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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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The stallion's face remained emotionless as Amber pointed the revolver to her head. "I don't recommend doing that," he warned calmly before getting hit in the face with the revolver, the metal bruising into his face. He did nothing to resist the attack, and merely lay on the ground, his dark blue eyes staring lifelessly at her. "I told you not to get involved, miss."


"...And now you're coming with us," another voice added. Another stallion, this one a unicorn, levitated a military Sparkle-Bolt plasma rifle, aiming inches away from her head. "You had fun with Bedsheet? He was going to give you the caps. Shame you had to decline that offer. Why are you finding that slaver, anyway?"


"Never mind," Bedsheet said tiredly. "Don't give her any ideas of attacking us. Otherwise we'll have to kill her...and I don't want to clean up the mess. She doesn't realize that she's well outnumbered." 


"Heh," the other stallion grinned, the muzzle of the plasma rifle touching her mane. "Don't try anything funny, young mare. You'll be seeing your friend real soon."

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"Steam.." Kayle repeated her name, where had she heard this name before?  She turned to get a better view of the green pony but couldn't seem to remember if she had encountered this mare before. She looked into the small fire pit and felt homesick, she had barely arrived not that long ago and already procured a large amount of enemies only because of her faction. She began to have a distaste for the enclave, they had the resources and ponies to help, but they were not going about it in the right way, of course if she told this to anypony she would be labeled a dashite, and with that of course, she would still have enemies. "Tch...every turn you take just leads you to another problem.." She spoke to herself once more, not quite conscious of it, and was quickly lost in a memory (or flashback if you will).


"Comrade Pryde Don't worry this suit is designed to protect you from varius elemental conditions." Said the pilot of the vertibird as we flew into a brewing storm. 

I was sweating heavily behind that helmet as he said those words, I couldn't help but not feel comforted by the specifications and closed my eyes in anxiety.

Thunder tore through the sky as I opened my eyes hearing the mighty electricity, I opened the latch of the plane allowing the cold to filter through as I stepped near the edge. 

The pilot turned back to me to tell me "it's now or never major!" And with that I jumped out the plane back first, opening my hoofs to feel the speed of the fall.

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Hazmat saw a silhouette of a pony in the darkness, he was going to fire but before his eyes, the pony stepped on a mine and was blown to smithereens. Hazmat looked up from his scope and thought 'poor thing didn't even see it coming... ' He then looked back through his scope and looked to see if anypony would come to replace the mine. His helmet made it harder to see, so he looked around and nopony could see him from any direction. He then removed his helmet and pushed back the hood of his suit back like hoodie. He set the black glass helmet next to him and then looked back through his scope. "Come out, Come out where ever you are..." He whispered to himself before he saw something moving. He then unloaded his rifle before he pulled the trigger.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Balance.... Ponyfeathers. Sorry about that. Hope you can get it adjusted. If you'll excuse me...." I packed up my bag and walked to the cart to put it away. Amber was taking too long. I didn't like it. She should be back by now, right? Maybe I was worrying for nothing. If Anaphora was injured, the might take it slow. I sighed. I'll just wait.




I growled. Out numbered and out gunned was not what I wanted, but was expected. I put my gun back on my leg and reluctantly got off the stallion. I expected the smack to the face that came after he got up, but it hurt none the less. I stared at the pony, glowering. "Take me to her." I said, struggling to maintain my accent and composure. "A lady does not like to be kept waiting." I sat on my haunches and held my front hooves out, waiting for them to be bound. "Ah shall keep the gun though. Nopony likes having their gun taken. Especially one the love dearly."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Smoke around the ceiling, a rifle that reached the same size as this unicorn. Cigarette, one of the last pleasing pleasure he can take. As nicotine gives him triggers that old dopamine transmitter. Taking a inhale and blowing it out his nose. The sudden sound of a bullet comes forward as he it heard not far from here. His horn glowed as he took out some pencil and paper, writing down "Sniper Rifle. Distance... 400 Meters." the unicorn went over and grabbed his trusty rifle from the wall as he waited again. If the pony made another move, be it disarming the mine or another shot. It'll just be matter of time to take a shot....


or so he thought. Instead, an explosion from the south coming by. Another pony deciding to be stupid and get blown up. Those mines aren't exactly easy to replace. These ponies just don't understand what his masterpiece is creating. These street MUST be protected at any cost. What would happen if these ponies decide to look. They'll be aghast at what might be a what if. A glow from his horn as a radio comes out of his saddle bags. "Tango... you heard the sounds right..."


"Yeah... make some noise. Bait'em out. Give me a X on the target. We can't have another incident like before... damn pony." he growled to himself. Failing to get a kill shot from some pony. He might not be the best sniper around, but if he got coordinates. Just give him a second and he'll get ya.... 


So that's what Tango does and just like that a furry of bullets come forth. Static came from the radio. What anypony does when they fear. They see "ponies" and start going trigger happy. Darkness does help matters a lot. The static cease and then Tango said...


"I got the coordinates.. hear some noises, he might have a robot" the voice on the other sound was weak. Did he get shot? Maybe, but he'll just have to kill somepony. 



Trying to bring her back to him, she saw the radio, catching it with her hoof. The green pony looked at him and then throw the radio back at him. "Sorry, Ranger. Somepony in uniform is someone I just LOVE to deal with. Especially since most of them have such a GREAT reputation for being nice to somepony like myself." Sarcasm was oozing out of each of her words. Hard enough to trust anypony, but these suits don't exactly show trust. Not anymore... She shook her head waving her hoof at him. 


@@Defender of Tomorrow,




Nods at Steady, seeming to be try to help as he goes off and gets a cart. Now, the earth pony goes over and trots over to the fire where the other pony seem to have kept herself. The pony seem to be off in her own world. Maybe remembering better days or worst, she couldn't tell. Instead she looked at the fire, The rifle strapped on her back. Steam stare over the fire, no wood to keep it alive. She thought aloud, "You ponies have any idea on what you're doing?" Somepony departing, another pony following the same path to the north. Were these ponies in a group or just some random strangers? Deciding to group up here for a giant trade?

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Hazmat told ED-E to relocate. ED-E  found a place about 20 yards west of Hazmat where he could see the street. A voice came out of ED-E's speaker "Hey! We have you out numbered 12 to 1! Come out peacefully and we will not kill you... maybe" The audio message was from an Enclave Soldier who had Hazmat pinned down a few months back. It was loud enough that if anypony was down near the road, they would hear it. "There is no use in hiding! So surrender now!" The Audio file continued before ED-E fired his zapper to simulate a warning shot. Hazmat was hoping that the ponies down near the street would buy it and either come out from hiding or run off. Hazmat slowly crawled to the East of his position and got set up again.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Kayle snapped out of her memory when steam spoke, the green pony was a curious one indeed, but that didn't bother her any bit. "To be honest, we aren't a group at all, we hardly know anything about each other." She spoke in a cold voice almost uninterested in talking about whatever she was somewhat a part of. "The ranger isn't a charming fellow and the pony with the radiation get-up is more interested in shooting than talking, Steady....is well, you know what he is" She pointed her hoof at the work he had done on her gun. "And then you have Noble, the one unconscious in the shack and Baryon, the stable pony, both are very charming and helpful."


Sighing at the pathetic fire she stopped talking and resumed being quiet, tugging the hood to cover herself better from the now-raining part of equestria. It was a very odd day, she met the most annoying, kind, mean and awkward ponies all within a few hours and was quite happy with the departure of the two she liked least. She had insufficient information to make a conclusion about Steam, but she was staring off on the right-hoof which was good. 

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"Sounds like.... power armor." The voice from the radio comes out. Distortion from the armor is real, sounding more of a speaker so they could talk. Rangers and Enclave had such problems. "From somewhere else, not from the same position as the rifle..."


Something didn't add up, if that was the case then why start firing? Was this some type of bait and switch tactic? "Tango, active motars from set point 3c, 2d, 7a, and 8d." There was acknowledgement as he heard the sound of Tango's magic connecting to each mortar. All of them having Pulse, Frag, and then Smoke in a set place.. A interesting process to connect them all, but easy to navigate for somepony like Tango. Telekinetic feeling the lines come across as then the mortars all fired at once. More so over around the area where he heard the speaker and the rifle shot. It might set off some frag mines in the process. Oh well, didn't want anypony to come through and the caps aren't an issues these days...


@@Defender of Tomorrow


Listen to her proclaiming at this rag tag ponies were just in the right place and the right time. Only to separate, she frown slightly hearing the trigger happy Hazmat eave. Hoping to head her advice, least if he was going to do something like that. Have more ponies then himself and that robot. A little stupid, if not suicidal. The others she didn't have a clear thought on them. Steady did seem pushy and this pony was vague and silent. Seeming to want to hide in the cloak. She must've not known that she stare at the pony in the scope of rifle. She knew that she was Enclave. Not like she cared anyway, no issues with either faction. Odd, being in someodd years in her job these days. 


Steam looked down and thought about it, her mouth coming dry as this felt more of truth. Even with the sudden rain coming forth, she didn't bother to cover up. A look of contemplating her thoughts, her eyes glances from one side to the other, "Everypony has... flaws." She scratched the back of her neck, "We can't always be perfect and even if I agree that Bazooka Joe(She like that name better for Hazel) and Steady aren't exactly somepony I can always be around all the time, they would be good when you need your six covered."


"I guess that's what trust is all about...if you ponies had it." Her voice become soft, that was more to herself than Kayle. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Hazmat saw the grenades as they were mid air. He slide down the hill, and decided to come back with the rest of his robots. ED-E flew over to Hazmat. Hazmat looked at ED-E and said "ED-E, mark this place on the map..." ED-E made a beeping noise and Hazmat began heading East like Steam instructed. Hazmat knew that with his current gear and low resources, he wouldn't be able to attack them, Hazmat had a death wish, but he wasn't stupid... He sighed and looked back at the group at the shack. He then looked forward and continued walking. "ED-E... play Blue Moon for me please.." ED-E made a beeping noise and a song came out of his speaker: 'Blue Moon. You saw me standing alone. Without a dream in my heart, Without a love of my own...

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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As I put the radio back into one of my compartments I felt something very familiar inside of it. It was an enclave helmet from the battle of dragon ridge respirator included, the name hail storm was scratched on it.The name it...it meant something what was it "STOP DON'T HURT HIM !" I threw the helmet out of the apc as soon as I heard her voice again. I couldn't breath...my mind was fuzzy and disoriented, but she was the only thing I saw. 


She was wearing her insect power armor covered in dents and blood. One large hole in the center was what brought me the most attention. Her eyes pure black, her red pupils were the only thing stopping the blackness completely taking over. Her mane was pure black with a single line of red contradicting her original white and blue. She started to walk towards me smiling along the way revealing rows of sharp teeth."Miss me hazel cause you know I miss you *giggle* oh don't be like that please do tell why you never called, even postponed the date that we had hahahaha!" "Hailstorm how are...your dead, I saw you die!" " Oh come on hazel that's not me anymore oh stop hurting him please stop! *giggle* that pony is dead now i'm a different pony now. How about a new name you know something catchy like I don't know bloody mary, hmmm doesn't sound that original do you like the name? Oh why am I even asking of course you do! Either way lets get down to business your a murderer a monster you don't care why somepony is shooting at you just that they are and they need to die, and they do *giggle* " I..I didn't mean to kill them or you I truly didn't you gotta believe me!!" " You expect me to believe an old stable killer like you to change ha! The hole in my chest says otherwise, they deserved to die all of them did. Their lives were gone as soon as they attacked dragon ridge so don't feel too bad about it." " They were young and just following orders they had no choice they didn't deserve it and if you don't realize that as I do you can just get the fuck out of my mind!" " Temper temper hazel you know i only tell the truth don't try to hide me like last time I will find a way to come back. If you want to come talk to me don't forget I will always be there for you *giggle* " 


 As soon as she was there she was gone. I hated myself for a lot of things but for now I hated myself for letting her come back. Gasping for breath I found myself in the apc surrounded by my soldiers." Hazel...you uh saw hailstorm again didn't you, look you did what you had to do back in dragon ridge remember that we all did. So get some rest Hazel and just try to forget her until we get you some medical help about this okay." I sat back down into my seat wondering what was wrong with me. I knew she wasn't real but every encounter with her feels more real every time it happens. I really needed help I'll seek a psychiatrist when I can I guess. I needed to focus this bitch won't stop me from doing my job I assured myself. Either way the apc should catch up with hazmat we even got a radar on this thing if he proves hard to find. I rubbed my head hoping I wouldn't have any more run ins with hailstorm*sigh*

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(As Kayle)

Kayle sat there thinking about what Steam had just said, trust was a hard thing for an enclave pony such as herself to have considering many ponies were against the enclave and those who bore their insignias. She thought about Baryon and Noble who instead of attacking her were quick to heal and side with her, she felt she could trust those two, maybe steady also. She sighed and got up and headed to the shack to check back up on Noble and perhaps get some shut-eye.


(As Shinon)

Shinon stepped into the saloon of whaterver town she had just stumbled upon, she had only been out of the stable a week and already was connected with a sign of civilization! She trotted through the bar wedging herself between the patrons to get the nice corner table that had a dimly lit bulb hanging over it. She set the deceptively heavy sniper on the seat next to her and went to retrieve herself a drink of pure water, she didn't like the taste of cider much. She took back her slot at the table and kept mostly to herself, she didn't want to cause any trouble in this new town.

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,


Took by surprised by the sudden departure of Enclave Pony into the shack. The fire had ceased and the sun would be out sooner than later. Her cheeks a touch of red as she placed her hoof on the right one, embarrassed as to Kayle's reaction. Unsure of what she had said was good. Whatever approach of asking them to leave had failed and been forgotten. Steam instead just dozed off, her ears sharp on any noises. For now, she'll get some rest. She'll think of something when she gets some rest....

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Ragnar took a good long pull from the whiskey glass, draining it in one go. The taste of the old swill was harsh and biting, sending a red hot spark surging into his gut and spreading warmth through his body like wildfire. He spluttered, coughed, and set the glass back on the counter.


It was a good start to the morning.


“Goddess on high, the fuck did you put in there?” Ragnar wiped his beak and rocked forward in his seat, gripping the bar with both claws.


“I told ya,” the bartender said. She didn’t bother looking his way, pouring another patron’s drink as she spoke. “It’s whiskey.”


“Miss,” Ragnar started, “I’ve had whiskey all over the Wasteland. I’ve had the good stuff, and I’ve had the shit. And that…” Ragnar coughed again. It felt like someone had just scratched the back of his throat with broken glass, and his chest still burned. “That ain’t either.”


The bartender finished what she was doing and sidled back toward him, trotting the length of the bar with a swagger in her step. Ragnar couldn’t help but smirk. The mare behind the counter was a cute little thing. She was a whole head shorter than him, and covered in a light green coat. Almost the color of irradiated water, Ragnar thought, but prettier. When she spoke, there was a certain light in her eyes and in her smile that you didn’t much see these days.


“Ya caught me,” she said, flashing Ragnar a devilish smile. “Red-hoofed. I thought I’d see how you liked a glass of Everfree.”


“A glass of Everfree?” Ragnar clicked his tongue. “Baby, if you were trying to knock me out and take advantage of me, all you had to do was ask.”


The bartender rolled her eyes and laughed. “You asked for somethin’ strong, hun. So I gave ya somethin’ strong.”


Ragnar grinned, nodding. “Fair enough.  How ‘bout another?” He slid the glass toward her, and she stopped it with a hoof.


As the bartender busied herself with getting him a refill, Ragnar heard the doors to the old saloon swing open.


It was another mare, a unicorn. She looked young, maybe seventeen or eighteen, and her mane was short and parted stylishly in the middle. She was trying desperately to look inconspicuous, all while lugging a huge, shoddy-looking rifle across her back.


Ragnar quirked an eyebrow and watched as she disappeared into a corner. Despite the sheer number of patrons crammed into the saloon that morning, the place was alarmingly quiet. Most of the clientele kept to themselves, smoking, drinking, or speaking to each other in hushed whispers. There was a large, open space in the center of the bar, but no one was dancing. Off to one side stood a jukebox, droning out some sad prewar tune. The music was barely loud enough to drown out the sound of the wind whistling through holes in the sheet metal walls. To Ragnar, it looked and sounded like a room full of people just waiting to die. But in the Wasteland, that wasn’t so far from the truth.


“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask...” Ragnar turned back to the bartender. She had her back to him, standing up on her hind legs and reaching for a bottle of clear liquid on a high, dusty shelf. Ragnar took a moment to appreciate the way her hips swayed as she worked.


“Mhmm?” She hummed. “What you been meanin’ to ask?”


“I been meanin’ to ask when you get off work.” Ragnar’s beak twisted into a grin.


The bartender spun around and plopped two bottles on the counter. She popped them open with her mouth and poured, smiling like it wasn’t the first time she’d been hit on by a customer. “Not early enough for you, hun.”


“Early?” Ragnar chuckled and leaned back in his seat, placing his claws behind his head and flexing casually. “Baby, I’m a merc. I’m open for business twenty-four –seven.” Truth be told, he was dead tired. The caravan had pulled into town late last night, and to make matters worse he hadn’t received all the caps he was promised. One of the merchants had taken a bullet to the head in a raider attack, and apparently his friends saw that as reason enough to dock the guards’ pay, Ragnar’s included. But, tired or not, for the prospect of some fine tail, Ragnar could endure.


“Be that as it may,” the bartender said, “I ain’t off for a while. A good long while.” She was smiling, and Ragnar swore he could see the tiniest hint of a blush on her cheeks. “So either you sit there and wait like a good little boy, or trot on out of here and find somethin’ else to do.” She tapped Ragnar’s drink with a forehoof. “Might wanna finish that first, though.”


“Hey, I can be good when it counts.” Ragnar raised his glass in the air and threw it back, draining it for the second time. Two parts whiskey and one part Everfree. Not a bad combination. He let the punch of the alcohol sink in for a second before pushing the glass back toward the bartender. He could feel the faintest hint of a buzz swirling around inside his head, but for the length of time he’d be stuck in this shithole, that was hardly enough. “Keep it comin’,” he said. “And while you’re at it, how about I buy you one, too? If you’re gonna let me talk your ear off for the next couple hours, you deserve that much.” He let out a throaty chuckle and sneered.


The bartender snatched up a second glass from beneath the counter and set it next to his.  “I appreciate the gesture, hun, but I drink free. Perk of the job.” She popped open the whiskey bottle and set to pouring.


Ragnar shrugged. “Then make mine a double.” When the bartender had filled their glasses, Ragnar raised his into the air with a grin. “To the magic of chance encounters.”


The bartender smirked and knocked her glass against his. “Chance encounters.”


With their drinks finished, the bartender set her glass aside and opened her mouth like she was about to speak. “You know-” she started, smiling. The expression on her face faded, suddenly, and her eyes fixed on something behind Ragnar.


Floorboards creaked, and something large and heavy moved up beside him. “This half-breed giving you shit, Clara?”


Ragnar clenched his teeth and looked to the source of the voice. Big. Brown. Ugly. The massive hulk of a stallion next to him looked almost as bad as he smelled. With thick brows and a heavy, square jaw that hung half-open, Ragnar could smell the alcohol on his breath.


“Naw, we was just talkin’,” Clara said. The tone of her voice was sweet, but hurried, like she was trying to defuse a situation that was about to go bad.


The stallion brought his gaze level with Ragnar’s and drew closer to his face. “You givin’ her shit, boy?”


“Hardy,” Clara snapped, a little less sweet. “I said we was just talkin’.”


There was a knife strapped to Hardy’s right foreleg. Ragnar eyed it warily. Of course this shit had to happen now, of all times. He grinned playfully. “Only shit I see around here is you, bud.”


Hardy clenched his teeth.


At this point, other patrons had taken notice of the altercation. A stallion further down the bar was leaning back in his chair, watching.


“Hows about you and I step outside and talk, birdy?” Hardy drawled. He had a slight lean to the way he stood, and Ragnar guessed he was very drunk.


A bar-fight with some half-sauced dimwit wasn’t worth the effort. Ragnar waved a talon flippantly. “I’ll pass. I think I’d rather sit here and drink. But you can take a walk if you want. Fresh air might do you some good.” With that, he turned back to Clara and his drink.


Hardy placed a hoof roughly on Ragnar’s shoulder. “I said, let’s go outside.”


Clara’s eyes were wide, and her head was shaking softly, like she was entreating either one of them to just stop.


Ragnar gripped his glass like a vice. “And I said fuck off.”


The hoof left Ragnar’s shoulder for a split second. And then Hardy took a swing.


In one motion, Ragnar slipped out of his seat and ducked the blow, glass in hand. Hardy’s momentum sent him forward, teetering off balance. Ragnar spun and smashed the whiskey glass full into Hardy’s face. It exploded with a crack, sending shards of glass flying through the air. Hardy gave a soft, wet groan, but Ragnar didn’t bother giving him time to react. He gripped Hardy behind the right shoulder, twisted, and slammed his muzzle into the bar. One more deft movement, and Ragnar used Hardy’s weight against him, throwing him to the floor. Hardy collapsed with a momentous crash. It was all over in a matter of seconds.


Drawing his revolver from its holster, Ragnar kneeled and pressed the barrel of the gun against Hardy’s forehead.


The stallion looked dazed, like he was struggling to regain his bearings. His face was a mess, covered in blood pouring from his nostrils and a gash above his nose. A glass shard stuck out from an ugly cut above his right eye.


“Alright, asswipe. Now we’re fuckin’ talking.” Ragnar twisted the barrel of his gun into Hardy’s flesh.


“P-p-please…” Hardy stammered.


“Please what?” Ragnar roared. His finger curled around the trigger. “Please kill you for fucking up my downtime?”


“No, no! I’m-I’m sorry…” Hardy squirmed pathetically on the floor, his hind legs kicking weakly like he was trying to push away.


“You’re damned fuckin’ right you are.” Ragnar shoved his sidearm back in its holster and seized Hardy by the skin around his neck. “Be thankful I’m feelin’ generous today.” One solid punch to Hardy’s jaw made the stallion go limp. He was out, but he was still breathing. There was a whoop and a holler from somewhere else in the bar, but no one else said anything.


Ragnar stood, shakily, and brushed himself off with a claw. His legs were still trembling from the adrenaline. Clara had her forelegs on the bar top, staring at him with her mouth agape. “Look,” Ragnar started, fishing a handful of caps from a leather pouch around his waist. “Sorry for the mess.” He tossed the caps on the counter. Ragnar slicked back his head feathers and smirked. “Clara, was it? Seriously, I’m stayin’ in a tent over near the caravaners. Think about stoppin’ by when you get off.”


Clara just gaped back at him, then closed her eyes and sighed. “I’ll think about it.”


With that, Ragnar made for the door. Out on the porch, he stood awhile, staring up into the endless gray sky. His talons ached.


Goddess dammit, he thought. I could really use some dash.

Edited by MasterCombine
  • Brohoof 1
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(As Shinon)


Shinon couldn't help herself but watch as the....half-breed and pony fought each other, the larger one was just a brute, not very intelligent as he allowed the other to exploit his weight as a weakness, she learned quite a bit on how to duel larger ponies from the half-breed. She slung the sniper back onto her, the weight was discomforting but she couldn't just ditch the only ranged weapon she had, and perhaps the only thing she had of value.


She saw the half-breed leaving the bar and was quick to follow him outside, almost shoving patrons out of the way to catch up to him, but was surprised as she found him standing on the porch, staring into nothing. "You aren't' scared of somepony coming after you for making a fool of that brute?" She looked at the wasteland-seasoned half-breed, he must have seen it all throughout his career in the wasteland, judging by his skill, taste for alcohol, and features.


Shinon readjusted the sniper and gave the half-breed her best wasteland look in attempt to not be found out as a inexperienced pony, she was somewhat convincing she thought to herself.as she spoke with her usual cool and collected voice "Well I guess that doesn't matter to much for a...pony such as yourself, so anyways you seem like you know your way around the wasteland, do you know of any broadcasting buildings and where I can buy some supplies?"  she glanced to her saber and checked it's charge, it looked like it would last a long fight if she found herself in such a ordeal.

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Hoofsteps interrupted his thoughts. “You aren’t scared of somepony coming after you for making a fool of that brute?” The voice was smooth, feminine.


Ragnar turned his head to find a mare standing next to him on the porch. It was the unicorn girl who had barged into the bar earlier, and she still appeared to be struggling with the weight of her oversized rifle, the bulk of which was slung across her back. Ragnar raised an eyebrow silently. “Eh?”


The mare readjusted her rifle and drew herself up, like she was trying to look more imposing. “Well I guess that doesn’t matter too much for a… pony such as yourself. So anyways, you seem like you know your way around the wasteland. Do you know of any broadcasting buildings and where I can buy some supplies?”


Ragnar took a few seconds to size the girl up. She seemed earnest enough, if not a bit green behind the ears. Her coat was shiny and clean, and there was an odd fullness to her mane, free of too much dirt and oil. And she was cute, to boot, if not a bit young. All things considered, she certainly didn’t look like trouble.


But Ragnar was a gun for hire, not a tour guide, and he wasn’t accustomed to helping people without the promise of recompense. Still…


He shrugged. “I’m not from around these parts, kid. Just blew into town last night. If there’s any radio towers or broadcast stations up here, I’m not the person to tell you.” Ragnar grinned. “Why, you a DJ or something?” He had to keep from chuckling.


“As for the supplies,” Ragnar continued, “there’s probably a general store around here somewhere.” He waved a hand in the air, gesturing in no particular direction. Ragnar’s talons were still trembling, and his head was starting to throb in pain. He really could use some dash. And he’d left a hit or two back under his bedroll at camp.


“Or... you could come with me. I got here with a merchant caravan from Manehattan.” Ragnar pointed towards a cluster of tents on the far side of town. “I’m sure they’d be more than happy to set you up with what you need. Assuming they got it.” He threw her a fake smile. Either way, the poor girl was probably going to get fleeced out of her caps, but this way Ragnar got his fix and helped a mare in need. He’d call it his good deed for the day.


Ragnar’s gaze fell to the mare’s rifle. It was huge, and looked like it might have one day packed a good punch. But now it just looked shoddy and worn. He wondered if it even fired, anymore, or if the mare was just carrying it around for the intimidation factor. “And what’s a girl like you doing with a gun like that, anyway?” 

Edited by MasterCombine
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Hazmat silently sang along with the music as he walked "...I heard somepony whisper please adore me, and when I looked the moon had turned to gold. Blue Moon, now I'm no longer alone. without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own..." He yawned and looked at ED-E. ED-E was swaying side to side as he flew, Hazmat always thought that it was a way to show that ED-E was enjoying the music but really it was a way to dodge any bullets if the music attracted any un-wanted attention. Hazmat saw some Broc flower and picked it. If he could find some xander root and a syringe, he could make a stimpak, but he would also need a place to make it. Also if he could get a sensor module he could make an auto-inject Stimpak. He kept an eye out for xander root and more broc flower. ED-E just kept playing the song and when 'Blue Moon' ended he began playing 'Home on the Wastes'.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(As Shinon)



"Something like that.." Shinon retorted as she saw the half-breed practically laughing as he suggested her to be a DJ. She glared at him as he quickly changed the subject to her liking, and was just about to leave until he suggested  purchasing from the caravan he was with. She knew the store in town would have general supplies but the Caravans were traveling merchants, bound to pick up something exotic. "I don't see any harm looking at the wares of your merchant." 


She walked with the half-breed in a rather slow pace towards the tents until they came into view, the camp was not very well-lit and she was a very sly pony, perhaps she might try something, but not until she found a way to store this sniper so she wouldn't be as loud when she walked. 


"What does it matter?" She casually replied as he asked about her sniper  "So anyways, what are you, a caravan escort? You look like the type that can hold up really well in a fight."

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The vehicle I was in was called the Namer a more resent design created by the cooperated effort of the ministry of technology and military designers from saddle arabia. It  was designed to be durable and could be easily repaired quickly, a perfect design for the rough environment in saddle arabia. It sacrificed weaponry to beef up its armor. This metal box is practically a tank without its cannon not even an anti-material rifle with specialized rounds would pierce this baby. We took the time to replace the autocannon with a 60mm mortar better for taking out multiple groups and destroying terrain quickly. The internal was pretty roomy being able to transport a lot of steel rangers. The drivers seat had one of the more advanced magical computer systems to drive the vehicle safely with out the risk a window would provide. It did however had a window hidden underneath layers of armor, but it was only used as a last resort if the computer system failed.


 Hazmat...the first pony I met in this region that didn't try to murder me immediately. He even had my back when no one else did he wasn't just a wastelander I owed, he was an ally...a friend. He deserved somepony watching and helping him I gotta find him before anything happens. Or I would lose not just an ally but an ally who knew about another contingent of rangers. We drove on a bit before the vehicle stopped and I was informed of a particular area that was warned about earlier by the green one back at the shack. I exited the vehicle despite warnings not to do so to take a look of the area. The area looked like it had been bombarded with light mortars and a couple of landmines blown up with a corpse laying about. I surveyed the buildings and I found a quick glimpse of a shadow, In a moment I felt a sudden amount of pain in my leg, looking closer i noticed my leg was almost completely torn in half. If I was a smaller pony I would have lost the leg. I hastily limped back as another shot ranger off this time flying by my shoulder it took the armor with it. I sat back down while my team scrambled to get any medical supplies they could find. Luckily my armor was practically a cast for my leg as i took of my helmet and chugged down multiple healing potions. We drove of firing our mortar along the way blasting a couple of minds and hitting the fronts of the buildings we saw. Pain was going away slowly but I needed rest.


 We probably didn't kill anything back there but leaving a message was key, we headed east to find hazmat. It was gonna be a while before we find him so I decided to take a nap been to long since I had one. "So came to see me again huh I knew you would come back I am irresistible. So what ya wanna talk about this time hmmm the stable,wheel burrow,dragon ridge we got a lot of subjects deary." Blood said as she was laying on a (couch)? "Why am i here and why the fuck are you here get out of my head!!" "That's a no no sweetie i'm stuck in your head i'm a part of you I mean seriously how hard is it to accept that you made me to cope with your executions at dragon ridge." " S..shut up! get out of my head your nothing to me you were nothing as soon as I shot you!" " Now your even admitting you killed me on purpose oh how I work fast, look i'm part of you like it or not why do you think i'm still here. So start accepting that, the sooner ya do the sooner you'll live easier. I love our chats it's usually one sided and I realized I love saying i'm hahaha either way ta ta time to wake up sleepy head." Hail said before walking up to me and stabbing me in the head with her scorpion tail. I woke up suddenly hitting my head on the ceiling as I jolted up from my nap. This mare just won't get out of my head, dam that's telling me something important. " We got two dots on radar sir it's also morning by the way." The driver said to me as i grasped the top of my helmet to make sure my brain wasn't rattled even more then it is. Finally something after all that time, I got up out of my seat and to the microphone in the driver seat.HAZMAT IF YOU ARE THERE GET IN THE VEHICLE, WALKING THIS FAR IS BAD FOR YOU."

Edited by steelranger22
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Cheek along the wasteland, what a familiar feeling. Even with the comforts of the shack only a few hoofsteps away, she didn't bother to move. The earth pony had hoped for a chance for the target to be dumb enough to come around anyway. They probably saw a sleeping pony with a large sniper and high-tailed it out of there, if not the few ponies who had slept in the shack. "What a waste..." she said aloud. Feeling failure against herself than the others, more so over that she wasn't able to find a way to make them move. If not for a night. Her speech really needs to be improved...


Her mind shifts when her stomach gives soft growl, guess it was time to eat for now. Her hoof going into her saddles bags, feeling a small knife, sheathed and a can. Taking them both out, she went on and unsheath the knife and stabbed the can. Slicing the can open. Her mind drifting slightly as she felt the motions go as she slowly cut through the metal. The familiar scent of beans while the pork is only hinted at. Damn cheap ponies and they're lack of meat. Not like there is any place to get protein anymore she poured the food into her mouth. Leaving half the content left as she chewed and savors the food right into her mouth. Her mind now drifting off when her belly is becoming satisfied.


Ugh, I really don't want to pay caps to find him again. Just feel more like to sell the investment and call it a day. Steam, the earth pony knew that this place will be filled with someponies trying to take care of the random sniper sooner than later. Better now just take what she can get and decide on finding him again later. Steam walked into the shack. Feeling a kind of a homely feel to it. Not exactly something she would retire in, but still it was nice. She placed the half-filled can on the table as she just started to scavenge the shack. Maybe some ammo or food. Anything to sell for caps now. She looked around and started to open up the kitchen oven, getting her combat knife and started cutting items down for scraps.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Hazmat heard somepony call his name but continued walking. He twirled Irradiated Vengeance as he whistled the tune of the music ED-E was playing. Hazmat holstered his pistol and then heard something getting closer, it sounded like and engine. Hazmat lifted his hoof, ED-E stopped playing music. He ran and hide on the side of the road. He had a large amount of shrubs and dead grass on top of him as he hid. ED-E flew to the opposite side of the road and stopped flying. ED-E fell to the ground and laid there. Hazmat kept an eye on ED-E to make sure nopony would just come and take him.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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I told the driver to stop the vehicle and open the back as soon as he told me there was something on radar very close. I got out of the vehicle with maple and a knight. We began to search the area as we did I activated my helmet voice spell." Hey hazmat it's me hazel I came to help you out!" I said before starting to look again. The area was worn out road with the miraculous growth of light vegetation on the edges. I checked my leg to make sure it was calibrated I don't want that stiffening up during combat.

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(As Kayle)


Kayle awoke to the sounds of metal parts being flung onto the floor. She groggily gained awareness of her surroundings, and couldn't help but blush a little as she realized she had slept beside Noble. He was still out of it as his wounds hadn't healed completely but at least he would be well-rested. 


Stepping off the bed she smelled the beans from the can that Steam had probably left on the table as she....did whatever she was doing with that oven. Her own stomach rumbled a bit as she realized how hungry she was and went through her stuff finding a small can of fruit, she managed to get the can open with one of the metal pieces on the floor and quickly ate the fruit, that would keep her from getting hungry for a good while.


"What are you doing Steam?" Kayle asked the green pony as she had her head inside the oven, she glanced back at Noble as he lay asleep on the bed still.

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Hazmat loaded his hunting revolver with a Armor Piercing round. He stood up and put his got to the head of one of the Steel Rangers. "Make a move and your dead. These are .45-70 government armor piercing rounds, in short it will go through that armor like butter." Hazmat actually didn't want to use it, mostly because it was his only one. "Now tell me why you are following me!" He then looked at Hazel "I don't need your help, I'm fine on my own..." He said. ED-E started up again and charged his zapper. ED-E then played a pre-war audio track "Put your hooves where I can see them!"

Edited by N. Hazmat Powers

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Was more entangled by where to find it. Her mind more in the process of finding parts where they could be taken and given away.  AH HA!, taking off a few parts the pivot light was ready and to be scraped for caps. Her hoof not using any precision and pulled off the oven control her with hoof and just going into her saddle bags and cutting off the safety valve. She placed the pivot light into her saddle bags. Her ear twitched as someone called her name. She pulled her head out of the oven as she realize something...


They have no clue what she knows about. Steam slightly dabbed her hoof on her forehead as she said to Kayle, "Oh, right... uhhh, you better do what I'm doing and scavenge whatever you find. You've been squatting on somepony's shack and they're going to bring hitponies." not sure why she had the eagerness to just tell Kayle, but not like it will matter. They're both in the same situation. Trespassing in somepony's shack and working together might be optimal to survive this. 


"If I know this pony and I do. He saw something suspicious and is paying someponies to take care of it. So, I figure I'd get the most out of this shack and bail." Her mind contemplated about using her mines to covered up the shack, but price for those babies are too much to rival some hitponies. She looked around and try to find some food, maybe if she was lucky, a gun.

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Noble stirred and grumbled a little. He slowly woke up to some kind of rattling and scraping, and the pain in his shoulder which was a little more manageable but still painful. With some quick mental measurements of his magic capacity, he attempted to use Telekinesis to remove the bullet that was still embedded in his shoulder for some reason and his healing spell (imaginatively dubbed Healing) to repair the damage (Total MP cost: around 15 points…I think).


Afterwards, he became aware that he wasn’t alone. Kayle was in the room with him, along with a pony he hadn’t met before. Come to think of it, he didn’t remember being in a room when he was conscious. He thought about reaching for his gun, but judging by the way Kayle and this other pony were talking, they seemed to be on friendly terms.


“Good morning, ladies. Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, could someone fill me in on what happened last night? I just remember a Steel Ranger walking up and making a nuisance of himself, then nothing.” Noble said, gingerly testing his newly healed limb.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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