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open Sunset Resorts [Slice of Life/Romance RP]


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Traveller nodded.

'Yeah, I guess so...' He whispered as he looked around the hotel some more. Mares and stallions milled around, probably going to their ros or to stores. The entire hotel was amazing. Everything was high class. Furniture was fancy, and so were decorations. He changed his focus back to the desk. The mare had stopped typing and a piece of paper was on the counter. He picked it up and went away. The paper gave him his room number. 145.

It took a minute but Traveller made his way to his room. Opening it, it was amazing. He stepped inside and lay down. Walking to the hotel from his journey had made him exhausted.

Rye heard someone else entering the room in his left. "I guess I have two neighbors" Rye said while finishing up packing. Rye looked around the room thinking about what to do. He then saw something that caught his eye, a swivel chair. "Awwwwww yeah" Rye said, Rye walked over to the chair and sat in it and began to swivel in it.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Traveller heard a call from the entrance. He recognized the voice as a mare's. He got up and went to the door with a smile.


'Hi. Something I can help you with?' He asked, wondering why and how she was in his room. Then he realized he never shut the door when he came in.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"Alright, if you need help or something, my suite is 137." Thunder said before going further down the hallway to his room. Upon entering his room he saw that his saddlebags were already in his room. He opened the doow and went onto the balcony. he sniffed in the fresh smell of the ocean as he leaned onto the railing.

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"Oh!Nothing!Just seeing why this door was open.But if there's somepony here,i don't have nothing to worry about"

"Oh!And by the way!My name's Lightwing!.Hope to see you around!*winks*"

And then she closed the door,and then facehooved herself

"Why the buck i winked and eye to him?"

"Well..i think that i need something to drink.Maybe i should go to the bar..."

But before going downstairs,she hear something on the suite 142

"I shouldn't do that,but..."

She puts her ear on the door,and hears some words

Edited by Lightwing
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Felicity started to unpack. She hadn't brought much. She took out a lily. She talked to it all the time. Felicity carefully set it on the windowsill, where it could bathe in the sunlight. "Why do I have to find somepony in my life? Why can't I be back in Ponyville? With my friends? Sure that's enough! I don't know what to do!" The lily just stood in place. "Maybe its because I talk to a flower." She slumped onto her bed.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Traveller heard a call from the entrance. He recognized the voice as a mare's. He got up and went to the door with a smile.

'Hi. Something I can help you with?' He asked, wondering why and how she was in his room. Then he realized he never shut the door when he came in.

Both had been unaware that Rye had opened his door to listen to the conversation. "I think she likes you....I'm Rye by the way nice to meet yah I just got here into the hotel. What's your name?"


(I gotta go to brunch D; I'll be back later. Filler file filler filler filler)


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Thunder Dash then plugged up his electric guitar and decided to shred a little bit. He made sure not to turn his amp up too loud, as ponies might start to complain. He then gathered some electricity and levitated his bass. He then plugged it up to his bass amp with his magic and played his bass along with his guitar.  

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Thunder looked down to see how high up he was. He lighted another cigarette. "Well, guess it's time to check up on the ladies by the pool." he said before leaving the balcony and a bit after that his room aswell. After a couple of minutes he arrived at the pool. He lied down in a relaxing chair with his sunglasses on.

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Both had been unaware that Rye had opened his door to listen to the conversation. "I think she likes you....I'm Rye by the way nice to meet yah I just got here into the hotel. What's your name?"

(I gotta go to brunch D; I'll be back later. Filler file filler filler filler)

Traveller smiled as the mare left. She had winked...odd. He never really got payed much attention. Usually ponies just did their buisness with him and left. He turned to the stallion.


'Nah...oh yeah, I'm Traveller. Pleasure to meet you.' He greeted. Traveller held the door open. 'If you want you can come in I guess...'

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Felicity started watering up when Thunder Dash started playing. "Why is he playing here? Aren't there sound rooms scattered around the hotel. Somepony might complain. I better go tell him." She walked to his door and knocked. This was where the sound was coming from. "Um, Hello?"

Edited by Starbound - Entropy


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Thunder looked at the mares that walked by, giving each one a rating of one to ten on how good they looked. It was getting kind of hot laying in the sun all the time, but that was something Thunder loved about lying in the sun. He wiped a couple of drops of sweat from his forehead.

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When she ended talking,she felt something on her

"She is just like me...no relstionships.Just wanna be with his friends..."


And now,she has gone downstairs


"I should drink something...maybe on the bar is something to drink..."

I hope they have Good Ol' Jimmy on sale"

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Slowly streamsung approached the enormous building. She felt incredibly small as it reached for the sky above her. She stood still for a while and thought of how she had gotten here. The ticket had been given to her by her cousin. Streamsung herself wasn't exceptionally rich, but her cousin was. Not only rich, but busy as well. So busy even, that she couldn't take the time to pay the hotel a visit. That is why she had given her ticket to streamsung.


"Why are you always so lonely Swanny? It's like you never go out at all!" Demetra, her cousin, had told her. "I go out all the,time! -" Streamsung tried to reply, but Demetra interrupted her. "Trotting by the river on your own isn't going out! I mean meeting some new ponies!" Demetra said. "I know plenty ponies already!" "The parents of the children that you teach maybe, but those aren't friends. You never had trouble making friends! I know that from our childhood, but now you haven't got anypony! I have this ticket here, and you are going to go out and make some friends! You hear me?" Demetra preached Streamsung, and she just nodded. "Okay..."


And there she was. A litte anxious as always, she took a deep breath and stepped into the building. She instantly sighed out of relief when she was inside. It all looked amazing! The main hall itself was already beautiful. She walked up to the counter with big eyes, looking all around her, twisting her neck to see every little detail.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Thunder heard a knock. He then stopped playing. He then gathered some electricity and used it to open the door. To his surprise, he saw a mare. "Oh, hey there, was my music bothering you a bit? Don't know where else to play, so I figured I just jam here in my room." Thunder stated. 

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"No, it isn't bothering me, but I know a place where you can play as loud as you want." She showed him a map, ans pointed to the "Audio rooms." "Here you can play all you want and nopony will get disturbed. You can have the map." The sound rooms were on the first floor, next to the bar.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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By now Thunder Farts had enough of sitting still at the pool. It was time for a drink. He started making his way towards the bar again. On the way he came by a lot of nice looking mares, but most of them didn't really catch his eyes. Only one mare really did that that day.

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"Thanks a lot. I usually keep my instruments here." Thunder stated as he put his electric guitar back on it's stand. "Well..." Thunder stated as he gathered some electricity and made his acoustic guitar appear. "I guess I'll have to lay it back a little." He stated.  

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As she goes down,she saw only stallions and stallions

"Is that there's not any place where i'm the only mare?"


"Well,i came to drink,so i'll drink"


She pick ups something to sit,and asks for something to drink

"Excuse me...oh great,another stallion can i order a Good Ol' Jimmy?

"If there's not that,can i have a beer,please? :)"

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Thunder went to sit next to Lightwing and ordered a beer. He took his cigarettes again and lighted himself one. "Want one?" He asked Lightwing. His beer was served as he held his half-full packet of cigarettes towards Lightwing for her to take one of them.


(I'll be back later, i'm gonna make some sushi.)

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"Alright..." Felicity turned around. "You are really good." With that she left. Felicity had a flute in her bag. She took it out. It was made of silver. It was a gift from her mother. She practiced it all the time, in her flower shop when nopony was around. Her father always said she was good enough to have a concert. She played a note. Then another. The flute was in tune. Good.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"Hey thanks! If you have any instrument, we could...maybe jam sometime." Thunder stated as the mare walked out the door. He then made sure everything else was fine before leaving his room. He then put his key in to his mane, which was surprisingly able to hold due to the static electricity. He then started to walk around the building.  

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"Uh...no thanks!I don't smoke thatonly weed :P"

"What's your name,by the way?Mine is Lightwing."


She saw her beer on the table

"Oh thanks celestia!Finally something to drink! :)"

But at the same time,she though,another thing

Oh buck...i need to pee...


"Eh...excuse me...but i need to dp something!!!"

Suddenly she came flying at full speed to the bathroom,and came back to the bar

"Soooo...where we were?"

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"Well, my name is Thunder Farts." He held his hooof out and shook it with Lightwings'. "But seen that you're into weed, wanna come to my suite later today? Chill out a bit on the balcony and stuff." Thunder took a sip of his beer after he put his cigarettes away.

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"Farts?Good second name :lol:"

"And about what you said about weed..."


"I'll be Ok with that...Just call me when you want.I'm on the suite 143"

"Oh,and the next time,don't talk about that with that voice" :wacko:

She left the bar and came back to her room,and then pulled out a bag,with weed inside

"It's a miracle that nopony has discovered it before coming here :p"

And then she started to make a joint

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