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Somebody refused to sell me a FIM comic!

Rarity Paige Belle

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After work today I went to my local comic store to buy issue 2 of MLP friends forever. However when I asked the guy behind the counter for it, he refused to sell it to me, saying he thought Bronies were weird! Needless to say, I had a few choice words with him.

Do you think I should go back and complain?

He probably thinks you have something better to do than to read it.

Probably keeping it for little girls.

Edit: And btw it's probably his store, bitching about it to him won't do anything.


Man if they managed to get an 8 year old girl interested in comics, I give them credit!

Not that hard to get a little girl to read a book about colorful ponies.

Edited by Wubsie
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What kind of comic seller can't tolerate bronies? You'd think he'd see a bunch, since there's decent correlation between being a geek and being a brony. Of course, I would complain if I were you, but I'd also ask about that because that's seriously weird.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, that's really stupid. The local brony group here in Phoenix holds a monthly meetup at Gotham City Comics. They sell pony merch there, and welcome our group there with open arms. I bought a print from them recently. No issues whatsoever.

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Well he should  get over it if he thinks bronies are weird well we are just people who like a show like they likely like the Simpsons or Family guy and so on and the show is not all pink and cute as they think trust me some people are like that just go back to the store and reason with him if he still refuses over that stupid reason well wow just wow -_- Oh plus if he don't give up on it try to get a little backup honestly some people hate us for no actual reason....


Also reminds me of a time with my sister when we were going to the shop for the milk as soon as we went to the checkout or whatever she asked us if we had any money well to be exact if i did as well as my sis my sister did and i did not my sister had hold of the money at the time so since i had non with me she told me to get out (can't remember exactly in what way but i know it was not so soft) the shop and wait and soon my sister brought the milk and we soon went home told our mom and she said sorry 


and that kids was pretty long ago...

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After work today I went to my local comic store to buy issue 2 of MLP friends forever. However when I asked the guy behind the counter for it, he refused to sell it to me, saying he thought Bronies were weird! Needless to say, I had a few choice words with him.

Do you think I should go back and complain?


Say what? The guy didn't sell you a MLP Comic, b/c he thought Bronies were weird.   Sue that jackass.  He has no right to say that to you.  However, you should've told him, "Well, if your not gonna sell it to me, why is it on the shelf?"  Watch how fast he'll hesitate, b/c if you think about it, if he's refusing to sell it, and its on the shelf, then he'll will come out losing.

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I know that you got your comic from an app, but if I were you I would still go and complain to the manager that you were treated that way by the employee. It makes no sense from a business perspective to refuse to sell you a comic just because someone thinks that bronies are weird. The shop spent money getting the comics stocked on their shelves, what good will they do sitting there? If the owner of the store didn't want bronies buying the comic then the owner never would have ordered the comic to begin with. The person who refused to sell the comic to you just sounds like a judgmental prick.


So yeah, go complain to the manager. In fact you should have asked for the manager to begin with. I know that I would if I was in your position. Then again, I worked retail for 10 months and have been working in customer service for the past few years, so I know the ropes...

  • Brohoof 3
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I would complain to the manager most defiantly: what a dick head that guy was, and a complete idiot.


If you don’t have the confidence to go on your own then go with a friend or someone who you feel comfortable with and complain.


You shouldn’t have to stand for that frankly.


Good luck

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What kind of comic seller can't tolerate bronies? You'd think he'd see a bunch, since there's decent correlation between being a geek and being a brony. Of course, I would complain if I were you, but I'd also ask about that because that's seriously weird.

That post and your avatar are sympatico.

Also yeah I think all bronies are into nerd culture also be it anime, comics, video games, etc.

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Wow. What's next?  "I don't serve you because you're black / ugly / whatever?

I can only repeat.  Complain to the boss and hope this scumbag has to find another low paying job very soon.


Buy it somewhere else, if it not helps.


This reminds me of a 50 years old in a video store. First he gave me the wrong movie, then he got stroppy with me as if its my fault. He wasn't there for a long time after that. He might have caused more incidents lol

Edited by Gary S.
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Complain and then buy it online. So you win and probably get it for a lower price. I don't even know if you can buy it online. But if you can't then go down to that store then tell us all where it is and we will march down there and give him the kicking he will never forget. He is messing with an entire fandom here!

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Would you have to grow you're hair out, and a 'tash. My facial hair looks pretty unruly, I wouldn't count on having a decent looking tash...

A neckbear on the other hand that I could do.

Also LOL, if this isn't a thing this should definitely become a thing!

I can only grow something a slight step-above(as in less patchy then) the Johnny Depp. I start to look like an Irishmen if it gets to unruly. 


I think in terms of 'collectors' comic book fans are definitely the most likely to collect and be hardcore about it, ie mint condition etc.

As someone who used to read a decent amount of comics (nothing obssesive though I just have a couple shelves worth really) I never considered myself a collector I don't mind if it's not mint, in fact a lot of my comics are used. And I'm one of the few people who actually kind of prefers library copies that are resold, the reason being a) they are dirt cheap due to the whole collector thing and they are usually laminated which is good because I never take care of my comics if they scuffed up or crushed I do little to prevent it.  B) 


The videogame fandom is probably the second biggest fandom that is into collecting, with comic fans being the first. I game plenty but due to digital sales ie steam, good old games, and the fact that I resell basically 98% of all my games I don't have a collection. To me a collection that can be easily resold is like having money on your shelves you could spend on buying more games and the cycle continues.


..I digress.


Personally, I collect games because I like the history of gaming as a media(I was born in 92, so pretty much everything from real boom at the dawn of the 16-Bit era and on grew up along side me and gives the medium a special place in my heart). 

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It's kind of fucked up. Apparently doing that IS legal, but better safe than sorry, you should report this to the manager unless he is the manager. If so, then just go online and by your comic.

Ooh, actually there's an IDW app where you can buy the comics. I myself have never read the comics, but I'm saving up to buy some from the IDW app.

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It's not illegal to refuse service if you're not doing it in violation of civil rights. Bronies are not a race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion and the Unruh act is very vague.


That's not saying it's okay or that it wasn't a dick move, it was. But it's not worth suing over or death threats (seriously guys?) Complain to the manager if you still care. If that guy is the manager/owner then take your business elsewhere.

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Report to the manager, I feel as if this is some teen who feels almighty and powerful to refuse transaction of said comic to the people he hates so much. It would be more than delightful to crush his sense of victory when his employer fires him.

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They have the right to reject service, it's a jerk move but yeah...nevermind that, their loss, no $$$ for them hahahahahyahahaha


Besides, I don't think there's only one shop around you that sells mlp comics, just find another one.

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