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mega thread Answer the question above you.


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All the night owls are belonging to me, yes.


Which pony do you think would be able to live your life if you traded places with them?

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I understand the Holmes and Sparkle part , I'm not familliar with the Neutron Reversal...wrestling move?


if your favourite mlp character became a main character in your favorite movie/series, what would be the new title of the movie/series

Edited by Vulcan
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In all honesty, the only good one is Samurai Jack. Ah the scotsman, such a character. Funny and brash, saves him multiple times. The episode with the sirens. "Sounds like someone steppin' on a cat," *Pause* "Sounds like someone steppin' on a lot o' cats."


The worst? Sir/Madam (Haven't Looked) Have you watched Cartoon Network Recently? Everything is terrible on that channel. It hurts just to channel surf past it, knowing of its former glory.


Have you ever crashed a motor vehicle, with intent to do so?

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