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Spirited away. It was like long time ago.




Favorite Anime antagonist ?

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Accelerator from the Raildex series. Even though I don't really think of him as an antagonist anymore, he's just awesome :D






Edited by Frostgage
  • Brohoof 1
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Loved it though the climax felt more like an anti climax



As Hypnosparkle put it

Luna: I'm sad.

Twilight: No you're not.

Luna: Okay, I'm not





How's the weather where you are?

  • Brohoof 1
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Really nice out kind of cloudy and way too hot. 


What do you prefer desktops, laptops or tablets?

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Desktops. They're so much easier to fix and can outperform laptops in the same price range. They also don't come with any bloat ware if you built it yourself. 


Oh. Ninja'd lol Mint Chocolate Chip is the only flavor worth eating ;)


Do you prefer shine, snow, or rain? 

Edited by Space Woona
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Saddam Hussein. I dunno.


Even though Hitler has better moustache.




Do you like France ?

Edited by Noei
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