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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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I leaned closer to the (Once) changeling. He was now a little foal and I literally needed to bend so I can speak to him.


"Just play cool, act like a kid, and you'll be fine," I whispered to him. "Also, stay near the stairs and let me have a little sight on them. I'll shoot them down in case everything goes downhill. You're small, you can dodge them before heading into cover."


I took this small crate, a hole just big enough to see with my sights. I set it up near the door, with Night Strike in hoof, I'll be able to dominate them. I signaled the others to keep quiet. I'll be the one to handle this.

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Connor was in so much pain that bloody griffin has put a 44 through his wing now he would be stuck down here for a while until his wing healed.


As the stable pony pulled his helmet off Connor spat on the floor and looked over to the changeling and stared at him.


"I'm gonna kill you changeling we don't want your kind around here"

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Lon was proficient in the art of the shadows. There was no way that stallion could have heard or seen him. Neuro connected the pieces. "They have advanced technology. An E.F.S I presume. I should've anticipated on that..."


He added that factor to the equation and moved on to rearrange his plan. Since they were offering him exactly what he wanted, he reckoned he didn't have to keep up an act. "I must politely ask you to do the same. I am unarmed, but my accomplice is not..." He said with a soothing voice. He tried to make sure that they all kept calm. There was no time for this to escalate. It would be a pith to murder these survivors, let alone get murdered by them...


"We are comeing inside now, with faith in your hostility. I really hope I will not be shot down like some dog in the street..." He said as he signalled Lon to come closer and open the door for him. If they were going to fire at them, Lon, would be quick enough to catch and deflect a few bullets, and then fire back.


They entered the building slowly, Neuro hiding behind Lon. Lon had not put down his weapons just yet, because his instincts told him they could be jnder fire any moment. He searched around the room to see if there was any place that they could be attacked from. He saw a few places that looked suspicious. He chose a target, and made a mental note. "First grenade there..." he thought. He chose another place for a second, and then timed it so tha if he had to throw grenades, he'd be able to jump for cover and draw his weapons right afterwards.


"We come in peace, as long as we will not be blown to pieces..." Neuro said. He looked at his radar. He could not completely point down where the other ponies were. "Please show yourself..." He uttered. He was afraid. Not because of the threats made by the stallion, but by the chances. There was a risk too great in this situation. He was not in control, and he had to sacrifice the control that he had to gain these ponies' trust. He whispered to Lon. "If this goes wrong, do not hesitate to go all out. But keep yourself in check. I have a feeling these people are friendly... As far as friendly goes in these times..."

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Baryon. Got it. I`m Vincent, by the way." he supposed introductions were in order... didn't seem like these ponies were making any plans to shoot him in the back, at least. He heard the Changeling come on out and shrugged. "Who knows what these cloud-humpers want? " He said dissmissively. Heck, maybe they wanted to make him change into Rainbow Dash and then execute him, make it seem like they'd 'won in the end.' "So, you're from a Stable huh?" He asked curiously towards Baron... Stables...  Stables usually had alot of supplies. And if this pony had just come from his... it might have been good for it...


Was Vincent thinking of running in and pillaging the place? No. But he was thinking that a contract with a place like that... could become a good source of medical supplies and other goodies. When it came to removeing the Enclave's armor, he shrugged, doing what he could to assist... but the damn thing was so complicated and foreign to him, it might as well have been bolted to the stallion's skin. Suddenly, Baryon was lectureing him... and recieved a glare for his trouble. "Hey, look, I wasn't going to kill him. I gave him a chance to leave, he came up here and threatened to kill someone... if I didn't want to teach him a lesson, like I said, I would've killed him. But I wasn't going to... still might if he shoots at someone again though..." 


He looked at the other pony, who, judgeing my the jumpsuit, was also from a Stable, but looked abit more... wasteland-ey. When he heard him speak, he smirked. "Oh, so it's just because he's a rare species huh? If he'd been trying to kill me, no problem?" He said with a chuckle. He didn't seriously believe that was what he meant, but he felt like twisting the stallion's words around.


Vincent blinked, suddenly hearing a voice from outside, drawing his revolver. 5 shots. But he didn't want to risk reloading the last in case whoever it was came upstairs... shouting out about having supplies? Either an obvious trap,  or a really dumb trader. "We don't want any trouble!" He called out towards the voice. "I suggest you just turn around now." It wasn't a real threat... he had  feeling it was a trap... some of the smarter raiders would try stuff like that... have one pretend to be a normal pony, injured or sick or having food to spare. Soon as the target got close... ambush.


When the Changeling turned into a colt, Vincent snorted dismissively. "Please. I`ve never seen anyone, or anypony, out here hesitate to pull the trigger just because it was a filly or colt..." he paused  moment. "Well, except slavers, but that's just because they rather take them." Vincent was working fast. He started pushing desk around upstairs, createing a makeshift barricade of desk and overturned tables, set up facing the stairway... if it was a bunch of raiders and they came upstairs, they would need some cover.


As he heard the voice, once against down stairs, he closed his eyes, listening close... it was hard to tell, certainty,  but there was more than one set of hooves... he thought only 2 sets... so two ponies? Unless they were flying... and that didn't mean the building wasn't surrounded by more... "Look, I understand you saying you're peaceful... but you have to understand it'd be foolish just to assume you're telling the truth. We just got done clearing this raider hellhole, and we'd appreciate not having any more trouble!"



@@Guardian Braveheart,



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Neuro cursed himself for his inexperiance in wastes like these. It had been hundreds of years since the times before the war. Ponies have changed, most of them visciously paranoid. He thought for a moment. How could he convince these ponies that his intents, to them at least, were honest.


"Lon, I don't think it is wise to approach these ponies like this..." He whispered to him. Lon nodded. "Right then." Neuro shouted upstairs. "I will leave some spare supplies righ here.." He said, and he stomped his hoof on the floor. "And then I will take my leave. If you are still interested in at least communicating with me, I will be waiting outside for a few minutes... unarmed." He explained. He then reached into Lon's saddlebag, and got out about 7 med-x's and 4 stimpacks, 2 (well preserved, pre-war!) soldier's ration packs and a pack of mentats.


He then stepped towards the door. "If you want more of this, you can come meet me outside. All I want is to talk..." He said, and he then proceeded to move out the door.


"Well, that was foolish of me. It is hard to analyse beings that have changed so much from what they used to be. I need to think." He said as he walked away, Lon in his hoofprints. "I want you to setup on that hill again and switch the suit's bullet deflection option to radar jamming. You won't show up on S.A.T.S and E.F.S from this distance for about 5 minutes. Take the hunting rifle..." He ordered Lon as he took something from his saddlebag. "I cannot protect you from a distanc-" he began to say, but Neuro gave him a mean look. He did what he was asked, running towards the hill quickly and switching the button on his left forehoof. He then grabbed the hunting rifle from his saddlebag and lied down on the dirty ground. He took aim in his scope. "Piece of shit rifle... I want my .50 back..." He muttered softly.


Neuro had grabbed a pack from Lon's backpack. It contained a few more supplies. He looked at his pip-buck. In 10 minutes he would turn around and leave. He looked at the buildings windows. They could shoot him from right there. Luckily Lon had him covered. Whenever someone would try to shoot, Lon would anticipate it and shoot right back, giving Neuro the oppertunity to run like hell.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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" They seriously think they can bait us...wow..." Renatus muttered perceptively and ignoring the Enclave's outburst, glanced up to the stallion next him and said, " Look I'm just going to see what they want and even if what the griffin says is true, they'll probably underestimate me, giving me the advantage if things go South. Just cover me please...I don't want my first day out be my last." With that said, he put up a face of false bravery as he walked down the stairs and to the supplies, though every step with his rear hoof caused a flash of pain. Wincing after a particularly painful flash he though, I really need to get that fixed...now let's see what we have here...Arriving where the supplies had been dropped and briefly looked though them before placing them in one of his vest's pockets. Walking to the doors from where the stallion had left and opened one of the decaying doors, poking his head out and asking in a foul-like voice fiercely, " So, what do you want?" Finally getting a good look at the stallion, he found him to be wearing...a stable jumpsuit...though the colors seemed off. Looking away from the pony's attire, he looked at the stallion's face, taking in his unusually clean grey coat and black mane, but what caught his attention was the ponies blue eyes. Quiet intelligence and a fierce contempt shown within them. Unfortunately for Renatus, the sharp tang of arrogance drifting off him, causing him to get a sour taste in his mouth as he waited for the stallion's reply.



@@Guardian Braveheart,

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Neuro looked at the child that was approaching him. He seemed oddly confident for such a young one...


"A few mintes ago, my scanners read that there was a Changeling among you. Out of all of you, not the unicorn with advanced technology and the gryffon, but you go out and come to talk to the 'potential' threat?" He snickered. Even though he knew he was probably in everyponies sights hefelt comfortable with how the situation went now. He was more in control.


"You are not a foal, you are a Changeling trying to disguise himself to make me hesitate when I want to pull the trigger. Well, you do not need to worry. I am complety unarmed..." He said. He then stopped smiling and resumed to keep a serious face. "A very well trained stallion, somewhere around here is though... Just for good measure. If you don't shoot, he won't either..." He explained with a business tone.


He looked at the 'foal' a little more. The oversised vest he was wearing was most likely his previous attire when he was normally sized... It seemed worn off. "What I want is information, and after gaining that information I might want to propose a deal... But first..." He raised the metal package. "In here is ammuntion. 9mm, 11mm, .40 and much more. It's yours to keep if you just talk..." He said, waving the package around with his magic a little.


Lon was hiding in the distance, his scope currently aimed at the space between the foal and the windows of the building. If anything happened in either of the two, he'd shoot... And he would not likely miss... He sighed. Neuro seemed to throw in risk for a little trust from these ponies. He'd rather just bomb the place and move to somewhere else for information. But, Neuro always seemed to have a reason. He would just do as ordered...

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Connor started to rise pushing the stable pony that was trying to mend his wing away tying to dismiss the pain coming from his wing.


As he stood up he assessed the damage to his armor they had managed to get his helmet off and put a hole in the left wing but other than that his armor was still fine.


Connor ran to the window and jumped out of it opening his okay wing to try and slow his fall he hit the floor running towards neuro.

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Vincent rolled his eyes. Really? Who in the Waste was just stupid enough to leave a thing of supplies for what could very well be a bunch of raiders holed up in a country club? The fact that there were raider corpses could've meant they were a rival 'gang' that had moved it. He'd seen that happen a few times before. He glanced at the Changeling as he spoke, however, raising a brow. "You really wanna risk it? Fine than. Just listen though: if it's an ambush, run back up here as quick as you can. We'll have the defensive position. I`ll cover you from the window..." he glanced at the tag on the colts armor,which he noticed had melded along with him into the new body... was it enchanted? "...Renatus."


True to his word, as the 'colt' stepped down the stairs, he unslung a rifle from his back. It wasn't a fancy rifle. a .357 caliber. It was long, and when he found it it had some shitty peep sight on it. He tore that off and replaced it with a proper scope. He moved to the window,looking down to see the two talking. He listened, making out bits of the conversation, but focused on leveling the scope to one of his eyes, scanning the distance for any sign of an ambush... looking here and there... he thought he saw the glint of the light reflecting off a sc-


He blinked as the pegasus suddenly ran for the window, jumping out towards the pair. "Fuck!" He shouted, aiming the scope at him. The stupid bastard! If he didn't react quick, the pony was going to think they'd sicked him on them! He fired off a shot at the pony, his head exposed now that the helmet had been torn off... the shot grazing his head, having been intended as a warning shot.... "We hold no responsibility for this... enclave jackass!" He grunted, hoping that, if the pony was in fact truly friendly, this wouldn't ruin matters.






Edited by TheLineTrotter
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It was lon who reacted to this outburst of violence first. He aimed for the gryffon in the window first, but then this half-armored enclave popped right out of the window. He did not hesitate to switch to the more dangerous target. He hoped Neuro knew what to do as he aimed for the pegsus' wing. Shooting his head would be undesireable for Neuro's plan. He shot one bulley straight through the previously unharmed wimg. His heart dropped when he heard another gunshot. Had Neuro been shot? No. The gryffon had taken aim for the enclave... Lon made himself ready to either shoot again or jump to rescue.


Neuro stood still for a moment. As the enclave charged at him, he calculated his every move. Once he was close enough, he opened the packe and removed a tesla cell. He jammed it straight into the enclave's power armor battery, causing it to malfunction, shut down and turn into dead weight...


Neuro stepped back, hoping that his plan had worked. Lom took aim for their enemies head at the same time. "I am afraid the odds are not exactly in your favour..." He said.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Connor saw the glint of a scope on a hill he dodged the round that had been fired at his wing but a round grazed the side of his head leaving a small scar.


Connor ran up to neuro when he jammed a tesla cell into his suits power core disabling it for a moment.


"Just kill the changeling and I'll die happy"

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Renatus only sighed in frustration at the scene that played out in front of him, looking back at the pony he found the Enclave on the floor with a few sparks emanating from his armor. Turning back to the other pony he said, he voice returning back to normal as his eyes began changing colors slowly, " You have to escuse him...he attacked us and we've been trying to get rid of him but certain ponies wish to keep him alive for now...Anyway where were we again...oh yes. You had determined correctly, that I was a changeling and for that I must say I'm impressed, but you also mentioned something about needing information. Care to explain more?" Glancing away from the pony, he turned to the window where the Enclave pony had jumped out of and gave a small frown as he mentally muttered, Ugh...why didn't we kill him when we had the chance...not like he liked me much anyways to begin with.

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Neuro frowned at the enclave pegasus. "Well, first I'd like to know where the hell you found this guy and if all of the enclave are this stupid nowadays... Do you know what the enclave is up to?" He asked, trying to hide that he was mkstly unkowledgeable of these things...


"Yes, let's start with that..." He said. He then looked up and shouted at the griffon. "It would be nice if you came down to talk as well!" He said. Of course he wouldn't trust him, but it was worth the shot. "The more information I recieve, the more supplies I will give." He added.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Vincent groaned as he looked down at the Enclave. "For the love of- Stay down this time, before I put you down myself! Next time won't be a warning shot, and to hell with what Bayron wants!" The stallion had said that he felt that the Enclave pony deserved to learn a lesson rather than die, but he wasn't getting the damn message! Was he just stupid, or did the Enclave have him better 'programed' than a robo-brain? Still, one good thing out of that little mishap... the glint he'd seen earlier was confirmed as another aside from the stallion below... and a sniper. He knew where to look now, atleast.


When prompted to come on down, he took his eye from the scope to look at the one addressing him. "You`ve got someone covering you, I`d say it's only fair that we get the same!" He pointed out. Still... more supplies were rather tempting... he could... try being more diplomatic. "Maybe we can move this inside? Sit down and discuss this over a bottle of scotch or somethin'? This club has some high class booze still." If he atleast could make the negotiations somewhere that a sniper couldn't be sitting up in the hills ready to pick off the Changeling, that'd be better... and inside, the Taurus would be a lot more useful, even though he was starting to get concerned when it came to ammo for it.





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"Thank you," I said to the unicorn stallion, accepting the tubing and attaching it to a vacuum suction inside my own medical saddlebags, cleaning up the Enclave pegasus's bloodied body so I could continue my operation. "I'm not certain that you should be awake for this," I informed, taking out a cleaned switchblade I found from the ponies – most of the group called them raiders. A fitting name for these psychopathic ponies. I injected a syringe of Med-X anesthetic onto his wing, along with some disinfectant, and used the switchblade knife to cut open his wounds while I placed pressure on the hoof. 


"I can get some of them out," I commented, pulling off a split bullet fragment and quickly applying more pressure, draining some of the blood, "but a few others got to stay until a better equipped pony could fix him up. It would do more harm than good to the Enclave pegasus, so make sure he –"


Before I could finish, the Enclave pegasus suddenly jumped up and pushed me away while I was still operating on his wing, causing the switchblade to accidentally cut on his wing. He winced temporarily before escaping out the window. "Wait!" I shouted to the patient, until my hoof hit something metal on the ground. The Enclave pegasus forgot his helmet...and a pistol as well, if that was his. My PipBuck read it as "10mm Pistol", along with a box of ammunition. At least the pegasus covered his payment.


Evidently, the Enclave pegasus had nowhere to run. The griffon and the two negotiators outside had him in their sights, and the environment outside barely offered any cover; the pegasus had a better chance of just saying in the building. Plus, I didn't even finish treating his wing, and I was in mid-operation. Moving would simply make his wounds even worse. "Don't shoot him!" I yelled, loading my new pistol in the case of an all-out battle. "The Enclave pegasus isn't going to go far, anyway. He'll bleed out before he goes anywhere!"


Honestly, the Enclave pegasus was becoming a burden. While I wished he could just die in a radiation pit, my standards wouldn't have allowed that anyway. "And, Vincent, what do you hope to achieve by killing him? The Enclave pegasus already crippled his wings, both of them maybe. He isn't going anywhere. At most, you're going to put of out of his misery, but we're not doing that now, are we?"

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Charcoal woke up with a start as she felt everything around her suddenly jolt. She sat up breathing hard as she looked around with her cracked glasses. After a few seconds she remembers what happens and she sighs. She had gotten too careless and got too close to somepony she was introduced to. Now look at her, sitting in the back of a slave wagon and no way of escape. She decided to stretch a bit since she was awake now. She stood up and stretched out her legs, her black coat matted with dirt and grime. Her red mane a mess, the orange stripes not very noticable now.

Edited by Charcoal Embers
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In front of her newly caught property, a pony glanced back. Judging by the high depth of the pony's voice and the shadowy silhouette of a short-nuzzled unicorn, it was definitely a mare. When the darkness subsided and the sunlight beamed into the rolling carriage once more, there revealed a pale brown pony, which had been elegantly combed. The mane was also tidied as well, a rich wheat-golden in color. Her chartreuse eyes gleamed, still showing signs of youthfulness and some naivete. She was wearing what seemed to be pre-war clothing: a casual blue shirt with white stripes and a straw wide brim hat that appeared to be a bit worn, with a few straw strips sticking out from the top. 


"Heh, a pegasus this time...maybe this one would go for five hundred, probably six hundred caps," Anaphora muttered to herself, tipping the bonnet on her head. "Not everyday that you get a rare one: a pegasus! In fact, I might say she's from the Enclave too. Technician, maybe; won't need to explain what happened to her power armor."


When Anaphora looked back, she hesitated, finally noticing that the pegasus was just recently awake. "Oh, so you're awake," she said, whipping the reins to get the brahmin cattle moving. "Didn't see you there with that dark coat of yours. Though you were still asleep from that sedative. I just realized that the chemicals in Dash and Mint-als made an ideal sedative to place on low caliber bullets. If you feel any alteration in sense of time or depth perception, along with hallucinations and euphoria, that's just the narcotics' effect and is perfectly natural."


The carriage jolted again from a bump on the road, shaking the two mares. "Sorry about what happened back there. I don't necessarily like damaging my merchandise, though it's just a part of business. I'm sure you will understand," Anaphora added. "I wouldn't be able to sell you off for any kind of profit with your condition, anyway. Need to clean you up first, get some of your clothing replaced."


Anaphora soon levitated out a variety of objects: first a pistol with a box-shape magazine, then a folded map, and finally binoculars, floating it in front of her face. "Huh. There's a town nearby," Anaphora observed calmly, later turning back to the the mare and throwing a gray scarf. "If you didn't notice, you are currently wearing a bomb-shock hybrid collar. Made that one myself. You can relate to me; imagine how much caps you can be squandering by destroying a pony and her collar! Therefore, I implemented an extra feature. If you allow me to demonstrate..."


Her voice turned cold immediately. "50 milliamps. You should feel a slight sensation as of now..." After a lapse of ten seconds, she said again, "Off. See how it works? There is still the failsafe explosive detonation, but that doesn't work unless you're more than a hundred and fifty meters away from me, I detonate it manually, or the collar self-destructs in the case of user manages to go into cardiac arrest. And if you don't want either of that, you will do as I say and wear that scarf for me, and stay speechless. Finally, you will call me Miss Anaphora. Am I clear?"


Anaphora turned back towards the front of the carriage. "Hmm, mares will be more difficult to handle. They usually die within a few days after auctioning...wasteful, wasteful, wasteful..." she murmured.

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Charcoal looked at Anaphora with pure fear in her eyes. Now everything was becoming completely clear to her about what was going on. Charcoal decided it was probably not in her best interest to disobey her so she looked around for a scarf. When she found it Charcoal picked it up and wrapped it around the collar around her neck. She stopped for a moment to feel the collar. It was hard, and rubbed at her neck more than she would have liked. She sighed and wrapped the scarf all the way around her neck and looked back at Anaphora, not saying a word.

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What the fuck. Everything already went downhill when that griffon spoke and that stupid Enclave came down to kill the changeling. Well, no use in hiding when they all know you're there. I peered out the window. From a distance with my scope, I saw this small figure. I think he's with the other guy. 


"Hey, tell you partner there to come here if he knows what's good for him," I told the other stallion. "We can talk this inside, where we can all be cozy and safe. How about that?"


I left my post and switched back to Pathfinder. Even though it has a scope, I think a pistol would be nice for close ranged. But just to be on the safe side, I wheeled in Bubble Bullets as a quick switch if they go hostile. Just shoot the gun and joints, cripple them so they won't escape and go from there.

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Neuro frowned and looked up at the unicorn. He thought for a second or two. How big is my risk when I am in there? The potential for diplomacy seemed to be great among these ponies. They weren't too hostile, except for the enclave of course.


"Fine..." He said. He signalled Lon to come over to him, and then walked towards the building. Lon caught up with him in the meantime, whilst withdrawing his hunting rifle. On medium range his Omnine-tech assault rifles on his battle saddle would be more than sufficent. Neuro hadn't had the time to full ascessorize them in the stable, and he hoped they would soon return to increase Lon's firepower... But for now, it was what he had to deal with. Lon also switched the suits function back to bullet deflection, just for good measure.


Neuro stood in front of the building again. "I do hope I will not be standing at gunpoint again as soon as I enter... You weren't very subtle in the previous situation." He said loudly. "Come downstairs, we'll talk there..." He said as he slowly entered the building.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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As I came downstairs, I saw the duo. They had a battle saddle on, probably energy weapons. They were packing heat, but not that much. I can disable them in time. 


"Well, glad you both can make it," I said gladly with a hint of sarcasm.


"So, what brings you two gentlecolts here out in the Equestrian Wasteland? Surely you have a reason why you're out here. No pony from a Stable would go out without a reason."


I can tell they're from a stable once. The suit was a dead giveaway. But they have nice tech. I think I haven't seen those guns back at our armory, and had the Biggest armory with every weapon known and experimental. This might be a new type. Now... What is the weakness...?

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Vincent heard Baryon chastizeing him for shooting, trying to tell him that nothing will be gained by doing so. "In the past 15 minutes we've known him," he pointed out, "he's tried to kill two people and has made it preety clear he doesn't care if he does the same to us if we get in his way. We've stopped him this time, but what about the next? What if next time he turned around, blast that changeling to goo, and there's nothing to be done?" he pointed out bitterly. "You can go patch him up if you like. I have to make sure these guys aren't just really clever raiders..." He muttered, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. 


He headed downstairs, spotting the pair. He noted the 2nd stallion. He was pretty large for a pony and ended up being just abit taller than the Griffon. On habit, Vincent wondered which of them would win in a brawl. His stance showed of one of a mercenary, but he suspected it was more of a bodyguard situation. He gave him a curt respectful nod, before turning his attention to the shorter one. "Excuse the mess... we kinda ran into trouble on the way in..." he muttered, looking around for  table that wasn't too blood covered... 


He was pleased when he found a side room. It looked like it had been some sort of den area and, aside from a few empty drug canisters, was mostly untouched by the raiders. He fixed an overturned table and pushed a set of chairs to it... though he chose to remain standing. This was much better... this close of range, if things went south, he could either draw his Taurus, or he could just launch himself over the table and slit some throats. He grabbed a few bottles of scotch, and even a bottle of wine, and set them on the table in an attempt at hospitality. All this talking isn't really my forte... she was always better at these negotiations... he thought to himself as he returned to the table, setting the beverages down. 


"So," he began, "Information huh? I have to wonder why somepony would want to pay so heftily for information... but i`ll attempt to give you as much as I can..." He offered, looking at the pair expectantly, prepared to awnser questions if it kept things nice and hospitable between the groups. 


@@Guardian Braveheart,



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Neuro looked around the building. This was definately not safe. He hesitated. He would put himself in a really uncomfortable situation here. He had to have some kind of leverage, or an escape route… If these ponies became hostile for some reason, he had to have some kind of plan to make sure Lon, and most importantly himself, came out alive. “I can see you still seem not to trust me. This is understandable, but I refuse to put myself in a situation I cannot escape from. You might think I am a raider, but I think exactly the same of you. It seems this will be a… standoffish of some sorts. Lon will not lower his weapons, neither will you. Until we have some kind of agreement of course.” He said.


Lon did not like this situation at all. They were in a confined space, which meant he could not use his explosives, and he couldn’t stand between the danger and Neuro constantly. He’d have to be the first one to shoot to make sure they would miss. He kept his eye on the others to make sure nothing would go wrong. He activated the suits pneumatic motor systems, which made sure he could jump forward with tremendous power if necessary.



“I am not going to lie to you, I will just tell you what is necessary. And I believe it is I who is trying to gather information, not you. All I will say is that I came from a stable, and I want to know what the situation of… everything is. All you know. Are there settlers? Any organizations of some sort?” He coughed, trying to make sure he didn’t seem to know anything at all. “How about the enclave, what have they been up to?” He knew they had been planning, and even more so, exactly what. He just had to know how successful they had been. He had to know everything about the enclave. It was of vital importance.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"All I can say if that they are a big wuss not coming down here without a fight," I said, drinking the Sparkle-Cola I got earlier. There was some Scotch and wine on the table, but I prefer Apple whiskey or hard cider. "Far as I know, my team and I infiltrated one of their 'research' before and caused me two weeks in medical care. Lost almost half of my loot to keep me and my team alive."


I paced around them. The first stallion, Neuro as my Pipbuck told me, was with the other one, Lon. This tandem is a good force with that unknown gun. I tried to make in not so suspicious to check for some weak points I might shoot later if needed. Sure enough, I'll just hit the bolts of the gun until it comes off then cripple their legs. Or jam the reload mechanism so it if they ever fire, they'll have a hard time to load it again. Or just jam the trigger system. If they can't pull the trigger, they can't shoot. Just don't forget to shoot the joints with Bubble Bullets.


"More or less, they are planning something, and sending researchers here. Up on the Cloud Cover, they are planting fake propaganda that down here is hell and up there is paradise and safety. Hell, I don't even think they have the balls to take me down without their armor because they are so afraid to die with one tiny bullet in their brain. "






Edited by Guardian Braveheart
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Vincent figured that, among the group they had, he was the best prepared to give information. After all, it was between him, two stable ponies, one that had been out less than a day, a Changeling that evidentally didn't even realized there had BEEN a war, and an enclave solider with a head filled with propaganda.  But first, he had to take care of things... there was no way things would go smoothly with this tenseness in the air. Everyone here was on a fine edge, which wasn't good for negotiations. "Tell you what..." He muttered, unholstering his revolver slowly. He set it down on the table, with the handle facing the ponies across from him. "I`ll set down my revolver... by the time i'd get my rifle off my back, i`ll be dead. If that better at all?" He glanced at Knight, trying to get him to get his weapons holstered... if they could keep them at ease, the better. If they were raiders... he could still throw himself over the table, slit the big guy's throat...


"Now, to your questions... well, the short version is 'yes'. There are plenty of cities being settled... there's even one not too far from here, called Defiance. There are several trade branches, most noticeably the Gun Gallopers and the Stable-Trails caravan. But, well, for every town and peaceful merchant, there's about 10 raider bands trying to kill them all." he explained. Once his 'partner' in these negotiations finished explaining the enclave, he nodded. "Yeah. Pegasi closed off the sky when the bombs fell, and havn't opened it since.They send down scouts occasionally, but all i`ve ever seen them do is take pictures of mutated animals and corpses... probably for propaganda." he explained, still keeping his eyes on them for anything that could indicate that, once they got the info, they were just going to blast them both to hell... 


@@Guardian Braveheart,


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