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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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Vincent was tired... he should have heard the loud hoofsteps of a pony in power armor miles away. As it ended up, he didn't realize there was anything with him until he heard the telltale sound of the pony walking on the stairway, quickly standing up straight and dashing off into a side room. He knew hiding was pointless: Those suits had E.F.S, so he was certain to be a blip on it... he was tempted to dive out of a window and just fly off... but honestly, he was pretty sure he'd collapse if he flew anymore that day. He knew Steel Rangers weren't the friendliest bunch, and if things turned sour he'd turn tail and fly... but he hoped it didn't come to that.


Alternatively, he could try and shoot him... but Vincent was counting his rounds and he didn't have alot... he he wasn't sure if his rounds, as powerful as the Taurus was, could punch through a Steel Ranger's armor... maybe right up against it... and maybe at the eye slits... but he didn't want to risk it. The question suddenly boomed out, filling the building, forcing Vincent to awnser... staying near the window to flee if he had to. "Nope!" He called back. "Well, Technically no. No ponies anyway."

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Hazel nut surprised by a more friendly response then expected decided not to immediately gun down whatever was in the room. He cautiously walked into the room where the blip on his E.F.S was. Soon he spotted a tired looking griffon hugging a window with a pistol in his claws. The ranger has had experiences dealing with griffons before mostly hostile talons, they are nice and cozy with ponies being smaller then them but the looks on their beaked faces when they see a pony bigger then them, the thought always brought a smile to Hazel nuts face. But this one was tired and he could of easily subdued the griffon.Though this one didn't show any hostility besides the gun it was holding. Hazel nut didn't want to kill this one but he still took precaution aiming his LMG at the griffon and eyeing its gun." What are you doing here griffon and don't think you can make a shot before being filled with armor piercing rounds, so be straight up with me!" The ranger boomed at the griffon.

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Vincent had opened the window and was ready to dive out the moment things looked bad...He'd probrably fly upwards, and fly over the roof. If he tried to fly down, or straight out, they'd have a better shot than the awkwardness of shooting straight up out a window with a battle saddle. Vincent had seen Steel Rangers before... and had steered clear. He didn't have any valuable tech, but he didn't want to risk it. He's heard... mixed reports of the Steel Rangers, but the general consensus was that they had a hard-on for pre-war tech. He suddenly realized that ducking inside a Ministry building probrably wasn't the best idea, when the pony stepped inside. He looked at the barrel of the gun, and considered diving out before taking a breath. "Cool your jets there, Rambo Dash..." he muttered, remembering some old comic he'd found of Rainbow Dash as a bandana wearing, LMG carrying grunt, "I`m just here to get some rest. I`ve been flying for hours, and I`m about to collapse... I don't have any tech... never suited me anyway."

  • Brohoof 1
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The ranger kept his guard up but reassured himself the griffon was no threat to him or his mission maybe he might have some use. " Alright griffon I believe you and I have a proposition for ya. I'll give you some ammo for that gun of yours and some food, if you help me search the bottom level for any goods that we may find. I'll also let you keep a couple of things that find your fancy down there. Names Hazel nut by the way, what do you say?" The ranger says before raising his hoof waiting for it to be shaken.

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Vincent groaned inwardly. He didn't want a job. He wanted to sleep. And eat. And get drunk. And find Ana... maybe not in that order. The offer of food was interesting, true, but he had high doubts that the pony had any meat... Vincent wished he'd thought to stop and hunt some Radigator or something on his way here. Still... .44 rounds were hard to find, and the ammo was feeling a little lighter than he'd have liked. Also, you don't turn down request from a Steel Ranger while he has a light machine gun aimed at your beak. "Vincent Stormwalker, and if you're fine with a sleep deprived Griffon watching your back, fine..." he muttered, taking his talon off the window. He stepped over and, slight wary due to the minigun, took the rangers hoof in talon... fuck... he wanted to sleep... Oh well.... he had been worried about more nightmares, he supposed.


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"We'll put our guns away when your robot powers down his weapons." Noble said, eyeing the floating ball of metal and wires, as it was the greatest threat right now. But there was no way to take it down easily without confirming Anaphora and Baryon's claims. And he really didn't want ponies knowing too much about him. Like everypony else in the wasteland, Noble had enemies, too. His advantage was that they never had enough information to find him.


Noble aimed his pistol ever so slightly higher and prepared to pull the trigger. "Tell your robotic friend to power down his weapons. Last warning, because we're not relaxing until it happens. And I'm happy to take it apart if I need to. If you value its existence, power its weapons down." His tone was cold, very different from the formal tones and the more casual one he'd switched to.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@TheLine Trotter,

"Pleasure were in business, if you had any worries of me not having meat don't worry about it I eat it myself." Hazel says before opening a compartment and handing over packs of radhog jerky, a bottle of purified water, and 12 boxes of .44 rounds 2 of them armor piercing." I hope you don't shoot the back of my head haha that's why your going in front, and don't worry about rest we can do that when were done."

Edited by steelranger22
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"ED-E, Combat Protocol: Passive" Hazmat said before ED-E made some beeping noises. Hazmat walked up to the group "Now your part of the deal... or I will not hesitate to blow your head off " Hazmat continued. ED-E flew up to group, he would still attack if the group attacked Hazmat. ED-E searched his database and a voice came out of his speaker "...Enclave, Eyebot Duraframe Model E..."

Hazmat looked at ED-E and said "I guess he is trying to introduce himself."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Kayle eyed the eyebot suspiciously as it introduced itself, verifying it's enclave origin.

She lowered her weapons just enough to ease the oddly hostile pony. She didn't like the fact this pony had enclave tech as he was not enclave, but perhaps that was a good thing he had the bot, she might be able to access it's data and possibly use its communications array if it was still functioning.

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Vincent blinked. Jeez, he must've been more tired than he thought... he'd forgotten ponies had started eating meat! Much more common than fruits and vegetables, besides pre-war stuff. Some ponies felt it was unnatural, but a lot of them didn't care if it kept them alive. "What are we talking about here? Radigator? Mole rat? Rad hog? " He suddenly stopped and shook himself. No reason to think about it and make himself hungrier. Luckily, the pony opted to give him the packs of meat right way. Radhog jerky! It was an early Hearthswarming eve! He tore one packet open and quickly ate it, hoping that he'd be less distracted if he was less hungry. He was surprised by all the boxes of 44 ammo... it was more than he expected! When he oppened them up, however, he found they were all mostly empty. Oh well. It still have him a more... comforting supply, which he added to his own. He sepreated the armor peirceing rounds, in case he needed them.


Of course, he was going in front. No surprise. The stallion had just given him a bullet that could tear through his armor like it was tissue-paper, Vincent could understand not wanting to stand in front of the Griffon. Still, he was slightly miffed that the big pony in power armor would be behind him if something attacked. "Fine, fine. Let's just do this... where's your squad anyway? I don't think i`ve ever seen a Ranger out here on their own."

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"I am a star paladin, I can do missions by myself and I answer to no one but my elder. I override all the other rangers no matter the contingent and I also have proof of my rank. Oh and if anything attacks that you can't handle by yourself i'll be in front of you in no time." Hazel nut pondered if this was a good idea but he was sure he could trust this one, had the look. He sighs then pulls out a weapon from a compartment." Look this gun can blow the hat of of any pony with a direct shot, even better then yours and i'm putting a lot of trust into you by lending this to you. But I trust you won't try to kill me with it hahaha," Hazel nut hoofs over his .500S&W revolver along with 34 .50 caliber armor piercing rounds. " Alright c'mon lets head to the lower levels."

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,

Hazmat noticed that the mare was eyeing ED-E and ED-E noticed it too, so he started to fly back to Hazmat. "You got something against ED-E or do you just like staring at robots." Hazmat said to Kayle an angered looked under his helmet. ED-E flew behind Hazmat to keep something between himself and Kayle.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"If I had anything against you or your robot I would have not agreed to talking." She sighed and looked at Noble "And does anypony know of an abandoned house or something, standing in the middle of the wasteland at dark is just asking to get shot at.". Kayle thought about the creatures that lingered in the area before adding "or getting torn apart, so think we can save the questions and threats for tomorrow, when we can think more clearly."

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Vincent glanced at the gun as it was handed to him, looking it over... it was surly a powerful revolver... the kind of thing that'd pack a wallop and could probably kill an elephant.  It was tempting. Very tempting, in fact, but he shook his head and handed it back to the stallion. "Nah. Thanks, but no thanks. Ol' Taurus here has been by my side for a long time.... i`ve got history with it, y'know?" He heard the stallion explain why he was out and about, and shrugged slightly. "Well, no offense 'Star Paladin', but if you go out alone and just end up recruiting some merc... why not just bring a squad? Not that i`m complaining, mind you."

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Vincent glanced at the gun as it was handed to him, looking it over... it was surly a powerful revolver... the kind of thing that'd pack a wallop and could probably kill an elephant.  It was tempting. Very tempting, in fact, but he shook his head and handed it back to the stallion. "Nah. Thanks, but no thanks. Ol' Taurus here has been by my side for a long time.... i`ve got history with it, y'know?" He heard the stallion explain why he was out and about, and shrugged slightly. "Well, no offense 'Star Paladin', but if you go out alone and just end up recruiting some merc... why not just bring a squad? Not that i`m complaining, mind you."

"Well the only reason I came alone was to lessen casualty, and I heard there was a contingent here so i might as well use there forces. Oh and the only reason I lent you the gun was to make sure any heavy duty war robots that can wipe out a whole ranger squad without trouble won't be a problem. Well if that's your wish I will comply." Hazel nut says to the griffon before heading down and waiting down by the steps," I'm not gonna fail this one even if it kills me" the ranger quickly mutters under his breath. 

Edited by steelranger22
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I sighed in relief, thankful that the others had followed my lead. I looked at the rest of the group then walked over to Baryon. "So here's a question for you," I whispered. "Who is the leader of this ragtag group? Do you want to have a vote or something, or should someone step up? I think we need a leader to keep everyone in check, but I don't know who would work." I glanced at the two newcomers then whispered, "Also, how are we gonna deal with this. This is getting a tad out of hand.  I also wasn't planning on an extra two ponies and a robot when I when I was thinking about supplies. If this new pony decides to join us too, I think we're going to have to make them pay for their own supplies, or at least a portion. What do you think?"


Amber walked over to Anaphora, eager to get away from what was escalating with Kayle and the unicorn. "H-hey. Look, I'm really sorry about earlier. I... I don't know. It's been rough I guess. I almost thought he'd died then I was trying to comfort him and I guess... I guess I got a tad overzealous" She stuck her hoof out. "Can we be friends? I know it may take a while to get to that point, but I think we should all be friends, and I feel like I should start with you."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,



Hazmat looked at ED-E and ED-E looked back at him. "No.... I will not..." Hazmat said before ED-E made some beeping noises and flew into the back of Hazmat's head. "ow... fine" Hazmat said as he turned to Kayle. "I camped out at an abandoned house last night about a mile down the road. I left some supplies; Rad-x, Rad-Away, some stimpax, and purified water at the site. You can have them. now if you don't mind I am heading to Stalliongrad..." 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Anaphora) As the events unfolded, I merely stood with my rifle lowered, but loaded and ready to shoot. It seemed like the worst has already passed – if you didn't include the fact that there was a flying robot that was copying our voices – and that the Enclave mare and the wastelander was just arguing over "ED-E". I merely rolled my eyes; typical Enclave mares like her still went crazy over technology like the Steel Rangers...though the only difference was the the Enclave usually had the more superior technology and pretty much looked down at anything on the ground.


Indeed, Kayle, the Enclave mare, was staring curiously at the robot, especially after the robot's...introduction. It wasn't helping that the two were causing tensions to rise again; I didn't like them both, anyway. I could only handle so much ponies, and adding anything more than four ponies into the group was just taking up space. 


Soon, Amber was approaching me. I glared at her as a warning; after trying to point a gun at my head, she was asking for a beating. Strangely though, she was apologizing, and it sounded real this time. Amber even thrusted out her hoof. I was more or less shocked by the matter, and surprisingly, I felt a bit of guilt inside of me. As if a slaver could feel guilt. "Eh, shit is bound to the fan sometimes, and the wasteland does a lot of fuck a pony's mind up. I also need to say sorry...for acting like a bitch. I experienced a lot of things recently, and it's getting to my head," I admitted, finally accepting her hoofshake, and taken extending out to hug her for a short second before pushing her away. "Yeah...friends."




(Baryon) We were moving again, this time to find an somewhere to settle down. There wasn't much time to find a proper place to sleep, though after the town was virtually demolished, there probably wouldn't have been a hotel or house to sleep in anyway. Kayle's suggestion of staying in an abandoned house was at least something, though I wasn't sure about sharing a shack with six other ponies and a robot. Also, now that I thought of it, I haven't had a shower for three days, either...maybe the Steel Rangers back at one of the bunkers might have cleaned me up, but what about the hygiene of the others? I tried not to think about how they bad they were going to smell. Not appropriate to mention it, either. 


Steady Hoof was now next to me, asking me questions. That did raise a big question mark – who was the leader of the group? "Well, Kayle and Hazmat are obviously out of the question. I have some connection with Kayle, but I don't think much of the group likes her for her Enclave background. Similarly, no one trusts Hazmat, and his entrance hasn't exactly been bright. Anaphora is obviously the charismatic one of the group, though she's bound to gain more enemies than followers with her attitude. Amber might be controlled too much by her emotions, honestly.


"Noble or you seems like the best candidate for leadership. Noble has his flaws, but he is nonetheless a talented and intelligent pony. Don't take my word for granted, however; I think we should get the consent of the others before we make a decision," I continued. "Heh. That's the pre-war Equestrian belief of popular sovereignty. Guess that reading books in a Stable did pay off."


Steady Hoof proceeded to add the fact that the supplies would be difficult to distribute. "That should be an issue for the leader to handle, though I believe we should just plan early and ration for now. We need to act more hospitable towards our two newcomers and not act like they owe us something. We can scavenge for supplies on the way, and resupply at Wind Barb. Anaphora's our smooth talker, so she might be able to help us purchase."

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Hazmat walked over to where he was sleeping, before anypony could start talking to him again and looked at what he had. He went over to his saddle bag and opened it. He listed his supplies; "Doctor's bag, Some Stimpaks, some caps, target list, a few bottles of water, and some Gecko meat" Hazmat closed his saddle bag and put it on. He used his magic and picked up his hunting rifle. "ED-E how close are we to Stalliongrad" Hazmat said before ED-E made a beeping noise. "hmmm we're farther then I thought" Hazmat began walking, hoping that the group wouldn't try and stop and talk to him again.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Ahh, I gotcha," Vincent smirked, "don't bring a squad, but if the helpful Griffon you happen to find laying around, no problem, right?" Vincent inquired, but was quite plainly joking. "Y'know, you guys wouldn't be so worried about casualties if you... oh, what was it called...? Oh, yeah, recruited. But nah, go ahead, keep your little group 'til you're forced to imbreed. Always works." Vincent said, smirking again with a tired smile. He was a little out of it from lack of sleep, so the idea of teaseing a Steel Ranger didn't seem odd to him. Personally, he had no interest in joining the Rangers even if he could, but he'd met ponies fascinated by them that attempted to join....only to be either shooed off, or shot away from the bases on sight.


"Anyway, again, thanks for the offer... but I rather enjoy my revolver, and it's got enough power in it... could do with a new rifle though..." he said, gestureing to the rifle slung across his back, an old repeater with a forced on scope.


(If you decide to have a rifle be found, or given to Vincent, try not to make it too powerful, if you could. ^_^ )

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"Hahahaha you humor me griffon for each contingent has it's own rules, and mine for example recruit outsiders in which the others disapprove. My elder believes if you fight for the steel ranger cause you deserve to be a part of it, like in the olden days ya. Well no sense standing around lets head down to the lower levels and get our loot, if your feeling tired I can give ya a boost one dosage of stampede never hurt ya."

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"Huh. Surprisingly progressive. Wouldn't be surprised if your other elders took down yours in a power play... it'd be the kind of thing i`d expect to happen." He stated simply as they moved down the stairs. It was true, after all. Vincent didn't know much about politics, but even he'd gotten jobs from just small town mayors to kill off the competition for different stances on issues. And this wasn't some shanty town position: this was a group that had been around for over 200 years and was, to some, the only remnants of Equestria of old. Then the topic of drugs came up, and Vincent shrugged. "Maybe. I`m not opposed to taking drugs if I need them, but I try and limit them. Don't want to harm my system, or worse, get addicted to that crap." 

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"Well the problem with the other elders wanting to snuff us out, is that well my contingent may or may not be the most largest steel ranger faction out there if not one of the most progressive. We also do nothing to break the codex and if the other rangers need reinforcements they call us, so it keeps my contingent running." Hazel nuts conversation was put on hold when he and his companion entered a room with the remains of supposed scavengers. There didn't seem to be any turrets, but what could of killed this many ponies here? Hazel nuts question was soon answered by a loud siren suddenly playing and two metal doors hidden within the walls opened rolling out four heavy duty sentry bots."This is a restricted zone of the M.W.T facility, identify or be terminated!" The situation changed faster then expected catching Hazel nut by surprise. Hazel nut pondered on how to get out of this situation or at least with the least bullet holes.

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"Huh. Funny how you can have more Rangers when you recruit... Look, all I`m saying is, it doesn't matter that you have more Rangers, or that you havn't broken anything in that Codex thing... if somepony takes offense to what you're elder is doing, they`ll do something about it. And from the sound of things, he's making waves." Of course, the conversation was cut down at the sudden appearance of not one, not two, but four senty-bots, the odd pony shaped robots on wheels with a whole platoon of weapons hooked onto them. Vincent glanced around quickly, trying to decide what to do... he surly didn't have the fire-power to take them down, and he was pretty sure Hazel didn't have an identity card... he quickly ducked into a collapsed office, hoping to find a way to out maneuver the robots dispite the enclosed area.

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The situation has gone bad and probably didn't have much thinking time before these robots mow down hazel with armor piercing rounds. His companion retreated to the room behind him, but this could actually be beneficial. Hazel still had some spark grenades, if he could get the griffon to throw them at the bots while he runs to the other side of the room it won't shut down his suit. "Hey griffon I got a plan!" Hazel said before opening fire with his weapons and stepping back as fast as he can. When he reached to the room the griffon was hiding in he threw his spark grenade inside the room." Use these when the bots get to you!" hazel said trying his best not to collapse from the many bullets raining on him.

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