difficult gym as well! I believe we should try to challenge it, no?" Comet blatantly didn't expect an answer from the snake, though both seemed equally excited. Hopefully, only two pokemon were needed to challenge it. "Let's go then, shall we?" Serperior nodded, about to follow Comet, before noticing a certain trainer again. She pinned her ear-leaves back and hissed at the trainer yet again, before catching up with Comet.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Ah!"  Rin woke up to the sounds of explosions, glancing around wildly.  Where was this - it hadn't been where she went to sleep!  Wait, did this mean that the dream was real!?  "Oh...  Oh no...  Wait, what did I get myself into!?"  She would have been paying more attention to what Arceus had said if she'd known it was actually going to affect her!


Trying to calm down, Rin pinches herself to check that she's awake.  "Ow!  Okay, yeah, I'm awake...  And I guess this means I'm a follower of Deoxys now...  Think, what did he say...  Something about cosmetic mutations, right?"  She would go look into the explosions soon - first she had to see if the pokemon had been telling the truth about the powers.


Reaching for one of her pokeballs, she sends out the pokemon inside.  She smiles in relief to see the little silver Eevee, just the presence of the pokemon calming her nerves.  "C'mere Eve, I need to see something."  When the Eevee climbs into her lap Rin rubs one of her thumbs around the pokemon's eye.  Maybe it was the fact that Eevee already had an unstable genetic makeup, but she found it surprisingly easy how quickly the power became evident.


The fur around Eevee's eyes was now red, just like the eyeshadow around her trainer's eyes.  A cosmetic change, just like Deoxys had said, but enough to confirm what had happened in her dream...  Hugging the little Eevee, she stands up and decides against putting her back in her pokeball for now.  "Okay, what else did Deoxys say...  I can change formes now?  And...  Wait, did he say I'm going to become a Deoxys myself!?  I don't want to become a Deoxys!"


She was about to freak out again, but the presence of Eevee in her arms helped keep her calm.  Wait...  Deoxys said he was going to make me perfect, right?  Well, if I'm perfect, then I should be able to pick how I want to look.  If I can't change my own appearance that would technically mean there was an imperfection, right?  It made sense to her, anyways.


The sound of another explosion brought her back to reality, and reminded her of the last thing she remembered Deoxys say.  Kill anyone who opposes my goal...  Kill!?  Seriously!?  Swallowing the lump forming in her throat, Rin hugs her Eevee and turns to run into Azalea Town.  She would cross that bridge when she came to it...  For now she needed to see where the explosions were coming from.


Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Ampharos, @,  

Upon inspection of the town both Cedric and Rin could see people running from a man firing pulses from his hands. It seemed each pulse was different. Sometimes the man would be shooting fire, other times water and sometimes he would even be freezing things solid or blasting them with electricity. He seemed to be accompanied by two Pokemon, a Scizor and a Magneton both of whom were helping to cause chaos. "That's right, run! Genesect won't need any of you in the world he's building." It was apparent that this man, whoever he was, followed Genesect and must have been doing so for sometime as his Pokemon and abilities were stronger than usual.






"Wow! Goldenrod City!" Comet exclaimed, patting Serperiors head again. "This place is famous for not only it's many shops, radio tower, and other amenities, but a fantastically difficult gym as well! I believe we should try to challenge it, no?" Comet blatantly didn't expect an answer from the snake, though both seemed equally excited. Hopefully, only two pokemon were needed to challenge it. "Let's go then, shall we?" Serperior nodded, about to follow Comet, before noticing a certain trainer again. She pinned her ear-leaves back and hissed at the trainer yet again, before catching up with Comet.

When Comet reached the gym she was stopped by one of it's Beauties. "Stop! Whitney isn't taking challengers right now. Haven't you heard what's going on in Azela Town?" she said pointing to the crowd of people watching the display TVs. "If you want to challenge the gym then you'll have to wait."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Revvy return a scowl at the snake Pokemon and grins as it slithers away. He looked at the huge crowd of people and came up with an idea. He found a random bystander that was sort of on the outside of the crowd and grabbed him, took him into the alleyway and shoved him against the wall. "Sorry bud. Just wanna figure this out fast, and I need to practice." The short man fumbled over his words for a  couple of seconds before Revvy put his hand over the man's head. He concentrated hard, trying to get the information he needed. Suddenly, he had a few quick flashes. He saw a man shooting fire, the same man electrocuting someone, and finally just a single word, a name, being shouted, sounding like it had been in the middle of a sentence. It had all been pictured on a television screen that had gone static after a short while. Ooh first sound... that felt weird. But this guy looks nuts! And all in the name of Genesect. Didn't think that thing was that bad... Revvy let go of the guy and patted him on the shoulder before the man ran off, speechless. I think Comet should hear about this. Even if she doesn't want me around. Revvy took off for the gym, hearing her say something about going there.





Cedric's mouth fell agape as he watched the man destroy his hometown. He was filled with anger, so much anger, but he knew he couldn't do anything. This man was simply too powerful. Even if Whimsicott and Leafeon helped, there was no hope. The hell am I supposed to do!? I can try and protect the Ilex all I want, but I can't stop this guy!

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"What the!?"  Rin froze at the sight, processing what was happening.  It was obvious that this Genesect follower wasn't friendly...  And if something wasn't done, he was going to hurt a lot of innocent people.  Deoxys' words echoed in her mind again.  Kill anyone who opposes your goal.  She was pretty sure that being dead would be counteractive to her goal...  Not to mention letting anyone else die!  What was the point in being perfect if she was going to be by herself in the world!?  I guess this is the test he mentioned...


"Hey!"  She shouts at the man, running forward foolishly.  He was obviously powerful and used to his powers, something that Rin was not...  But someone had to stand up to him!  "Leave those people alone!"  Her Eevee jumped out of her hands, glaring at the trainer's pokemon.  Deciding to do anything she could to even the score she grabbed her second pokeball and threw it out.  "Ditto!"


As Ditto landed in front of the trainer's Scizor, the little pink blob immediately transformed into an exact copy of the stronger pokemon.  At least that might help a little bit...  But there wasn't going to be much she could do like this.  I'm supposed to be able to change formes, right?  I guess it's now or never...


Rin starts to focus, and there on the spot her body starts to become...  More angular.  Streamlined, almost, as though completely built for speed.  She really didn't want to let the stronger man hit her, so hopefully if she was fast enough she could avoid his attacks...  Though, there was a decent chance she was about to get herself killed by going off against this guy alone.  Without waiting for the other man to respond Rin takes off towards him, hoping to land a cheap shot.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Azalea Town?" Comet asked. If she remembered correctly, that was a small town where many a Slowpoke lived. "No, I haven't heard." Comet then turned her attention to the television, which clearly displayed the unfolding events. Now, the negative of following Reshiram as opposed to anyone else was that Reshiram's powers? They couldn't do anything in a situation like what was unfolding in Azalea Town. Not that she could get there anyway, but the point still remained. That was partly the reason Comet had decided the path of truth was the right one. A distinct lack of powers also meant a distinct lack of responsibility as well.


As Comet watched the events unfold, questions begun popping up in her head. Who was this person? Why was he doing this? Was there any way she could stop him? This would be a great time to ask Reshiram if there was something she could do. Didn't Reshiram say if she ever wanted to contact her, just think about it or something? Alright... Comet thought, rubbing her face. Well, Reshiram, if you're listening, I would certainly like some guidance. Is there any way I could help in this sort of situation? I'd love to know why he's doing this, and, if anything, just to help out...



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Maybe," Mason mutters quietly.  He still had no intention of even going to the gym.  "I plan to find a hotel and rest first.  Sleeping out on the ground is killer.  You get strange dreams...  Sometimes even nightmares."  He smirks behind his scarf, for a moment afraid that he'd said too much...  But what did he have to be afraid of?  As far as he knew, these twins were just a pair of traveling trainers.  He supposed it was possible that he would have been dropped near others from the dream, but these two?  Mason wasn't all that concerned.


"We work better without an audience anyways.  Don't we, Gabriel?"  The Absol growls in response, which just causes Mason to laugh.  The gatehouse was close now - soon he would be able to slip away in the shadows of a crowd and start his all-too-important work.

The Twins, looking increasingly uncomfortable, took to murmuring to each other in Kalosan for a moment. While they could sense each other's feelings acutely, they had not quite established mind-reading yet.


"J'ai vraiment, vraiment pas confiance à ce gars." "Vous pouvez disparaître, non?" "Droite." "Eh bien, suivez-le. Assurez-vous qu'il ne fait rien pour blesser les gens d'ici. Je verrai à aider les gens s'entendent." "Mais nous devons rester ensemble! Nos maîtres dit-" "Croyez-moi, d'accord?"
"Well, we won't get in your hair, then, buddy," Taylor said. He smiled half-heartedly at the shrouded trainer. "Maybe we'll bump into each other again sometime." 


They approached the gate.

((Apologize my Google French))



I really, really don't trust this guy. 
You can disappear, right?
Well, follow him. Make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt the people here. I'll see about helping the people get along.
But we should stick together!
Trust me, okay?



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Smirking behind his scarf as they enter the city, Mason mutters under his breath "Only if you're unlucky..." likely too quietly for the twins to hear.  Not wasting any time in trying to get away from the pesky pair, the disciple of Darkrai quickly tries to lose himself among the crowds.  Shortly after passing a trainer with a Porygon following him, Mason glances around before slipping into a dark alley.  The alley happened to be right next to the Silph Company, though he wasn't aware of that.  He just saw that it was covered in shadows and that he had managed to slip in (as far as he knew) undetected.


Reaching into his pocket, Mason pulls out a Dusk Ball and releases Froslass back out of it.  It was time to start testing his new abilities - but he needed subjects to experiment on first.  "Banshee, find me a dreamer...  It's time to see how strong these nightmares can be."   "Frosss."  The ghost pokemon would turn almost translucent before phasing through a nearby wall, searching for someone sleeping.


While waiting for his other pokemon to return, Mason pulled out a pokeball and sent his Absol inside.  The pokemon wouldn't be able to physically follow what he had in mind.  After a couple minutes the Froslass returned, quietly motioning for him to follow her.  Pressing himself against one of the walls of the alley, Mason focuses...  Before seemingly sinking into the wall as a shadow, similar to how he had against the tree when he had woken up.


As a shadow on the wall, he follows the nearly invisible ghost type around to where he can enter the nearby building.  The most telling sign of their passage was the brief chilling wind near where his Froslass passed, but they soon made it to the target she had picked out for him.  He seemed to be some kind of janitor or maintenance worker for the Silph Company.  By the way he was sleeping, likely one that normally worked the night shift.  Slowly leaning out of the wall and taking on his natural form, Mason would stare intently at the sleeping man as his eyes start to turn black.  "Lets see what horrors lurk in the back of your mind, old man..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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When Rin rushed at the man hoping to surprise him, his Scizor jumped in front of Rin and used Iron Defense, blocking the attack. "Ah, trying to play hero eh?" the man said while looking over Rin. "I take it your a follower of Deoxys? Heh, I haven't killed one of those guys in a while. This should be fun." Just then he fires a thunderbolt at Rin.



Comet's plea did not fall on deaf ears as Reshiram soon answered. "Calm yourself Comet. The man attacking Azalea Town is a follower a Genesect. As such he is tasked with destroying anything he can find in order to make way for Genesect's conquest." Reshiram explains. "I sense that there is already a follower of Celebi and a follower of Deoxys combating him. If you decide to help, be wary as this man has followed Genesect for quite a while."



When Leon entered the Silph Co. building he was greeted by the receptionist. "Hello sir do you have an appointment today?" Leon, not quiet sure what to do, fired a weak telekinetic blast at the woman, knocking her out but not harming her. "Oh my...erm sorry about that." Leon said. He didn't really want to hurt anyone but he also wanted to obey Mewtwo. The attack on the receptionist attracted the attention of two guards who ran towards Leon. "Hey what do you think your-OOF" the guard was cut short as Leon instinctively pushes both of them away with his powers. "I really have to learn how to control this." he said as he took the elevator up to the top floor.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"AHHHH!"  Falling backwards with smoke rising off of her from the thunderbolt, Rin winces as she brings a hand up to rub the back of it against her face.  That had hurt, a lot, and accomplished nothing for her.  This was a really, really bad idea...  


Suddenly her pokemon came between them.  Ditto, still transformed into Scizor, rushed at the pokemon it had transformed into to lock claws with the bug type.  Eevee on the other hand started kicking up a cloud of dust, hoping to use Sand Attack to try and save her trainer.  Using the cloud of sand Rin tries to change again, briefly changing back into how she normally looks before her body started to become edged, sharper almost, as though designed for vicious attacks.


Groaning as she gets back to her feet, Rin glares at the man through the settling dust.  She wasn't sure if she could stand another direct hit like that, and she had absolutely no plan on how she was going to get out of this alive...  It was too late for her to run away now though!  If something doesn't happen to change the way this is going, this is going to have to count as the shortest time following a legendary ever...  Not exactly the record I was wanting to hold...


"Eve, Swift!  Ditto, Bullet Punch!"  She didn't expect her pokemon's attacks to have much affect, but she hoped they would at least serve as a distraction.  As the pokemon attempted to follow out her commands Rin foolishly bravely charges again, hoping to get close enough to land a punch this time.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Sekel wandered around the Alph Ruins, trying to figure out what he wss doing there. He called Gourgeist and Haunter. "Okay. Do you guys have any idea what I'm meant to do?"

"Gour. Gourgeist." Gourgeist anxiously said. Sekel blinked for a couple of minutes, not fully believing what he just heard.


"Did you say Azalea Town has just had an explosion?" He crouched in order to hear his pokemon better.

"Haunt." Haunter nodded in reply. Sekel got a grim look on his face and called them both back. According to what Giratina said, if he concentrated and walked through a doorway, then he can get to the Distortion World. But what he knew of the Johto region, he knew that there was an entrance to the Alph Ruins just outside Azalea. Dashing towards where he thought the entrance was, he passed a doorway and managed to find himself in the Distortion World. Surprised at the transition, he barely stopped himseof from toppling over the edge and into the infinite void spread out below.


"What gives!? How am I in the Distortion World if I didn't want to be here in the first place!? I was going to go help the people in Azalea Town, which just happened to be right outside one of the entrances to Alph Ruins." He called his pokemon back out and let them see the weird world that laid out before them while not letting them stray too far from him.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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Silas nodded. "Well, thanks for everything, friend. Hopefully I'll be able to pay you back someday. For now though, I need to get going. I have some very important business that I need to take care of here, and I don't really know how much time I have to do it, so it's best I hurry."


With that, he got up and headed towards the door. "Thanks again. May you live a long and happy life."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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...Understood. Thank you. Comet thought in response. Since Reshiram had given her the answers to what she wanted to know, Comet's wish to figure out what was happening was no longer so evident. "Well, I think I'm going to train or look for wild pokemon or something then." She said, heading to route 35.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cedric watched as another girl tried attacking the vicious man. Finally, Cedric started reacting to the situation and charged at the man as well. He started making the grass grow large and thick, and attempted to wrap the man with them. With the man's fire powers and all, he didn't expect it to last. Just enough to do something. Whimsicott jumped in and used stun spore on the Scizor, while Leafeon used Grasswhistle on the Magnezone.

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@, @@Ampharos, @


Sekel was waiting for an answer from Giratina but realised that when none came, he woukd have to find his own way. He gestured for Haunter and Gourgeist fo follow him so that they won't get lost. He jumped from floating island to floating island and found himself in front of a mirror. Looking into it, he saw what looked to be like three disciples. Each one following a different legendary. Instintively, Sekel held onto both pokemon tightly and jumped through. Surprisingly, he didn't hear any glass shattering when he jumped through to the other side. Sekel looked back and saw a window ripple until it stood still once more. "Gourgeist, Shadow Ball. Haunter, Shadow Punch." Both did as told and used their moves against what looked to be the Genesect follower.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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As they'd planned, Renee and Taylor split up upon entering the City. Renee slipped into the shadows, disappearing, following the shady dude. Nervous as he was, Taylor knew that he'd have to do his part of the job, too. He wandered towards the Bullet Train, wondering whether Latios and Latias would approve of this, or whether they weren't just being silly in tailing this guy. Then something rang in his head, like an alarm, from Renee. Taylor twirled on his heel and made for Silph. 



Renee had followed Mason, invisible, with some difficulty through the crowded streets of Saffron City. That is, until Mason had seemingly disappeared too. She couldn't figure out where he was, but still able to sense his dark thoughts, she followed in his general direction until figuring out that he must have gone to Silph Co., sensing a great deal of distress in the building. Walking inside, she witnessed an unusual trainer throwing some guards out of the way, without any visible means of doing so. It looked like some sort of telekinesis was going on, but Renee couldn't see a single psychic-type pokemon. Still invisible, she witnessed him  step into the elevator, but could still sense that her original quarry was still in the building somewhere, around her floor.


As Taylor was quickly making his way towards Silph, he managed to get the general idea of "up" from his sister. Taking the hint, he dove into a back alley behind Silph. Co. 


"Togetic," Taylor said. "We need to get up to the roof. I need you to pretend like you're carrying me up." Togetic chirped cheerfully, and together they ascended. Landing on the roof, Taylor immediately felt the presence of an extremely powerful... something, coming up the elevator shaft. That must have been what Renee meant. He dashed down a flight of stairs, and ended up waiting right in front of the elevator, Togetic right behind him. 


Renee searched room by room, unable to precisely locate where the shadow-minded Mason was. Silph was pretty much one giant maze.

Edited by Bard

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The first sign of Mason's powers taking effect was when the older man started to thrash in his sleep.  The screams started coming afterwards as he found himself trapped in a nightmare he couldn't awaken from.  "Interesting...  But I can't be far away, and it only works on a sleeper...  I need more power.  That's the only answer.  Darkrai, are you listening?  What would you have me do with this?"


The fact that the old man's screams might be drawing attention didn't occur to Mason at the moment - it was his first time using this ability, and he was far too invested in researching how it worked.  It seems the old man has a deep fear of drowning.  It's too bad I don't plan to see him again, that could be useful information otherwise...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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The tall fellow rubbed his eyes, looking around. This was easily the strangest dream he'd ever had, with Arceus speaking to him and silhouettes approaching the pillars. He approached one himself, as if lured to it. The pokemon etched onto it had a V-shaped crest on its head. He wasn't entirely sure why this pillar drew him so, but he knew it was the one he was meant to touch. Gently, he pressed his palm to the statue. 






The first sign of Mason's powers taking effect was when the older man started to thrash in his sleep.  The screams started coming afterwards as he found himself trapped in a nightmare he couldn't awaken from.  "Interesting...  But I can't be far away, and it only works on a sleeper...  I need more power.  That's the only answer.  Darkrai, are you listening?  What would you have me do with this?"


The fact that the old man's screams might be drawing attention didn't occur to Mason at the moment - it was his first time using this ability, and he was far too invested in researching how it worked.  It seems the old man has a deep fear of drowning.  It's too bad I don't plan to see him again, that could be useful information otherwise...

Renee heard a cry, and thrashing, coming from a room on the hall she was on. She sprinted down to it, and peered invisibly through the open door. That Mason bloke was watching a janitor thrash about, like a horrible nightmare. Memories of countless documentaries watched dully in the wee hours of the morning were roused, and she found herself remembering the legends surrounding an old hotel in Canalave City... She turned visible, and knocked on the door. "Uh, what are you doing?" Renee asked wryly, and probably unwisely.

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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"Eve, Swift!  Ditto, Bullet Punch!"  She didn't expect her pokemon's attacks to have much affect, but she hoped they would at least serve as a distraction.  As the pokemon attempted to follow out her commands Rin foolishly bravely charges again, hoping to get close enough to land a punch this time.

Cedric watched as another girl tried attacking the vicious man. Finally, Cedric started reacting to the situation and charged at the man as well. He started making the grass grow large and thick, and attempted to wrap the man with them. With the man's fire powers and all, he didn't expect it to last. Just enough to do something. Whimsicott jumped in and used stun spore on the Scizor, while Leafeon used Grasswhistle on the Magnezone.



Sekel looked back and saw a window ripple until it stood still once more. "Gourgeist, Shadow Ball. Haunter, Shadow Punch." Both did as told and used their moves against what looked to be the Genesect follower.

Cedric's assumption was right as the man burnt the grass trap as quickly as it had warped around him. "Heh-heh, you really think simple grass can-AHHG." While the Genesect follower was trying to quip at Cedric, Rin was able to land a hit. "Lucky shot." he said before blasting the two with ice. Meanwhile Scizor had protected his master from Sekel's attacks but not before getting hit with Whimsicott's Stun Spore. Magneton avoided the GrassWhistle from Leafeon and retaliated with a Tri Attack.



As Comet entered Route 35 she could see some Pidgey perched on a tree along with a single Pigdeotto. There was also an Abra asleep next to some bushes and a couple Nidoran♂ roughhousing. Farther down the route were a couple trainers going about their usual business and a young man who for some reason was asleep in the middle of the route.


The tall fellow rubbed his eyes, looking around. This was easily the strangest dream he'd ever had, with Arceus speaking to him and silhouettes approaching the pillars. He approached one himself, as if lured to it. The pokemon etched onto it had a V-shaped crest on its head. He wasn't entirely sure why this pillar drew him so, but he knew it was the one he was meant to touch. Gently, he pressed his palm to the statue. 

"HEY!" Victini yelled out as soon as Jared touched the statue. "Finally someone smart enough to pick me!" the small Pokemon said energetically. "So since you picked me there are a few things you gotta know." he started. "First off you must succeed at every, and I do mean every, challenge presented to you. I'm all about winning and you gotta be awesome enough to do the same." Victini said. Despite being a legendary Pokemon, Victini was quiet childlike and energetic. "There are of course perks to winning all the time. For example you can manifest your victories into anyone or anything you want. Also you have increased luck which helps you win. The more you win the higher you luck gets which means you have an even higher chance of winning your next challenge!" the fire type said very excited. "Finally you can burn of your victories and get a HUGE burst of energy, making you so hot it's like your on fire though it won't hurt you" Following suit, Jared started to fade like the others. "Leaving already? Then I should make this quick." Victini then started speaking much faster. "Just make sure you don't lose any challenges or deny any of them. You can't get better unless you win right? Anyway you should be awaking up along Route 35 in Johto. You can do whatever you want but I would suggest finding a challenge and winning." With that Jared found himself on Route 35 just like Victini said.



A chill went down Cain's spin after he touched the pillar. "I sense much darkness in your heart. You will make a fine follower of death." Yveltal said in a deep and evil voice. "By choosing me you have decided to become the reaper, making sure death comes when it is suppose to. As such you will have the power to sap away one's lifespan and use it for your own purposes." he explained. "Not only that but you can transfer your consciousnesses into another being, killing it in the process though this can not be done on other disciples." Just like everyone else Cain starts to fade. "Finally you may assume my form. It will be smaller and weaker but your powers will be amplified and everything you touch will decay. Now then, your first mission will be in Lavender Town. A man named Fugi is taking in injured Pokemon and healing them thus preventing their natural deaths. When you awaken you must find this man and kill him." Once Yveltal finished Cain woke up behind the Radio Tower in Lavender. @@Alex Kennedy,




"Togetic," Taylor said. "We need to get up to the roof. I need you to pretend like you're carrying me up." Togetic chirped cheerfully, and together they ascended. Landing on the roof, Taylor immediately felt the presence of an extremely powerful... something, coming up the elevator shaft. That must have been what Renee meant. He dashed down a flight of stairs, and ended up waiting right in front of the elevator, Togetic right behind him. 

When the elevator door opened Leon saw Taylor waiting for him there making him jump a little. "Er...Hello there." he said nervously. "If you'll excuse me I have some...business to attend to." Leon pushed Taylor aside as he walked by, his Porygon2 following. Leon sensed something odd about the boy. He knew he was a follower of one of the other gods though couldn't decide which one.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Comet walked quite quickly along the route, ignoring mostly everything happening on the route. Nothing about it really interested her, and she was a bit busy thinking about things. Due to her energetic walk, Serperior struggled to keep up with her. Comet appeared to be fuming. Though, she wasn't as angry as she looked, something was bothering her. Now that she thought about it, what were most of the other disciplines powers? Bending fire, wind, water, controlling time, and much much more. Though, Comet couldn't do anything. But, she supposed it didn't matter. Such things didn't actually matter to her... But, what if she got in a fight or something? By the time Comet had cleared her mind of such worthless thoughts, she had already reached the National Park. 


"Well... I guess we might as well go to Ecruteak then... Hmmm..." Comet said to the snake, stretching. However, when she looked down to where Serperior should be, she was not there! The serpent had wandered towards the sleeping man and was prodding him with her tail. "Serperior!" Comet yelled at the inattentive pokemon, not particularly caring if anyone heard her. "Leave him alone! You'll get your tail dirty or something..."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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