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Arylett Charnoa

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"An interesting thought... but that would imply that we're here permanently. We're not. We're here to get that Discord monster to take us back somehow. There's no time for... settling down." She sounded a bit more brisk and dismissive than usual. This day had exhausted her quite a bit, and left her irritable. But most of all, the thought of staying permanently and anything to imply it made her very uneasy. It was a notion she wanted to reject entirely. "So we've got to find everyone else, tell them about this party thing, and somehow get them the proper outfits for it. That's our plan for now."


Serah nodded her head; at least she wasn't the only one with her priorities in order.


"Though the jury is still out on whether it's worth trying to go back to Earth for me. But 'settling' in a single area isn't something I'm interested in regardless."


Sport nodded in understanding, "Right... well I'm just saying... always be prepared for anything... even if it's something you won't like..."


He looked down, he did this whenever he was in thought, not that he would've remembered that, but the habit still lingered. He was surprised when she didn't mention Serahs dress, but didn't press the matter, she seemed a little irritated at the moment. Sport walked alongside Artsy, an awkward silence ensued for a few minutes until he decided to ask, "So... what's this creature like? The one that brought us here."


The question snapped Serah out of her thoughts.


"F*cker of minds and eater of what's left wasn't a good enough description for you?" Serah snorted. She'd leave it to Artsy to explain specifics.


"At least he's showing interest in Discord, now."

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A young russet colored unicorn stirs in the damp, cool grass, laying in an awkward position, as if he has just been tossed there. His eyelids flutter as he begins to stir. Slowly his head begins to clear.

"w-was I sleeping? I don't... I don't remember sleeping"

His eyes open slowly, the bright light of a pastel world greeting them. "grass? nrhgghh... Am I outside?" He mutters softly under his breath. He tries to stretch. the way his muscles react feels natural, but something is off. Fingers? yes, that's it, his fingers wont move.


He reaches up to try and rub his eyes, but only succeeds in bumping himself in the face with something hard. His eyes open and an orange tinted hoof greets his gaze. "A hoof!? wha... " He tries to wiggle his hand, instead the hoof before him bobs up and down. The unicorn just stares in disbelief, his mind blank, refusing to accept this new information.


After a minute he tries to stand. It's tough, and his muscles don't want to cooperate, everything feels wrong, yet, strangely natural. Finally one single thought roars in his mind "I'm... a horse?!" A wave of panic shoots through him, his knees, all of them, feel weak at the thought. How could he be a horse? He wasn't a horse before, but at the same time, he couldn't really remember what happened before. None of this made any sense. Panic was rising when suddenly a thought popped into his head like a light bulb.


"Aaaahh! boo! words!,... VOCABULARY!" He yelled, testing his new mouth, making sure it could still form words. Satisfied with this display of articulation he begins to look around. The field he is in is damp, and cold. the weather seems uncertain, but for the moment calm. Behind him a forest seems to stretch off into the distance, ahead lies open plains. All around him is nature, but it seems devoid of any sort of non plant life. The area is verdant and colorful, but the silence makes him feel uneasy.


"H-hello!? C-can...can anyone hear me!? I uhm... I don't know what is going on! Anybody?" He starts to shout, taking uneasy steps, barely keeping up on his hooves.

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Crystal quietly trotted past the shop windows, giving each one a quick glance before movig on the the next one. From the looks of each one, everypony inside was already content with their work, and in no need of any more help. Nor were there any "Help Wanted" signs anywhere. He sighed gloomily to Electrobolt behind him. "Thought so...but oh well." Maybe I'm doing this wrong-perhaps they just don't advertise that sort of thing. I might have to ask inside. And that's what he did-he began wandering into the shops, and politely asking the personel inside if they had any available work. And he was turned away each time. Jeez, there must be a recession here or something...oh wait. There is, he thought, seeing a few homeless ponies crying in a street corner. For a second he was tempted to join them in their misery, but the hunt for bits kept him moving.


"Section near the inn's out," he called back to Electrobolt. "Let's try...Sugarcube Corner?" Without waiting for a response, he began trotting in what he thought was that direction, trying his best not to get lost. The thatched cottage-houses on either side of him eventually gave way to colorful candy shops and bakeries. He gave a small smile. If there ain't anything here, there probably never will be. Apprehensievly, he approached the first of the shops...


...and 46 shops later, he left, shaking his head in annoyance. Nope, nothing. He dimly recalled what one of the last shopkeepers had said. In this economy, you'd be lucky to find a bit on the ground, let alone a paying job. He looked back to Electrobolt. "Well? I'm out of ideas."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Electrobolt continued to follow Crystal as they tried to find a job around Ponyville to earn some money to at least afford what they might need while they were still in this land. However, after finding no open jobs at any of the shops, he let out a sigh of defeat. "No, I can't think of anything either," he replied back, still trying to think of some way they could possibly earn some money, bits as they had called it. But nothing popped to mind.

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The young unicorn takes a few more uneasy steps away from the woods. His shouts fading off into the distance."Nobody seems to be around.... okay, so...I need to think... think what happened" He squints his eyes shut, reaching to rub his face, but once more bonking himself with his hoof "OW! gah..." He glares at his hoof, and pounces on it. He just barely avoids faceplanting in the dirt as he tugs and kicks at his hoof, he even bites at it, trying to pull it off in one last wild attempt at establishing reality.


The slight pain and tugging of his muscles sink in, this is certainly a part of him, there's no question about it anymore. Panic sets in again as he rises to all four 'feet', feeling increasingly alone and spooked the panic stricken unicorn starts to hyperventilate, his thoughts as erratic as his breathing"h-how can this be? where's my home? where's my body?, where the heck is my world!"


His legs Tremble as he begins to feel faint, his uncontrolled breaths only aiding in making his limbs feel weak. "no...gotta...c-calm..ack...m-my head!" He brings a hoof to his forehead, deftly remembering not to punch himself as a strange new feeling begins to focus in the middle of his skull. Not a headache, but an intense pressure that brings him to the ground again.


His eyes begin to water as the pressure intensifies, just as it seems he can no longer take it a bright light erupts around him. His vision instantly blocked by a wall of serene coppery gold. Coming towards him from the light he see's an astral bird. it is small, and made of light. In it's mouth is an object, small and plant like, a branch? The bird hovers above him, before dropping the small branch at his feet. The moment the branch touches his hoof his body is overcome with a new intense sensation. It is as if warm bath water has suddenly washed through his entire body, and soothed every muscle. His breathing calms to normal, and his thoughts soften, no longer so jagged with panic.


As soon as it all began, the light is just as swiftly gone, leaving the young unicorn in it's place, laying there, with a peaceful look on his face, like he's just enjoyed the most relaxing vacation ever.

"wh-wh....wooooow...that was..." he swallows and takes a deep breath, despite the situation still being as odd and out of control as ever, for some reason he feels as if his nerves have steeled against panic and confusion. In an instant he is up again, once more surveying the landscape


"if I was civilization...where would I be?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Crystal sighed dejectedly. "Well, we can either head on home, or we can try...". He was about to say "A bit further north", but as soon as he opened his mouth to deliver the rest of his words, he was interrupted by a cough behind him.


A gruff-looking pony sidled up to the group, his gray mustache matching his mane. "Hello there, young colts," he greeted the group. "I've been seeing you youngin's spending hours now wandering around this place looking for work."


Crystal's heart leapt. "Yes! I-um, I mean, we....do you...?" he stammered hesitantly.


The pony shook his head. "Now hold on there. I don't have any work for any colts like you," he drawled, casuing Crystal's heart ot sink. "But....I can offer you some advice." The pony swept his hoof across the horizon. "Ponyville's in a bit of trouble, see. We're starving enough as it is for everypony as it is without newcomers showin' up here too. Food is short, demand is up. Our bits can't keep up with what we need ta survive. No sir, you won't find any work in a place like this."


Crystal sighed. "I understand. But then...?"


The pony nodded. "There ain't a glimmer of gold to be found here. But...ya see over there, by the mountaintops?" He nodded in the direction he was pointing. "That there's the city of Canterlot. It's where all the rich ponies live. It's been said that there's enough money there to feed this town a hundred times over for a hundred years. Ponies there are rolling in cash-if you're going to find work, it's going to be there. Ah'd go myself, but...I'm too old to make the trip. Especially with carriages so expensive nowadays." Muttering to himself, he apparently decided that the conversation was over and wandered off.


Crystal blinked rather confusedly after him, then turned his attention towards the distant city of Canterlot, barely more than a speck on the horizon.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Canterlot, huh...?" he whispered to himself, as he looked at the same city that Crystal was looking at. Seeing how far off it was, he said, "Looks like it's quite a good distance off... But it currently seems like the only other option we have of finding a job right now..." Looking at his hooves, he thought, *Walking there is definitely out of the option, though...*

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Cole peered at the city in the distance. "It's- it's huge." he managed to stammer out. "The largest city on Earth's probably the size of a tarantula compared to that." Electro's got a point, though. he thought to himself. That's a long way to walk, and I doubt we could make it far. Besides, we have to stay with everyone else.


He sighed in frustration. "There's gotta be a way to find some local work here. Discord can't have hindered businesses here this mu-" Cole suddenly stopped himself. "What am I saying, of course he did." he muttered. "He's planned out everything so far. Not that crazy to assume he'd hit this place where it hurts."



- Fifield, Prometheus

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After what seemed to be several hours, but was more than likely no more than one, the russet unicorn catches a glimpse of a chimney, puffing smoke into the air. Within an instant he breaks into a trot, quickly followed by a full blown gallop. a bystander would never know that he had just barely been able to stay up only moments ago

"HELLO!?, ANYONE THERE!? huff-haa..."

He stumbles, his legs splaying out to catch him. He tries to catch his breath as he looks around. It seems he has come across a smallish, but rather colorful hamlet. He licks the roof of his mouth before trudging on."I hope they have water, i'm so freaken thirsty."

"Please! I...I'm lost, and thirsty. I just... I just need a little help!"


As he makes his way nearer to the town he begins to see motion. It looks as though there are some other beings living here. He resists the urge to gallop again, trying to save his energy until he can get a drink of water.

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Crystal scowled at Cole's protests. "Didn't you hear him? There are homeless ponies starving on the streets here. We won't find a lick of work in this town. Our only bet is to get up there. Or spend another few fruitless hours searching. If that's what you wanna do, that's fine, but I have better things to do than try to find work when there isn't going to be any." He frowned slightly as he glanced up at the imposing city on the horizon. "I managed to fly up there once before, but I dunno about you guys. Walking there are the way seems like it would be rather...tiring."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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The pony stirred from his slumber, blinking open his weary eyes. Giving a big yawn, he shifted himself slightly and rested his head on his dark blue legs with their black hooves, closing his eyes from the green grass to go back to sleep.

Several seconds pass as he tried to resume his peaceful sleep.


"Wait, WHAT? Hooves? Grass?" He thought as his eyes shot open, in surprise and shock.


He crawled around in a tight circle. He saw a bright green grass, himself in a clearing with trees behind him and rolling hills in front.

He looked down at where his hands were supposed to be, and jumped into the air in surprise when he saw that he had no hands, only two dark blue legs with hooves on the ends of them.

He looked under his belly, and sure enough another two dark blue legs with hooves were there in place of his human limbs.


"Okay, don't freak out, don't freak out, it's just a dream, don't freak out, don't freak out!" He repeated to himself to make sure he wasn't going insane.


That's when he realized he was ten feet above the ground, hovering.

His mouth dropped open slightly in astonishment, and as he looked to each of sides, he saw two wings, each the same color of his dark-blue legs, flapping to keep him mid-air.


"Aaaaaaaaa" he quietly exclaimed, his eyes growing wide.

Gaze flickering to the ground, his wings and then his legs over several times, his eyes widened even more and he opened his mouth wide as a stunning realization dawned upon him.




The scream echoed around the landscape for what seemed like ages, before his lungs finally gave out and he dropped back to earth, giving into unconsciousness as he landed in a thick group of bushes.

Edited by Cain

RP Character: Cain

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Cole rolled his eyes. "I know there's homeless people here, I'm just saying that-" he countered, before giving up on the argument and looking back up at Canterlot.


"Ok, so we have to get up there. The unicorns and earth ponies probably use hot air balloons since they don't have wings. The question is, where do we find one of those?" he mused, looking around for any signs of something to help them.



- Fifield, Prometheus

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Electrobolt began to wonder how they would be able to reach Canterlot as well, when he heard Cole mention hot air balloons. "Hmm, maybe..." he said, feeling that Cole had a point. "But where indeed... And who would have one, as well...?" He began to think, when a breeze smacked a flier in his face. "Whoa, what the???" he yelped in surprise as he jumped back some, pulling the flier off his face. As he was about to toss it away, something on the page caught his attention.


"Hey, I think I found our way to Canterlot," he stated, as he read over the page once more, making sure he saw that right. "It says there's a hot-air balloon that travels between Ponyville and Canterlot, and the rides are free! It also says the balloon is stationed around Ponyville Park." *I wanted to go see the park anyways, so hey, win-win!* he thought to himself, now knowing where to go if they needed to go to Canterlot.


(OOC: I hope this is alright with you all, if not, I can change it up)

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"Oh, that's convienent," said Crystal, blinking a little. "And here I thought we were going to have to do actual looking around." His eyes narrowed a bit. "A little too convienent, if you ask me." Could this be another one of Discord's tricks to split us all up? Or maybe I'm just being way too paranoid. I don't know. He glanced at the other two. "Well, let's just make sure to stick together, alright? It would really suck getting lost in a foreign city and not being able to make your way back."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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When Electrobolt heard Crystal say that the paper flying up to them was TOO convenient, he had to nod. "Now that you mention it..." he began. "This does seem like it's almost too perfect of an opportunity for something bad to happen..." He then tossed the flier away in the nearest trash can before trying to think of something else. Upon the mention of sticking together, he agreed. "Don't want that to happen to either of us..." he said, feeling that being in a group is the best thing to do right now. "But anyways, maybe we should look for some other way of getting to Canterlot instead of that balloon ride... What do you think?"

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"Yeah, that sounds good." Cole agreed with Electrobolt. "Now that I think about it, there's probably a dozen ways that could go wrong. We could crash, or the balloon could get punctured." His eyes went back to the trash can with the flyer in it. "For all we know, the free ballon part might be there just to increase sales and stuff. People do that all the time."



- Fifield, Prometheus

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Crystal Flame sighed as he watched the crumpled flyer fall into the trash. "Well, now I'm just out of ideas. Is there any oter way to get to Canterlot then, that doesn't involve hot-air balloons?" He tried to think of a way, but all his brain could supply him with was an an image of a steam-powered hang-glider. He angrily tossed the idea out of his head. "Well, I got nothing," he said gloomily, as he continued looking at the trash can. "Erm...you sure we should give up on the balloon idea? You know," he added. "Cole and I are both pegasi, or whatever you called these winged ponies. I'm sure if we had an...accident...the two of us would be able to catch you before you fell," he added to Electrobolt.

I sure hope so, anyway.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Electrobolt sighed as he couldn't think of anything either. Looking back to the trash can again, he began to think, *What if they're right? What if this isn't one of Discord's tricks, and we're assuming it is because of everything that went on so far?* Shaking his head, he began to trot back over to the trash can as he peered inside. Much to his surprise, it was rather empty and clean, save for the flier that he tossed in the can. Pulling it out and unfolding it, he began to look it over once more.


After he looked it over, he neatly folded it up this time as he held onto it, walking back to the group. Putting it down in-between the three of them and unfolding it, he said, "Well, since we can't think of some other mode of transportation, and we only have this to go by... It's at least worth a try, right?" He looked up to Crystal as he added, "And besides, like you said... If anything were to happen, you guys would be there to make sure nothing bad happens." He suddenly had the thought of him falling from the hot air balloon and smacking hard into the ground. This made him shudder a bit, before he shook his head. *Thank goodness we're sticking together, and not going on our own...*

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Exhausted, and downtrodden the russet unicorn reaches the town. Finally he has a chance to see more than tree's and bits of melted snow. The architecture is immediately striking. All of the buildings seem to carry a happy go lucky attitude. He can practically see the villagers smiling, and dancing as they built their homes. Despite this, the air that hangs over the town seems particularly oppressive.


As he wanders further into the town, a tense conversation crosses his ears. It seems that several ponies are debating something, as they stand around a creased piece of paper on the ground. Two of which he notes have wings, the other doesn't appear to have any non pony like features at all despite the green coloring of his hair, as well as what appeared to be a picture on his flank.


Upon closer inspection, after a few of the winged ones had moved, he notices that the green one isn't the only one with a picture on his hip "hmm... not exactly like the horses back home. I.. I wonder. . . " He glances back towards his own rear. He isn't able to get a great view, but there is certainly something there, though it doesn't appear to be as colorful as their's. It appears to just be some kind of black shape.


It is at this point where he realizes that he walked the entire way to this town from goodness knows where, and hadn't really planned what he would actually say to someone else, assuming he found someone else. He still wasn't even certain other ponies would speak his language.


He trots in closer, trying to make himself small, behind a colorful fence. He catches a few words that seem to make sense. Something about a balloon, and something that sounded a lot like Camelot. With a shake of his mane and a sigh he decided to suck it up and give it his all. With head held high he trots up behind the green pony.


"Man I have never been sooooo happy to see a green pony. Uhm I'm a little bit lost, and you all just happened to kinda be the first peo-ooonies, that i've seen and uhm, yeah! I'm. . . really exhausted. would you happen to know where I can get some water? or something?" He says, giving it his all to seem natural and smile, but he feels as though he came off as an ass.."hah...an ass, that's rich. hope no donkeys can mind read in this crazy world."

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Cain blinked open his eyes, hoping that he had been dreaming, and would wake up anywhere but the odd world where he appeared to be a pony. Even dumped in the sewer eight blocks from his house would be better.


The bright world with birds chirping and the wind blowing came into focus, and Cain mentally cursed.

"Okay, I'll try not to overreact like last time. Even though I have no idea what the hell is going on."

He still couldn't get over the fact that he was a horse. Albeit very different looking, and a peculiar dark blue color, with wings.

"A mirror, a puddle, something, so I can see myself properly!"

Seeing a small pond a distance off to the front of him, he began to walk, or trot, if he was to use the correct vocabulary.


Cain suddenly became aware of the long hair that obscured part of his vision. It was... Dark purple? Dark blue? He couldn't tell.

He looked back over at the wings which had carried him ten feet into the air previously, and noticed that he was actually aware of controlling them, like another set of limbs!

"Wow, that's weird."

He gave them an experimental flap, and subsequently yelped as he was propelled a foot or two into the air, before promptly landing back on his hooves.

"Okay I need to see myself, NOW."

He rushes over towards the pond, not daring to try to fly there in case he ended up crashing into something.

RP Character: Cain

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Silver was beginning to get impatient. As much as he loved reading and learning things here, he was beginning to wonder what was taking Peach and SiFi so long. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to bother them though. He still wanted to know if they were still up there though. So he figured out something that could be an easy win win situation for him.


"Hey you two, I'm going outside to get some fresh air." ​He called up to them, hoping they could hear him. He proceeded to walk out the door and get some air after being in that library for so long. The air was cool and moist. Probably meant that rain was coming. When he turned around and saw some fairly large and some what dark clouds floating around, he thought great deduction Sherlock...


He looked out towards Ponyville. Things seemed to be normal. Well, as normal as it could get in this world. There were Pegasi flying around, Unicorns and normal ponies walking about enjoying life like nothing was going on. If only they knew just what was happening here... Silver thought to himself. He though about Discord showing him those awful memories. He still wasn't sure himself if those were real. Discord had twisted his mind to forget certain things and replace them with others. He couldn't tell memory from illusion. Hearing his parent's screams, being thrown into the wilderness to fend for himself. What was real?


The world was real. He knew that much. Things like that happened back on earth. People did terrible things. But this made Silver only more determined to stop Discord. If his strength comes from chaos, then we need to create the opposite, as was already pointed out earlier. Silver began thinking. To create order, we all need to work together and get along. We all need to discover our elements, strengths and weaknesses. Silver looked at a paper talking about the Gala. He read it over and took a closer look at some details in the advert. If this thing is as important to Equestria as I think it is, Discord will likely target the event. Take it as a chance to create chaos. Now that was one thing he certainly could not allow to happen. He had to find a way to prevent things from getting out of hand.


Unfortunately there was one issue with that. He needed to dress well. Silver knew nothing about dressing up for parties since he never really went to any. Well just perfect, I'm going to have to get some advice on this. What is a wilderness-type person like me supposed to where to a party? Well, Peach seemed to know the most about this stuff. So he would probably be best asking her. But she was still upstairs getting her own dress. What was Silver supposed to do now?

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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"Well... fucker of minds is... adequate. But not exactly how I'd put it," Artsy chuckled uneasily as she pulled her ears back. She kept plodding along as she dragged her dress along with a hoof, wishing she knew how to adequately use magic. "He's... well, I think you'd have to see for yourself. There's honestly not much how I can explain him. The entity we are faced with is a chaotic and rather insane being who enjoys tormenting our minds for what seems to be pretty much the hell of it. He has no sympathy for anything of what he does. So the best strategy for taking him down would probably be using... what that princess lady called the Elements of Harmony or something. In other words, by STICKING together. So just don't worry about him until we're faced with him," She explained to Sport.


The unicorn was silent for the rest of their walk, until she spotted a pony flapping their wings oddly in the distance. As if they weren't really sure of how to fly. Hmm. Perhaps this was another straggler who could join their group? Her curiosity got the better of her as she put the dress in her mouth and ran ahead of the others, her face blushing red with the prospect of facing a stranger.


As she got closer to the spot, she noticed the pony was rather darkly coloured than most of the ones she had seen. Something that had set him apart. Artsy realized vaguely that she was starting to get used to and understand the sexual dimorphism of the species, because the males always lacked eyelashes with round boxlike snouts. And he also had an interesting mark on his flank. Some sort of explosion... she wondered vaguely what this guy was all about.


Not being one to know social customs though, she just sort of stood there in silence near him staring until her mouth quivered and she dropped her dress on the ground, making an audible noise on the grass as it fell.

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Cain heard the soft thud against the grass, and spun around to face a tawny pony with a long mane.

"Whoa, is that a horn coming out of her head? A unicorn?! This place is getting weirder by the minute."

"Um, hello?" He asked cautiously, using a hoof to brush away his own longish mane, nothing compared to the long locks the pony in front of him had.

Edited by Cain

RP Character: Cain

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Sport listened intently as Artsy explained with more depth about the chaos creature. The explanation left him interested, curious, and somewhat intimidated, though he did not show it.


"I see.... seems sticking together is the best idea at the time. And what about these... elements? I-" but before he could finish, Artsy ran off toward another pegasus. He noticed how... off the pony seemed, it reminded him of himself. <Perhaps another one of us?> he wondered. He trotted up to Artsy, and noticed she had dropped her dress. Instead of using his mouth, which he saw as very unsanitary, he used his wing. The wing worked like an appendage, and with some work, managed to lift the dress and drape it over his own back, so it wouldnt touch the ground. He looked back at the new pegasus and waved a hoof.


"Hiya.... Uh... If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" he said, hoping to resolve any kind of tension.

  • Brohoof 1


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"Hi. Um... I noticed you from over there... and thought you looked kind of confused. But yeah, what is your name?" She added to Sport's statement as she nodded to him thankfully for taking it upon himself to carry the dress. It tasted kind of odd in her mouth, and she had been getting a weird urge to chew it for some reason. Wings seemed almost more useful than magic, she noted with envy. Why did she have to get the short end of the stick? Well, at least she wasn't a normal pony without either.


Her dark eyes observed this pony a little more as she adjusted her mane with a hoof to look a little less messy. She was a bit self-conscious about the somewhat scruffy appearance she had due to the battle that had occurred recently and the rest she had to take. Artsy smoothed it down and blushed a bit as she felt somewhat embarrassed. She hoped just standing there didn't make a bad impression.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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